Hello! I'm super excited for doing another part! Things are about to get serious... haha.

Let's get right into it!

Part 2

Chapter 1: Back to Normal

"Claire! Where have you been young lady? It's 1a.m! Do you have any idea how worried we were?"

I looked at them almost shocked. They looked more angry than worried. I hated when they yelled at me, which was rare since we were supposed to be this perfect family. Perfect families don't yell.

"I-I was just-"

"With that damn boy?!" My father spat, his face was hot with anger. I felt a chill go down my back. I stepped back my heart suddenly racing.

"What? No. I had a busy day... I needed some air." I lied. I had gotten good at lying. So good, that it became a habit. I didn't even feel sorry. But they could not know.

"For 10 hours?! You were supposed to be home after school! Since when have you become so disobedient?!" My mother came closer to my face. My dad crossed his arms his finger beating to the same beat of my mother impatiently tapping the floor.

My father muttered an 'oh god.'

"Well! I knew this damn boy was at fault. He's done nothing but trouble for you. I bet he doesn't even care!" My father cursed, not even hiding the fact that he blamed Jim. Perfect families don't curse.

"I swear when I get my hands on him!" My father swore his face twitching with anger. My mother pushed hair behind her ear and grunted. She was waiting for the truth.

My face became hot. My hands forming fists and my jaw tightly clenched. My brows furrowed and I felt an explosion inside of me. My vision suddenly became red, my breathing heavy and heart pumping out of my chest. My knuckles turned white as I dug my fingernails deeper into my skin.

"Jim!? My boyfriend has done nothing wrong! I am fine!" I shot at my parents with a boiling rage. They looked shocked at the sudden outburst. I was too, but I didn't stop there.

"You just can't except that I'm not your perfect daughter in this perfect family! Well news flash: I'm not perfect!" I was screaming by the time I finished my little rant. I glanced at my parents eyes. They were more shocked then anything. I shook my head slightly, my breath heavy. My eyes widened in surprise. I had no idea what came over me.

Before my parents had time to yell back, I had already made it up the stairs, stomping into my room. The stairs moaned under my angry pounding and creaked in relief as the weight was released. I groaned and flopped onto my bed. I wondered where such rage could have come from. My head pounded and my body still felt weak from earlier.

I had died! If only my parents could understand...

Understand. My breath became labored as I shoved away the feeling of tears in my eyes. What was with the sudden emotions. Was it hormones, or a side affect of dying? I didn't understand. Jim. Jim would understand, he always did. And he loved me.

He loved me. That was more than my parents ever said. He knew me as a person. He knew my likes and dislikes. He knew my birthday. Heck, he even had a general idea of my monthly cycle! And was completely cool about it. He cared about me and would risk his life to save me. He did save me.

I pulled out my phone. I stared at the black screen. I could see the stray tears rolling down my cheeks, reflected in the screen. I clicked the home button and opened my most recent messages. I had hundreds, asking where I was and about homework.

I ignored them all and clicked on Jim's name. The last text he sent was the wonky face emoji. Four days ago. Just hours before I died. I chocked back the rock in my throat. I clicked the phone icon and watched my phone vibrate as a tear dropped off my chin and landed on the screen. With the second vibrate, Jim picked up.

"Claire!? You okay?" Those were his first words. I lost it there. I collapsed my head into my hands my phone shaking in my right hand. I inhaled a shaky breath and sniffed.

"Y-yeeeah..." I trailed off, trying everything I could to not cry. I wanted to pound my fists on the walls. I held my breath, but my chest shook, lungs screaming for air.

"Claire. Hold on. Stay there, I'll be over in a few."

"What?... no! Jim they'll kill you!" I shook my head my eyes watering again.

"I know." It was all he said before the line disconnected. I folded my legs underneath me as I sat staring at the phone. I gulped. A million things slammed into my head. A sudden thought startled me out of my daze.

I turned my head, gripping my staff in my hand. I crinckled my nose and shouted as my parents screamed in pain and shock as I sucked them into the shadow relem.

A knock on the window woke me out of it. It was Jim. Without hesitation he lifted the window and crawled in. He geunted and closed my window quietly. He turned to see the reflection of my tear stained cheeks from the soft glow outside. His eyes widened and hurried over. I felt like a little kid reaching my arms out for him until his body slammed into mine holding me into his chest. I wrapped around his torso and buried my face into his shirt. I held in my desire to scream. I wasn't sure why I wanted too. I just felt an anger

"Uh... Claire. I can't breathe." Jim whispered with a nervous chuckle. I let go surprised. I stared at my trembling hands. I looked at him nervously. I felt afraid to touch him. I didn't trust myself to control my emotional state.

"Hey, Hey it's okay." He whispered soothingly and crawled into bed next to me. He gently gathered me in his arms held his arms around my back. I wrapped my arms back around his torso and hid my face in his stomach and let myself cry. Not very much, but enough to leave a wet mark.

I felt his lips brush the top of my head and his fingers run through my hair, taking out each clip slowly, letting my lions mane for hair loose.

I felt myself calm down finally, but I didn't move from my spot. I never wanted to move.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He hesitated with his question, but I nodded into his shirt. I lifted my head slowly watching his gaze as he smiled softly at me.

"I felt angry." He cocked his head.

"I mean, a rage I've never felt before. I shouted at my parents like never before. I felt my face heat up. I was... I was afraid at the sudden anger. I don't understand. I must've just snapped, but I couldn't control it. Then you were the first person you might understand." I gulped, my throat dry and ready to cough another sob.

"Hey, it's okay. It's probably just a side affect. We can talk to Blinky in the morning. I'm sure he has an answer." I shook my head.

"No. not now. He has more than enough to worry about right now. We can't trouble him." Jim bit his lip, but nodded.

"Okay. Just let me know if it happened again." I could hear the worry in his voice. The slight tremble in his fingertips. The rapidly beating of his chest. I bit my lip and avoided looking at his eyes.

"Yeah. I promise." He sighed and relaxed, leaning back. I rested my cheek on his chest, and curled my self in between his legs as he pulled a sheet over me and kissed the top of my head.

"Get some rest. You need it." I chuckled.

"I was just dead Jim. I feel so alive!" He chuckled into my hair.

"Fair point. But you still have stuff to get to tomorrow." I groaned.

"No. can I stay here forever?" I spoke into his chest.

"As much as I'd say yes, we can't. There's school." I grunted again. He chuckled and held me tighter.

"I love you Claire."

"Even when I'm this mess?" I looked at him searching for his thoughts. He smiled.

"Even when you're a mess." I sighed, finally the black hole in my chest settling down. I felt my eyes get heavy and dozed off to the steady beat of Jim's heart.


Sun leaked through my windows as I lifted up my tired head. I glanced around my empty room as the vents of last night came crashing back. I smiled and rubbed my eyes as I sat up. I was in my bed with several blankets falling off me. I noticed a note at my bedside.


I went home, Incase your parents found us. Call me when your up and moving.

See you soon,


I sighed and tucked the not under my pillow. I stood and stretched, feeling so much better since my outburst. I pulled my hair back into a messy bun and looked at myself in the mirror. My skin was clean and back to normal color. My lips were slightly dry, an de my hair a mess of waves.

I looked closer, examining the features on my face. I stumbled back with a gasp as I saw for a split second, my eyes flash a deep red.

Thats the chapter! I hope you enjoyed it, please leave some reviews! Until next time,
