It was strange, eerie, as pale blue eyes observed tge situation. It was a sight far from what he was used to seeing. The sounds of footsteps, the familliar tell-tale sound of heels, the occasional quiet murmurs— it's gone. Instead suffocating silence filled the air.

It wasn't the silence that spooked him, no, it was the storm you can feel in the air. A calm before a storm. His hand came to press the ear-com as the all-to-familliar sound of buzzing of the ear-com filtered through.

'Agent Barton, please immediately evacuate the area. You are strictly forbidden from entering by the director himself. '

The warning went unheeded as the man— now known as Barton— trudged through the rooms. Normally, he wouldn't ignore such orders, but then again, this was no normal circumstances.

He can almost feel the storm— now a hurricane, raining down torrents of water, drenching everything but nothing at the same time. The pressure got heavier and heavier, weighing him down, slowing him, as if it does not want to be found. Well, he thought, some rules are meant to be broken. Later on he thought again; dammit, Stark must've rubbed off on me.

A clang on a room to his left gathered his attention. Making sure he kept his back pressed firmly to the wall as a mean of precation if whoever or whatever it was decided to be hostile, he entered the room.


In all his years, Clint Barton never believed in such things as the saying 'pitch black'. Nothing could have been that dark. But right now, standing in this very room, he found himself believing it.

Even with a single shred of light— the only one — not too far away, the darkness was unbearable. Or maybe it was the pressure of a storm brewing in the still air. Either way, it was suffocating him, drowning him, as if it was forcing him to kneel. He could've sworn he heard it saying things, whispering a command.

Kneel...bow down to me...

Gritting his teeth, he forced himself to focus on what was beyond the single shred of light. Sometimes, the darkest secret was hidden behind a veil of truth.

...stop resisting...

There! A single silhouette was all Barton could see. His breath got caught up in his throat as he watched the figure danced with a— was that a sword? Still, the fluid movement of this person was inhumane. No one could have done that.


The pressure intensified as the speed and grace of the movement increased. It was as if the figure cloaked in shadows was one with the sword. A dance of blades, a ballad of death.

Not to soon, the pressure became unbearable.

...kneel... kneel... kneel...

The swordman's movement became deadlier as he stepped closer and closer to the shred of light. Barton could now see glimpses of porcelain-like skin.

...kneel... kneel... kneel...

Barton gasped as the force knocked him down, forcing him on his knees. His eyes widened in both panic and anticipation.

...kneel.. kneel..kneelkneelkneelKNEELKNEELKNEELKNE

His breath once again got caught up in his throat as he saw the sea-green orbs of the mystery figure. All movement stopped, the voices disappeared, and the mysterious figure promptly lowered down the sword.

"Who...are you? "

No emotions could be read from the figure. Barton could have imagined a face set stone cold, unfeeling and uncaring framing the sea-like eyes. He fought back a shiver as he saw the fury beneath the ice-like layer of those orbs.

A storm waiting to break loose.

His question went unanswered as the figure stepped back from the light and back into the shadows. As soon as it happened, the pressure evaporated, leaving Barton yet again gasping for breath.

"Hey wait! "

He got up onto his feet and into the darkness, which seemed not as dark as before. Strange, but not as peculiar as the figure before.

He was fairly certain the figure ran this way, so he chased after him only to find— nothing. Only a faint scent of the sea. As if the figure seemed to have evaporated like sea-foam.

He didn't know how right he was until later on.

Shivering slightly, he brought his hand to his ear-com once more as the buzzing sounded again

'Agent Barton, please evacuate the area immediately. No questions, director's orders'

Snapping out of his daze, he got out of there as fast as he could. He would later deny the claims of running out of that area. He still had his pride to keep after all.

Yet, no matter how hard he tried to shake of the memory, he found himself unable to forget those sea-green orbs.


Wew, so... how was it? I finally did it. I've been wanting to publish this fic for a while. Please tell me what you think. Building criticism is respected.

Sorry for any spelling errors, English is not my first languange.

Will try to make the chapters longer next time. And, I'm not sure yet about the pairings. Maybe slash, maybe none at all. Tell me what you think.

Guess this is it for now dudes, au Revoir!