ANON chapter 1 . 6/11/2019
Egyptian is African... if you didn't know. (CH 1)
BloodforInk chapter 18 . 1/15/2019
Good chapter. Tara and Wyetta, either they're going to be BFF's or Mortal Enemies.
Looking forward to your treatment of "Better Half."
BloodforInk chapter 17 . 1/15/2019
Wow! When it rains it pours.
BloodforInk chapter 16 . 1/10/2019
Yup. Gary Allan was right. Good chapter. I'm guessing that Wyetta and Tara, won't be doing lunch?
BloodforInk chapter 15 . 1/8/2019
"You know next time, I'll give you a microphone, you can speak into!' Go Wyetta! I just hope, that even with the two little buns in the oven, that she can take down Stahl, before Donna ends up dying, for something; that Opie was innocent of, and/or a certain Church dinner in Season two; begins to grind up Juice, in the wheels of fate.
Poor Birdie. There are just somethings, a child should never have to witness.
As for Wyetta and Juice? Please promise me, that the phrase"...and ride you as often as my Harley". Isn't uttered by Juice, when they do wed!
BloodforInk chapter 14 . 1/5/2019
Wow! When it rains, it really does pour. I loved your take of “AK-51.”
BloodforInk chapter 13 . 1/2/2019
Evil bouncy Houses!*Hugs Birdie* Yup. Gemma’s so going to flip her lid, when she hears about the Twinnies!
SSo dreading Birdie’s first day of “Peeschool”.
Michiie chapter 18 . 1/1/2019
Really good story and characters developments. 10/10
BloodforInk chapter 12 . 12/30/2018
*Hugs Wyetta and Birdie* Pregnant with Twins. Yikes! I think that somebody needs a gift certificate, for a Vasctomy; as a Fathers Day present.
So what the bleep, happened between Donna and Wyetta?
BloodforInk chapter 11 . 12/20/2018
"No naps! No Peeschool!"Aww, our little Birdie. Even when she's being Oppositional-Defiant, she's still lovable. So Wyetta, had the same reaction, about learning that Juice, inadvertedly gave a Doberman Crank!- Does laughing my butt off, whenever I watch that particular episode; at Tig's pain. Mean that I'm a bad person?- Oh and kudos on the cliffhanger!
docsangel chapter 9 . 12/20/2018
I agree. Juice can do no wrong. Just want to hug him and protect him. And maybe tie him to the bed for a while. Just saying
BloodforInk chapter 10 . 12/17/2018
Kudos to Bobby, Chibs, Juice and Clay. Apparently and thankfully, having Daughters has made realize. That if Somebody’s capable of doing such a sickening and evil act; to someone else’s Daughter; what’s to stop this Bastard: from going after my Flesh and Blood.
Okay, what else? Birdie was simply adorable. The image of her “reading” to Abel? Simply just too stinking cute-In a good way.
Vicky at the Spa? Damn lucky that her ignorant head, was still attached to skinny Mini Body. It’s not nice to discriminate against someone, for their size! In fact, I find fat shaming, Hell I consider any sort of shaming; to be mean, hypocritical and just plain heartless.
And the morning after, when Juice mistakenly took one of Tig’s “vitamins”. Accompanied by one of the most humiliating wake up calls, in Human History?
Perfectly done.
BloodforInk chapter 9 . 12/14/2018
Damn good chapter. I’m excited to see what happens next.
BloodforInk chapter 8 . 12/11/2018
Yetta’s one smart Broad. I feel for Donna, I can only begin to imagine, what sort of pain and anger, she must’ve have had to live with- first when Opie was in Chino and Donna was left alone, with two little kids. Then Opie getting out and coming home,only to have things get worse; instead of better.
Also kudos for including “Beware the Zombie Bikers!”, Which was one of my fave Chibsisms, in that episode”Alongside “Fucking shite! Bastard spilled me beer!”
BloodforInk chapter 7 . 12/9/2018
Excellent Chapter! I found the Daddy/Daughter scene, to be absolutely absorbs! It’s going to be interesting to see, what the Dynamic, between Yetti and Tara will be. I have this feeling, that Yetti’s going to be stuck in the middle of Gemma vs. Tara.
As for Juice and Yetti? They certainly make quite the couple, in sort of either an Ozzy and Sharon(Osbourne) or Antoine and Rosemary(Domino) kind of way.
And they certainly seem to have a lot of Sex!;)
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