Reviews for A Taste of Blood
Nuala Lady of the Lake chapter 4 . 12/3/2018
Love this! Please update!
Alice chapter 1 . 11/17/2018
GracefulMurder chapter 4 . 10/11/2018
I was looking for a sjtr fanfic I'm do glad you wrote one! I'm really enjoying your fic I'd love to read more!
Guest chapter 4 . 9/30/2018
Please please update! This is so amazing already!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/23/2018
Post another chapter
Guest chapter 4 . 9/20/2018
They're so fucking adorable! I love this and I hope you update soon!
MusicAngel98 chapter 4 . 9/17/2018
EEEP! I loved this chapter! I always squeal a bit when I get the notification you updated! I can't wait for the book tomorrow either! This story is the only thing keeping me patient! Loved it! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Ancient Xana of the Old Forest chapter 4 . 9/17/2018
Ohhh fuck! Thank you, Thank you, seriously, you dont know how I have wanted to read something like this full of romance without restriction..! I think the third book Will come to my country in one month, so, you just helped me with my reading desires, really I need more people to write about them! I sent an email requesting to open a space for Jack the Ripper series.. . I dont know if it Will Work, they havent replied!
Still looking how to have a place here...
I really loved the romantic scene!
I saw you read the 2 books in just a few days.. I did the same! And was Last week, so from Last week until I am getting crazy without their aventures and romance the first book Made me cry as crazy! And the first chapters were sooooo bloody! The second book was so full of mistery I loved it! Amazing writer is Maniscalco, please add more soon! And try to do it larger chaps specially if there is a Hot scene! Love from Guatemala (I Will read once again this chap) XD
Ancient Xana of the Old Forest chapter 3 . 9/16/2018
jeez... just three chaps? XD ok I just today thought i would like them to be adventuring through a where you wrote in this chap... i didnt see that comming! nice going! soooo since you may know how we are going, waiting for next book to appear, you should upload next chap as soon as you can! thank you very much! and as i told you before if there is any way we can open a place to have more stories about them here at fanfic . com let me know... i have serched how, without success,
Ancient Xana of the Old Forest chapter 1 . 9/16/2018
YEIHHHH! i just finished 2nd book! waiting for next one to come to my country! I am happy you are updating quite fast... so I hope you do it even faster! I really love the series! love Thomas sooooo fucking much! and how can we start a place where can have a bunch of stories regarding Jack series? do every we will have even more stories about this series? if there is something i can do let me know! i want to have more stories about them! happy to see that someone has started writting about them! sooooo what about this chap? beautiful, I loved Thomas, but what i didnt like is she told him idiot, and in the story even though Audrey is always mad at him never offends him like that, and never mention the name of his brother as the reapper, just trying to say good criticism, and dont remember once Ileana said dear, i mean, I am still very attached at the story i just finished yesterday so i felt quite akward when i read that! besides that! i loved the way you are writting the story! thank you very much (I want, I hope, her fantasies with Thomas come true and doesnt stay as a desire! xD)
Guest chapter 3 . 8/17/2018
In legit 1 month from tomorrow EFH COMES OUT AHHHH... this story was a good way to quench my Cressworth needs ;•;
Ntlpurpolia chapter 1 . 7/21/2018
I love this!
Guest chapter 3 . 7/2/2018
Please keep writinf and continuing this i live for this
Guest chapter 1 . 7/2/2018
Oh my god i absolutely love this, thank you
Guest chapter 3 . 6/4/2018
Looovveee this! Please update it! It hurts to have to wait so long between each chapter!
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