Reviews for Cupiditatem
Guest chapter 8 . 5/19
This is a legitimately good story and I wish you would come back.I hope everything is well
HaydosMivill chapter 1 . 5/7
This is defferent, but it was something I so desperately needed. Cannot wait for more,
Guesst chapter 2 . 4/24
Hey it's me again. I'm sorry I have a lot of thoughts about this crossover. I hope you don't mind me sharing!
Daw, Subaru being awkward just makes him seem more human- sympathetic- nice. I dunno, he's a bad guy he seems less bad then. Also, the whole conversation with Ruby was great, humor saves me from dark stories. It's all good fun!
Also also is Ruby having a premonition of Subaru's deaths? You know, after Ruby and Subaru introduce themselves? Especially concerning the fact the fact that Ruby could SEE the Unseen Hands. Smells like Satella has something to do with both of those since its presumably because of Satella that Subaru could also see Unseen Hands.
Would you suppose the brother gods of Remnant would also be the entity giving Divine Protections in Re:Zero? At least, I believe I read the wiki that there's some sort of entity giving either the Divine Protection or was the source of Od.
And noo, you traumatized Penny! I mean I can't blame you, it's clear that you've put a lot of thought into this and it looks like it's going to diverge from the original RWBY story. That's awesome. Keep at it!
To your question of the pacing, I suppose when writing there's putting a lot more thought into the writing- words, composition, choreography, etc., than just reading the action and dialogue. For example, whenever I write, there's a lot of thought into how I'm going to compose it, should I mention something that's coming up later, which words are the most perfect, skipping to other parts when I'm stuck, stuff like that. I mostly write inchoherent messes though. I see the pacing as fine, I like the action, the dialogue, and the bits of exposition between the action. But I'm weird for liking exposition, what's probably the most boring part of a story, so something cancels out. (There are just so many possibilities derived from the bits of lore!)
I hope you're doing well. I enjoyed the ride so far and am glad I got to read something like this. Wherever you are, have a good one!
Guesst chapter 3 . 4/22
I've been rereading this and rereading and rereading to catch all the little details you've put its amazing how much thought you've put into this! It's been a really enjoyable read and I'm loving how each revelation (like Ruby being able to see the unseen hands, Emilia going down to visit Remnant, Ren's backstory, I think Cinder's the "author" of the character bios?, wham lines after wham lines, how long did it take you do all this?!) just makes this crossover all the more interesting! I especially like how you connected the two worlds with both of them calling the other the World Above/Below, which is so appropriate with Re:Zero's world literally ending in waterfalls going down (which I'm assuming happens from the wiki description) as if it's really like a floating "World Above" Remnant. That's super creative putting Remnant and Lugnica('s What's its name anyways?) together. I love reading worldbuilding details like this, which is probably why RWBY and Re:Zero are my favorites, and then you wrote this putting everything I love together! Now that I think of it, there are a lot of parallels between the RWBY's and Re:Zero's lore, especially with the new volumes coming out. I dont want to include spoilers if you didn't catch up, so being vague, divine protections could be connected further to Remnant lore surprisingly. And uh, that's the only vague connection without spoiling any more. But there are a lot of surprising similarities between the two series. Enter Kronk's "oh yeah, it's all coming together".
I have so many questions I'm excited to see revealed! I wonder how much of RWBY's lore you added to this. Is there a penalty for revealing Return by Death?
As someone with no skills in writing, I can only tell you as a reader that reading this, so disregard anything I say if you don't agree. I feel like you've captured the characters as they are from the new circumstances in this universe. This is your story, I think you should write it to what you enjoy, excuse my cheesiness and atrocity of a sentence, because isn't that what make books interesting- if they came from what the author enjoyed writing?
The comedy bits make me forget Subara's done some irreversible stuff but it's a relief to read after all the other bloodshed. Its great! (Not the murdering and pillaging. I'm holding on to the hope that Subara will somehow be partly at peace and happy after... someday... Oh but hey!- meeting Emilia would be interesting.)
After all of that, thank you for writing this.

(And apology for the extremely long comment.)
MageTGM chapter 8 . 3/2
This chapter confuses me more than the rest but okay then. Also, Wasn't Subaru a normal guy in our world before being transported to the other world? He would know what things like a debit card and a phone were.
Accelerator Chan chapter 8 . 7/15/2019
Wow this is a surprisingly good fic. I wasnt sure how you were originally going to blend these two worlds but I must say you have been doing an amazing job so far! Was a little jarring at the beginning with Subaru though his character has grown on me a lot. Though I have a question, has Subaru since coming to Remnent ever gotten into a fight with a pro hunter yet? Regardless great fic so far and cant wait for future updates!
Silver's Linning chapter 8 . 4/25/2019
Binged the entire story in one go and I must say it was an absolute banger of a fanfic, it felt like a perfect blend of the Re:Zero universe and that of RWBY with very few things that make it seem that it was out of universe with the current arc feeling like it was something the Re:Zero author would write. Don't know if you'll continue this but at least know that this was the highlight of my day and that the others who read this would have found enjoyment from this as well.
The Red Sun chapter 8 . 9/26/2018
Well, I wasn't completly off on my guess.
The Green tea pointed me between Blake and Ren, both stealth warriors with cold personalities, I just went with the one that actually killed and was most likely to give the tea to Ruby, didn't expect Ren to be the one to step in and give that to Ruby, but I did mention that Ren could have recognized him as a cultist if he knew from the World Above.
Subaru has a bad streak with the names starting with Re it would seem (funny because the show is called Re Zero).

What will the devil do now?
Because unlike Rem, he can't persuade Ren, because on the series Rem acussed him based only on the stench, somenthing unfair, here however Ren saw the book and the clothes,he now Subaru IS a cultist, I don't know how Subaru plans to revert that.
It was hinted from the beggining of the arc that Ren would be the killer with all the serious glares, but you did cover it up really well with the whole enjoying his company, making him seem like less of a suspect.

Looking forward to a solution to this!
Don't give up!
The Red Sun chapter 7 . 9/26/2018
Alright, in the first chapters I was bored or busy if I'm honest, but not because the story was bad, as far as narrative goes, it has maybe a few typos here and there, but is well written, and the development of the character is astounding, I mean, Subaru is far more interesting here (like all dark hero fics, the dark Jaune fanficts for example are gold), the reason was mainly because in crossovers I want to see the actual crossing, meaning once Subaru got near Beacon the stroy picked up momentum, that and the fact that a lot of the information in the first chapters is about parts of the LN that I haven't readed yet (and is funny that the other window in my phone browser is the LN, I'm in the Sanctuary/Echidonna arc).
Now however this has picked up my interest a lot, is actually distracting me from problems, hell, I go as far as read it on the bus back home from Universiry.
This has a lot of potential, a writter who likes fight scenes, can do character development, has a plan for the story and actually wants to keep everything real (difficult for a show like Re Zero) has the mix to produce a good story, and I see that here, the whole loop thing that Subaru does feels a lot more smooth here that in the actual anime.

As for the killer, I will read next chapter now, but my guesses were Ren, Mercury, Weiss and Blake.
Mercury was taken out because while he hates Subaru, he wouldn't defy Cinder, and she wants Subaru alive, which takes all the villians out of the ecuation. Besides, Mercury wouldn't be silent about it, he would smash Subaru's head with a kick, not cut his throat or anything.
Pyrrha is even more unlikely because while she was wierd recently, she is excited to fight Subaru, because she sees a challenge, nothing else, and it wouldn't match with her description.
Neither would Jaune who lacks the guts to do it or the motivation, and Nora who can get along with anyone.
The sisters were also discarded in this chapter.
Team SSSN and CFVY are also out of the ecuation, one because it has other matters to deal with, and the other because the lider is a friend of Subaru.
This leaves Weiss, Ren and Blake.
Weiss would have access to poison or everything, abd she is cold, but she wouldn't do somenthing like that, because it would tarnish the name and reputation that she wants to build so badly.
Ren is someone who KNOWS of the world above, and from stories I'm sure he can figure out what Subaru is, and he is a stealth warrios and someone who was serious about magic and everything. But he would as well lack the reason, specially because Subaru isn't a threat to him or Nora, and he knows it.
Ozpin wouldn't be because he went all the way to get Subaru, and neither would Peach because she wouldn't defy her boss.
This leaves us with the only one who has actually killed people, and is stealthy, at the same time as a Faunus, people that Subaru hates, Blake.
And what hints at her would be the tea.
Ruby won't distinguish grass from expensive tea,as shown here, but the one who actually knows about tea and could give pointers to Ruby is Blake.
However, so does Ren.
But Blake seems more likely considering the Black Fang and the story with the Witch Cult
But she would also lack a concrete motivation.
Guess I will have to find out.

Keep up this story someday, because it has a lot of potential, looking forward to seeing more!
tsun chapter 8 . 2/19/2018
medusa arc? what?

your story is good. keep on writing.

this chapter felt more clean with less boring scenes.
tsun chapter 7 . 2/19/2018
your story is good!

but some scenes are extremely boring. too much details that I'm not sure if it's even important to the plot but still, it's good.

good! awesome!

but you need beta to trim down your chapter. beta or editor.
tsun chapter 6 . 2/19/2018
he still hasn't tried to know the new authority。。。。
tsun chapter 4 . 2/19/2018
lol, comparing Ozpin to Reinhardt. lol wyd Subarun. Reinhardt is broken. the guy can have any divine protection just because he asks for it. Ozpin the body snatcher is overconfident geezer.

nice story but so far, I'm not yet sold to it.

story wise and character wise. Subarun is still the love hate character from canon which is a plus but I don't like nerfting one side to make the others looks balance.

magic is broken.

I can't wait to see how will puck turn cinder into Swede cheese.

1 arc already but subarun hasn't died yet? that's bad for me buddy. he didn't even tried to find out the new authority that he received. it was skipped out and were not treated to a possible useless suicide just to see if he can save his friend.

lacks suffering.

please reduced rwby brats.
tsun chapter 3 . 2/19/2018
Rwby cast dying like bugs? im all for it. darn, killing Garfield pet/bro snickers. kill that useless monkey next! hates the protagonist plot armor. i hope you live up ro what you've said here.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/13/2018
Splendid story! it’s been a month now and I’ve really starting to worry if you’re going to continue it at all. It’s a amazing story and I did like the last chapter,especially the cliff hangar it was left continue this story!
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