Disclaimer: Fire Emblem rightfully belongs to Nintendo, however... We can all agree, as with the rest of my deliciously evil Yandere fics, the main male protagonist belongs exclusively to the main female protagonist...

- Corrin - Time: 18:00 - Dining Area - Northern Fortress/Nohr.

Dim lights beautifully illuminate the elegant dining table that I'm currently sat at, I recall it being notably larger in size but I assume Camilla couldn't handle being so far apart from me, even whilst we eat. On that topic, Camilla is taking bites out of her specially prepared meal, an steak from the looks of it. Considering my diet has been hardly anything aside from soup, I'm surprised to be eating something solid as I haven't for sometime. It isn't without an catch, I can tell that Camilla has already put more of that drug which keeps me weakened and more vulnerable to her advances...

"Yummy... Isn't it, sweetie?" Camilla speaks softly whilst kindly gesturing with her cutlery as I can only nod back silently without an reply of my own.

This annoys Camilla as her grip becomes abit more firm on her fork, she shifts in her position on the chair.

My hands shackled by the wrists against the table yet I can still move my hands freely for the most part but cannot escape, and my legs are connected to the chair's legs by similarly designed metal chains. Camilla's meal is almost finished, I have hardly touched mine... The events in the Hot Springs bathing area, hasn't rid itself from my mind, I completely lost myself back there and the guilt continues to erode me.

Camilla however is ecstatic, from the appearance of her steak, is well over the limit that she usually likes it. She normally would have demanded that it'd be returned back into the kitchen and replaced with one of more refinement, yet she hasn't complained at all.

Not once. That scares me, is she so happy with what's happened? That she doesn't acknowledge things that she previously would have?

I lose my train of thought, when Camilla arises from her chair across from me.

She walks closer to my location, her shapely hips and round large breasts swaying so sensually that I'm forced to withdraw my lingering gaze to avoid staring excessively yet Camilla only giggles when she notices me.

What's worse, is when she leans over me, close enough that I can feel her breathing against my face. Her left hand places itself on my shoulder as her right trails across my arm.

"What's wrong with you, Corrin? You haven't taken so much as an single bite from your food..." Camilla pouts, her tone becomes disheartened as I attempt to apologize.

"It's not... Big Sis, I..." I mutter helplessly in distress.

Camilla moves towards the back of the dining chair that I'm sat on as she throws her slender arms across my weary shoulders and links them possessively together while placing her head on my side as her hair begins tickling me. My acute ears detect that she's breathing in deeply as she draws close, then surprisingly forces an crimson tone on my face as Camilla's tongue slides across the ridge of my sensitive pointed ears.

"You've been very busy~ Sneaking glimpses at your beloved while they're eating." Camilla is partly right, but I've been keeping my eyes on her for another reason, I'm afraid what'll happen if I don't keep my eyes on her. She's merely twisting this situation to her liking! And I haven't been eating because if I do, if I complete eat everything that's infront of me, I'll pass out on the spot.

"That's... That's not true, I was merely-" Before I can reply. Camilla's fingers press themselves against my nose, forcing me to open my mouth yet again to recieve what she has instore for me. This time, it's food that's soaked in paralyzing medicine. Realising that, one way or another... Camilla WILL force me to eat every last bite, I raise my hands upwards, waving them around frantically to catch her attention.

I succeed, she immediately releases her grip on my nose and tilts her head in surprise.

"Corrin...? Baby?" She utters out in confusion, Camilla stays still yet remains unhealthily close to me.

"Th.. That's enough, Camilla. You needn't do that, here..." I submissively open my mouth wide, allowing her to feed me without any applied force from her part. She does so, this time with an wide victorious smile on her face. The spoon comes backwards and forwards into my maw as I chew slowly then swallow, my head becomes lighter with each piece I gulp down. Eventually I finish the meal and my grasp on reality becomes much more than it once was five minutes ago.

"All done~ You've been such an good boy for me, Corrin!" Camilla releases me from my restraints, but by now even I cannot act on my freedom as my legs provide no support as I stand... Instead, Camilla supports me as she holds my body and runs several of her fingers through my hair as if she owned it.

By now... She practically does, in truth.


I fall asleep seconds later.

- Corrin - Time: 22:01 - Barred Bedroom - Northern Fortress/Nohr.

Camilla's gentle lips... They're so soft, to my own...

But despite this blissful sensation inside me, I can't stop tasting the lingering taste of death incarnate on them. If that's even possible, but there's something that puts me on edge... Makes all of my hairs on my body stand straight upwards. Camilla is currently leaning over me as I lay on the bed, she's laying too, free from my chains and binds for the most part.

Every single possible passage of escape is blocked and shut down with chains. Even at my full strength, they'd be tiresome to break away with brute force alone.

Camilla knows that, she knows that I couldn't run away from her in this state. Believe me, I've already tried. I only made it so far that Berkura and Selena stopped me in my tracks, they're terrifyingly loyal to Camilla but I don't blame them. Camilla has always been good with gartnering the admiration of her followers, including her retainers.

Upon my awakening, I took several moments to realise that my garments had been removed aside from my black Nohrian briefs, Camilla herself is currently dressed in her usual attire with less armor plating for comfort sake as she lays intimately on my nude body. Her fingers have made repeated circles on my chest, as I breathe inside and out.

"Camilla... How long have you-" I speak for the first time since I opened my eyes, she yet again blocks my words from making a single sound with her lips that move so passionately against my own. They continue to move for several minutes, several long minutes that force me to choose between pulling away or trying to keep up with Camilla in hope's that it'll improve her mood. I go for the second option, despite failing horribly at kissing all the same.

"Corrin, dear. I hope you're finding your new living arrangements exciting for you, afterall..."

"...Huh?" Still dazed from the intimate action, I mutter awkwardly.

"You'll be staying here for an very long time, my love~"

"You don't mean- But, what about everyone else?! Leo, Elise and Xander!" Calling out my siblings names, doesn't solve my loneliness at all. I knew that I'd miss them during my travels, but being so close to them and yet so apart... Hurts me deeply.

"You can write them letters, sweetie. As long as you continue pretending that you aren't dwelling in Nohr." Camilla's thought extensively about this, it's like she knows my questions before I say them. She can read me perfectly like I'm her favourite romantic novel. I doubt this particular novel has an happy ending regardless.

"Even if you say that, Camilla. Hoshido won't stop until you apologize! Sister Hinoka won't stop!" I put reality into perspective in Camilla's eyes, it's true that she may never be free from the Hoshidan Ninja's attacks on her.

This also puts me in danger as I'm closely connected with her at all times, she knows that too.

"..." Camilla's response isn't heard as swift as her words, infact she doesn't speak at all...

That what terrifies me then... The worst comes, in the form of quiet yet shrilling laughter.

"Heh... Hehehe... Heheehehehe..." Camilla's entire face is hidden by her hair as she rises slowly from my body so she is sitting directly on it. Her hands are still laying motionlessly on my chest as they become slowly yet surely moving towards my face, then I realise...

It's not my face that they're going towards, it's my NECK.

"Cam... Camilla!" I scream in distress and alarm, truly afraid, struggling to move away yet held down by her weight on my body. The drug's effects and my deprivement of food has taken it's toll, I simply cannot move.

Her hands reach my neck.

Placing themselves firmly unto it, as she reveals her face from the messy stringy assortment of hair that formerly hid it's features, she is grinning madly whilst applying more pressure as I begin to choke excessively with my hands trying to pull her off me in vain.

"Why...? Why?! WHY?!" She shrieks, beginning to throw me backwards and forwards against the bed in pure unbound rage and frustration, her hands are firmly on my soft throat. I'd be screaming if I wasn't already being strangled. Why could Camilla be so cruel?!

"Kuk... Ack... Aaah..." I spurt, gagging on my words.

"Why are you so fixated on everyone else apart from me, Corrin?!" Still shrieking loudly at me, Camilla stops for a few moments as she tearfully buries her face into my chest whilst sobbing heavily. There's moisture on my chest, but I cannot acknowledge that as I am heavily panting in relief yet Camilla's hands do not depart from my neck as I hoped they would.

"Aren't I enough for you?" She quietly asks me with an depressed dejected tone of voice that cries out for love and affection, my love and affection, I try to respond but she continues without my response.

"Will I ever be enough for you, Corrin?" Then, pressure is once again felt on my neck as my breathing is interrupted and I spew spit and saliva from my mouth across the room from the shock as my head is thrown further backwards by the force of the intense grip.

"Do you even love me...?"

"Y.. Yes... I do..." I barely manage reply before losing any willpower and strength for resistance, my salvation comes in the form of Berkura whom had arrived sometime into the end of the strangulation, I noticed that as soon as I spoke, Camilla's grip on my lessened. Perhaps, even an smile was seen by my eyes but I can't tell for sure... My head is everywhere, even if Camilla has already removed her hands from me.

The motherly hands that used to comfort me, now torture me instead.

What an cruel twist of fate.

"Lady Camilla, we've got an visitor requesting to see your... Belonging." Bekura remarks with an sharp tone, she's folding her arms tightly in discomfort from my view. That is, what I'm stuck at perceiving as Camilla is pressing my head down gently to the side.

My eyes are watery and I can barely keep myself together anymore.

"Is it, Knight Slias? If so, turn him away and remind him of our little... Agreement." Camilla responds swiftly as she lovingly strokes the side of my face, I'd respond myself in protest but I'm honestly afraid to do so.

"It isn't, it's Prince Corrin's butler." Bekura replies with an affirmed tone. Camilla's eyes immediately become more alert and focused, she vents her anger at Slias's betrayal on some nearby metal bars, she begins pulling on them enough to loosen their foundations. I had partly smiled upon realising that Jakob learnt of my captivity here, but cowered upon Camilla's hateful movements. I wasn't willing to risk coming so close to death again, especially not now that Jakob knew where I was.

"...That... Idiot..." Camilla quietly muttered in frustration, she recomposed herself seconds later before commanding Bekura authoritatively with an gesture of her hands.

"Leave this to me, guard Corrin with your life and assure that he doesn't get lost." After kissing my cheek tenderly whilst caressing my ear with her scarily gentle hand, Camilla removes herself from my bedside and strides towards the exit, as her heels are heard on the floor.

Bekura nodded in response, yet Camilla felt the need to reaffirm her words abit more as she turned around to Bekura upon reaching the exit, her singular exposed eye glaring in her direction with such fierceness that I am stricken with acute terror that I'm forced to pull away and turn in the opposite direction.

"Do not lay an single digit on him. Are we understood, my lovely Retainer?"

"You are, understood." Bekura merely replied with that, her words are empty and lacked alot of the emotions that run through even the coldest of individuals.


Camilla was gone, and I was left alone with Bekura.

Somehow... I feel alot more secure than when I was alone with Camilla, for some reason.

...I don't know why...

I wanted to release this chapter alot more quicker but I had an busy weekend, so I apologize immensely!

Now everyone that reads this fanfic, I have an important request for you! I've placed an poll on my profile, I ask that you check that out and VOTE as it'll impact ALOT of the future chapters, for once...

You'll have input into the story that you've all come to quietly hide in your favourite's bar out of personal shame. x'D

Get voting and I'll be sure to release the next chapter once I've got enough votes for an choice!

May the best Choice win!

(Seriously tho, I've got my bets already.)