This will be my first real story. I visit Tumblr a lot and I've seen many different AU's that have different Mother character acting as commanders. I've seen one with Lucas and one with Ninten. Yet there is none with Ness as a commander, so I had decided to write a story where Ness becomes one.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Mother series it rightfully belongs to Shigesato Itoi.

It was a peaceful day on Nowhere Islands. All of it's residents were happy with the peace that had come after so long. Well not all of it's residents were happy. There was one person who was not and that person was Porky Minch who was currently trapped inside the Absolute Safety Capsule for all of eternity.

The Absolute Safety Capsule was laying in the middle of a forest in a part in which no one ever goes to. It had about 2 years since his plan to take over the world was stopped by Lucas and his friends. During this time he always spent thinking which was the only thing he could do these days. They mostly ranged from ranting to where his life went wrong. Currently he was thinking about the past when he was best friends with Ness.

All of the other kids had always bullied him because of his body weight. This had made him both angry and sad. Angry that kids picked on him because of his appearance and sad because all he wanted was just one friend who accepted him for who he was. When he was 5 years old the empty house next door had finally been bought. He was nervous because the previous person had always picked on him and he was scared that it would happen again.

Porky remembered that day very well. He was sitting on his front porch when he saw a moving truck pull up next door. When the truck doors opened up a blond haired woman and a black haired man stepped out. It was then that he saw a boy about his age hop out after the woman did. The boy was the same height as him, but couldn't tell what color his hair was because he was wearing a cap that was just a little bit too big for him. The boy was talking with who he now knew as his mom before looking in his direction. The boy had smiled and began walking in his direction.

Porky had wanted to run back inside, but there was something about the boy's smile that kept him in place. Usually other people's smiles clearly were clearly fake in order to seem like they were being nice, but it was obvious that wasn't the case. This boy's smile was kindness and was clearly innocent. The boy had stopped in front of him and extended his hand out.

"Hi my name is Ness Anderson and I'm your new neighbor. What's your name?"

"Porky Minch, but I prefer to be called Pokey."

"Well it's nice to meet you Pokey. Hey do you want to be friends?"

"Are you serious?"

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be? Wait don't tell me you never had a friend before. Well that won't do. I promise that I'll be the best friend that you never had!"

Porky sighed as he remembered how happy he was back then. Giygas had told him that Ness didn't care about him and that his friendship was only based on pity. Why did he listen to Giygas? The truth is he didn't know. What he did know is that Ness would never be friends with him again after everything he's done.

"My look how pathetic you've become."

"Who's there?" Porky asked.

It was then that Porky heard footsteps and saw something walking toward him. What was approaching him was a black Wild n' Wooly Shambler. He had seen these creatures before. They had served Giygas but this one's color was strange. Wild n' Wooly Shambler's were always white, yet this one was black. Not only was it's color different but it's appearance as well. This one had horns on it's head and red wings on it's back.

"Who or what are you?"

The Wild n' Wooly Shambler laughed, though it's laugh sounded demonic. "My name is Fero, it's a pleasure to meet you Porky Minch. As for what I am, let's just say I'm Hell."

"How do you know my name?"

"I know a lot about you Porky. How you turned innocent creatures into chimera's and turned a human boy into one as well. How you used that boy to try to awaken the Dark Dragon and used it's power for your own evil purposes. Now the boy is living happily with his family once again. My how you failed horribly." Fero said.

"Did you come here to mock me?"

Fero shook his head. "Actually I came here with an offer. How would you like to have incredible power beyond what you are capable of understanding? Serve a dark being who can easily destroy this world?"

Porky did like where this was going. Could he really have another chance to have revenge on Lucas and his friends? This really interested him. "Well explain yourself."

"I'm talking about my master Geodo. He's a demonic space alien with more power then that Giygas creature. Serve him and he'll be sure to give you power. If you agree I'll free you from your prison. This Absolute Safety Capsule may be indestructible to all things, but it's no match for my power. I'll also corrupt people so you can have your Pigmask people again. So what do you say?"

"So I can have everything back again? Even my little monster chimera?"

"No, my power doesn't work on PSI users."

"Shame. Well no matter, he's no use to me anyway. Okay I agree, so can I meet him?"

"Good choice. Now sadly no one can meet him because he was sealed away 10,000 years ago on this planet. In order to free him the 8 seals must be destroyed."

"So destroy them."

"I Can't. Only the person who knows PSI Rockin can destroy them. You see PSI Rockin is an ancient PSI power that the one who sealed him away knew. Now should be the time when a new person has learned it, but I don't know who it is."

"I do."

This peaked Fero's interest. He had been searching for 10,000 years with no success and this person says he knows who it is. "So who is it?"

Porky started having a coughing fit. He then placed a hand on the glass. "Free me and then I'll tell you."

"Hmph you got a lot of guts to make a demand to me especially in your feeble condition. Alright I'll free you."

Fero raised his right hand and it started glowing black. He then fired a black beam which completely destroyed the Absolute Safety Capsule. He then walked over and lifted Porky up. "There I helped you, now tell me who it is."

"His name is Ness Anderson."

"Ness? That kid who destroyed Giygas? He knows PSI Rockin?"

Porky nodded his head. "Yes, but he'll never do it. Which is why I propose we capture him and turn him into a chimera so I can brainwash him. I'll also make him the new commander for my army."

"I can certainly help you with that. Just leave it to me and I'll capture him."

"He lives in Onett. Do you know where it is?"

Fero nodded his head. "Yeah I do. Now I'll take you to my hideout and I'll transport one of your chimera making machines there as well."

Fero started carrying Porky to his hideout. He then chuckled knowing that the end of the world was at hand.