Hey! What's up!?

Sorry it took so long! I've been working on this since the day I posted the last chapter, but this was… so~ ha~rd! But! With the help and encouragement from Echonic, Hydronx101, SugoiMasta'69, Evinco, Victormt2live, Guest5890438379, and Redlikeroses7, I'm continuing this! Sadly, this chapter isn't as great as I'd hope.

God I hope I don't lose anyone after this.

I have to say something though; I'm sorry for pulling that pity card last chapter.

I wish I could take it back, but I was indeed going through doubt that anyone was reading, and I thank you for responding, but I'm sorry I did it. I understand it isn't all inherently bad, as all writers want to know that their story is being read, but I shouldn't have begged like that. I hope you can forgive me.

Anyways, on with the show! As always, I respond to reviews and questions left in comments down below! If you want to PM however, I don't mind either! I may be a bit slow responding though. Please use the chrome or safari website to do this though, as the App does not work!

Years Before


Expectation is a funny concept. Everything in this world expected something in life, be it a flower blooming in the summer, or a bee taking pollen from a plant, or even the frogs that relied on the bugs to feed their stomachs, everything expected something. Sometimes it lead to disappointment, or even exhilaration, expectation was the start and end of every reaction.

Subaru, for his part, expected his head to be impaled. To be destroyed, brain and all. The culprit being the one he claimed to love most. The one he served, tasked by an ambiguous Master to tend to her needs until the day she transcended to Kinghood. The Half-Elf they called Satella, but who he called Emilia.

Subaru was glad his expectations were wrong.

The ice didn't enter his head, or anywhere in his body for that matter. Pain didn't engulf his very being, and he had no wish for the suffering to end, just to be reset again. He sat there, his arms covering his face in a vain attempt to block the supposed attack. Relief filled him as he realized, no she hadn't killed him, and no, she wasn't aiming for him.

Emilia hadn't betrayed him.

"E-Emilia…" Subaru called, lowering his arms to look the Half-Elf in the eyes. Subaru couldn't even begin to explain the relief he felt when he realized she wasn't here to kill him. That she was, instead, here to save him. Subaru placed a hand on his leg, moving to sit up.

"Halt." Emilia commanded, Subaru freezing in place. Her hand still raised, ice forming beside her again. It was only then that Subaru recognized the fierceness behind those eyes of Maude, the intensity at which they burned being enough to scar even the most resilient of men. If Subaru didn't listen to her, he would be dead in a heartbeat. "You are not free from persecution, for now, however." She raised her free arm to Rem, Ice forming in the direction of the enraged Maid. "Speak."

"Lady Emilia, I believe there is a gre-"

"I don't care. Speak."

If the situation wasn't so dire or confusing, Subaru's mouth might have been left agape, as he had never seen Emilia like this before. Sure, she had her moments of seriousness that came off as borderline frightening, but this felt different. Like she was angry, confused, and left without time. Emilia had never been one for commanding others to do something, a bad habit when she was one of the five candidates to be king, but Subaru knew she was working on it. It was something Subaru only imagined when brought up, but seeing it in action was completely different. It was like she had taken control of the situation in just a few words.

Well, in actuality she did.

Rem watched Emilia carefully, judging and analyzing her. While she did technically work for her, her employer was Roswaal. To Rem, Emilia was just another guest residing in the mansion until the time came for her to leave. Even if Emilia had stayed longer than expected, she was still a guest.

And a guest could potentially turn into a threat.

Tightening her grip on her Morning Star, Rem steeled her gaze upon Emilia. She would play along, if only to compromise and convince her of the pest that encroached upon her home. A pest that Rem swore to smoke out, even if it was the last thing she did. "Lady Emilia, what would you wish to ask from such a humble servant."

"Why are you assaulting Subaru? You've been such great friends until now, why the change of heart?"

"I was and never will be friends with that Witch Fiend!" Rem spit out, her words strumming the strings to his heart. A chill ran down his spine once more, realization that someone he held so dear could potentially… no, did hate him causing no small feeling of depression.

"Witch Fiend? Subaru isn't part of the Witch Cult, or…?"

"No. No, no, no! Why would I ever join the Cult! They kill with no remorse! I'm not a Cultist!" Subaru denied, Rem glaring in his direction. Subaru, like any normal resident of Lugnica, had a deep loathing and fear of the Cult. Not only for their exploits across Lugnica and beyond, but for their end game. The Revival of the Jealous Witch, Satella.

"He… that doesn't matter now, Lady Emilia. The Witch Fiend could be a threat, and it's my duty as a Maid of Roswaal Mansion to rid my home of whatever pest that may squander there."

"Is there a way for me to change your heart, Rem?" Emilia asked, her voice hopeful. Subaru didn't catch that, too busy keeping his eyes on the demon that threatened his life. The silence she gave was all the answer that Emilia needed, Subaru could tell. Emilia closed her eyes, her face wrinkled in concentration. "I-I need to-"

"I can't accept that."

"Emili-!" Subaru stopped, his voice choked. It wasn't from a morning star destroying his left side, nor a blade of wind cutting his neck open that caused this, but two pairs of ice embedding itself on each side of his head that stopped him from breathing. Fear struck his heart for the umpteenth time that day, uncertainty clawing at the back of his mind. 'W-What?'

"Lia, I can't accept that." Almost as if appearing from thin air, a small gray feline grew out of Emilia's hair, floating as if gravity held no meaning. Subaru recognized him as Puck, a spirit of frost that contracted itself to Emilia. One of the only ones Subaru could truly trust besides Emilia.

"Puck! What're you doing!?" Emilia yelled, Puck glaring back at her. She unwillingly flinched, something Subaru hadn't even seen her do, no matter what he did. This was the power someone such as Puck held over the Half-Elf.

"I am doing what's in your best interest."

"My best interest?"

Puck nodded, his gaze softening as he gazed upon the Half-Elf. Unknown emotions flashed through his eyes, unreadable and very well hidden. "I can't let Subaru leave here alive, no matter how much you believe to care for him."




Three seconds. It took three seconds for Subaru to register the words of the Artificial Spirit, Puck. The words that rang were of betrayal. A heart wrenching moment that he only held nightmares for, but reality was that; reality. A slap to the face, so hard that he could feel the sting throughout the rest of his body. Down to his very soul.

"What!?" Yet it wasn't Subaru who was the first to speak, nor Rem, but Emilia, who's face betrayed the stern look she held just moments prior. Replaced it was the shock and fear that Subaru himself felt, but formed into words. "No… No, no! We can't kill Subaru! He hasn't done anything wrong!"

"You don't know that." Rem answered, doing her best to convinced the Heir to the Throne. "This… man could have killed countless men, women and children before coming to us! There is no bound a Witch Fiend won't break if they see fit!"

"No! We don't even know if he's a Cultist! Where's the proof!?"

Rem glared at Emilia, shaking her hand slightly. The Morning Star spun, slow at first before it picked up speed. Dirt and Grass flew as spikes scratched the Earth below her. "The stench of the Witch clings on him like a putrid adore! That is enough evidence to carry out Justice as I see fit."

Subaru frantically stood, using the Ice to hold him up. His eyes darted across the area, an escape no where in sight. Thinking quick, he grabbed one of the Ice Shards in the tree. Surprisingly, instead of a painful sting of cold, he felt the searing heat of flame. However, the Ice hadn't turned to flame, but burned him with its intense freeze. He ignored this, pulling the Ice from its place.

"I won't… can't, allow this!" Emilia yelled, positioning her right hand in the direction of the Oni, Ice forming, shards as sharp as spears ready to kill

"I'm sorry, Lia, but I can't let you do this." Puck said, deforming the crystals before positioning them towards Subaru, who held the Ice shard in a defensive manner. "This is for your own good!"


With that, pain engulfed Subaru. Ice tore through him, holes dotting his body. Limbs flew, and he felt his body pin itself to the Wooden Tree, before he slowly slid down into his own bloodied mess.

This wasn't the end for Natsuki Subaru however, as hours later he would wake, healed and confused. Days later he would run into a group looking for one of its lost members, or more specifically, their Pride.

Beacon Academy



Subaru woke with a start, sweat covering his face as his lungs greedily took in more than its fair share of air. His eyes darted around, calm overtaking him as his mind processed where he was. His beating heart came to a crawl, certainty gazing through the fog in his mind. He unconsciously gripped his left arm, a habit he grew accustomed to doing after a painful experience.

Subaru had died again.

He wiped his face, the salt water clinging to his skin. Subaru couldn't blame himself for freaking out like that. The pain of the poison had been painful, slow, and deliberately so. The insides of his organs had been eaten out, vital spots more likely taken out as soon as he had drank the tea. Speaking honestly, it was an ingenious tactic, using one of his acquaintances generosity to their advantage. That was a tactic that Subaru would be more than glad to partake in if given the chance, sadly there didn't need much killing as of late.

Subaru got up, and instead of getting clothed like the other loops, he headed for the window, it's light shining like a beacon of hope. He leaned on the still, the sight of a random group of Huntsmen and Huntresses walking to their classes and chatting animatedly distracting him from…


Subaru slammed his hands on the still, the realization that his death had served no purpose in the end, slightly infuriating him. Subaru had no evidence of who the killer may be. Not a hint, or a silhouette that could help him narrow down his killer. That left him with the same old process as the last loop. The first suspects being Ruby and Yang.

Of course, Subaru almost brushed that assumption off the board completely. However, Subaru the ever suspicious wasn't going to let them slide off that easily. Ruby and Yang had been there when he died, and had been the one to feed him the poison. That should be enough for Subaru to send them to the gallows, but he didn't. He couldn't. In those final moments of his life, they had shown some form of… remorse for his death. Be it guilt or whatever, it didn't matter. They had shed tears for him. That meant that they still had an ounce of good in them, if they are the killers.

Blake and Weiss… he still didn't know much about either. Subaru had learned, surprisingly, that Blake was a Faunus. Looking at it now, he would have smacked himself upside the head for his stupidity if given the chance. It was just that… that bow fit so well with the rest of her outfit. If it didn't constantly twitch whenever he talked with Nora, he would probably have never found out. That wasn't the biggest revelation he had either. Apparently, Weiss Schnee was a God damn heiress.

In The World Above, there are many, many companies and trades prevalent throughout the capitals. So much so that if you wanted to find a product for a cheaper price, all you had to do was dig around deep enough to find it. The top brass however, the kingpins and lords of trade, were probably some of the richest people in The World Above, right under the King of Lugnica (as recently deceased as he was), Volakia Empire, and High Priest of Gusteko. All in all, those men and woman could be Kings or Queens themselves if they wanted.

And Weiss Schnee was a daughter of one of those Kings.

The only other Heiress Subaru could think of was Purpura, and he preferred to stray away from her. Her personality was complex, and her obsession with Regulus was borderline insane. Subaru would be lying if he said that Weiss didn't remind him a little of the two Cultists. Without the murderous tendency of course.

Yet again, Subaru couldn't help but hold some suspicion of them. They gave no hints, but that didn't matter. Rem never gave any hints, but she was still the murderer. Emilia acted the part of friend, but still turned to be a traitor. Subaru couldn't judge on a shell, but could on their motivations.

So, what were Team RWBY's motivations?

Ruby wanted to become a Hunter so she could fight, finding some joy in it that Subaru didn't understand. Yang was more of the same, but that was going on assumptions. Weiss… he didn't know, and Blake was… unreadable.

That didn't help at all.

"This is not a good scenario." Subaru said, scratching his chin as he let out a chuckle. Subaru pushed off the Window Still, turning to face the pile of clothes. He made his way to the discarded fabric, looking it over with interest. He picked up his necklace, his shadow covering the Maude gem. "Oh, what should I do, Satella?"

He knew he was talking to no one, but for just a second, not even long enough for his eyes to widen, he swore he saw his Crystal shine. Like a tear rolling down someone's cheek.

Wrapping the Crystal around his neck, he smiled as a strange warmth covered his body. He would never get used to that, but he didn't complain. He enjoyed this way too much, especially after something as traumatizing as the happenings of last night. Quickly, he donned his uniform, the Cult enchantments activating, strengthening his body. Dark Purple Pentagon's flashed across his body, signaling a successful activation.

Instead of moving to the door however, Subaru made his way to the bed. His shoulder still hurt, and Peach was the only one who could heal him. Even if it hurt like a bitch.

"An eye for am eye, I suppose." Subaru murmured to himself, rubbing his right shoulder. His worry's extended not only to Peach, but to the rest of school. And that was not because of the pain.

He needed to continue narrowing down the list of suspects. It may be impressively long, but it needed to be done. If only he had a pen and paper. But alas, he had neither, so he needed to make do with what he had; His mind.

He had already narrowed down that Ruby and Yang probably weren't the killer, and Weiss and Blake were still suspects, but what of Team JNPR and SSSN?

To start, Jaune. Now, Subaru wasn't sure about this, especially after last loop, but he wouldn't let something as simple as doubt cloud his mind. Jaune was a suspect through and through. Jaune, in simple terms, was a weakling. While Subaru wasn't one to judge, he could discern this little fact to be true. His swordsmanship was on par with an fledgling fighter, he was too quick to swing, when he should be stabbing, and his posture was all wrong. If Jaune didn't have his shield, Subaru was sure he could take him down with ease.

God, he was starting to sound a lot like Clind. That was an unwelcomed thought.

Next was Nora. Subaru was unsure about her, as she had been the most talkative to him. Occasionally, during lunch, she would leave the rest of her team to chat with him; mostly about abilities, which Subaru brushed off. Nora was harder to convince than most about his Magic capabilities, but he didn't see an issue in that. His plan had already failed the moment Ruby got upset.

After that came… Pyrrha. Subaru couldn't help the shudder that made his way through his body at the thought of her. He didn't quite understand his unease around her, but that didn't really matter. Her very presence screamed danger, and Subaru couldn't ignore that.

Last, and finally, Lie Ren. Subaru's opinion of him varied. While it was true that Subaru enjoyed his company the most, the problem laid in that singular fact. Subaru had a history with people he liked having backstabbed him. This went beyond Rem and Emilia, and the Cult. Those specific memories however weren't… as notable. Ren, like the rest of JNPR and RWBY, was a prime suspect for his murder.

Now, Team-

"Ah, hey there! Didn't expect you to be awake."

Subaru resisted the urge to jump. The click of a door shutting signaled the entrance of a new player, one that Subaru was more than familiar with. Peach walked to the desk next to Subaru, laying a stack of papers carefully on its wooden frame. She pulled out a chair, all the while saying, "You're… Mr. Natsuki if I remember correctly, right?"

"That is correct, Professor Peach." Subaru said, smiling at the lady. If he were to be honest, Subaru probably enjoyed her company as much as Ren, Ruby or Sun's. While indeed, the only time they ever really chatted was during class or whenever Subaru woke up after death, she had more or less stayed the same. Peach's own brand of craziness, while not insane, made him feel… at home, almost. That didn't mean he enjoyed insanity twenty-four-seven however. (1)

She raised an eyebrow at Subaru, before shifting through her papers at blinding speed. "Well, I've been assigned to patch you up after you wake, so if you'll hold on for just a moment, I'll be with you."

"Of course." Subaru responded, watching her. He was sort of grateful for that stack of paper, as it gave him time to continue his thought process. Team SSSN, as a whole, are extremely unlikely to kill just about anyone, especially their leader, Sun. Sun, along with Sage, were too stuck in their morals to even consider killing, and Subaru knew for a fact that Scarlet and Neptune were too pansy to even stab a knife into someone's back.

But again, their ability to shouldn't matter as long as they held some form of motivation. Subaru himself didn't want to kill his first ever target, but with the proper motivation, he was able to get through it. So, what were JNPR's and SSSN's motivations for ending his life?

Jaune had none, well, Subaru suspected be had none. Nora seemed to constantly want to break bones, so there was that. Pyrrha had an undescribed urge to fight, and Ren… Subaru was coming up with a blank. Sun could have probably found out about Garfiel, but that was unlikely, Scarlet had no motive besides the mayonnaise situation. Sage was the same as Ren, and Neptune… actually had a reason for killing Subaru.

During the last loop, Subaru had taken part of a prank against Neptune. While Subaru was still new to the whole 'prank' thing, he liked to think he preformed satisfactory. The goal was to get Neptune into the schools pool. To make a long story short, the plan succeeded and Neptune had been mopey the rest of the loop.

But what did that leave him?

Nothing. Almost all of the students of Beacon Academy were suspects, and that wasn't accounting for the teachers; Peach, Ozpin, Goodwitch, etc. Subaru suppressed a growl of irritation. If only he hadn't fell for that stupid trap, then he could have possibly been done with this stupid scenario.

Contrary to how Subaru acted, he was very ticked off by his death. It was just after the thousandth time he died, Subaru had come to realize that acting angry or distraught over something that hadn't happened was useless. It didn't help him find a solution to his problem, nor did it help those who seek to help him. In fact, it just made things worse complaining about it.

Didn't mean Subaru didn't want to talk about it though.

"Oka~y, done! Sorry for the wait!" Peach cheered, pushing herself out of the chair, spinning as the wheels took her across the room.

"No problem, it's the least I can do for watching over me." Subaru responded kindly. Peach looked at him for a second, before getting up and opening a drawer. Subaru watched her, mentally preparing himself for what was abou-

"Here you go!"

Subaru couldn't help but jump in surprise, the needle sliding into his right shoulder. A soundless scream escaped his mouth, incomprehensible pain coursing through his body, before a numbing sensation drowned out the pain.

"What… the… f-"

"Subaru! Language!" Peach reprimanded, Subaru nervously chuckling. For all of her eccentricities, Peach was still strict against certain things, such as cursing. If only she was like this with her constant teasing. "Anyways, that should heal you up in a day or so, until then I'd refrain from any extracurricular activities."

"Will do." Subaru responded absentmindedly. His mind drifted back to his suspicions, or more accurately, what was to come. While he did have his suspects, which he was no good at narrowing down, he had one more problem until then.

Yang Xiao Long.

"-You're a conman!"

Subaru resisted the urge to groan, her complaints ringing in his ears for a third time in his life. Subaru had perfected the skill of retracing footsteps, but that didn't mean it never got tedious or boring. In this case however, it was infuriating.

Subaru had followed the path from his first loop perfectly; giving five Holy Coins to Ozpin, acting surprised at the sliding glass doors and feeling motion-sickness on the Elevator. However, as he did this, his mind was only set on one goal- pleasing Yang and Ruby.

The problem is, how should he go about this?

As much as he wanted to, Subaru couldn't show off his abilities as he did in the first loop. Well, no, he could, but be didn't want to risk his killer gaining a upper hand in terms of information. He had learned this bit of wisdom when he dealt with a Knight of Lugnica. This, however, rid on the assumption that the Killer was in the room.

As a wise man once said; Better Safe than Sorry.

But, again, how was he to go about this? Of course there was… no, that was… but it was the only option.

Subaru let out a weary sigh, the answer being clear, but the method being risky. This method was a skill he learned from hard labor and difficult battles throughout the years. It always was a fifty fifty chance of this failing, and working.

Subaru needed to bluff.

"Are you sure you want to see my Magic?" Subaru asked, his eyes dangerously narrowed. Yang flinched, his gaze burning right through her. Subaru bit the inside of his cheek, resisting the urge to grin.

"What!? I just told you to prove it, of course I want you to show me!"

"And I'm asking, are you sure?" Subaru asked again, making his way past the older sister. Making his way to the table, full of food and plates, Subaru spotted an apple, a idea forming in his head. "Magic is extremely dangerous, especially the type I use. If I mess up-" Subaru picked up the Apple, using a Claw to make it appear to levitate mid-air. Everyone stared in awe, before it started to compress, squished inch by inch. "-Then you might die."

The Apple exploded, causing all but Ruby and Ozpin to flinch.

Subaru glanced at Yang, holding back his smile. By the look of uncertainty on her face, Subaru knew he had won. Now, all he had to do-

"Do it."


"I said do it." Yang repeated, her gaze strong and unyielding. Subaru grimaced, cursing his luck. Of course Xiao Long would be willing to take a risk, she was headstrong. Yang was unbendable, willing to take almost any risk to determine the threat to her sister. It was clear that she wasn't going to back down anytime soon, and Subaru couldn't risk having her against him.

In a fit of frustration, Subaru frowned, yelling-

"Fine. You want Magic? I'll show you Magic!"

"So, what're we doing outside? I thought you were just gonna whip out a deck of cards, and show me a trick." Yang joked, insulting Subaru. He took that to heart, but ignored it. Her words were meaningless right now. Ruby sat back, dancing on the tips of her shoes, having been the only one besides Ozpin to follow them.

"Headmaster Ozpin? I assume it's fine if I tear up some of the terrain? I'm not sure how powerful my Magic will be." Subaru asked, Ozpin pushing up his glasses.

"That is fine, as long as you refrain from damaging anything other than the terrain, I will have no qualm with your Spells." Ozpin agreed, inwardly grimacing at the rant Glynda would give him for Subaru's deeds.

"Thank you." Subaru said, turning to Yang. "What I'm about to show you is still in the works. I haven't worked out all the kinks yet, and I'm afraid it won't be as powerful as I want it to be. I learned this offhand from a friend, so be warned, it may explode. I suggest taking a step back."

"Sure, whatever you say, Conman." Yang said, stepping back as did Ruby, Ozpin not bothering. Subaru resisted the urge to use the spell on her, killing her in an instant. With a groan, Subaru turned his back to them, patting himself on the back for not killing her.

Silence reined over the area, Subaru calming himself. Raising both his hands, he took the same position one Emilia did every time she casted an Ice Shard. This stance however was more rugged, arms too stiff and hands shaking a little too much. No one but Ozpin noted this.

Ozpin, knowing all the spells in Lugnica and beyond, couldn't help but criticize everything Subaru did. The stiff arms, the rugged breathing, and his stance. It was all wrong. Even the mana in the air coursing through him was rugged, the Spirit Arts being the only thing that made sure he didn't explode. He would need training and lots of it if Subaru wished to better himself.

Sadly, the only Magic User besides Subaru was Ozpin and…

Subaru channeled the Mana into his body, through his core, and once again out of his body. Warmth gripped him, the familiar rush of power and pleasure coursing through his veins. With one word, Magic flowing along with each syllable, Subaru chanted his spell.


With that, as if almost copying Ice Magic, Dark shards of crystals formed in the air. A total of two crystals floated above Subaru, purple flames coating them in a deadly heat. Without restraint, the flew through the air, landing across the court with a echoing boom, an explosion following in its wake.

"Holy! Mother! Of! God! That was awesome!" Ruby yelled, jumping in place as she continued to rant, in full detail, as to what happened. Subaru listened at first, but when it became apparent she wasn't talking to him, Subaru ignored her.

"Impressive, but could use some work." Ozpin agreed, tapping a finger on his cane. Subaru nodded, not catching the intent behind his words. Ozpin made no move to correct the misunderstanding, as his tutelage would come in due time.

"Meh, I've seen better."

"You What!?" Subaru yelled, turning towards Yang in a frustrated heap. Yang smirked at him, her outward appearance suggesting she enjoyed the look of frustration on his face. "I've wasted five minutes of my time demonstrating my abilities, and all you have to say is 'Meh'!?"

"Yeah? I don't see the problem, I'm just telling you as it is. Your… skills aren't impressive." Yang insulted getting into Subaru's face. Subaru pushed back, reverting to that of childlike anger.

"You're… indescribably frustrating!" Subaru yelled. "I show you my abilities, then you whine about it and ruin me the first time. Then I claim that it's all fake, and what do you do? Whine about it some more! Then when I show you my best Spell, all you have to say is 'Meh'!? What do you want from me!?"

"Hit m-"

Yang never got the chance to finish that sentence, a fist burrowing itself across her cheek. Silence enveloped the area, Yang stumbling back in shock. Ruby stepped back, covering her mouth. Ozpin stood still, expression unmoving as was his emotions.

Seconds passed in what felt like hours, no one speaking or moving a muscle. Everyone watched Subaru and Yang, unsure of the consequences of Subaru's actions. Ruby held her breath, Subaru kept his hand outstretched, unsure of what to do.

It was a knee-jerk reaction. An unexpected urge, violent both in its motive and it's forthcoming. Normally, Subaru would have a head start on his emotions, but after the insults Yang had thrown his way, he couldn't keep it in anymore. Subaru's fist clenched tighter, lowering it to his side. 'God damnit.' He cursed. Now, he would have to-


"Huh?" Subaru let out, raising his head to look at the voice of one Yang Xiao Long, who couldn't help but let out her voice of laughter. Everyone watched, Yang wiping away a nonexistent tear.

"Am… Am I missing something here?" Subaru asked, looking at Ruby, who just shrugged, confused as Subaru. They watched, Yang doing her best to calm down, and failing. Within a minute however, she was able to calm herself down.

"Sorry, sorry… I'm seriously never taking advice from him again." Yang muttered that last part, before glaring at Subaru. "Sorry, Subaru, that was a little… mean of me. I don't know why I thought getting you angry would help, but I did."

"Its fine, just don't do it again." Subaru responded, jumping on his chance to rekindle the friendship. Yang smiled, holding out her hand. Subaru stared at it, before grabbing it.

"I hope you know, we're going to have to fight now, right?" Yang asked, Subaru giving a nervous chuckle.

"C-can I reschedule?"

Beacon Academy


After School

"The what?" Subaru asked, confused. Ozpin motioned towards the card in his hand, a pleased look on his face. The Moon shined bright on them, few students passing by.

The past few days had been slow, even for Subaru's standards. Normally he would have found something to do by the third loop, to preoccupy the downtime between the drama, and while he had technically found his solution, the problem was that he didn't want to.

As much as Subaru loved to learn about Remnant and it's workings, reading was not his favorite subject. Sure, you'd likely be finding him reading a book, but that was because there was really nothing else to do. When he was with Regulus, he spent time with him, yes, but getting a word in with him was difficult. He could try to get to know RWBY and JNPR better, but socializing was never his best point. That was doubly so when trying to start a conversation.

So, it had come to reason that instead of reading, Subaru had taken up walking. For the most part, Subaru could honestly say he enjoyed it. The silence and tranquility it brought, even in the Cult, was a welcomed change. Even though he had explored the Campus three times by now, each time being with a different group, Subaru found it still pleasurable to do it alone.

It also gave him a chance to think, clear his mind if issues that may have been plaguing him before. Yang for the most part had ceased hostilities with Subaru, even doing her best to get to know him. Subaru didn't mind, as, admittedly, her personality was infectious. Even he couldn't stop the smiles that made his way to his face whenever she cracked a joke. Of course, it had only been two days, and nothing else had been brought up, so it may just be another calm before the storm.

Ruby was the same as ever, as was Sun, which he was grateful for. Subaru wanted to have the first timeline repeat itself, just with a few minor adjustments. Besides these two notable changes to the previous loops, nothing else had changed.

Even the fact that his roommate had yet to appear.

Normally, Subaru would have brushed this off as coincidence. Maybe his roommate was shy, or woke up early and got home late, but the fact that his roommate had yet to show up in any of the other loops, and classes, was a cause of concern. What made it worse was that no one save for Ozpin knew who it was.

That man knew something, and Subaru was tempted to dig around for that answer. The only thing stopping him was the inability to find a coherent reason to dig. Everyone had their right to privacy, and while Subaru wasn't afraid to break that invisible circle, he also didn't do so without reason. It was like peeking on girls; while he could do so without none the wiser (Return By Death), there was just no reason to.

One thing that Subaru did know however, was that if his roommate didn't show themselves soon, he was going to start to dig. Or at least ask Ozpin what the deal was.

So when the Gray haired Headmaster made his way around the corner, a knowing smile on his face, Subaru couldn't help but jump in surprise. The man of his thoughts appearing like he was summoned, a card in hand.

"Your Money." Ozpin repeated, holding out a purple card. "This card is something residents of Vale like to call a 'Debit Card'. With this, you'll be able to buy anything you want."

"Anything?" Subaru asked, gently taking the card out of Ozpins hands. It had a weird feel to it, the bumps and curves of his names along with numbers engraved in it. It reminded him of those family heirlooms at the Mansion he once served.

"Within reason of course, and within a certain budget." Ozpin responded with a nod. "This 'Debit Card' holds a certain amount of Lien, the currency of Remnant. I've taken to registering you with a trusted bank. They will hold onto your cash, and withdrawal every time you choose to use it."

"So, this is the equivalent to a bag of coin in Lugnica?" Subaru asked, looking it over. The black and white lines reminded him of ink on the paper, yet the feel of it… it was odd. Unfamiliar. Like the first time he held silk; odd, but almost enjoyable.

"Exactly." Ozpin nodded, tapping a finger on his cane. "I'm sure you know how Scrolls are able to receive messages instantly?" Subaru nodded, Nora having explained something along the lines of that last loop. "As with Scrolls, these cards work more or less the same. The details don't matter, but as long as you have money in the bank, you don't need to worry about carrying around any currency."

"That's… awfully convenient." Subaru said, pocketing the card. 'This will definitely come in handy later… at least, I hope it will.'

"It appears that way." Ozpin agreed. His smile almost shouting out how well he knew Subaru's fascination with this technology. A smile that Subaru missed. Crossing his arms, Subaru gave him a quizzical stare.

"So, what's my budget?" Subaru asked, his finger tapping his arm. He had spent Five Holy Coins for a flimsy card, it better well have been worth the cash.

"50,000 Lien." Ozpin answered. At Subaru's confused look, Ozpin gave a slight chuckle. "It's equal to five Holy Coins. If you don't believe me, then ask Ruby or any of the students at Beacon, I'm sure their reactions will be enough to satisfy your curiosity."

"No, I'll take your word for it. Besides, it wouldn't be out of curiosity, but more of an… assurance."

"That indeed, Subaru. That indeed." Ozpin agreed, pushing up his glasses. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have important business to attend to. If you have more need of Lien, I will gladly exchange for more Holy Coins."

"Will do, Headmaster." Subaru nodded, watching as the older man walked away. Strange, in none of his other loops had Subaru receive his compensation so quickly. Maybe something had happened on his end?

A sudden urge to ask Ozpin about his roommate made its way to his heart. A want, a desire, to know more about this all so evasive student causing him no shortage of curiosity.

But Subaru squashed that urge. Something, deep down, like his subconscious, told him he wouldn't like the answer given to him. With a shallow breath, Subaru relaxed his hands in his pockets, continuing in with his walk.

Beacon Academy/Forge


After School

Subaru was old.

Not physically, of course, having a body the age of an seventeen year old, but mentally? Subaru was definitely beyond the age of anyone, save the staff, in this school. If he had to garner a guess, he'd probably be twenty to twenty-five if his body aged along with his mind. Constant loops were to thank for that little slip in mentality.

However, Subaru didn't think of it as a curse. With the aged mentality came new possibilities. One, obviously, he had much more experience to pull from, helping with scenarios requiring a more softer touch. This also doubled down on his self control. Subaru doubted that without this experience, he'd probably have already blown his cover. Keeping his cool was probably the best thing to come out of Return By Death.

The second positive came in the form of heightened senses. Now, this was a little tricky to explain. While it was true that Subaru wasn't on par with most other students, an example being Sun, Subaru was able to keep up with them… sort of. Not in the sense of physically, as that needed work, but mentally. This was how he was able to understand what was happening when Garfiel jumped from tree to tree at blinding speeds and how Sun basically handed Garfiel his own ass.

If Subaru wanted to keep up with that though, he needed to work his body to the bone.

The third positive was the chances he was given in other loops. While it was true that most of his loops were due to mistakes, and he'd prefer not to die, that didn't mean that Subaru didn't experiment at all. More than once Subaru had the chance to learn more about a person, target or the world around him due to his experimentation. Sure, he sometimes died in an extreme fashion, but it was always worth it in some way. That's why his most recent death irritated him so much, as it served no purpose.

Yet, with all the knowledge he had gained throughout the years, not once did he think smithing would ever come of use.

"Ah, is lining wire into a sword normal?"

"Pfft, no! But if I don't, then all you'll have is a normal sword! You're not Jaune, you need something… different!" Ruby called back, pushing wire through the handle of the sword to the tip. Subaru watched from afar, away from the sparks and heat of the forge.

"Thank you, again, Ruby. I'm sure I'd be in trouble if you weren't here." Subaru said, smiling through the mask. Dark goggles protected his eyes from the sparks of the other students creations. Ruby wordlessly nodded, her tongue hanging out as she wrapped the wire around the hilt.

It had been a few days since Yang had challenged him to a duel, thankfully the energetic blonde had agreed to wait until Subaru had received his Weapon. Which Subaru hadn't asked for, but was nonetheless grateful to have.

It was surprising. Subaru knew that Ruby was a Weapon freak, and openly so, but he hadn't expected her to know how to make a Weapon from scratch. When she had caught wind of how he didn't have a Weapon, she had hounded him for an hour about it. One thing led to another, and they had ended up in the schools Forge.

Which was amazing in itself.

The Beacon Forge was a separate section of Beacon off to the side of the campus. Well, no, not on campus, but in the mountains. Due to complications and multiple explosions from faulty mechanisms in the old Forge, Ozpin had ordered that the New, and improved, Forge be constructed farther away from the Main Campus. This allowed for more room for the students to use, creating Mechanisms that would put The World Above's second best Smith to shame.

The only real problem was the fact that they had hollowed out a Mountain to use as a Forge.

Subaru didn't care that much for plant life, having himself helped hollow out a hill to use as a base of operations, but it was a problem when you used that same hollow as a Forge. Explosions were bound to happen, and as unlikely as it was for someone to live through that, those that did would be trapped in that hill. It put Subaru slightly on edge.

Then there was the problem with Fumes, Gas and Smoke. Luckily the Architects got that figured out, as instead of a regular ceiling, a ceiling made if wire lined above. This was for the gas to travel out of the mountain, insuring that the explosions wouldn't be as frequent.

"Done!" Ruby yelled, triumphantly holding up a double edged sword in the air. Subaru didn't bother moving towards her, fearful of the sparks that came from the other students behind her. Ruby grinned, making her way to him. "My second ever creation, the, uh… Heh, what should I name it?"

"Does it need a name?" Subaru asked, reaching out to grab the Sword. As expected, it felt heavy, but not in a overwhelming kind of way. It felt balanced, in a way that best suited him. Lines adored the whole sword, causing Subaru to raise an eyebrow at the design choice.

"Of course it needs a name!" Ruby yelled, throwing her hands in the air. "Without a name, a Weapon is just… well, a Weapon! It has no personality! No beauty! It needs to have a name! Like my Crescent Rose, or Ren's Storm Flower!"

"Okay, Okay… then how about… Renegade!"

"Sounds dumb." Ruby crossed her arms. Subaru could feel a vein burst on his forehead as those words left her mouth. Ruby definitely was Yang's sister in their forthcoming opinions. She snapped her fingers, a grin making its way to her face. "How about… Whiplash!"

"Whiplash? But it's not a whip."

"Oh? What do you think I was doing with those wires?" Ruby asked, Subaru raising an eyebrow in confusion. Groaning and rolling her eyes, Ruby ripped the Sword out of his hands. "Watch."

If Subaru wasn't as experienced with blinding movements, he probably would have missed what happened next. Raising her sword in the air, she swung downward. Instead of just hitting the ground however, the Sword extended, those lines detaching itself from the rest of the Sword. Like a whip, it hit the ground, but unlike a whip, it created sparks against the ground, and came back to form a sword.

"You see?" Ruby asked, holding out the Weapon to Subaru, who held a defensive posture. "Whiplash isn't just a sword; it's a Whip Sword! Probably not the only one of its kind, but still pretty rare!"

Taking the Sword, Subaru looked it over again, having a new appreciation of the craft. A weapon, not only able to form one, but two shapes. This, was honestly, more than he could ever ask for. Definitely deserving of the name Whiplash. Turning to Ruby, he gave an appreciative smile.

"Thank You Ruby, this is amazing!"

Beacon Academy

Beacon Dorms


"Thank you again, Yang. I don't think I'd be ready to fight you if I only had a few hours to train with the sword."

"No problem! Think you'll be ready by tomorrow?" Yang asked, staying behind as the rest of her team walked ahead. Subaru hid his smirk, a giddy feeling making its way to his stomach.

"Yeah, I think I got sufficient practice today. Be ready to lose, alright?" Subaru challenged, Yang smirking in response.

"Whatever you say, Subaru." Yang rolled her eyes, turning and heading towards her Team. "We both know who's gonna win tomorrow!"

Subaru allowed his face to settle into a smile, watching as Team RWBY turned the corner, disappearing from sight. Turning, he opened the door to his Dorm, closing it without a sound. The room was empty, Subaru sighing in relief at this. He made his way to his bed, sitting down on the soft mattress.

This loop, so far, had been fantastic. Save for the first day, there had been no other issues regarding any of Beacons students. Even Yang, who Subaru thought would be doing her best to kill him, seemed to be almost at ease with him. She wasn't like Nora in the last loop, who did her best to get to know him. Yang instead kept her distance for the most part, which he was grateful for. It was like his time at Roswaal Mansion. Ram would always treat him like trash, but she was still a… friend(?). Yang was the same way, if not a little more crude.

Subaru could honestly say he enjoyed Nora and Yang's company. That made five people now. The first being Ruby Rose. While his opinions of her weren't as esteemed as others, she was a nice breath of fresh air, if a little immature. The only negative about her was that Subaru saw a little too much of Emilia in the young Huntress. That more or less ruined any form of meaningful friendship between the two.

The second was Sun Wukong. Subaru wasn't sure what it was, but he felt… compelled to be friends with him. It wasn't like he enjoyed his company more than others, but a sort of pull dragged him towards the Faunus. Not a emotional pull, but a quite literal one. Sun had showed up at the fight with Garfiel, then outside the Guard Station, and finally he was put in the same class as the Blonde Faunus. It was almost like some outside force was pulling them together.

Thirdly, was Nora Valkyrie. Normally the loud and eccentric type would have annoyed him, but, and this was hard to admit, Nora had grown on him. Her almost extravagant nature was (This becoming a running theme at Beacon) a breath of fresh air. Admittedly, he had laughed a number of times around the orange haired compatriot.

The fourth, and not so surprisingly, was Yang Xiao Long. Admittedly, her personality struck out the most between Team RWBY and JNPR. Not for her eccentricity or flamboyant characteristics, but for her mature nature. Sure, in the beginning Yang had been childish when confronting him, but the fact that she had willed herself to confront Subaru, and apologize to him spoke volumes. Then again in the second loop, she had forced Ruby to reconcile with him. She may act childish, but at heart she was probably the most mature one besides Ren and himself.

Speaking of-

Subaru's eyes widened, standing up in a flash, holding his sword in a defensive posture. Sweat trickled down his forehead as fear and surprise gripped his heart. How had he not noticed it? The man in the dark, sitting there with a book in his hand, and a contemplative look settled on his face. How had Subaru not noticed? No, better yet-

How did Lie Ren get in his room?

"So, you noticed?" Ren asked, Subaru tensing with each word. Ren flipped a page in his book, not bothering to look up from whatever he was reading. Subaru hefted his sword, being sure not to swing in his surprise.

"What are you doing here, Ren?" Subaru asked, Ren closing his eyes as he snapped his book closed. Instead of pocketing it or brushing it to the side however, Ren tossed it at Subaru, who caught it with his Claw. It was then Subaru realized what he had been reading.

The Gospel of the Cult. Subaru's Gospel.

"Where did you get this?" Subaru asked, having the Claw flip through the Gospel, checking for any discrepancies. Fortunately, nothing had been changed. Unfortunately, he still had only Ruby's Riddle to go off of, but that wasn't his main concern right now. Pocketing it, he kept his eyes on Ren.

"I took it from you when you weren't looking. I was hoping to decipher it before returning it, but I wasn't able to." Ren said, not bothering to move. "I do have a question however, if you don't mind answering."

"Will you leave this room after I do?"

"I can't guarantee anything right now, Subaru. It all depends on your answer." Ren said, Subaru having a vague suspicion of what was to happen next. "Where did you get the Gospel?"

"On a nightstand in my room at an Inn." Subaru spoke truthfully. None of the Gospels were ever handed out to members, only given by a mysterious force that no one had ever been in contact with. Some speculated that it was the Witch herself that made the Gospel, as the entries appeared as time went on, but Subaru didn't believe that. The Witch was sealed away somewhere, meaning she had no dominion over what wasn't connected to her. But that begs the question- how did she continue to write in the Gospel?

Ren's face visibly stiffened, anger overtaking his looks before settling in a calm expression. Subaru's answer hadn't pleased him. "Does this mean you aren't a Cultist?"

"That's correct." Subaru said, lying through his teeth. Apparently Ren didn't believe him either, if the way he took out his daggers were any indication.

"I'm sorry Subaru, but I don't believe you. You wear the uniform of the Witch, and hold her book almost possessively? I… I can't believe that." Ren said, pointing is weapon at Subaru. "I'm sorry."

It was at that moment, when those words escaped his mouth, that Subaru understood who exactly Lie Ren was. That Ren, someone he had respected, and enjoyed the company of, was not who he claimed to be. With a loud bang, it was made abundantly clear his position in this world of lies and cheats.

Lie Ren was Natsuki Subaru's killer. (2)

Side Story: Time Distortion

Peach wasn't always the nice doctor of Beacon Academy that she was today.

Once upon a time, she was just your average goody-two-shoes little girl. As the daughter of a wealthy family, she got whatever she wished, no matter how expensive or silly. This brought about a spoiled side of her; whining, sadistic, and always playing favorites. She was the very definition of a bully.

That was until she unlocked her Semblance: Time Distortion.

Bypassing the traditional ways of unlocking a Semblance was rare, extremely so. There laid in a talent that was so rarely ever scene, however it wasn't all rainbows and sunshine. Peach was consumed by her Semblance, her very being reworked, tortured and changed to something indescribable. Unknown to most, this power was more of a curse than a gift.

Peach repeatedly left and re-entered reality, seeing things no man or woman had ever seen. Learning, experiencing and reliving lives of ages long past. As the days past, her parents panicking on what to do, she spent years, decades aging her mind unwillingly. For her parents, it was a stressful situation. For their daughter, it was hell.

So much so that little girl was driven insane.

Then, two days after Peach gained her powers, a man appeared. Clad in black and gray, he dressed as though he was attending a funeral. Unannounced, uninvited, he made his way to where the girl appeared and reappeared.

With a tap on her forehead, it was over.

Without a word, he left. The parents did not know what to do, but were nonetheless grateful. They had a manhunt for the man, the family wanting to share their wealth, but he was never found. One day, the family just gave up.

But one thing was for certain; while Peach didn't remember much of what happened those two days, her personality was changed. An urge to help, an almost need to help others. Peach would go on to become a well known nurse throughout Remnant, to a Professor of Beacon, specializing in Dust.

One thing was known however, whoever was that man, dressed in funeral attire, knew of Peach's plight. It was almost as if he cursed her with time, and knowledge. Truly, a threatening figure in The World of Remnant and beyond.

1)No, Subaru saying Peaches name before she introduced herself wasn't a mistake. You'll see later why this is important.

2)Subaru is naturally slow at picking up things, and while it may be clear as a readers point of view, for Subaru himself it was slow. He wasn't sure, as Ruby and Yang had showed up the last Friday unannounced, and just going on the attack wouldn't help anyone in this situation.

Aura User: Lie Ren

Semblance: Negative Assurance

Agility: B

Durability: D

Endurance: D

Strength: C

Speed: A

Intelligence: B

Lie Ren is a gifted student of Beacon Academy. Unlike the rest of the student body, he has had actual combat experience in both Remnant and The World Above. This also extends towards his venomous hate of the Cult.

His Semblance is also extraordinary. At first thought to be only a mask to avoid Grimm, it turned out to be a mask for all beings. Lie Ren is able to become less detectable by those outside of his touch. This makes for great covert ops, while also being widely used in combat scenarios.

He could be a great asset in future exploits, but don't fear to kill him if needed.

Story Rant

Oh, where to begin with this one!?

I hate this chapter! While the motivation given by the reviews and readers helped me push forward, this chapter was just pure, and excuse my language, shit! I hate it!

The main problem is that I already fixed the same shit three freaking times already, and I have run out of scenarios to use. I could have pushed Weiss and Blake on Subaru, but I don't want to do that. Those two have their own Arc to get some screen time- Arc 4, The Plague Doctor.

I'm just glad I finally got Subaru his Weapon. Now, the only issue is if Subaru uses it. He's mostly a hand to hand combatant, and his main weapon in canon is a Whip. I don't See Subaru being proficient in anything besides a Whip and a Blunt Object. Luckily, by the time Emilia comes around, he'll have a new Weapon.

Honestly, I just wanna be done with this chapter, so I won't go on for long.

Thanks for powering through for me.

Personal Rant

So, my birthday passed. I don't feel old yet.

I can't thank you enough for the reviews guys!

But I'm sorry.

I'm not ending this, probably won't until either the Grimm Whisperer Arc or Vytal Arc (Name might change to 'At Worlds End'), but I do have to apologize for pushing you in a corner. I promised myself I'd never do that pity thing, and, well, I did. I'm sorry. It wasn't like I didn't need it either, but I just… I needed to know people were reading. As a writer, it's fun to write, and as much as I do it for myself, I like to know that people are here with me.

Again, Thank you for your continued support!

Anyways, I wanna say something. Writing straight up RWBY and Re:Zero fanfic is taxing. I love these series (actually, I got my very first Light Novel recently, Re:Zero Ex 1! It's really good! Crusch and Felix were already gonna be in the Fic, but now they are DEFINITELY gonna be here!), but I also wanna write some side projects too, if that's okay?

I recently got back into Marvel and Young Justice, and I've been connecting those two worlds in other fics, which I find fun. I hope it's alright if I jump back and forth?

Anyways, Thank you for your continued support!

Also, to the guy who followed and favorited both this work and me on the 20th! Thank you!


Echonic- Nope, sorry. I should create a What If though, like, what if Ruby was mentally unstable.

Hydronx101- Thank you! I just wish this chapter was better, honestly. This chapter… ugh.

SugoiMasta'69- Nope! Won't abandon!

Evinco- I could see her helping, if Subaru allowed it. Subaru doesn't really trust anyone to help him, especially Team Ruby and JNPR. The main reason for that is the distrust he has for the world around him. A lot of things happened to Subaru I'm the past that made it difficult for him to really place faith in anybody that can't hold their own against, per say, Wrath or Betelgeuse.

It was already difficult enough for him to trust Emilia and Rem, now it's almost nonexistent.

Victormt2live- Welcome Back! Happy to see you back! Though I do apologize for the horrible delay and, well, writing. I'm not sure what happened this chapter.

At the time of writing the Rem scene, I was thinking about how to hint at something like what will happen in Chapter 9. You see, Cinder knows who Subaru is, and his past. I won't go into detail, as spoilers, but you'll see next chapter. Also, the reason he freaked out was due to The unexpectedness of it. If he had seen her, say, a minute before bumping into her, he'd be fine. The Cinder scene too. That was a hint, and that was just Cinder playing with his mind, as she believed she had him in the palm of her hand since Subaru was so out of touch with the gang that loop.

Ok, when I was considering Subaru's speed, I was thinking about it logically. I based his sprint on the 400 meter dash, the highest record of that being 43 seconds. The average person is around 2 minutes. So, Subaru is on par with an Olympic athlete. He's definitely slower than Weiss and Ruby, but could definitely run faster if he put more muscle into it.

The way the Claw Sprint works is, as you already know, uses the strength of the Unseen Hand to push him forward. Seeing as how Subaru had to turn while doing this, if he didn't need to he'd definitely pick up speed. It's like using a trampoline- the more you jump, the higher you get. Same with speed, the harder he pushes, the more momentum he gets. That comes with the risk of losing mobility however.

The thing with Pyrrha is just Subaru judging her wrong. You see, Subaru so far has almost no flaws, and he needs them. So, one of his flaws is to judge others wrongly. He sees Ren as a good guy, while Pyrrha a bad guy. When in reality, Ren is bad, and Pyrrha good. Of course, her insistence on fighting is developed more in the Medusa Arc (if I write that).

I'm happy you enjoyed the poison scene! I personally don't like it, but if someone else enjoyed it, I'm happy!

Again, sorry for this chapter!

P.S. if you ever want to chat or have a question you want answered immediately, it's A-OK to PM me. Just make sure NOT to use the App, as PM doesn't work on the Fanfiction App.

Guest5890438379- Oh god no! Retelling are horrible ways to just get followers and favorites. Look at the Naruto community for that.

The "…" makes me nervous. If you're holding back a critique, don't. I don't get butthurt over actual critiques to my works, I use those to better myself. And I will continue this, Thank you!