Reviews for Thorn Among Roses
LivK00 chapter 5 . 8/13
Just finished. I absolutely love it! Please continue! chapter 5 . 4/16
Please please update soon
PastOneonta chapter 3 . 3/15
My heart hurts for Emma and her struggles. Self doubt can be so hard, and she has magic, the responsibilities of the realm in addition to being a new mom. I loved Rosalind and was glad to see that she did help Emma. I hope they stay in touch more regularly. The visit to the Jolly was a great idea, and intimacy where they were first together made them both feel stronger. But I am worried about Tink. Why is she not responding? Looking forward to the rest.
BlackHeartxx chapter 1 . 1/20
I just finished the prequel to this ff and I just loved it in every single part.
I was about to dive in this one but then I noticed you left it incomplete.. it makes me very sad because I was really looking forward to read the sequel to that beautiful story.
I hope that maybe you’ll change your mind and will update soon or after.
In the meantime, best regardsSorry if I made any mistakes, I’m not a native English speaker)
Guest chapter 5 . 11/17/2019
Why have you not updated this in almost a year? I love this fic so much and I could not put your story down. I've been hiding with my phone at work so that I could keep reading. Please, please, please keep your story up because I think that you are a great writer. Don't listen to any of the haters because they have no idea what they are talking about. I hope you can find your way back to this story because I would love to see how it ends!
All the love in the world,
PastOneonta chapter 2 . 10/7/2019
My heart hurts for Emma. She is so strong but life has changed for her and she’s hesitant in her changed circumstances. Like many new moms she worries about her changed body. Like the princess who sought freedom on a pirate ship she worries if she will ever feel that freedom again. She loves her baby and her husband so very much and yet where do they end and she begins? Then there is the Dark One who is indeed plotting right now!

I love this setting and this Emma and Killian and I come back to check on this story regularly. It gives me the chance to catch up on reviews! We appreciate your writing for CaptainSwan and look forward to your next update, in this story and any other!
Guest chapter 5 . 12/10/2018
How sweet it is. I think the last update was a snow day. Thanks!
Luna chapter 5 . 12/9/2018
Oh how I’ve missed this story! So happy you updated. This story has a little of everything that I love: smut, jealous and protective Killian, badass Emma, and supportive Tink! Can’t wait to see who will be little Liam’s fairy godmother!
ekr1989 chapter 5 . 12/9/2018
Ooh I can’t wait for the family trip. Is the fair godmother going to be tiger lily? Ooh will little Liam have powers? Ohh soo many questions. Such a good update. This universe I love soo much. Bravo.
Anonymous189 chapter 4 . 7/30/2018
Well that was a fun chapter! Glad to see Tink and you've definitely got us wondering about Blue. Also glad everyone got out of the castle. Looking forward to their voyage to Arendelle.

By the way, it would be easier to find your story if you added Emma and Killian as characters to the story ID. I'm one of those that uses the names in my searches since I really don't want to root through all of the swan/queen stories. However, in doing that, I chance missing stuff like your story. I am following you as an author which is why I was originally notified about the story.
Guest chapter 4 . 7/23/2018
I’m so glad you updated! I love that Emma is finding herself again. She and Killian are so great together, they are two in the same. I am definitely excited about meeting Elsa
Doodlelolly0910 chapter 4 . 7/23/2018
fantastic chapter! hot and sweet and fluffy and informative, you had me captivated the whole way through. I'm in love with every CS and SJT story you write and I'm sorry people are being terrible readers. You write for you, go where your muse takes you. The rest of us will go where you take us. Excited for more!
ekr1989 chapter 4 . 7/23/2018
Woohoo! I am soo happy they are going to take a family trip! I am really intrigued on why Blue has kept Tink away from Emma. I never really was a fan of Blue even in the show. Hahaha. Great chapter!
ekr1989 chapter 1 . 7/16/2018
Only for one night was the first fanfic I came across last summer when I decided to dive deep into the Captain Swan love. And it and many of your other stories have been bookmarked for me to come back to. I wanted to let you know that I squealed when you started on the sequel. I will wait till the end of time for the story and what else comes from your brilliant mind! Thought I give you a shout out on how great of a writer you are!
Guest chapter 3 . 7/6/2018
I so enjoy your writing and thankful that you updated. The last update, I read during a snow day. LOL. Thanks again.
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