"Sons of Anarchy: Hell Followed" (Part One of One)


Previously on "Sons of Anarchy: The Pull" (Part One of One)

"Clay and Tig were almost gunned down tonight."

"What?!" Wyetta exclaimed into the phone. "When?"

"About an hour ago. We got a man here who's been hit."

"Holy shit. Is Juice there? Is he okay?"

"He's fine," Gemma assured her. "You're a nurse, right?"

The brown girl rolled her eyes, "I use to be a Nurse Assistant."

"Same thing. Club needs your help."

"Let me pack up this food and we'll head out. Be outside to take Birdie into Juice's dorm. Don't want her seeing anything she shouldn't."

They both hung up. Wyetta groaned before getting up from the couch. It was going to be a long night.


Yetta got out of her car, she noticed Gemma walking towards her. "Thank God you're here."

The brown girl scoffed, "Don't thank him just yet... I'm a little rusty when it comes to the medical field."

Gemma didn't say anything to that comment, she looked to her left to see Birdie in her car seat playing with her stuffed unicorn. "I'll get her to Juice's dorm. You head on in, Chibs needs ya."

"Right," the younger lady mumbled as she walked off.


Walking into the room, Yetta immediately noticed the unconscious man. "Holy fuck," she mumbled, loud enough for the two men in the room to hear.

Chibs glances at her, he sighed in relief. "Oh lassy, I'm glad you're 'ere."

Seeing all the blood and what state the unconscious man was in made Wyetta's stomach churn. Her brown eyes landed on her boyfriend, with an eyebrow raised she asked, "What in the hell happened?"

"Some people tried to shoot up Clay and Tig, Cameron was caught up in the fire."

Wyetta walked over to check his breathing, "Let me guess, he's your supplier."

Chibs eyed the brown girl, one eyebrow raised. Wyetta noticed his look and scoffed.

"I'm not an idiot, Chibby. And he's not your supplier... more like a right hand man."

"Our go to man is dead, this guy 'ere is his cousin." Chibs informed her as he pulled out another slug.

"Family business? Interesting..." The brown girl stood beside the Scotsman, she counted two slugs that was pulled from Cameron's ass. "Fuck, he really took a hit. How'd you sedate him?"

Juice shook his head, not knowing how to answer that question. "He just passed out."

Wyetta sighed, "Okay, well, we need to get our hands on some medication appropriate for this situation. I don't want him to get an infection." She glanced at Chibs' hand. "You're gonna need better tools."

"Jackie boy is on it. He's got that doctor lass, asking her for tools."

The girl rolled her eyes, "Yeah, I'm sure he's 'on it' alright." She placer her hands on her hips. "I'll help you to the best of my abilities. Okay?"

Chibs nodded, "Good. Good."

She rolled up her sleeves, "Juice, we're gonna needed some rubbing alcohol, go grab some from the ambulance you guys stole earlier."

"Half Sack stole it, not–"

"It doesn't matter, just go." The young lady pointed to the door, shaking her head as Juice ran out.


It wasn't long after her arrival the sun was rising up, signaling that it was morning. Still, no sign of Jax and the equipment.

"I don't know how long he's gonna last without the things we need," Wyetta commented, pacing the room back and forth.

"I know that," Chibs said, folding his arms, "Jackie boy is gonna be here soon."

She scoffed, "Yeah, how long are you gonna keep saying that?"

"Until he gets here," The Scotsman said with a shrug.

Wyetta shook her head, not facing the men in the room, she leaned her arms against the wall. She sighed, she began to think about how everything could get worse from here.

"Hey," Juice said, placing a hand on her hip. "You need some air?"

Wyetta turned around and gave her man a small smile. "No, babe, I'm fine."

"Promise?" His eyes flickered to her stomach, silently asking her about the babies.

Wyetta nodded once again, "We're fine, baby."

Chibs raised an eyebrow at her choice of words but decided not to say anything.

Wyetta took a deep breath before walking off.

"Where you going?" Juice asked.

"To get some water," Wyetta told him softly. She walked over to the bar in the main room of the clubhouse.

"Where is he?" Gemma asked Clay, but she was mostly talking to herself.

"Where's who?" Yetta asked as she grabbed a water bottle out of the mini fridge.

"Your brother," Gemma answered with a sigh.

"Oh," The Morrow girl mumbled.

"Relax," Clay told his wife.

"Don't tell me to relax."

"I called his cell phone a dozen times. Tara's house, no answer." Opie told everyone. Yetta sat in the seat beside Opie.

Gemma sighed as she slammed her drink down in frustration, "I can't just sit here," she said as she inched her way towards the door. Clay grabbed her arm once she walked past him.

"Hey," he said, getting his wife's attention, "Until we see where this lands, you stay put, understand?"

"What if they got to him?"

"Jax can take care of himself, Gem." Tig voiced, attempting the calm Gemma's nerves.

"One little white boy against all the people that want to hurt SAMCRO...yeah, Jax will be fine. After all, he's superman." Wyetta said sarcastically. It was obvious that there was a sudden fear in Gemma's eyes.

Clay gave his daughter a hard look, "You're not helping."

"I was only being sarcastic." Yetta said with a shrug.

"Not funny."

Opie touched Yetta's hand as he stood up, "I'll take a ride to the hospital, see if he's there."

"I'll go with you," Piney said, getting up from his seat, placing his shotgun in his left hand.

Gemma nodded at Opie before glancing at Piney, "Take care of my boys."

Piney gave her a soft nod, "Always."

Wyetta took a sip of her water, but that didn't calm her stomach. She leaned forward on the bar, trying to get a hold of herself.

"Whew! We got your slugs out of your guy's ass. The infection is spreading." Chibs informed Clay as he walked out of the room he was holding Cameron. "And he may even have sepsis."

"Just do the best you can, alright?"

Chibs sighed. Wyetta groaned as she got up from her seat.

"What's with you?" Clay asked his daughter. The Morrow girl immediately made eye contact with Gemma, her stepmother shrugged.

"It's been a long night, honey, she's just tired," Mrs. Morrow suggested to her husband.

"She's right, I'm tired is all," Yetta smiles awkwardly. Clay continued to eye her down.

"Mommy," a sweet little voice said from the entrance to the dorms.

Tigs instantly went to go shut the "church" doors, trying his best to save Birdie from any trauma.

"Hey, my little dove," Yetta said sweetly as she walked over to pick up her daughter, "What are you doing out here?"

"Bad dweam."

"Oh yeah? Anything pop pop can fix?" Clay asked from his seat. When Birdie shook her head, he sighed. "Come over here, let me see ya."

Yetta walked over to him, "Put the gun away for a second."

"Yeah. Yeah." Clay mumbled as he grabbed his grandkid away from his daughter. Birdie was quiet, she looked around the room. She knew something was off. The three year old glanced at her mother.

"Where's daddy?"

Wyetta looked at her parents then back at her daughter. "Uh, well Birdie, he's busy right now. How about we go back to bed and watch Dora?"

"And eats yummy pop tarts?"

Wyetta smiled, "Why not?" She grabbed Birdie from her dad and guided the toddler to the back room.


The brown girl stared at the passed out Cameron before chuckling at the predicament her fiancé was in.

"It's not funny," Juice said for the fourth time. His finger was jammed up some guy's ass, he felt wrong about it.

"Oh but it is." Wyetta looked away. She sighed before looking at Juice again. "Your daughter has been asking about you all morning."

Juice ears perked up, "Yeah? Well, I'll spend some time with her after I scrub my body eight times."

Cameron then groaned, gaining the attention from the two people in the room.

"How ya feeling?" Juice said awkwardly with a smile. Instead of butting in, Wyetta stood there with a smile, she grimaced a little when she noticed the slobber coming from the Irishman's mouth.

"What the hell's going on?" Cameron asked, obviously confused about his whereabouts.

Juice looked at his old lady to explain things to Cameron but she shook her head. "There were some, uhhh, complications."

"Where's the Scotsman?"

"Oh he's gonna be right back."

Cameron looked down and noticed Juice's hand was occupied doing something. "Where the hell is your hand?"

"It's uh–" When Juice got up, Cameron screamed. Wyetta walked over to the table, near Cameron's ass, to make Juice didn't mess things up. "Well, um, my finger is plugging up one of your bullet holes."

"You got your finger jamming up my ass?"

"No. No," He then looked at his fiancée, she was nodded yes, "well, technically yes. But my finger's not jammed up your ass, cause that would be gay. More like in your ass, which is still kinda gay but I'm not gay."

At that point, Wyetta had to turn her head to keep from laughing.

"Jesus! Am I gonna die or not?"

"No. I don't think so." Juice told him awkwardly.

"You're not gonna die, not on my watch." The Morrow girl said, making her presence known.

"And who are you girly?"

"Clay's daughter."

The Irishman groaned, "Are you a doctor?"

She shook her head, "No, but I do know how to keep you alive until the doctor gets here."

"Oh. Oh, Scotsman," Cameron called out as Chibs walked in, "I need you guys to do me a favor, but I can't say anything with the cute brown girl here."

"Don't worry, I'm leaving. I have a kid to check up on." Wyetta walked out of the room, giving them men their privacy.


"There's babies in there?" Birdie asked her mother for the eighth time.

Wyetta smiled, "Yes, there are two babies in mommy's tummy."

"How did they get there mama?"

The mother froze, she quickly came up with a lie, "Mommy swallowed two watermelon seeds."

Birdie gasped, "I ates tree last night! I's growing baby!"

Wyetta chuckled, "No, no. Only adults can grow babies."

"Can daddy grow a baby?"

"No, I wish...it would take the load off of me. But no, only mommy's can grow babies."

There was a short pause, "I miss daddy."

Then, Juice walked through the door all bloody. Birdie got so happy. "Daddy!"

"Wait, hold on, princess. Daddy gotta clean up, he's very dirty. Okay?"

Birdie frowned before getting on the bed with her mama. Seeing her sad expression, Juice's heart immediately sunk. "I'll be right out, okay? Don't be sad."

The toddler nodded before hiding her head on her mother's stomach.

"It's okay, Juice, go take a shower. She'll be okay."


After noticing more members of the Son's from different charters were starting to pile in, Yetta decided it was time to take Birdie home. But before she did, she carried the sleepy girl into the kitchen to pack up and few sandwiches since she has to go grocery shopping the next day.

"Wyetta?" A familiar voice from the doorway called out.

The mother put on a fake smile before turning around, "Tara."

"How's it going?"

"What's with the small talk?"

Tara shrugged, "Out if everyone, you seem the most normal."

"Negative, I'm strangest person here."

"No, I mean, you don't dress like a hooker and you're not attached to your boyfriend's ass."

Wyetta smirked, "That seems to be a theme with the women around here, my stepmom included."

Tara smiled, "I didn't say that you did." The doctor noticed the little girl in the chair. "She's so cute. and she's gotten so big. Jax sent me baby pictures once, he was proud to be an Uncle."

Wyetta continued to make sandwiches, "Yeah, he likes to spend time with her whenever he can. She'll be four soon, they grow up so fucking fast."

There was a pause between the women before Tara spoke once again. "Look, I know you don't like me–"

"Ding, Ding, Ding...you just won three hundred dollar."

"Seriously, I know..."

"It's always been like that, Tara. I just don't think you and my brother make a good mix. With this lifestyle...you ain't built for it, sugar."

"And you are?"

"I was born for this life. You know who my dad is?"

Tara folded her arms, "Don't you want something safe? For her?"

Wyetta sighed, "Don't worry about my kids, they'll be fine."

"Kids?" Tara asked with an eyebrow raised.

Before she could respond, Juice walked in. "There you are. I was looking for you. Did you pack enough to take home?"

"Yeah, I just gotta run to the store in the morning."

"Want me to walk you to the car?"

Wyetta nodded as Juice picked up their daughter. She stopped as she walked by Tara. "I'll see you around."

"I hope not."

Wyetta smirked. "You dealing with Jax...I'll be seeing you."

Tara scoffed as the brown girl walked off with her boyfriend and baby.



I know I've been gone a while. Things in my life has been hectic. Sorry for misspells and grammar. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!