AN: After running into repeated roadblocks in writing DRE, I decided to circle back, read and rewrite the earlier chapters. Hopefully I'll be able to iron out a lot of the problems I caught to make this a better read. I've decided to refocus my efforts into bettering DRE Vol. 1 with this redo.

"Hey~! Wake up! If you don't wake up I'll... stab you~!"

"Hey~! Wake up! If you don't wake up I'll... stab you~!"

"Hey~! Wake up! If you don't-"

Why did I ever think that it'd be fun to get one of these novelty alarm clocks? Its charm wore off after a week of hearing the same clichéd lines repeated in an sickeningly cutesy voice over and over again. Well it does its job properly, I guess.

Retracting my hand from the large head of the chibi figurine of a notorious yandere character, I throw the covers off my body before drowsily sliding off the bed to head to the bathroom.

Sixteen years… Sixteen years since I was reborn. Sixteen years since I've completed my previous journey. Sixteen years since I've lost everything dear to me because of my own naïve mistakes. Sighing, I run a hand through my hair as I make my way to the bathroom. At the very least I don't have to suffer through the pain of having that curse anymore.

Damn. What a way to start the day. It's barely even begun and I already feel like shit.

After splashing some water onto my face, I stare at my reflection in the mirror. I look like shit as well. Can't exactly go down to greet my parents like this much less go to school. I force a practiced smile onto my face. There. Now I look more like a normal high school girl. It feels as empty as the day before, but it's necessary.

Quickly running through the rest of my morning routines, I make my way back to my room to put on my uniform. At the very least Kuoh Academy's uniforms are pretty stylish. Not to mention the material feels great.

As I tighten the black ribbon around my collar, I examine myself to check for anything that seems out of place in the full body mirror sitting in the corner of my room. No wrinkles or stains on the white blouse of course, the corset's properly tightened around my body, the shoulder cape is secured by a pair of plain, matching clips, and the skirt is safe from any unfortunate mishaps. Perfect. Let's go.

"Morning, mama, papa!" I greet cheerfully as I bound down the stairs and into the kitchen.

My dear "mother", ever the hard worker already has a fresh breakfast prepared and waiting for me at the dining table as my dear "father" sits reading a newspaper while idly sipping on his coffee; all in all a very stereotypical family's morning.

"Good morning, dear," my mother says with a smile as she wipes her hands on her apron decorated with cartoon cats. "I made your favourite today. Eat up so you have plenty of energy for school, alright?"

"Yay! Thanks!"

Chuckling, my father sets down the newspaper and folds his arms across his chest as I sit down across from him and begin digging into my meal. "Saya'll always be full of energy, honey. There's no need to worry about that. She's our little girl, after all."

"Geez, papa. Stop treating me like a kid. I'm already in my second year of high school."

"Haha! Maybe I will when you stop calling us 'papa' and 'mama'."

Yeah, that was a miscalculation on my part. That was how I referred to them as a kid, but before long it had ingrained itself into me as a habit. Now it just feels weird to call them by anything else.

"Oh hush, darling. I know you love it just as much as I do," my mother pipes up as she takes a seat next to me to begin eating her meal.

The three of us continue to chat about everything and nothing before I leave for school. It may seem dull to most people, but I've learned to appreciate the small blessings I get over time.

The morning commute to school is normal enough. I just hope that sixteen whole years of enjoying this peace and quiet hasn't dulled my skills. Something big is about to happen, or at least that's what my gut is telling me. Until that happens, I'll just continue living the life of an ordinary school girl.

As I get closer to the school grounds, I see more and more students walking the same route as me. Of course, it doesn't take more than two seconds before a small gathering of my admirers begin following behind me, slowly snowballing in size.

"Kyaaa! It's Saya-samaaaaa!"


"Marry meeeee, Saya-sama!"

Even though it's only my second year, I've managed to amass a fan base that almost rivals that of the two Queens of Kuoh: Rias Gremory, a foreign, crimson haired bombshell of a beauty, and Himejima Akeno, a picture perfect Yamato Nadeshiko with a rockin' bod to boot. Although my slender body may not be a match for theirs, I managed to land a spot as Kuoh's Rising Princess. Ever since I enrolled, I strived to act like an honours student with a heart of gold. I suppose that was enough to garner the students' affections.

Along with the three of us, the other idols of the school include: Souna Shitori, the student council president renown for her amazing intellect, beauty, and strictness which earned her the nickname of 'Black Ice Princess', Kiba Yumi, Kuoh Academy High School Division's resident 'Prince Charming' who despite being a girl, her dashingly good looks and chivalrous attitude captured the hearts of boys and girls alike, and Toujou Koneko, the white haired loli who wears a figurative expressionless mask that enjoys sweets on an hourly basis has become the school's mascot, 'White Cat', nearly the instant she enrolled as a first year. There are quite a few more famous and infamous names in this high spec school, but listing all of them would take much too long.

Smiling and waving to all of my admirers, I continue trekking towards the school.

"You guys are incorrigible idiots, aren't you?" I say with a defeated sigh as I stare down at the backs of two male students crowded around what I assume to be a peephole into the changing room of the girl's kendo team.


The two idiots immediately leap up to their feet and whirl around wearing terrorized expressions.

"Motohama-kun, Matsuda-kun, care to tell me what you two are doing here?"

These two guys make up the school's most infamous pair known as the 'Perverted Duo'. Matsuda, AKA the 'Bald Lolicon' is known for taking impossible candid photos of the school's female stars. Even I have fallen victim to his photography skills on more than a couple of occasions. Meanwhile, Motohama, AKA the 'Glasses Freak' has an uncanny ability of gauging the three sizes of any girl he lays his eyes on within an instant. I would've gouged his eyes out by now if he wasn't just a stupid high school boy with raging hormones.

It's a shame, really. Motohama's grades aren't something to scoff at and Matsuda's physical ability is near the top of our grade. If the two of them weren't such masochistic perverts they'd actually have a chance of being popular with the girls. How ironic.

"U-um… W-we can explain, Hyoudou-chan!" Matsuda blubbers as he fails to come up with an excuse before looking to his friend for help. "R-Right, Motohama?"

"R-Right!" Motohama squeals as he straightens his glasses. "You see, we saw that there was a hole in the wall of this building so we decided to try to patch it up! That's all! I swear!"

"Ooohhh, I see! Sorry for misunderstanding~," I say while giving them a bright smile.

"Y-Yeah! So we'll be on our way now…"

As the two of them skirt around me and begin to sneak off, I pivot off of my left foot and lay into one of them with a roundhouse kick.


Huh. Looks like I managed to hit Motohama if is unconscious body sprawled across the ground is of any indication. Matsuda had barely managed to duck under my leg as it soared over his shaved head.

I smirk and tut at the quivering fool. "Heh. Did you really think I'd let the two of you go?"


Matsuda's gaze flits back and forth between his fallen comrade and his escape route before finally settling on me.

"There's no way I can outrun you… If it's come to this then I must simply charge forward!"

Letting loose a desperate battle cry, the bald pervert charges towards me with his hands outstretched, fingers wriggling in an extremely suggestive manner. Really now. Can his intentions be any more obvious?

I bide my time until he's just a few steps away before slamming a kick into his chin. A loud, satisfying crack fills my ears as his body soars through the air before landing on Motohama with a solid 'whump'.

"Feel free to continue your little escapades, you two. Just keep in mind that I'm your judge, jury, and executioner," I say as I bend down and pinch their cheeks.

Sighing, I brush my bangs out of my eyes before walking away from the two unconscious idiots.

I freeze mid step as a chill runs down my spine. It feels like someone's spying on me. Where? Where are they? My eyes scan through my surroundings before landing on a shaded figure standing by a window in the old school building. Our gazes meet for a brief second. Emerald green eyes and crimson hair…

Rias Gremory.

A few more seconds pass before the girl turns away from the window and disappears into the shadows.

I've been catching her watching me more often recently. She's definitely up to something.

Making a mental note to watch out for her later, I make my way over to join the throng of students leaving the school.

"Um... Excuse me... Are you Hyoudou Saya-san by any chance?" Almost as soon as I pass through the gates, a quiet voice calls out to me.

I turn to see that a cute girl around my age with a girl next door vibe wearing a school uniform I didn't recognize was standing just outside the campus.

"Yes, I am, can I help you?" I reply with a small smile.

A pink blush appears on the girl's cheeks as she nervously pulls at the hem of her blazer.

"Are you… going out with anyone right now?"

Another confession? Not to mention from a girl from another school at that. This isn't the first time that this happened, but these people are usually the crazy yandere types. How troublesome.

"No. Not at the moment," I reply neutrally. For now I'll just try gauging her reactions.

Once those words leave my mouth the girl's face immediately lights up with a smile. "Oh! Then, could you please go out with me? Um, I've always admired you! Also, um, my name is Amano Yuuma, and um…"

The girl, Yuuma, trails off, realizing she was rambling on a little bit.

Rejecting her flat out will probably lead to nothing but trouble, but accepting her affection will do the same. What to do… I guess I could use her to kill some time.

"Sorry, but I don't think this'll work out," I say while giving Yuuma an apologetic smile. "We barely even know each other, right?"

The girl's elation visibly deflates at that.

"O-Oh, I see. Th-That's right…"

"But at the very least, we can start off as friends, right?"


"How about the two of us go on a date together this weekend?" I suggest with a wink.

"A-A-A date?!"

"Heh. I called it a date, but it'll just be a chance for us to get to know each other better. How does that sound?"

"Yes! That sounds great! Would Sunday be okay?"

That seemed to have revitalized her. Hm. She's really quite beautiful now that I'm taking a good look at her. Raven black hair cascading down her shoulders, framing her doll-like face and accentuating her innocent, Japanese school girl appearance.

"Sunday is fine," I answer. "Let's meet up at the shopping center's plaza at eleven, then."

With the date and time settled, the two of us exchange numbers before parting ways. It seems like I've got something to look forward to this weekend. A date with a cute girl like her seems like it'll be fun.

The rest of the week passes by without much else happening and Sunday rolls by in no time at all. After putting together a decent outfit, I set out to meet Yuuma at the location we agreed on. There are already quite a few people milling about in the plaza as I start to wait for Yuma.

I wonder how that girl even knew about me. I'm sure that we hadn't met before, but the way she approached me the other day made it seem like she knew me for a while now. If she had been stalking me then I'm pretty sure I would've noticed at some point unless she's secretly some kind of ninja. The only other explanation I can think of is that she heard about me through somebody else.

"Excuse me~. Please, take one~."

"Oh, thanks."

I absentmindedly take a flyer that a girl dressed in a skimpy bat themed costume hands to me.

Hm? I don't recall there being any cosplay cafes around here. Looking down at the sheet of paper, I notice that the only words printed on the thing are: "Make a wish".

Strange. Maybe there's something on the other side.

Flipping the flyer over reveals a pentagram drawn in red on the back.

What the hell is this? A black magic summoning ritual? Could my gut feeling from earlier this week have been right? If that's the case then fate sure picked the right day to start some shit.


I quickly stuff the ominous flyer into my skirt pocket before looking up to see Yuma running towards me while waving. I wave back and wait until she reaches me, panting heavily from exertion. She must've run a long way to get here.

"Sorry I'm late," she says while trying to catch her breath.

Smiling, I shake my head. "Don't worry about it. I just got here, too. Now, shall we go?"

"Un!" Yuma nods excitedly before suddenly hugging my arm.

This isn't exactly what I had in mind, but I guess this much is fine.

Now then, time to kick off the day. It's been a while since I last went out with another person like this.

The date begins without a hitch as the two of us watch some old horror movie featuring a psychotic killer dressed in a raccoon mascot suit called 'Lil Rascal' that attacks a group of high school students part of a film club on their club retreat. The movie itself was filled to the brim with tropes, but Yuuma seemed to drink in every second of it with rapt interest. By the end I found myself watching Yuuma for her reactions more than the movie itself.

Our next destination was a nearby café where we talked about our lives and interests. Yuuma was extremely open as she bared nearly everything she could about herself. I wouldn't be surprised if she suddenly began talking about her sexual fantasies if I didn't cut her off to continue our date.

After browsing through the various stores lining the strips and buying a couple of outfits along with a pair of matching stuffed animals, we reached the climax of the date. I had decided to take her to the park to wind down. Besides, the atmosphere here isn't half bad at sunset.

The two of us walked in relative silence as Yuuma hummed happily beside while hugging the small lion toy to her chest. Reaching the fountain that sits in the center of the park, Yuuma suddenly runs forward towards the landmark before turning around to face me with a beaming smile gracing her features.

"Thank you for taking me out today, Saya-san. I had a lot of fun."

I return her smile with one of my own. "There's no need to thank me. I had fun, too."

"So, um…" The girl glances shyly at the floor as she shifts from foot to foot. "In commemoration of our first date… Can you do something for me?"

Ah, here it comes.

"Can you close your eyes for me, please?" Yuma asks sweetly.

And there it is. I still think it's a bit early for something like this, though I guess it has to be done.

Sighing, I summon a dagger in my hand before quickly stepping forward and driving the tip into Yuuma's stomach. The girl's eyes shoot open in shock as she staggers backward, dropping the stuffed animal in the process, and clutching the hilt of the weapon embedded into her flesh.

"Y-You… what..? Why..?"

"Your acting was perfect," I say as I draw another dagger from behind my back. "But you made several fatal mistakes."

Yuuma's beautiful face contorts in pain and fury as she glares at me.

"You knew surprisingly little about me for somebody who has admired me for a long time. Also, if you were stalking me I would've noticed you long ago." I continued to explain. "There were far too many holes in your story."

"Hehe… To think that a mere human could see through my deception…" Yuuma mutters with a dark chuckle. "I thought that I would be able to take you by surprise, and then watch as your life drains away in despair. It doesn't matter now."

Stepping backwards, Yuuma leaps into the air and a bright light engulfs her, forcing me to shield my eyes. The light disperses in a couple of beats, revealing the girl dressed in some kind of fetishist BDSM gear hovering in the air with a pair of raven-like wings sprouting from her back.

"Now, allow me to pay you pack tenfold for the wound you inflicted on me!" She shouts while rearing her arm back as if she's going to throw a javelin. Light coalesces and forms together into a long spear in her hand before she sends it flying towards me.

Great. I'm at a disadvantage here.

Rolling to the side, I throw my dagger at her as the spear just barely misses my head. Coming up from the roll, I see Yuuma easily swerve away from the weapon I threw before retaliating with a barrage of light spears.

At the rate this battle is going, I'm going to get impaled by one of those things. Guess I'll just have to use those two.

After flipping over the light spears, I reach into my Vault and pull out a pair of curved black and white short swords crafted with a Yin Yang motif: Gan Jiang and Mo Ye.

"You… How did you? I thought your Sacred Gear was Twice Critical!"

So she really was after my Sacred Gear.

Ah… how long has it been since I felt the familiar weight of these two blades in my hands? Not to mention, I'm beginning to feel the thrill of battle once again.

Throwing the white twin of the pair high into the air above me, I dash under the woman assailing me while dodging the constant barrage of spears before leaping up towards her.

"Hmph! How naïve! You can't dodge if you're midair!"

A mad grin descends on Yuuma's features as she thrusts a light spear towards my chest.

"I'd say its checkmate for you," I return as Mo Ye speeds towards Yuuma's back and embeds itself into one of her wings, causing her to violently lurch to the side. Ignoring the spear that scrapes past my cheek, I plunge Gan Jiang into her heart, watching as the light fades from the girl's eyes.

"Im… possible… Ah... Lord Kokabiel…"

As we begin to plummet towards the ground, I retrieve the twin short swords before leaping off her lifeless body and landing on the destroyed concrete path as the girl known as Yuuma lands in the fountain with large splash.

Shaking the blood off the twin blades, I store Gan Jiang and Mo Ye back into my Vault and walk over towards the fountain, picking up the discarded lion its fur covered in dust with some of its stuffing pouring out of the various scratches covering its body. The constantly reclycling water in the fountain quickly turns red with blood, creating a gruesome but beautiful art piece with the Fallen Angel's body as the focus. I forcefully suppress the growing whirlwind of emotions rising from my chest. Her last words and thoughts were of somebody precious to her.

Tch. Damn. It's been so long since I last had to kill. I've grown soft.

"Your fate was sealed the moment you were sent to kill me, Yuuma. If you are to curse anyone for your death, then curse that foolish God watching over us for dealing you this hand," I whisper as I step into the fountain, the crimson water soak into my socks but I pay it no mind.

"As one life ends, another one begins. I just hope you have better luck in your next life."

Bending down, I close the girl's lifeless eyes and place the stuffed animal into her arms before leaving her behind. It seems that people after my Sacred Gear have finally begun to move.

Reaching into my pocket, I pull out a crumpled sheet of paper.

'Make a wish'. If my intuition is correct then the Occult Research club is behind this. Considering how their members have been watching me over this past week that must mean they must've been expecting me to be attacked, and by extension killed so they can swoop in and harvest my Sacred Gear. I can't really imagine Angels coming up with a plan like that, Fallen Angels are probably too prideful, and so that just leaves the Devils. Not to mention there is a pentagram drawn on the back of the flyer.

Alright, I guess now would be a good time to confront them. Closing my eyes, I focus on a single thought: 'I want to see Rias Gremory'.

A strange sound coming from in front of me prompts me to open my eyes again just in time to see a magic circle appear on the ground. From it the crimson haired beauty appears and steps forward, an amiable smile gracing her features.

"You have called, and so I have come," she greets with all the presence of a noble. "Now, what do you wish of me?"

Not wasting any time, I bring out a dagger and press the tip of it into her throat. The blade breaks through her unmarked skin drawing a pinprick of blood that runs down the edge. Fear radiates from her eyes, but the girl manages to keep a straight face to her credit. Seems like she isn't just some pampered rich girl.

"I have some questions for you, and you're going to answer them. Do not speak unless you're told. Do not move unless you are told. If you do not comply I will end your life and move on to the next member of your little club. Do you understand? Nod if you do."

I drag the tip of the dagger across her neck until it rests against the side of her neck, allowing her to move her head more freely. The girl nods once, albeit extremely stiffly given the circumstances.

"Good. Now, are the Occult Research Club members Devils? Nod if yes."

A nod.

"Did you know that Fallen Angel was after my life? Nod if yes."

The girl's eyes flit towards the fountain behind me before nodding. Her complexion blanches slightly before returning her gaze to me.

"Are you after my Sacred Gear as well? Nod if yes."

Another nod.

"Now, were you planning to take my Sacred Gear after that Fallen Angel had killed me? Nod if yes."

Rias shakes her head this time. Interesting.


"We Devils have a system in place called Peerages," she begins, her voice steady. "With the Peerage system we are able to resurrect other races into Devils to bolster our ranks. I was planning to revive you and have you join my Peerage after you had died."

Hmhm… I see. I feel like she isn't exactly telling me everything, but…

"Pfft… haha… Ahahahahaha!"

I can feel the girl staring at me strangely at my sudden outburst, not that I care.

After taking some time to calm down, I stare into Rias' eyes and grin.

"Not bad, but a beautiful young girl like you shouldn't rely on such schemes like that. It'll change you, and eventually turn you into a monster."

"Eh?" The girl blinks in confusion at my advice.

Just as I'm about to lower my weapon, a cold feeling washes over me, warning me to get away. Before I know it, I'm surrounded on all sides by the other members of the Occult Research club. A blade is pressed into my back, threatening to spear me the instant I make a wrong move; my arm is stuck in a vice-like grip contrasted by the cute knuckle dusters with pink paw prints on the backs covering the pair of small hands holding onto me, and finally, to top it all off is Himejima Akeno hovering above me with her palm pointing towards me as electricity sparks across her fingertips.

Looks like I'm in a pinch.

"Hm. It seems you have some good companions, girl."

"Um… Thank you," Rias replies unsurely.

Releasing my grip on the dagger, I let it drop to the ground with a sharp clang.

"I have to say, though. You're all a few centuries too early to beat me."

My heart rate begins to speed up, and my perception of the world begins to slow down dramatically. The pain in my chest already begins to set in. I can't breathe, my head feels like it's about to burst, and my limbs are burning up. Just a few seconds. I just need to last for a few seconds.

Wrenching my arm free from Toujou Koneko's grasp, I spin around and kick out, catching the blonde haired prince in her side before leaping to the side just in time to see a lightning bolt crash into the space I was standing in before.

Damn. I guess I can only manage a doubling at this point.

The world spins as I'm forced to my knees by the feeling of a million tiny needles stabbing my heart. I was naïve thinking that I could handle Awakening with my current abilities.

Forcing myself back onto my feet, I roll to the side just in time to see the small white-haired girl blow a crater in the ground with just a punch. For someone so tiny she sure can pack a punch.

I'm at a massive disadvantage here. Not to mention I don't want to reveal my entire arsenal of weapons just fighting some teenage Devils. Now would be a good time to run.

"Ara, and where do you think you're going?"

I freeze in my tracks as Himejima swoops down in front of me. The rest quickly follow suit and surround me on all sides, effectively cutting off my escape routes.

At this point the only option I have left is to give up, and hope that they don't decide to kill me.

Sighing, I raise both my arm into the air, palm open, to signal my surrender.

"Alright, alright. Fine. You got me," I groan. "If you're planning to kill me, then just make it quick."

"It's fine!" Rias calls out. "She won't hurt us."

The girls surrounding me all look at each other briefly before lowering their respective weapons, or lack thereof. Although they still remain as wary as before.

Hm. They are just kids after all. The thought of actually ending a person's life probably doesn't sit well with them.

Rias clears her throat and strides up to me confidently.

"I'm sorry if we have left an unfavourable impression of us on you, Hyoudou-san," she says, holding her hand out. "If possible, I would like for you to come to our clubroom after classes tomorrow."

This girl may be naïve, but at the very least she seems to have some guts. Well with Ddraig asleep I can use this opportunity to finally learn more about the supernatural side of this world. He didn't exactly explain much during the short time he was awake.

"Fine. I suppose I'll take you up on that offer," I answer while grasping and shaking her hand. Her skin is incredibly smooth, almost intoxicatingly so. I almost wish I can just caress her –

Shaking my head free of anymore impure thoughts, I let go of the girl's hand. Was that a charm at work just now? No. I didn't feel any magic at work there. I must be tired. Using Awakening like that took a lot more out of me than I thought.

"Well then, I'll be going now."

As I begin to walk away from the members of the Occult Research club, I catch snippets of the conversation going on between them.

"Are you sure it's wise to let that girl go like that, Buchou? She's clearly not just a normal person being able to kill a Fallen Angel like that."

"Yes, but it doesn't seem like she's malignant. She had the chance to kill me, but left me alive. It seems I've made a mistake in my judgement."

Hmph. 'Mistake' is a bit of an understatement.

Ah… That was rough. I need a good, long bath after I get home. After that it's straight to bed for me. Maybe I'll finally be able to meet with Ddraig again tonight.

Omake: School Days

"Hyoudou-kun, do you mind delivering these to the staff room? The student council apparently needs my help with something so I can't do it myself."

Glancing up from packing my bag, I see my homeroom teacher, a handsome man in his early thirties with side swept black hair partially covering one of his eyes, standing beside me holding a stack of papers.

I give him a small smile and nod. "Of course, Hamano-sensei. I'd be glad to."

"Thanks. I'll leave them on the desk up front so just grab them on your way out."

After saying his bit, the teacher walks away while scratching the back of his head.

"That damn Sona's a slave driver…" he grumbles.

Guess he has his fair share of problems, huh.

I quickly finish packing up before making my way to the staff room after picking up the stack of documents.

Damn… I should've tried to train my body instead of neglecting it so much. My arms are straining under the weight of these things.

Sighing, I readjust my grip on the damned things as I continue staggering through the hallways.

"Here, allow me to help."

Without warning, more than half of the papers sitting in front of my face disappear and I can see in front of me again..

That smooth, handsome voice can belong only to one person.

"Kiba-san, thank you," I say, turning my head to face the knight in shining armour.

The blonde-haired girl returns my thanks with a charming smile and a shake of her head.

"Don't worry about it. It's only natural to help a cute girl in need."

Cute girl, huh? What a smooth talker.

Wait, shit! Why is my face getting hot?! I shouldn't be happy getting called cute, especially at my age. It seems I've underestimated Kiba's ability to seduce girls.

"Are you sure you have time to help me out, Kiba-san? You're in the Occult Research club, aren't you? Won't Gremory-senpai be mad if you're late?" I ask in an attempt to change the subject.

"Ahahah…" she chuckles. "Yes, well I'm sure the president wouldn't mind if I am late by a couple of minutes. She is quite accommodating after all."

Sure sounds like you're in love with her with that kind of tone.

"Hm… Is that so? She sounds like a nice person."

A silence passes between us as we navigate through the throngs of students making their way to their afterschool activities. Occasionally, the two of us would brush against each other and Kiba would offer a quick apology.

"Hyoudou-san, do you mind if I ask you a question?" Kiba suddenly pipes up.

"Sure. Go ahead."

"Forgive me if this sounds rude, but I was wondering why you haven't joined any clubs. You excel in both academics and sports, and yet you refused every invitation you received since last year."

I wonder if she wants to invite me into her club. We were in the same class last year so it could just be concern for a former classmate. Although, I always was curious about what happens in that old school building with that low-level Bounded Field covering it. For now I'll just use the excuse I've always used.

"Well, I feel like my skills would be best put to use helping all the clubs equally rather than spending all my time on one club," I answer.

"I see. Then why did you turn down the position in the student council that was offered to you?"

Even though the question itself was innocent enough, the way she said it sent shivers running throughout my body. The Occult Research club... Just what are they up to?

"Ah, Kiba-san, it looks like we made it to the staff room."

"Eh?" The girl stops in her tracks and glances at the sign hanging above the sliding doors. "Ah, you're right. My apologies. It seems I got lost in our conversation."

Now would be a good time to get her out of here.

"Thank you for your help again, Kiba-san. I can take it from here. I shouldn't keep you from your club any longer than this." I say with a polite smile.

"There is no need to worry about that. Allow me to accompany you," she replies, returning my smile with one of her own.

Damn she's persistent.

"Well if you're sure…"

Tch. So much for trying to get her off my back.

Suppressing a sigh, I carefully hug the stack of papers to my chest and move to open the door only to have Kiba gracefully step in front of me and slide the door open while effortlessly balancing her portion of documents in one hand.

Let's just get this over with.

After delivering the documents and making some small talk with some of the teachers, Kiba and I exit the faculty office.

As I stretch out the kinks in my arms, Kiba turns to me and gazes into my eyes.

"Hyoudou-san, I have something to speak to you about in private. Do you mind following me?"

Hm. I guess it couldn't hurt to hear her out. Besides, who could say no to somebody like the Prince?

"Alright, sure."

My feet move unconsciously as I follow Kiba to the third floor and into an unused classroom. As soon as the door shuts behind me, the Prince is upon me, backing me into the wall and trapping me between her arms as her palms rest against the wall beside my head.

This is… a kabedon, right?

My shorter stature forces me to look up to see Kiba's face as she hovers over me. Her gaze is filled with desire and passion.

"Hyoudou-san – no – Saya," she whispers, her voice smooth and husky. "I love you. I always have, ever since the moment we crossed paths.

Ah… My heart is racing a million a minute. I can feel the heat, her want, radiating off her body, intoxicating me, slowly stripping away any sense of reason.

Before I know it, my lips move and words come pouring forth.

"K-Kiba-san, we shouldn't… We're both girls, and you're…"

I suck in a sharp breath as Kiba leans down and gently kisses my neck. The action sends shocks of pleasure travelling through my body, causing me to involuntarily shiver.

"Such things do not bother me. You are the one I love. That is all that matters."

It feels like my mind is melting. Yumi continues planting kisses all along my neck as her hands travel down to grasp mine. A calming sense of security washes over me as I let all pretences of resistance leave me. Maybe this is fine… It feels so good after all…

Yumi suddenly stops her ministrations and holds my chin up before locking eyes with me.

"Saya…" she breathes.

She doesn't need to say anything more. I relax in her arms and close my eyes.

Her lips press against mine. It's a chaste kiss, and yet I can feel my body burning up.

I'm completely under her charm, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Charm..? Charm…


My eyes snap open as I use all my strength to shove Kiba away from me.

Damn! How could I be so careless?! Then again, I didn't expect for Kiba to have such powers. I screwed up, and let my guard down. Even though I managed to break through the hypnotism I can still vaguely feel its effects. That kiss must've also helped cement it into my psyche.

Shaking my head, I force myself to move. It feel like I'm dragging my limbs through mud, but I manage to make it to the door and force it open. I stumble out into the hallway and quickly travel through the mostly vacated hallways, my thoughts still blanketed by a heavy haze.


I manage to make it to the entrance, and brace myself against the shoe lockers to catch my breath. My body is still overwhelmed with lust, and it's hard to think of anything but Yu – Kiba. At the very least it seems she isn't pursuing me. She could've easily caught me, and yet she chose not to. Just what is she planning?

The Occult Research club… I had thought they were harmless teenagers dabbling in magic, but it seems they're more dangerous than I gave them credit for. Making a mental note to investigate them, I unsteadily begin to make my way home.

-Stat Sheet-

Master: (N/A)

Evil Piece: (N/A)

Name: Saya Hyoudou

Titles: The Dimensional Ruler, Blue Messiah, Hound of the Vatican, Disgraced Azure Knight

Sex: Female

Race: Human

Height: 5'5" (167cm)

Alignment: Neutral Good


Strength: D

Endurance: D+

Agility: C

Magic: E-

Luck: A++

Weapons: Varied

Known Unique Weapons: Holy Lance Longinus, Crimson Sun Blade, Holy Moon Sword, Holy Sword Caledfwlch [Unusable], Clarent, Neith's Holy Bow, Sessho-Seki Fragments [Unusable], Claiomh Solais, Joyeuse, Vorpal Sword, Deux Xiphos, Qing Long Yan Yue Dao, Laevateinn, Gae Bolg, Gan Jiang and Mo Ye, Tyrfing, Hrunting, Dainsleif, Balmung, Valmanway, Burtgang, Kunitsuna, Muramasa, Parchment of Omniscience, Ascalon, Ig-Alima [Unusuable], Arondight, Caliburn, Excalibur Galatine,


Battle Continuation: A - Makes it possible to fight even with deadly wounds and stay alive unless a fatal blow is received.

Charisma: C- - Slightly boosts the morale and abilities of nearby allies.

Collector: EX - Hoarded an uncountable number of rare items.

Disengage: B - The ability to safely break away from combat.

Eye of the Mind (True): A - Heightened capacity for observation, refined through experience.

Eye of the Mind (False): C – A natural talent to foresee danger via an innate sixth sense.

Pioneer of the Stars: EX - A unique skill given to heroes who became turning points in history. All difficult voyages and challenges which are considered "impossible" are turned into "events that can be realized".


Boosted Gear: EX - A Sacred Gear that holds the ancient dragon Ddraig. It has the ability to double the user's strength every ten seconds as long as the user's body can handle the strain.

Dimensional Vault: EX - A collection of items that Saya has collected during her journeys. It has an unlimited storage space.

Awakening: EX - A psuedo-time stop ability that involves slowing down one's own perception of time by speeding up the body's processes. It has adverse effects on the user.

Adventurer's Insight: EX - The ability to sense areas of civilization, dungeons, ruins, and treasure. It has a maximum range of 25 kilometers (15.5 miles).

Mad Enhancement: A - Increases one's parameters but trades their sanity for it.

Power to Dominate a Dimension: (N/A)

Harem Progress:

Rias Gremory: Rank 1

Akeno Himejima: Rank 1

Yumi Kiba: Rank 1

Koneko Toujou: Rank 1