I'm back with a new installment. I know this has been on hiatus for a while. The muse has been very fickle for writing overall. I'm leaving the hiatus status because I honestly don't know how long I'll be going between postings. Never fear, I will continue.


Chapter 10 – The Foursome

It was about a month since Neville's near miss with the mugwump and everything had settled down for the extended group of friends. Ginny was helping out at Wheezes while Fred and George worked on their latest project. A new storefront had become available on High Street in Hogsmeade and they had bought it immediately. The place needed major remodeling, but it was destined to be the next branch of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. It was the second week of February when both brothers returned from a meeting with the solicitor and called an impromptu meeting shortly before lunch, closing the shop for an hour and calling all their employees together. Included in the group were Ginny, Lee, Alicia, Hermione, Verity, and the newest hire, an older wizard named Dan. Fred led off the meeting, with George interjecting in the twins' usual dialogue style.

"Alright everyone, its official! We're the proud owners of number 17 High Street, Hogsmeade."

"Now the real work begins."

"Of course, we know there was plenty of work before, which is why we just hired Dan."

"That being said, we want to keep our focus on the main store."

"Which means we need someone we can trust with the new store."

"Which needs a lot of work."

"A LOT."

"Here at this store, there are two of us working together and we think that formula will work well at the new store also."

"At least to get it moving."

"So, Lee, Ginny, think you can work together on the task?"

"Gin, it will mean going full time."

Ginny looked a bit stunned, but slowly nodded as she formed a reply. She had been part time, basically because it was easy and she didn't need full time money splitting a flat four ways. Full time work would mean more in savings.

"Sure guys, that sounds brilliant. Lee?"

"Sure, sounds like a challenge."

"Alright, its set then. I'll go with you to take a look around tomorrow and start to discuss the vision. The hope is to be open by summer, and give the place a chance to establish itself before school starts."

With that, the meeting drew to a close and everyone left to go to lunch together at a nearby sandwich shop. Ginny and Lee were both excited at the prospects and it also answered Ginny's growing concern about how much work there really was going to be for her since her workload had dwindled recently.

Over the next couple of weeks Ginny and Lee relocated themselves to Hogsmeade and began the complex process of cleaning out the old store and designing the new displays. The design was going to be similar to the flagship store, but also planned to have its own flavor. The goal was to make each store distinctive in its own right.

At the end of February, Ginny was working late at the store and had the wireless on listening to the Wimbourne-Portree game that Ritchie was playing in. Dean was attending, as he often did, but she and Daphne only made it to occasional games. Still, they always tried to find time to at least listen to part of each match and keep up with how Ritchie was doing. He was one of the better beaters in the league and was gradually making a name for himself. The match was going long as it went into its third hour and Ginny was getting ready to close up the store for the night when the lackluster game suddenly changed as the announcer grew excited.

"And Higgs knocks a bludger towards Boor, but misses and nearly strikes Coote. And Coote takes the bludger and knocks it back at Higgs. Ooh, Coote looks mad. It looks like we have a beater war folks…"

Ginny paused in her locking up and decided to stay and listen for a few minutes. There was some other play, interlaced with the bludger being knocked to interfere with two scoring runs. It was fairly typical, but then Ritchie got the bludger once again.

"…and Coote has the bludger and ooh he nearly polished Higgs that time. Higgs is steaming and chases after the loose bludger and it looks like now Pearl is helping Higgs. We have a two on one beater battle. The second bludger is in the possession of Smythe, who can't do much to help Coote without leaving a loose bludger in play. And Pearl knocks the bludger at Coote and Coote does a beautiful barrel roll. Nice sa..no wait. The bludger clipped Coote's broom and he's out of control and in a tail dive. And he's down. It wasn't high, but that was a nasty crash. And now it looks like Higgs and Pearl are going after Smythe and we have a time out! The medics are on the pitch…"

Ginny stood, stunned as she waited for the announcer to give word about what Ritchie's status was. At least he hadn't been hit by the bludger. Still, tail dives were nasty, completely disorienting and sending a rider out of control straight to the pitch below. After a few minutes, the announcer finally stopped with mindless prattle and came back with an update.

"…and play resumes. Coote has been taken away by medics. Vinson is coming in for him and I'd place odds he'll be in for the rest of the game."

Ginny shut off the wireless and decided to apparate back to flat right away and check in with Daphne. Since it was already past six, her girlfriend would have been home for a while. They could wait for word from Dean together.

Back at the flat, Ginny was correct in her assumption when she found her anxious girlfriend waiting by the wireless, listening to the end of the game. Daphne had been home for well over an hour from her new job at the Ministry and had heard everything. She hugged Ginny tight and they sat down to wait without saying a word. About twenty minutes later, Dean apparated in and both women jumped from their seats as he started speaking right away.

"Hi Gin, Daph. I'm just stopping on the way to Mungo's. I figured you were listening to the game. Ritchie is beaten up, but will be okay. Come along with me if you want."

"Dumb question Dean, let's go."

The threesome made a quick exit and apparated to the hospital. Dean was listed as Ritchie's next of kin, but the two women weren't allowed in to see him right away. Just being nearby helped though as they waited over the next several hours and a healer came and delivered a final verdict of all of Ritchie's injuries. He had fallen from about thirty feet and landed on his left side, fracturing seven bones on that side of his body and bruising a lung. Finally, once he was stable, the healers relented and allowed the ladies and other family back to briefly see Ritchie. He was heavily dosed on skele-gro and pain potions so they didn't stay long, but it was reassuring to see him.

After visiting with Ritchie and Dean, Daphne and Ginny returned to the flat and tried to get some rest for a brief while. Then they gathered a few essentials, including some clothes and food for Dean and made their way back to the hospital the next morning. Although the plan had been for both to return to work, after a sleepless night away from the hospital, neither wanted to be parted from the guys and both women took a few days off of work to stay with their significant others. The three worked in shifts with different members taking turns to briefly return to the flat for quick showers and rest in between changing shifts by Ritchie's bed. Dean may have been his primary partner, but in the days at the hospital it soon became apparent just how bonded all of the four were. Daphne especially was surprised at just how traumatized she found herself by her lover's injuries. After a miraculous four days in the hospital with round the clock care, Ritchie was allowed to return home with strict orders to take things easy for a week and no Quidditch for a month. Magical medicine truly was amazing.

With Ritchie back home where he belonged, life returned to normal for the two couples. Ginny was back preparing for the opening of the Hogsmeade store with Lee. For Daphne she was back at her internship with the Department for International Magical Cooperation, working as a translator in French. It was the only position that was open to a non-numbered candidate and her bilingual skills came in handy for the first time since her family's frequent summer trips to France. She had been in the position for three months and enjoyed the diversity of people that she got to meet.

As for Dean and Ritchie, they enjoyed some time together while Ritchie recuperated since Dean's job was flexible. He had one portrait commission, but he had managed to reschedule that. He also had a couple of paintings he was working on, but he still puttered away at those in the off hours while his lover rested.

It was a full three weeks after Ritchie's injury before he finally returned to an observation role with his team and Dean returned to his portrait commission. After work each day all of the four returned to the flat and a comfortable domesticity that the couples had settled into.

While everyone was careful with Ritchie following his injuries, he soon let his partners know within a couple of weeks that he was ready for intimacy again and he and Dean made love gently within a couple of weeks of his injury. His time with Daphne was a bit slower to return, taking about another week.

It all culminated when Daphne returned home from work frustrated one evening. Ritchie was home early since he was still in only an observational role and Dean and Ginny were both still out working when Daphne blew into the flat, tossed her outer robes, barged into the kitchen, poured a glass of wine, and then flopped onto a nearby stool, looking put out with the world. Ritchie was in the living room reading and watched the whole episode, getting up to stand behind Daphne, rubbing her shoulders gently.

"Rough day love?"

"Ugh, you have no idea. Petty junior bureaucrats. A little to the right. Gods your hands are brilliant."

"You know, my hands could be even more brilliant elsewhere…"

"Don't tempt me Ritchie. I'm trying to let you recover."

"I'm recovered. Ask Dean."

"Damn, don't go putting thoughts in my head."

Ritchie was now leaning forward and nuzzling her neck as his fingers continued to work her shoulders, eliciting a series of moans.

"Gin and Dean won't be home for at least an hour Daph."


Daphne spun on the stool and suddenly her lips were on his and Ritchie grinned in satisfaction as he took the pliant witch in his arms and they began stumbling toward a bedroom. Along the way, clothes started being lost as lips traced and suckled. The room they reached was Daphne's by chance and both finished stripping as they fell onto the bed. Ritchie looked down on the gorgeous witch and then dipped his head to take a nipple in his mouth as she moaned in satisfaction. While he worked one side, he ran his hands lower and began to lightly trace her before moving his lips to her other breast. Meanwhile, Daphne took hold of him and began to lightly fondle him, working him to full hardness. Both seemed to know that neither was willing to wait long as Ritchie looked up at her with darkened eyes. With a brief nod, he lined himself up and entered her swiftly, causing a squee of delight that was ended as his mouth captured hers. Soon the sounds in the room were a rhythm of moans and grunts as each began to set a steady pace, desperate for release. After a good while in one position, Daphne rolled them sideways and took over for a bit before she finally approached her climax, reaching it just a minute before her partner. Once both were satisfied, neither bothered to move, instead they curled up and talked languidly until they fell into a pleasant sleep.

It was Ginny who found them a while later when she returned from work and was surprised to find the flat quiet. When she walked into her bedroom, the tangle of two bodies made her smile. She and Dean had their times, but she knew Daphne and Ritchie had been denied lately and she was glad that Ritchie truly was completely on the mend. Deciding to let them sleep a bit longer, she went to start some pasta for an easy dinner since Dean was due home soon.

The next month passed much the same for the foursome with the two primary couples of Dean and Ritchie and Daphne and Ginny and then the two secondary couples that were becoming just as bonded. Dean and Ginny had been together on and off for longer, but Daphne and Ritchie had a chemistry that couldn't be denied. All four would have been fine to keep things as they were, except that wasn't to be the case.

Daphne had been in her internship for six months when the subject of her status came up and she began to look at applying for a permanent coordinator position within the Department for International Magical Cooperation. Unfortunately, being unrated made any position a near impossibility. Similarly, Ritchie was being pressured by the team who wanted all their players to be rated within the year so that they could be in compliance with the DMGS. It seemed time was running out and the law was the main subject of discussion at dinner one evening.

"So Daphne, what are you going to do? Look at other departments for another job?"

"I can try, but all departments in the Ministry want you rated, kind of like how all teams have to comply with the DMGS. There's no way around the law."

Ginny grew contemplative and everyone could tell she had something to say.


"Well, I can think of one solution for the four of us. It's drastic, but it would solve our problems. Dean is either newblood or halfblood and I'm pureblood. Ritchie is newblood and Daphne is pureblood. If Dean and I marry and Daphne and Ritchie marry, it makes everyone happy. Behind closed doors nothing has to change. I know its drastic."

"Hmm, true, but maybe…"

"Well, it's something to think about."

"We'd have to make the decision as a family. Let's think about it."

Everyone agreed to think about it for a few days, but Daphne only had twelve days left on her job. Something would have to be decided soon. It felt like a weight was hanging over them. Four days after the initial discussion, Dean and Ritchie were together late one evening and talked it over further. Both agreed that, while they were initially hesitant, after a few days the idea had settled and was sounding better to both of them. With their decision made, they planned a nice dinner out with the ladies for a couple of days later to make formal proposals.

The next question that came up was the subject of rings, but both men decided to wait and design special rings as a group that would signify the unique partnership. Both felt a bit unsure not having something to present at their proposals, but this was hardly conventional anyway.

The following Friday night the group of four made their way to a favorite Indian restaurant in their neighborhood. After enjoying all of the many courses, they settled with tea and biscuits at the end of the meal and Dean and Ritchie knew it was time. Both men reached for their respective partners' hands and began to speak together.

"Ginny, I've loved you for years. Now we've developed a unique partnership with the four of us that works amazingly well. Because of the law, we can't bond as we wish, but I would be more than happy if you would agree to be my wife?"

"Daphne, we've been together for a while now and I've come to love the amazing woman you are. Dean may be my primary partner, but you fulfill something in me that I never realized was missing. Because of this law, we can't be together as we wish, but I know you and I could be happy together. Will you marry me?"

Both women looked at the two men and then looked to each other as tears threatened to fall from Ginny's eyes. This was wonderful and difficult at the same time. They both knew that if it wasn't for the law, then this wouldn't be happening. Still, both loved the men who were offering their lives to them. Both Ginny and Daphne took just a moment to confirm with a look to each other before turning back and answering with identical positive responses. Each then sealed the words with long kisses across the table. The final course was finished in record time as each couple was eager to get home for private celebrations.

The very next day the couples made their way to jewelry store where they found four identical rings with four diamonds set in a line. It didn't take long with magic to have the diamonds replaced with an amethyst for Dean, emerald for Ritchie, peridot for Ginny, and topaz for Daphne, with each arranged in order with the first stone being for the person whose ring it was. Each was thus unique and perfect for the bonded foursome.

By the following Monday both the new engagements were registered with the Marriage and Family Registration and Tracking Office and Daphne saw an immediate attitude shift in her department. Although she didn't have a date picked out for the wedding, just being engaged in a class 1 pairing opened up new positions for her in the department. Within the week she had a new position as a departmental travel liaison for French relations. It was still a junior position, but it meant she would be working directly with the embassies in both countries.

As for the other pairing, they saw another side effect to registering in that Dean had no record of his father and was required to take an inheritance test. The results showed nothing magical and gave him no further clue as to who his father was besides the alias that his mother had. Still, it was good news for him and Ginny, meaning he was newblood completely and giving them a category 1 pairing as well.

After announcing their news to the government the next major announcements came with all four families. It was agreed that the foursome would deliver the news as a united front each time, which would be easier in some cases. Deciding to start off easier, the foursome visited Ritchie's single mum, who fixed a shepherd's pie and welcomed the group. She was friendly with Dean and knew of the ladies, but was more than a bit shocked by the engagement. In the end, she accepted Daphne and was fairly understanding.

Next was a visit to Greengrass manor. The foursome were invited to a formal brunch with Daphne's parents and sister all in attendance. Daphne had been open about her and Ginny's relationship, but the Greengrasses had largely chosen to ignore it. At the brunch she and Ginny remained cozy, but then she announced the unusual decision that the foursome had decided on to satisfy the law and announced her engagement as she took Ritchie's hand. Patricia Greengrass seemed stunned and immediately left the table, while Nathaniel Greengrass absolutely forbade his daughter from marrying for 'insane reasons' and insisted he could 'find her a suitable match'. After trying to reason with her father and waiting for her mother to return with no hope in sight, Daphne said goodbye to Astoria and everyone left.

Dean's parents were next and were the easiest to convince. They had always been open to the group and, while not happy about the government's interference, supported the group wholeheartedly.

Finally, it was time for a Sunday supper at the Burrow and Ginny had invited the other three to come with her, informing her parents that she was bringing the other three and not asking for permission. Supper saw everyone in attendance, including Harry and Luna, who were essentially adopted. Hermione was there with Fred of course. The only person missing was Charlie. The foursome all apparated to just outside the wards and then walked into the property. Arthur welcomed Ginny and then said hello to her friends. Ginny had her arm wrapped around Daphne and made their partnership clear. Dean and Ritchie were also holding onto each other and were introduced around. Then Ginny made a point of sitting in Dean's lap while conversation was happening during the starters while her mother was still in the kitchen with the roast, drawing a few stares. Of course it was Ron who said something.

"Oi Ginny, what are you doing? I thought you were a switch witch. Why are you falling all over Dean now?"

Arthur groaned, while George palmed his face. Ron had the subtlety of a bludger.

"Actually Ron, I need to talk to everyone. Oh good mum, you're out of the kitchen, please stay here a moment, I have an announcement."

Ginny proceeded to explain about the foursome's reasoning with the law and their deciding to split into two pairings to make the law happy, but still live as they had been. She then showed everyone her ring to make it even more clear. Molly seemed a bit confused though.

"Oh Ginny, I'm so happy you're settling down. Dean seems quite nice. But you're still living with the others?"

"Yes mum, Dean still loves Ritchie and I love Daphne. We are not giving up on our primary partnerships. I'm bisexual. This marriage is just acknowledging one half of myself."

"But that's so unnatural!"

"Not to me mum."

"Are you happy Gin?"

"Yes dad, the four of us have been quite happy together."

That seemed to good enough for Arthur as he shrugged. Molly just muttered and returned to her roast as the next question was regarding a date for a ceremony and whether it would be a double. That was something that had been discussed, they had agreed to a joint ceremony, but a date still had to be decided.

Soon supper was served and Ginny sat between her two partners. Her mum still kept looking at her a bit strangely, but her dad and brothers seemed to be accepting, so she would take it as a start. And at least her mother hadn't exploded, so she was counting her blessings.

Over the next couple of weeks the foursome began to plan their ceremony and decided on a quiet event to be held in the Wimbourne Gardens, not far from where Ritchie's team played. All of their friends and families were invited, although it was unsure who would actually be attending. The planned date for the wedding was July 7th, which hopefully promised good weather with all the flowers of the garden being in bloom.

The couple of months leading up to the double ceremony saw a flurry of activity as all members of the wedding party remained busy with their jobs, as well as the wedding planning. One happy side effect of the plans was that Molly Weasley seemed to set aside her concerns and threw herself into helping Ginny plan her pending nuptials. She still wasn't openly fond of Daphne, but all of the foursome were welcome at family dinners and the Weasleys seemed to be coming around gradually.

Soon the day arrived of the planned double ceremony and the brides and grooms found themselves in separate quarters, with Daphne and Ginny at the flat with their attendants, Luna and Tracey. Meanwhile Dean and Ritchie were at Grimmauld with Harry and Stewart Ackerley, who were each standing by their mates' sides during the ceremony. Once everyone was ready, they apparated to a greenhouse at the gardens that had a designated apparition point before stepping out to the formal tea gardens where rows of white chairs had been arranged leading up to the magnificent fountains, which would be the backdrop for the vows.

The grooms arrived first and were pleased to see that the wedding coordinator had everything well in hand with half the seats already full. All of the families were in attendance with the exception of Daphne's father, who still refused to acknowledge her choice. Once all the seats were full, the grooms walked their mothers up the aisle, each looking dapper in modern half robes in different shades of blue with cream accents. Once they reached the front, they turned to wait for their ladies.

First up the aisle came Tracey, followed by Luna, each looking beautiful in pale blue dresses and carrying bunches of miniature roses. Following them came the brides, with Daphne first. Each bride wore a more non-magical style wedding dress, each in different shades of white. Daphne's was flowing with crystals while Ginny's was a swirl of organza flowers down the modest train. Both looked resplendent and the grooms were grinning broadly.

The nuptials were presided over by an officiant from the Ministry who opened the ceremony with the magical rite of binding and then proceeded on to more modern vows. Each couple alternated, taking turns with their vows. Next each couple exchanged gold wedding bands to go with their engagement rings, with the women having a more intricate filigree design versus the men's simple bands. Once the rings were exchanged, the magical binding was completed and then the official first kiss was finally announced. After the kisses, all four linked hands and walked back up the aisle together.

After a round of photographs, the wedding party joined all the guests for a festive luncheon held in a marquee in another part of the gardens with an open lawn. The theme for the food was farm fresh and featured a range of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as other luncheon foods for feasting on. After everyone had a chance to eat, two three tier cakes were produced and each couple cut into one before then feeding each other. After the cake, the couples said their goodbyes and left the party. Their next stop was a portkey to Paris for a joint honeymoon for seven days.

The honeymoon ended up being fantastic for all the couples as the foursome bonded even tighter. Although they were now two married couples, they were also two same sex couples and spent equal nights with their other partners. It may have seemed strange to some, but it worked for them.

Arriving back from Paris, the foursome returned to life as normal with their two category 1 pairings making all their jobs that much easier. Even for Ginny, George had admitted that having her registered would make his business dealings easier in the future. The marriages were a bit out of convenience, but as the couples settled into married life, they also knew that there truly were bonds of love between them all.