Thank you for the reviews! Once again, I apologize for the long amount of time between each update. I am (not so patiently) waiting for the new book to come out tomorrow! So in the meantime, here is a bit more Audrey Rose and Thomas for you all.

After yesterday's adventure, we'd had our first Folklore class. It was interesting to say the least. We were given some light reading material. The boys in the class, aside from Thomas, viewed me as an incompetent female. The first time I'd raised my hand to comment, one looked back at me and scoffed. Instead of choosing me to speak the professor merely listened to the boy, who began talking without being summoned. It filled me with anger, but I knew reacting would only be in his favor.

I'd done my best to forget about it and get some rest. Before bed, I perched on a bench by one of the small windows in my chambers, and skimmed over the folklore books we were given. They were full of bone-chilling tales and creatures of all sorts. Given the history of this country, there was an abundance of material regarding Dracula and strigoi. I was thrumming with anticipation to devour the stories. Being inclined to anatomy, the idea of an undead creature that required human blood to live simply fascinated me. I decided I'd delve into my research tomorrow after breakfast.

My eyes had begun to droop, and I gazed out at the snowy hills. The sky was clear for once, and there seemed to be a full moon overhead, casting a pale light that reflected the snow, and everything looked illuminated. My heart jumped as I saw a tiny figure way off in the distance moving away from the castle. Who would possibly be out in the snow at this hour?

Disturbed, I made my way into bed, burying myself in the downy blankets as if they could save me from night terrors. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I wished Thomas was with me.

"My poor little thing! Were you scared?" Thomas gushed, grinning unabashedly after I'd told him what I saw last night. He could tell I was distressed by the sight. Of course I was, which I expressed, because it looked like someone had come from the castle. Aside from Brasov, there weren't any inhabitants around the castle.

"Don't you find it the least bit concerning?" I frowned, struggling to keep composure. "Who would be leaving the castle at that hour?"

"Audrey Rose, I'm sure it wasn't what it appeared to be. It would be much too cold for anyone to be out." He paused, looking thoughtful. "Perhaps it was one of the wolves the headmaster has warned us about. Don't worry, I'll protect you." He winked then, sliding closer to put an arm around me.

After breakfast, we'd gone to the secret room in the library. Anastasia hadn't been in the dining hall that morning. It was very possible that she had food brought to her own chambers. The luxury of being related to the Headmaster. If either one of us missed breakfast, it simply meant we weren't eating until the next meal. We didn't have class every day, we learned. Today was meant for studying. We'd have our next class the following day. I was excited to get into the actual anatomy classes.

I was pleased to be able to spend the afternoon in the secret room, begrudgingly bringing Thomas along. I'd tried to part with him after breakfast, implying he'd probably have a better time becoming acquainted with the other boys in the academy. I was still feeling bitter after yesterday's class. If the other boys didn't want anything to do with me, it didn't mean Thomas shouldn't make friends with them. But he refused, and insisted on accompanying me.

I was internally satisfied although I didn't want to admit it. I thought of the feeling of the previous night when all I'd wanted was his company. Ever since we'd kissed in the secret room, I couldn't think of it without blushing and tried my best to push it out of my mind. I couldn't deny my attraction to my friend, and his flirtations only got worse.

I carefully removed his arm from around me, somehow more conscious of my movements than I'd ever been. I handed him one of his own books with a stern glare, and we both began studying. The crackle of the fireplace was soothing, and I felt as if we had our own private world here. I hoped no one else would discover this gem so I could retreat here often.

After some reading, I gazed over at Thomas who was slouched at the other end of the couch, engrossed in one of the folklore books.

"If this is what the locals believe, no wonder someone is murdering people by driving a stake through them. They really do believe it is possible for a strigoi to be out there somewhere."

"It's not true, though, and their wild beliefs could result in more innocent people getting killed. We must figure out what happened on the train! You and I both know Wilhelm was there." We'd seen him at breakfast, and he looked as if the life had been sucked right out of him. Pale as a ghost, he'd scarfed down some food and left before I realized.

Thomas gazed at me, calculating. "You're right. I've no idea where he disappeared to so quickly after breakfast." For a rare moment, he looked serious. "Let's try to talk to him today."

He got up, and began pacing around the room, pausing in front of the fire. I could almost hear the gears in his mind winding. Sometimes I wondered what was going on in that brilliant mind of his. He stood tall, his broad shoulders covered in a black cloak. I watched him, entranced, as he wandered over to the beautiful tapestry that was hung, studying it.

I hadn't had time that morning to properly wash myself, so we decided to part ways so I could freshen up, and meet up later. Thomas planned on figuring out Wilhelm's whereabouts from his classmates and would find me so we could confront him.

Once again we left the library, passing a few other students. Two Italian brothers sat side by side at one of the tables, looking at me with loathsome glares and an indifference to my friend as we passed by. Thomas wasn't fazed. He walked me up the cold, stony steps to my chambers.

"I'll be back for you before you know it, don't miss me too much," Thomas paused in front of my door, winking. He stood in my way, arms crossed, looking mischievous.

"Er, alright… you can go now," I muttered, trying to mask my frustration. I stood in front of him, studying his face. His features changed from flirtatious amusement to something darker, and he was suddenly cradling my face in his hands.

"You know I'd never let anything happen to you Audrey Rose." He spoke with complete sincerity, and I believed him. I didn't take the remark as condescending or a belief that I couldn't take care of myself simply because I was a woman. He was one of the few, and perhaps only, people that saw I was strong, and valued my intelligence. I felt a slight pang of regret, knowing that I took him for granted. I wasn't sure what was happening between us lately, but I knew I couldn't get him off my mind in more ways than one. If only he knew.

And maybe he did, because he leaned down and placed the most tender kiss on my lips. It was much different than the night before the kiss I had initiated, which was uninhibited and passionate. It was sweet and lingering, and left me speechless for a moment when he drew back. Hands still on me.


"I can hear you thinking, just relax." His adoring gaze turned into a smirk. "I think I like what I hear." I was overcome with desire in this proximity, and didn't like the lack of control I was experiencing. I didn't want to part ways, still tasting him on my lips.

He stepped away then, smug, and turned to leave. My heart was racing as I watched him retreat down the steps.

I went into my room and started a bath. As the steam rose from the water, I processed my situation. I was so far from home, in an ancient stony castle in the middle of Romania, studying anatomy with the company of my dearest friend, with a possible crazed murderer in the midst. I felt a strong surge of freedom. I knew that nothing about me fit the traditions of women my age. Even if I had to fight the will of every male in this castle, I was here to learn, and felt extremely determined to make the best of it.

After I got dressed, I curled up in a cozy chair in my chambers, reading my romance novel. It seemed as though Thomas should have been there already to fetch me, but perhaps he was having trouble locating Wilhelm. I tried to get it off my mind, and got caught up in the story. I couldn't believe what I was reading. My face felt hot, and all I could think of was Thomas. This was entirely inappropriate, and I couldn't stop reading.

I heard a quick knock at the door, scaring me out of my wits. I hopped out of the chair and the book went flying. It landed on the floor with a thud, and I rushed to the door. I swung it open to reveal Thomas.

He waltzed right into my room, closing the door behind him. He was carrying some sort of basket. He set it down on the small table beside my reading chair.

He grinned, devouring my expression. "I'm not sure what that expression is, but I'm very much enjoying it. Did I interrupt something?" He noticed the abandoned book on the ground, and picked it up. "Ah, have you finished this? You were supposed to let me read it to you." He feigned a pout.

"Where shall we find Wilhelm?" I ignored his comments, getting down to business.

"He is not in the castle." Thomas said, an odd expression on his face. "Supposedly he went into town. It's only one-thirty. Neither of us have eaten lunch, so I brought us something to eat first. And then we will go in search of him, and be back before dinner."

That was odd. I didn't have a good feeling about that, but agreed to the plan. Any of us were allowed to travel to town, but what could he possibly be doing there?

"What have you got there?" I was so engrossed in the novel I had forgotten about my own appetite.

He presented the basket, which contained some cheese, meats and bread. And a smaller box in there appeared to have cookies. He started a fire, and we sat in front of it and devoured the meal. I had chosen a simple dress, but laced up some sturdy boots for the snow. I grabbed my coat and threw it on in a haste, ready to get on with our adventure.

I swiveled to see Thomas had grabbed the book, and began reading where I had left off, his mouth agape.

"You are so nosey! Give me that!" I snatched it from his hands, utterly mortified.

"My God woman, I'm surprised by your choice of literature… If you won't let me read this to you, perhaps I could convince you to read it to me?" He grabbed my hand, leading me to my own bed, while he flopped down and crossed his arms behind his head. The sight of him there was too much to handle. I put down the book and tried to grab his hand to pull him up. "Thomas! We only have so much time if we plan on making it back in time."

"We will go… but I think we have a few minutes to spare." He gently pulled at my hand, and I didn't resist. I was tired of holding myself back. He made it so difficult, being a constant flirt. He pulled me on top of him. He held my gaze intensely for a moment, my inky black hair that I hadn't yet pulled back falling in rivlets around his face. My hands were on his shoulders, holding myself up. I was intoxicated by his scent. He slowly slid a hand around the back of my neck and through my hair, sending chills throughout my entire body.

"You're beautiful. And you're mine, whether you will admit it or not." He pulled my face to his, and began kissing me gently, starting with my lips, but tilting my head and going to my neck. I was overtaken with desire, panting, and began kissing him even more intensely, which he didn't seem to be suspecting. His eyes widened, and then closed suddenly. His expression was almost painful, and moaned when our tongues slid against each other.

After a few moments we slowed and eventually stopped. Thomas looked slightly uncomfortable.

"Let's go, darling. Believe me, I would love to do this all day." He pulled us up out of bed, my knees still weak. "But I don't know if I'll be able to stop myself if we don't leave now."

"When did I say I wanted you to stop? Let's go." I was feeling daring, elated. I walked over to the door, and before I knew it Thomas had twirled me around and pinned me there, devouring my mouth again, letting out a small growl of desire. I reached for the handle as he was doing so, and we almost fell through the doorway. I laughed, taking his hand as we went down the stairs to begin our journey to town.