Reviews for Rise of Geodo
Bunbun-meh chapter 26 . 1/12/2019
The ending is so good! Please make more Ness x Claus fanfic!
Guest chapter 20 . 10/20/2018
This is a awesome story so far
blULa chapter 1 . 9/4/2018
Veri n1c3YdOst0riFR
A person chapter 2 . 6/16/2018
Wow that was... deep
gardenia88 chapter 7 . 4/23/2018
Interesting story! I'm looking forward to reading the next chapters! It's extremely suspenseful and I'm interested to see how it ends.

Also, please don't take offense when I point this out.

Why didn't the Commander kill Claus when he mentioned in an earlier chapter that he will kill the twins?
Guest chapter 4 . 3/10/2018
Poor Claus, he must feel so bad.
Guest chapter 2 . 2/4/2018
aww, poor Ness. Keep up the good work.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/21/2018
wow this is a good story so far. I'm looking forward too more.