Author's note: This is the long awaited (so sorry about that, BTW) sequel to Only for One Night. My muse was inspired by 7.02 (not that I watched it, but CS as parents is something I want to see!), so I can finally bring it to you. If all goes as planned, this universe will probably wind up being a trilogy, because that's how I roll. If you haven't read Only for One Night, please do. This story will make no sense if you don't. I've got a lot of fics going on at once, so updates may be slow, but they will be steady. I love this universe a lot and have many fun things to bring you! Enjoy this prologue, set two months after Emma gives birth. :)

Disclaimer: Do we even need these anymore?


"I thought I'd find you here."

Emma didn't look up; she couldn't take her eyes off the sleeping form in the crib. The moonlight made the jewels in his mobile glitter, crisscrossing his small body in blues and reds and greens. He looked so innocent, so tiny. Unconsciously, she hugged her arms around herself, wondering if she was doing the right thing. How could she leave her helpless little boy?

Killian stepped up behind her, curling his arms around her waist. "Alright, love?"

"He looks so peaceful."

"Aye, he does." Killian brushed his lips over her temple, hoping to comfort her. He understood exactly what she was feeling; this felt wrong to him as well. But they had to start letting their boy go, just a little. "I doubt he'll stay that way."

Emma's lips twitched; her pirate always found a way to make her smile. "Well, he is your son."

Killian leaned his head against hers, forever marveling that this was his life. That he had a wife and son, a family. "He's ours." None of this would be possible without the love of the woman in his arms, her faith not only in him but in what they could be together. Together, they created the perfect little life in the crib, their son. It was the greatest joy of his life, to watch and catalogue all the little changes in their boy, to see the pure love on Emma's face every time she held him.

Emma turned in his arms, burying her nose in his chest. He smelled of sea salt and old wood; it was her second favorite scent in the world. The only thing better was the soft clean scent of her son. "What if he needs me?"

Killian rubbed her back. "We're right next door, lass. Our son is quite adept at letting us know when he needs you."

"He needs his papa too."

"Perhaps not so much yet." Liam was only eight weeks old; it felt longer. Emma nursed him herself, unwilling to entrust her precious son to a wet nurse, even though it was common for royalty. Killian learned long ago that his Princess was unlike any royalty he'd ever met. Still, he didn't begrudge her this time with their son. He could spend hours simply watching them. It simply made him more determined to protect them.

Nothing was going to take his family from him. Not again.

Emma shook her head against his chest. "He always knows when Papa is near. You should see the way he perks up when he hears your voice. He loves you so much."

Killian hugged her tighter, a lump forming in his throat. For someone as gregarious as he, he had no words for how much he loved his son. Or his wife. They were his entire world. "If he wakes, I'll sing him a lullaby," he promised gruffly. "But you need your rest, love."

She knew he was right. She was tired. Her mother had tried to warn her about how exhausting an infant could be, but Emma hadn't believed her. Liam was a good baby, but her son wasn't half pirate for nothing. When her baby was upset, the whole castle knew it. Killian was amazing, taking the baby when she was too frazzled to think, singing to him, telling him stories of their adventures. Emma lost count of how many times she fell asleep to the sound of her husband's voice, so tender and soothing. She couldn't do this without Killian, of that she was sure. But this night was different. She was just so used to Liam sleeping a few feet away; some irrational part of her felt like she was abandoning him. Even by sleeping in the next room. She had to be strong. Liam would be fine. "Can we leave the door open?"

Killian smiled, his teeth bright in the moonlight. "Will that make you feel better?"

"I know it's silly, but yeah."

"Not silly at all, sweetheart." He kissed her forehead tenderly. "This is new for both of us."

Emma hugged him in thanks; she couldn't express how much his patience and acceptance meant to her. Their lives had changed so much since Liam's birth, but this remained the same. Her pirate just got her.

They both said a soft goodnight to their baby, then walked back to their room, hand in hand. Killian left the adjoining door ajar; he was surprised how much it eased his mind. Like Emma, it was hard for him to let their son out of his sight. Not with the danger he knew lurked out in the world. From their bed, he could just make out the large crib, its mobile shining in the soft light. Sleep well, little one.

Emma stripped out of her loose dress unaided, slipping on one of Killian's black linen shirts. Gooseflesh rose on her skin. Automatically, she waved her hand; a merry fire started to burn in the fireplace. She held her hands out, letting the heat wash over her.

Killian watched her from their bed, arrested by her beauty. The fire made her golden hair a riot of red gold curls, his borrowed shirt hovered enticingly at mid-thigh. Unconsciously, he began to harden and he bit back a groan. They hadn't been together since Emma gave birth; at first, he hardly noticed or cared, so caught up was he in the care of their boy. Between that and his worry about the Dark One, sex was the last thing on his mind. But he missed it, missed her. Seeing her like this…he couldn't help wanting her.

"Coming to bed, Princess?"

Emma turned, brought up short by the sight of her husband. He appeared relaxed, casually lounging against the pillows, the sheet pooled around his trim waist, leaving his bare chest exposed. In a strange way, it felt like she was seeing him for the first time. And just like that first time, his beauty floored her. His hair was just a bit shaggy, fringe hanging in his eyes, those blue eyes sparkling in the moonlight. His skin appeared silver, almost ghostly, every muscle chiseled to perfection.

It made her hyperaware of her own body for the first time in weeks. Arousal tingled between her thighs, her heavy breasts ached to be touched. Even so, she was embarrassed; how would be react to her now? She'd given birth, surely that changed things? She still didn't feel like herself; deep down, she feared she might never feel like the woman Killian fell in love with again.

Killian seemed to sense her hesitation. He peeled back the duvet invitingly, consciously placing himself on his side of the bed. Emma cursed herself silently, quickly crossing the space between the fire and the huge bed they shared. Killian stretched out on his side, facing her but not touching her. He wanted her, but he knew it had to happen in her own time. But he could feel how charged the air was between them; he wondered if she felt it too. Their eyes remained locked together, green on blue, both unable to speak.

Emma watched him, a desperate ache building inside her. She didn't feel tired anymore. How had she forgotten how handsome her pirate was? How kissable his lips were? How blue his eyes were? Slowly, she inched her hand toward his blunt wrist, her fingers caressing the scarred flesh.

Killian's breathing hitched, even that slight touch going straight to his groin. He hated himself for it; she was a mother now, fretting over her child not ten minutes ago. They couldn't do this now.

Emma moved closer, drawn to his warmth, to those eyes. Biting her lip, she reached up to touch his exposed shoulder, her fingers tracing his bicep. She felt him shiver, his eyes filled with an odd kind of desperation she'd never seen before. Finally, she found her voice. "Killian?"

He licked his lips, tentatively reaching for her. His hand settled on her hip, then stopped. "I want to…"

"Want what?" she asked softly, hoping she wasn't alone in this. She was as nervous as she had been their very first night together, so long ago. Had she truly been that reckless princess that invited a roguish pirate into her bed, begging him to take her virginity?

Her fingers found his, threading them together. He brought them to his lips, pressing an earnest kiss to her knuckles. "I want to kiss you," he confessed. "But if I do, I might not be able to stop."

Emma sighed in relief, kissing his knuckles in return. "Perhaps I don't want you to stop."

"Emma…we don't have to, if you're not ready."

She brought his hand to her breast, moaning softly as he gently rubbed her nipple through the fabric. It felt so good, she wanted to weep. The midwife told her that it was okay for her to resume sexual relations with her husband; it was her fault they hadn't. She didn't like the reflection in the mirror. But all that seemed to fade as the man she loved slowly caressed her.

"Please," she whimpered, arching into his touch. "Gods, I miss you."

He groaned, suddenly painfully aware of their son in the next room. "We'll have to be quiet."

"Don't care." Emma was shocked at how fast she moved, fusing her lips to his. They were just as soft as she remembered, and just as hungry. They'd shared a myriad of chaste kisses since Liam was born, but this was more. This was the fire she remembered, the fire she longed for without realizing it. Killian pulled her into his arms, rolling so she was on top of him, her legs settling on either side of his hips. Once she was settled, he slowed, threading his fingers into her golden locks as they kissed. He relished rediscovering her, the way she moaned as he nipped at her lips, the way her nails dug into his biceps as she shivered in pleasure. Unconsciously, she began to roll her hips, craving contact.

"Oh, bloody hell," Killian hissed. He dug his fingers into the soft globe of her arse, her wet flesh stroking his cock deliciously. "So wet for me."

She hummed, moving faster; his cock felt so good, rigid and thick. "Killian."

He grunted, wrist and hand reluctantly trying to hold her still. "Darling…Princess…you have to stop."

Had she read him wrong? Doubt curled her belly as she bit her lip. "Don't you want me?"

"I do, I do so much, but if you don't stop, this will be over before I can have you." It had been so long; their enforced celibacy started even before Emma gave birth. She'd insisted on doing what she could, sucking him off almost daily before Liam was born. But it wasn't the same. He wanted to make love to her.

"Oh. Sorry?"

He laughed dryly. "Don't be, my darling." He kissed her sweetly, but his need for her still ran high. The kiss inevitably deepened, Killian rolled them over and promptly buried his face in her cleavage. Emma gasped, her fingers sinking into his thick hair. Liam fed right before she put him down to sleep, but she could hardly tell. Her breasts were always sensitive, but this was new. Killian palmed one gently even as he dragged the fabric of her borrowed shirt clear of the other with his teeth. He licked the nipple, tongue swirling around it until it puckered. Emma turned to bury her face in the pillow, a powerful bolt of lust shooting through her.

"Oh gods, oh gods," she breathed.

"Missed you so much, Princess." He inched his way down her body; Emma held still as he passed over her belly. She'd lost only a fraction of the weight she'd gained during her pregnancy; she hated it. But Killian paid her rounded belly no attention as he pressed her thighs apart.

"Killian, you don't…" Gods, she hadn't groomed herself in weeks; she barely had time to bathe properly! Liam needed to be fed frequently; she was so tired that she had to sleep when he slept. It hadn't seemed important at the time, but now she was red with embarrassment. What if her lover was repulsed?

He cocked an incredulous brow at her. "Emma, if you don't want…"

"No, I want you, I want this…gods, I feel so silly…"

He kissed the inside of her thigh. "Let me make you feel good, sweetheart," he murmured. "I've missed you so."

Slowly, she nodded. "Yes, yes, please." No sooner were the words out of her mouth than his descended on her sex. Emma gasped as he licked her, his tongue working its own magic on her. She fisted the sheet, her hips rising automatically. Killian held her still with his forearm, his fingers parting her sopping folds. Her thatch of golden curls didn't deter him in the slightest; he could die happily between his wife's thighs. She tasted like ambrosia, food of the gods; he couldn't get enough. His nose rubbed her clit as he devoured her; she writhed and thrashed, struggling to stay quiet. She managed to turn her face into the pillow just in time, her orgasm crashing into her, her body trembling hard. She was still shaking as her lover took her, his cock filling her completely. Emma clutched at him, overwhelmed with feeling, her body welcoming him home.

"I love you, I love you," Killian whispered in her ear as he rocked into her. He tried to move slowly, to relish the feel of her, but it had been so long. Emma locked her ankles behind his back and he grunted. He took her harder, deeper, mouth ravenous on hers. Emma used his shoulder to muffle another scream, climaxing with her lover this time, feeling his cock pulse within her. Killian groaned her name, breathless, shaking in her arms.

Emma felt tears slide down her cheeks; she had no idea why she was crying. She wrapped her arms around him, taking strength from his solid presence.

"Did I hurt you?" Killian asked, worried. She'd never cried before.

"No, I'm okay."

Killian eased himself off her, not convinced. "Are you sure? We should have waited…"

"I promise, I'm okay." She rolled onto her side, cupping his scruffy jaw. "I just…I don't know. I guess I didn't realize how much I missed…us. We've been so busy with Liam and I love him so much…"

Killian brought her hand to his chest, where she could feel his racing heart as it slowed. "I understand completely, lass. Seeing you with our son brings me so much joy…but I've missed us as well. And you did make me promise we wouldn't lose that."

Gods, she'd completely forgotten that! "I am so sorry, Killian."

"What could you possibly be sorry for?"

"I don't know how to do this," she confided. "I don't know how to love you, to be with you like we were before and still…be a mother."

"Emma, listen to me. You've done nothing wrong. And we may never be exactly as we were before."

Inexplicably, her lip trembled. "That's what I'm afraid of."

"Oh love." He leaned in and kissed her, trying to soothe her fears. "When I say that, I don't mean it the way you think. I mean that things will be better. Every moment I have with you is precious. Precious in ways I never expected. Whether we're like this, or we're tending our son…this is the happiest I have ever been in my life. I never expected to be a father, Emma. Now that I am…thank you is all I can say. Thank you for being the strong brave lass I fell in love with, who took a chance on someone like me. I will do everything in my power to make you happy, I promise."

She hugged him close, so moved by his speech that she started crying again. But these were happy tears. "I promise too," she said, voice shaking. "I promise, Killian."

He cradled her face, tenderly kissing away her tears. "We'll find even more ways to be deliriously happy, Princess. You'll see."

She giggled. "I'm going to hold you to that, Captain."

"I would despair if you didn't." He let her use his chest as a pillow, holding her close. Emma tugged the blanket back over them, feeling content for the first time since she laid her son in his crib. The rhythm of her pirate's heart lulled her to sleep, reminding her of more carefree times.

They were woken by an anguished cry a few hours later; Emma rose sleepily. She rolled from the bed automatically, wrapping her robe around her as she hurried into the nursery. Little Liam was squalling fiercely, his face scrunched up and red. "Shhh, sweetie, Mama's here, Mama's here." She picked him up, quickly checking to see if he was wet. She was learning his cries, but it didn't hurt to be sure. But even as she did, her son was trying to maneuver his mouth to her breast. "My baby's hungry?" she asked, loosening her robe as she sat in the rocking chair. "Here you go, love." Killian's shirts were low cut enough that she could leave them on while her son nursed. She winced just a little as Liam latched on, her son calming immediately as he suckled. She felt better too, her breasts heavy with milk. "Hmm, you were very hungry, weren't you, Liam?"

"I think he just missed his mum."

Emma looked up, surprised to see her husband. "You can go back to sleep."

"Nonsense." Killian crossed the room in three strides, plucking one of Liam's books from the shelf. Since putting the Jolly into winter quarters, they moved most of his brother's belongings into the castle, the books into his namesake's nursery. He sat crosslegged at Emma's feet, producing a candle. "If you would be so kind, darling?"

Emma smiled, waving her free hand to light it. Its glow turned Killian's blue eyes green; her grin widened. "What are you going to read?"

"Why, a riveting tale of swashbuckling pirates, of course!"

She laughed, making Liam squirm in protest. "Sorry, baby," she cooed, brushing whisps of his dark hair back. "Papa's going to read us a story."

"Too right. You'll love this one, lad." He opened the book to the right page and started to read softly. Emma loved him so much for everything he did for their son; he was already a wonderful father. She gently switched Liam to her other breast, using her free hand to comb her fingers through Killian's hair. He relaxed against her, still reading, pausing occasionally to kiss her knee. Eventually, Emma felt her arm falling asleep; Killian pushed himself up and took the baby from her. "There's a good lad," he murmured softly. "Let's let Mama sleep for a little bit, yeah?" He began to pace slowly, singing Liam's favorite lullaby, just as he promised. Killian couldn't stop staring at his little boy's face, a perfect blending of his and Emma's. Their little miracle. Once he was sure Liam was asleep, he brushed a soft kiss to his son's head and carefully placed him back in the crib.

"All is well again." But when Killian turned, Emma was asleep too. Smiling to himself, he bent to scoop her up, carrying her bridal style back to their bed. If this was the rest of his life, Killian would have no complaints.

The image of the pirate and princess swirled in the orb, mocking him. "Sickening, isn't it?"

Rumple scowled at his jailor. "Well, Regina didn't get her colorful personality from her sad sack of a father, now did she?"

His jailor waved the image away, furious. "Regina was weak; I was simply trying to guide her. As a mother should."

Cora stepped into the light, a smile on her face. Rumple refused to recoil; he was the Dark One, the most powerful magical being in existence. Yes, the Queen of Hearts managed to surprise him, but he'd been distracted, sloppy. He wouldn't make that mistake again. Still, he thought he could turn this to his advantage. He always did, given time. "And how did that go, dearie? She died hating you."

Cora's mask slipped for just a moment, then it was back. "Something else we have in common, Rumple."

Rumple giggled and coiled his scaly fingers around the bars that restrained him. He felt an odd surge of pride; everything Cora knew about magic, she learned from him. If anyone was going to briefly gain the advantage over him, it would be his star pupil. "If I recall correctly, we had much more than that."

Cora laughed, but it sounded wrong, hateful. "We had nothing, Dark One. I have a much more pertinent question. Why are you so interested in this girl? She clearly has something you want."

"I don't know what you're talking about, dearie."

Cora leaned in close. "I know you, Rumplestiltskin. Better than anyone. We're the same, you and me. I'll discover your secret. And when I do, I'll make you wish you never came to Wonderland."

Rumple didn't back down. He was the Dark One, he had nothing to fear. Well, almost nothing. But Cora didn't need to know that. "We'll see about that, dearie. We'll see."

Cora smiled that cold, cold smile and disappeared in a swath of swirling red smoke.

Rumple sat on the cold stone bench, steepling his fingers in contemplation. While this excursion to Wonderland had momentarily derailed his plans, he could be patient. The so called Savior wasn't going anywhere. Even better, she'd finally had her brat! Now, she was vulnerable, weak. Once he found the elusive clue to destroying her, he could strike. Cora was an inconvenience, nothing more. He'd take care of her in due time.

Right now, he needed to think.