Name - Dakota Le Roux

Nicknames - Red Devil (Marines), Sweetie (Father), Sis (Brothers), Demon (Nami), Killer (Usopp), Ko (Chopper), My Love (Sanji), Kota (Zoro), Lil Sis (Franky), DeeDee (Robin), Kay (Brook), Le Roux (Buggy), Criminal (War Lords), Demoness (War Lords), Princess (Aunts & Uncles), God Killer (Celestial Dragons), Dear Niece (Mihawk), Pirate (Marines/Civilians), Baby Shanks (Buggy), Littlest Devil (Aunts & Uncles), Granddaughter (Grandmother), Red (Cousins)

Age - 22 Years Old

Born - Grandline (New World) - February 18th

Gender - Female

Sexuality - Bisexual

Height - 6'1" (185cm)

Weight - 166 lbs

Appearance - Lightly tanned skin, bright purple eyes, three small star tattoos on left eyebrow, large roses tattoo on the right shoulder (Her Mothers favourites), shoulder-length straight vibrant red hair

Attire - Swimsuit/bikini, tops, jeans, shorts, skirts, shirts, dresses, boots, high heels, belts hanging off the hip, desert wear, trench coat, leather jacket, dancer girl outfit, vest, scarf, hats, locket (picture or Shanks & Anna), black trilby hat with a red, yellow, blue and white beads, winter gear, Cetus, black leotard, pantsuit, gloves, kimono, gowns, tiara, combat boots, coats

Interests - Zoro, Robin, Brothers, Family, fighting, sailing, games, drawing, training, sweet foods, drinking, sex, tattoos, Straw Hat crew, adventures, weapons, books, sunny weather, painting

Disinterests - Buggy, Stupid people, The World Government, Celestial Dragons, Peace, boredom, Rival Pirate crews, Marines, Shanks' pranks, Fairy Tales, thunderstorms

Personality - Enchanting, Snarky, Cocky, Lovable, Funny, Smart, Reckless, Brave, Hot-headed, Loyal, Supportive, Protective, Sexy, Secretive, Sly, Fearless, Playful, Bold, Proud, Flawless.

Family - Red-Haired Shanks (Alive: Father), Deadly Anna (Deceased: Mother), Red Haired Pirates (Alive: Aunts & Uncles), Hawk-Eye Mihawk (Alive: Uncle), Strawhat Luffy (Alive: Adopted Little Brother), Fire Fist Ace (Alive: Adopted Younger Brother), Benn Beckman (Alive: Uncle/Godfather), Dark King Rayleigh (Alive: Godfather), Queen Mina (Grandmother), Furcas Royal Family (Cousins, Aunts & Uncles)

Friends - Monkey D. Luffy, Nami, Franky, Usopp, Sanji, Roronoa Zoro, Nico Robin, Tony Tony Chopper, Brook, Red-Haired Pirates, Curly Dadan, Bandits, Nefertari Vivi, Makino, Dark King Rayleigh, Knight of the Sea Jinbe, Marco the Phoenix, Whitebeard Pirates, Fire Fist Ace, Laboon, Iceberg, Mayor Woop Slap, Everyone the Strawhat's have saved

Enemies - Buggy Pirates, Big Mom Pirates, Marines, Captain Smoker, Fleet Admiral Sengoku, The World Government, Celestial Dragons, World Nobels, Donquixote Doflamingo, Blackbeard Pirates, CP9, CP0, War Lords, Arlong Pirates, Beast Pirates

Dream - Avenge Mother's death, Find the truth behind her death

Status - Assassin (Former), Pirate

Pirate Crew - Straw Hat Pirates

Position - Bodyguard, Painter, Informant

Bounty - 20 Million at age 10, 35 Million at age 17

Crimes - Child of pirates (one of the Four Emperors), Piracy, Destroying 4 Marine Bases, Killing over 100 people, Assassination of 75 people & organisations.

Devil Fruit - Akuma Akuma no Mi (Demon Demon Fruit)

Devil Fruit Abilities - Demon full form, Demon body parts form, Hellfire, powerful attacks, claws, tails, wings, horns, Black/Blue flames, Disappearing, speedy attacks, sharp teeth (shark-like)

Weapons - Knuckle dusters, finger knife, Tekko, Katana, guns, pistols, knives, swords, throwing darts

Combat Skills - All types of weapons, hand to hand, aerial combat, blind-sighted, Haki

Haki - All 3 types, Observation Haki - Proficient, Armament Haki - Expert, Conquering Haki - Competent (training with Father)

Background - She was born on the Grandline (New World).
Her Father Red-Haired Shanks and her Mother Deadly Anna met on Gol. D Roger's ship the Oro Jackson as apprentice pirates along with Buggy (Aged 11).
A year later Red-Haired Shanks and Deadly Anna began dating (Aged 12).
Red-Haired Shanks and Deadly Anna began their own pirate crew now known as the Red-Haired Pirates (Aged 14).
Deadly Anna gave birth to Red Devil Dakota (Aged 16).
Red-Haired Shanks and Deadly Anna got married (Aged 17).
Deadly Anna was killed by an attacker on their ship (Aged 20) (Aged 4).
Red-Haired Shanks and Red Devil Dakota met Straw Hat Luffy and stayed on Dawn Island for a year (Aged 27) (Aged 10) (Aged 6).

Red-Haired Shanks got Red Devil Dakota to stay with Straw Hat Luffy as a promise to Red-Haired Shanks (Aged 28) (Aged 11) (Aged 7).
Red Devil Dakota and Straw Hat Luffy go to stay with Curly Dadan because of Vice-Admiral Garp (Aged 11) (Aged 7).
They met Fire Fist Ace and a boy named Sabo, they got stronger, the strongest of the four was Red Devil Dakota as she was the oldest (Aged 12) (Aged 10) (Aged 7).
Sabo died and Red Devil Dakota vowed to avenge her Mother's death and allegedly killed the Celestial Dragon responsible (no one knows who did it still) for killing Sabo (Aged 14) (Aged 12) (Aged 9).
Red Devil Dakota left the island (Aged 17) (Aged 15) (Aged 12).
Red Devil Dakota journeyed to the Grandline to her Mother's home island, Furcas Island, became an assassin in training after eating the Akuma Akuma no Mi, she trained hard for the next few years and came back to the East Blue to see Straw Hat Luffy at his home village but was too late (Aged 17 to 20).
Red Devil Dakota searched for Straw Hat Luffy and planned to meet up with him at Syrup Village on her boat as it's the last place he would have been after the last island (Aged 20).


A young red-haired boy with a straw hat raced across the ship as a young blond-haired, and purple eyes with pink crosses as iris, girl jogged behind him with another blue-haired boy with a red nose, shouted as he ran behind them. "Oi! You brats, calm down!" An older man with blond hair and a beard shouted at them; they stopped in their tracks, looking at him.

"Sorry, Rayleigh." They all apologised together, trying to play off as innocent but they were far from it.

"Come on Shanks, let's go see what food the cook can give us." The girl whispered into the red-haired boy's ear and grabbed him by the hand as they tried getting away from the blue-haired boy.

"Bye Buggy." Shanks waved as the blond-haired girl dragged him away.

"Hey, Anna! Shanks!" Buggy exclaimed as the other two ran down into the ship to cause more mischief.


The day of Roger's death both Anna and Shanks watched on with tears falling down their faces, as the rain clouds gathered above them and Anna wiped away her tears as she grabbed Shanks' hand in hers pulling him away from the crowd and to their new adventures. Shanks tried hiding his tears covering them with his straw hat, but Anna could see them as she takes his hand pulling him down the street away from the crowd and into the New Era.


Anna stood in a small room; her palms felt clammy, her nerves were getting to her as it was an important day, she looked at herself in the long mirror as one of her crew members came into the room behind her. "You look beautiful Anna," Benn said entering the room, she looked back at him in the mirror.

"Am I rushing into this?" Anna asked him as a loud cry sounds out by the door. Anna jumped to action speeding over to the noise seeing baby Dakota in her crib crying out for her Mother. Anna picked up Dakota trying to calm the fussing baby, bobbing up and down as she soothed the crying baby.

"You know that's not true; you love Shanks and Dakota." Benn reasoned with her and took the now calm baby in his arm as looked at Anna in her wedding dress. He held his arm out to her, and they looped arms and walked out of the room.


A storm had rolled in over the Red Force as the Red-Haired Pirates scurried around the ship trying to keep afloat. Anna stayed with Dakota in her room as she played with her toys on the floor, Anna sat reading a book hearing the crash of thunder above and the shouts of the crew. A knock on the door pulled Anna out of her book; she got up from her chair in the corner looking at Dakota playing with her toys. Anna smiled softly in pride at her four-year-old daughter not knowing it was the last time and opened the door to see a shadowy figure looming in the hall, recognising them and hoping they would never see each other again. She pulled herself out of the room closing the door behind her to shield Dakota from whatever was to happen. Inside the room, Dakota continued to play with her boat making splashing noises that were all too familiar when a loud crash from outside then a cry from her Mother, Dakota jumped up when a loud bang like a gun went off and a scream, then nothing, just dead silence. Dakota raced to the door, but she couldn't reach the door handle, jumping up grabbing the handle and the door swings open making her fall to the floor, she got up slowly to see the dark hallway in front of her.

She goes out into the hallway as the ship rocked side to side abruptly. Dakota got knocked to the side and falling onto something soft, she puts her hands out onto the soft object that caught her and looked up to see her Mother lying there. Dakota looked at her and saw a pool of blood underneath her, her eyes showed no signs of life, she was dead."Mummy?" She called out to her but there was no response. "Mummy, get up!" She cried out but again there was no response from the blond and Dakota shook her Mother getting blood on her clothes but got nothing from her Mother as she lied on the floor unmoving.


Dakota got up running to the top of the ship where everyone was busy doing their own thing, she stood looking around for her Father's red hair but couldn't see him, she tilts her head up, taking a deep breath and screamed loud making everyone turn to look at her. Yasopp jumps over to her shaking figure, as he gets closer to her, he saw the blood covering her clothes.

"Dakota, what happened?" He asked the crying four-year-old.

"Mummy, she's hurt!" She cried gaining everyone's attention even more. Shanks made his way over to them taking Dakota into his arms and raced down to the hallway where Anna's body lies.


Benn took Dakota from Shanks as he kneeled down next to Anna's body and cradled her in his arms crying as Dakota struggled in Benn's arms trying to get to her Father. "Daddy! Mummy won't wake up! What's wrong, Daddy!" Dakota cried out for answers but he wouldn't answer, and that was the first dead body Dakota saw.


The Red Force pulled into port, and everyone made their way off of the ship, Shanks and Dakota came off last as they made their way into the town for food and drink. Dakota having her father's red hair and her Mother's looks, Shanks darted his eyes around trying to keep an eye out for any boys like he had for every island they had taken port at and Dakota sighed in annoyance before walking off behind her overprotective father.

Every month I would focus on one story that I have on my list like this on the 20th of every month I change focus. On the 20th of July I change to do One Piece The Straw Hat's Red Devil then 20th of August it would be Soul Eater Daughter Stein then 20th of September Harry Potter The Darkmore Series then 20th of October Inuyasha Sly Love and finally 20th of November BNHA Explosive Love and the cycle would begin again. So let me know even if you just like the book then I will take that as a yes thank you and let me know soon or even if you only have any suggestions for the books or my update plan.