Disclaimer – I do not own either Blazblue or RWBY. They are owned by Arc Systems and Roosterteeth respectively.




"Izanami Mental Speaking"

Chapter 1 – My Only Chance

All around her was a sea of eternal darkness. She felt weightless in the void she had floated torturously for so long. How much time had passed since then? Since she became a prisoner within her own body? She didn't know. She just wanted it to end.

To be free again.

Where was her brother? Where was Ragna? He wouldn't leave her trapped here, would he? Alone forever in this endless nothingness within her own body. Within this swirling emptiness of darkness and death wrought upon her by the Izanami System.

No. Not her brother. He'd never do that. Her brother would never leave her to this fate. Not as long as he could still draw breath, He must be trying to find her. He must be.

He must be.

Pain shot through her again. If she had a corporeal body she knew she'd be in tears. The pain of her body slowly deteriorating from the act of being the vessel for the Goddess of Death. Izanami might be controlling her body; possessing the ability to control and manipulate what that evil man, Relius Clover, had transformed her body into, but she was the one who felt the pain. Izanami couldn't feel pain. Death couldn't feel pain.

"But I can," she thought miserably to herself. She was still. . . but was she though? Human? She knew the truth of herself now. What she truly was. What those clones, ν -No. 13- and μ -No. 12- were. Even what Izanami herself was. Those truths had been revealed to her however unwillingly they were just by acting as the unhappy and unwilling hostess for the embodiment of death herself.

Could she even consider herself human anymore knowing that truth? What would her brothers think of that truth? Who even were her brothers to her for that matter? If she was nothing more than a doll crafted from the remnants of a long-since deceased Prime Field Device then who was to say her brothers really were her brothers. She already could guess how Jin would feel about it, but Ragna? She didn't know. She could barely even comprehend the result of such a revelation. And that terrified her more than even being trapped here in this terrible darkness suffering the endless pain of decay.

The only one who knew the full truth, the bits and pieces of information she wasn't privy to even as Izanami's vessel, was Relius Clover and she doubted she'd ever want to hear him speak to her in any fashion for any reason.

That man gave her the chills. . . especially after what he did to her. . .

Yet another shot of pain coursed through her. She resisted it as best she could. This pain by now was all too familiar and surprisingly despite how frail and sickly she once was, she had certainly grown quite a tolerance to it. Her will to hold on for the sake of her brother allowed her to push past the torture of her deteriorating body and grow quite a tolerance to it.

Her thoughts then inevitably then turned to the man who destroyed the life she once had. The man who turned Jin against her and Ragna. The man who burned down the home they loved so much. The man who killed the dear sister who took care of them. Who kidnapped her allowing Relius to turn her into what she was now.

Yuki Terumi.

If her love for her brother was unconditional and absolute, then her hatred for that man was just as so if not more so. She hated him with such a fiery passion that even Izanami herself had noted she was being affected by it.

If her love for her brother was the catalyst that allowed her to endure this hell, then her hatred for that man was the catalyst that allowed her to seek to fight Izanami if for no other reason than to fight alongside her brother to end that ghost once and for all. Whether the reason be for justice or vengeance she knew not, but frankly after everything she went through she didn't care.

She was proud to remain optimistic, cheerful, and even innocent despite everything, but that man was the one thing that was the exception to that rule. If only she could regain control. She had to regain control. . .

As if by some divine intervention, a light broke through the infinite void she been trapped within since she became the vessel of death. Her eyes widen at this. She instinctually feels something. Like a door has been open to the cage. And that feeling it the only queue she needs. Immediately, she struggles against the will of the dark pulling against the invisible tendrils that kept her subdued. This was her chance. Her only chance. She had to break free.

She had to regain control.

She struggled determined despite the darkness's best effort to reel her back in. She would not be denied any longer. She reached out for the light and the light enveloped her.

Consciousness slowly returned to her. The first thing that she noticed, other than her grogginess, was the lack of pain she felt. For the first time since her transformation, she felt no pain. She slowly opened her eyes, wincing at the light as her eyes adjusted to it. Her muscles weakly attempted to pull her body up from where she was laying. Her hand pushed into the ground to help her and she felt something she hadn't the luxury of feeling in a long time: grass.

Her eyes finally opened as she stared at the hand she had planted on the ground. Indeed, her hand was firmly planted in grass. She slowly, unsurely, look at her surroundings for the first time; her eyes finally adjusted to the amount of light around her.

She was in what appeared to be a forest almost nostalgically reminding her of the one the church she had grown up in was situated within. The trees were tall, green, and healthy. Rocks and bushes were sparingly dispersed into the surrounding area. A peaceful wind gracefully blew passed her shuffling the leaves slightly under the cool breeze.

For the first time in years, true tears broke out of her eyes. Not in anguish over her current state, but from joy. The joy of finally breaking free.

She was in control of her body once more.

Eager to see her body again, to be one hundred percent sure she was now truly in control of it, she looked down herself. What she saw was not what she expected. What she was the body of a teenage girl draped in imperial garbs fitting the status of an empress. These regal garments consisted of clothing seemingly fit for a miko priestess, though with a gold trim, under a black, shouldered garment embroidered with a gold band around the shoulder area. Over that was a double-layered, purple band with gold couples that seemed to float around her head and body.

She reached up to grab her head and sure enough a circular object with a half-sphere above her forehead and four, long spiked piecing through the bottom of the ring lined around her head. Her hair was in a ponytail, she could feel, and when she went grasp the binds that kept her hair in place she found two, metallic bands with large spike appearing through them wrapped around her hair keeping it up.

She grasped her ponytail and gently pulled it in front of her eyes. When she saw it, she immediately let go. Gone was the blonde hair of her youth; now, in its place, was a royal purple. She quickly searched the rest of herself to see what other things she had missed. It was during this panic where she realized something that gave her goosebumps, something that gave her a terrible feeling of dread.

She couldn't feel her feet.

Slowly, tensely, she reached down and grabbed the hem of one of her hakama pant legs and hesitantly pulled her up. What she saw almost made her scream out in horror. Her feet were no longer there. In their place was not but two, golden, arrowhead-shaped pieces attached to her ankles via some doll-like components.

Her joy at her freedom was immediately washed away as the flood of realization at what truly happened to her body whenever Relius altered her. Not only was she cloned from a doll-like human but now she was one herself.

She let go of her red, hakama pants and grasped her shoulders trying to compose herself. In truth, she shouldn't have expected any less from that man.

"Calm down, Saya," she told herself. "Be strong. You've finally got control again. Don't show weakness. Don't allow Izanami to regain control. Be strong. Be strong like brother."

Several times, she slowly breathed in and out, attempting to calm herself physically as well as mentally. It took some time but she finally managed to compose herself. Now she had to figure out how to stand. She couldn't remain here forever after all. She had to think. How could she move around?

How did Izanami move around?

That thought sent a shiver down her spine. As much as she hated to admit it, however, Izanami's powers and methods would definitely be helpful. Hopefully, she could utilize them. But. . . how?

Against her better judgment, she thought back to her imprisonment and what she felt within her as Izanami used her body as if it was her own. How the power of seithr was utilized within her. She could feel seithr in the air all around her so all she had to do was utilize it correctly. Imitating Izanami would be the only way she could accomplish that task quickly.

She thought back again to how the seithr flowed through her whenever she believed Izanami to be moving about. She concentrated and attempted to copy what she had felt using the seithr in the air.

Then she felt it. Slowly, she began to rise up. In her surprise about her success, she had a lapse in focus and immediately dropped back down. She giggled slightly to herself. After so much time trapped, even the slightest bit of amusement, even at her own expense, was worth that much. Again, she concentrated, maintaining her concentration this time, her body continued to ascend until she stood upright, her 'feet' not even an inch above the ground.

She tried to hold in her excitement until she could get used to this. Instead, she experimented with this new ability and found she quickly got the hang it. By leaning one way or another, she could move that direction while also utilizing the seithr to accelerate her. In truth, she was actually surprised by how fast she got the hang of it. It was quickly becoming second nature to her. Almost as if she already knew how to do it.

"Must be muscle memory," she thought bitterly.

Finally, she looked around and, to her surprise, she saw a ruined structure. It was the first sign she had seen of civilization since regaining control. It was actually a relief.

She moved closer to the structure in question to examine it.

It was a simple stone pillar, decayed by age and overgrown by moss, that stood only just as tall as her own five-foot just-under-two-inch height. She now realized that many of the stones she had initially seen around the area seemed to form a wide circle around the pillar.

It was strange if she was to be honest with herself something about this place she was in felt. . . familiar somehow. She reached forward; moving to wipe away a large clump of moss that covered the side of the pillar before her.

"These ruins do have quite the presence, don't they?" a male voice spoke out behind her in a tone that almost seemed gentle to her.

Saya gasped in surprised as she quickly turned herself and instinctually raised up her arm as a defense mechanism. Suddenly, four, crimson, dual-ringed runic circles appeared surrounding the owner of the voice each firing out a crimson chain made of seithr to impale another crimson, astral creation. This time a bubble that kept the figure in place.

She blinked, almost horrified by what she did. She just subconsciously utilized a power of what she was sure was Izanami's. Her body seemed to have been altered for the goddess more than she had originally thought.

She looked at the man and the living vessel could tell he was slightly alarmed at what just happened.

He was a middle-aged, silver-haired man that easily towered over her by over a foot. He wore a dark green suit and coat with gold-colored buttons. He had simple, shaded glasses along with a cross-shaped pin on a green cowl that was wrapped around his neck. In his hand was a cane though she had a feeling he didn't really need the help walking.

"S-sorry," Saya said nervously, speaking with her own mouth for the first time in what seemed like forever. It wasn't raspy as someone who hadn't spoken in a while, however. Chalk another one up to the embodiment of death herself controlling her. "You startled me."

She lowered her hand and the constructs faded; allowing the man to move again. She looked at the man as he collected himself. She knew that look he was giving her. He was studying her; trying to see how she worked. She remembered that masked creep doing the same to her, yet she wasn't on edge when this man did it. She couldn't sense anything malicious from him.

"I do apologize for that," he spoke evenly, finally recovering from his slight ordeal. "Would you mind, however, explaining to me what it was you just did to me?"

Saya lowered her head in shame and fear, "Er. . . I don-don't really know. . ."

The man raised an eyebrow, "You don't know how you did that?"

"Well. . ." Saya said nervously. "It's not that I don't know how I was able to do it. . . it's more how I don't know how I did it myself. . ."

He tilted his head slightly in confusion but thankfully saw that she was likely avoiding the question for a reason so dropped the subject. He lightly smiled, "Well I do believe introductions are in order, miss-?"

Saya nodded slightly but a small smile faded into view on her face, "It's common courtesy, sir, to introduce oneself before asking others for their name."

His smile grew a little bit wider at the quip and he decided to humor the young girl, "My name is Professor Ozpin, Headmaster of Beacon Academy."

Now it was Saya's turn to tilt her head sideways in confusion, "Beacon Academy? What's that?"

Ozpin raised an eyebrow. Did she not know? "It's finest Huntsman Academy in Remnant, even if I do say so myself."

"Huntsman? Remnant?" Saya echoed, growing ever more confused. Izanami was the Imperator of the Novus Orbis Librarium so she picked up quite a bit during her time trapped within her own body as Izanami would often come to her for whatever terrible reason she had. During such times, she became privy to much information about the outside world, but she had never heard of such a place during any of that.

There was a silence before he responded, "Do you. . . not know what those things are?"

Saya slowly shook her head.

Ozpin placed a hand upon his chin and looked down in thought for a moment before returning her gaze to the strange girl before him, "This isn't the best place for this discussion. How about we return to my school, and then we can continue this conversation with a bit more privacy?"

Saya thought for a moment. She really had nothing to lose at this point. She needed to figure out where she was anyway, "Sure lead the way."

She approached him, gliding gently over the grass. When she was a few feet away, she looked up at him and smiled, "By the way, my name is Saya."

Ozpin again gained an intrigued look, "Well then, Miss Saya, come along now. The bullhead is waiting for us."

As the bullhead flew towards Beacon, Ozpin was once again studying this mysterious girl that he had found at a ruined site in the Emerald Forest. He had seen her on the live feeds from the cameras in the Emerald Forest while he checked to ensure they worked for the initiation the following day and so decided to go investigate himself.

What he discovered was the girl, now awake, observing the ruins she had been sleeping next to; almost as if seeing them for the first time.

When he had first seen her, her state of dress seemed oddly formal, even ceremonial, for sleeping out in the middle of a forest, but witnessing her in person he had to say she had this odd, dare he say, regal presence. Almost as if he was standing before someone of absolute importance. This was even more so odd considering she clearly didn't see that herself.

But that had only been the first thing to catch his interest about her. No, the second thing is what she did after he tried getting her attention. He found out right quick that startling this girl was not a good idea as she somehow bound him a set of crimson-red, ethereal constructs that actually completed halted his movements. He might as well have been frozen in time. He couldn't even open his mouth to speak.

"Oh, how Glynda would love that ability," he mused silently to himself before returning to his thoughts.

He'd never encountered a semblance like that before. It seemed similar to the semblances of the Schnee sisters but something just felt very. . . off about it and he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Next, there was her name. Everyone in Remnant, except maybe him and 'her' had names reflecting a color or something to that effect. Saya definitely wasn't such a name. One more piece to the puzzle of her identity.

To top it all off she didn't know who he was, what Beacon was, what Huntsmen were, or even what Remnant itself was. She didn't seem to have amnesia to him either. Something else was going on, something big, and he fully intended to find out.

If nothing else but to keep this girl from falling into her hands.

"Ozpin," Glynda Goodwitch said sternly. Her green eyes gleaming at him through her oval-shaped glasses. "Who is this?"

The woman in question was standing in front of the landing platform arms crossed with an equally crossed look across her face towards her boss, who had just walked out of the bullhead with some girl in tow.

Glynda was a middle-aged woman who in her heels was just slightly shorter than Ozpin himself. She wore a white, long-sleeved, pleated top with a wide, keyhole neckline along with a high-waisted, black, pencil skirt with bronze buttons. She also wore stockings and had a black and purple cape behind her.

Although she didn't, Ozpin could practically see her tapping her foot at the moment. Whether it was in irritation or impatience, he didn't know.

"Well," she stated when got no response. "Who is this girl?"

Before he could reply, however, the girl in question spoke up, "Excuse me, ma'am, but my name isn't 'girl'. My name is Saya."

The words had come in a tone that was pleaded for recognition. And it didn't seem to be the typical child-like recognition from attention either. If Ozpin didn't know any better, it was the plead for her recognition as a person. He glanced over to his subordinate; apparently, she'd picked up on that, too."

"Very well then, Saya," the female professor responded. More gently this time. "So then, why is Saya with you?"

"That Glynda," Ozpin said seriously. "Is best discussed behind closed doors. We are heading to my office. If you would—"

Glynda sighed but nodded regardless and led the way to the headmaster's office.

As they moved along, Saya couldn't help but look around at the apparent school she'd been brought to. It was certainly massive. It looked very much like a modernized castle with several towers and dome with one tower, large and taller than the rest, erect at the center of it all. Before her, the front of the massive construction was a long, stone road leading up to it circled by two rings of archways.

It was quite the impressive sight, though nothing compared to the hierarchical cities.

As they walked, she noticed many teens, many appearing to be much younger than her, heading towards the building also. Garbed in all assortments of things. Each was unique, in some way.

"Excuse me," Saya began as Ozpin and Glynda stopped to look back at the girl. "If you don't mind me asking, what's going on?"

She looked around as she asked this as if to indicate what she was referring to. It was Glynda who answered, "These are the first-year students to this academy. They are heading to gather in the auditorium for their indoctrination prior to their initiation exam tomorrow."

"Speaking of," Ozpin continued. "Once we arrive at my office we will have to briefly go and give an indoctrination speech to the students. I'll have to ask you to wait there. It should be brief so we will return shortly to continue our conversation."

Saya nodded in understanding as they continued walking towards the school. As they continued their walk Ozpin turned slightly towards Glynda and quietly inquired, "Have you noticed it yet?"

Glynda blinked in confusion, "Noticed what?"

"Her walking."

"What about it?"

"Take a look for yourself."

Glynda glanced back at the young woman, who currently was too focused on taking in the architecture of the academy and the people surrounding her to notice her staring. At first, she could pinpoint what Ozpin was talking about. And then she noticed it. Saya's legs weren't moving under her clothing, only swaying around due to the passage of air around her body as she moved. It was like she was gliding gracefully across the floor.

Glynda looked back at Ozpin, "Is she. . . levitating?"

Ozpin nodded, "That is the least of interesting facts about her. So that should give you a clue as to why I found it necessary to bring her here."

She nodded herself in reply, "It certainly is a bit enlightening."

It was then that a loud explosion in the courtyard drew the attention of the trio as they walked down the main pathway towards the school. Saya blinked, "What was that?"

Glynda's eyes narrowed, "I intend to find out right now."

With that Glynda stormed off toward the origin of the explosion. Ozpin sighed and followed quietly after her with Saya in tow as she had no intention of ditching her escort through this expansive school. And so, they proceeded towards the origin of that brief moment of chaos which was in the middle of the main pathway up to the school. There were two girls there surrounded by white suitcases with a snowflake design on each one: one was a girl in black and red nervously and guiltily touching two fingers together as the other girl, one in white, was yelling furiously at her.

They just barely managed to catch part of her rant, "You complete dolt! What are you even doing here? Aren't you a little young to be attending Beacon?"

"She's attending Beacon because I allowed her to be, Miss Schnee," Ozpin said evenly gaining the attention of both girls.

Startled by the appearance of the huntsman and huntress, both looking rather sternly at the two, both immediately jumped around, growing a rather stiff stance as they both exclaimed, "Professor Ozpin!"

Saya nearly laugh at the sudden change in mood at the scene, but, as a sign of courtesy, she kept quiet and simply observed the two girls.

Both were clearly younger than her by at least a couple of years, the one in red and black colors even more so, despite both being relativity the same height as her.

The younger of the two girls had big, innocent, silver eyes and hair shaded in black and crimson. With a heavy, long-sleeved, black blouse, black, red-laced cincher, and a red-hemmed black skirt along with her long, red cape and hood, Saya couldn't help but muse that the color scheme reminded her of her brother. Despite the circumstances of her consciousness being stirred during that time, it had been wonderful to see what her brother looked like in present time. Honestly, the white hair looked better on him.

Speaking of white hair, the other girl, clear pride written upon her pale face even as she cowered in surprise upon the appearance of the headmaster and his aide, had such a characteristic herself that was styled in an off-center tail-bun kept in place by an icicle-shaped tiara. This along bright, blue eyes completed the icy image. With a thigh-length, strapless dress with a top-to-bottom, white-to-light-blue gradation. Over that was a white bolero with a ruffled color and colored red on the inside. At her left side, was a very fancy rapier with what appeared to her as a revolver cylinder at the center of the hilt. The most notable thing about her, however, was the scar running down from above to below her left eye.

It didn't take long for the white one to break out of her stupor to address the issue at hand, "Um, what do you mean? Isn't she too young?"

"I do not think that is your place to question the headmaster's decision," Saya could practically see the strict, female professor snarl that the question. Not surprising to her really. That question had been quite presumptuous in its delivery.

The girl stiffened, "Er. . . well. . ."

Feeling pity for the girl as she had been put on the spot, Saya had decided to speak up, "If you don't mind me asking, what exactly happened anyway?"

"Saya," Glynda said sternly. "It isn't your place. Stay out of this."

Saya's eyes narrowed. She had been trying to take a page out of her brother's book; how he fixed quarrels between herself and Jin when they were still children. It annoyed her immensely that this woman was so quick to stifle an obvious attempt to find a peaceful conclusion to this event. It was then that Ozpin decided to speak up again, "It was a valid question, Glynda."

"Well—" both girls spoke at the same time. Before they looked at each other confused and annoyed by the other. Saya again decided to step in again employing yet another tactic of her big brother's in solving the squabbling of his younger siblings. She pointed at the one in red and said, "Why don't you go first with no interruptions while you—"

She said this turning her hand to the one in white.

"—go afterword."

"Why shouldn't I go fire?" the girl looked annoyed and having to play second; crossing her arms in a stuck-up manner in response. Saya inwardly grumbled. If this was how she and Jin towards Ragna during those moments, she'd have to be sure to apologize to him whenever they met again.

"Does it really matter?"

The girl hmphed but nodded nonetheless. The entire time this exchange had been going on, Ozpin had been silently keeping Glynda from intervening. Indeed, even she was starting to get interested in what Saya was doing. Ozpin couldn't help but smile. It appeared that Saya was beginning to play quite the peacekeeper for his students. He'd hate to see their first day start off poorly.

With that, all eyes turned to the one in red, who nervously shrank before the attention given to her. Saya glided slowly forwards and placed her hand upon the girl's shoulder, "Sorry for putting you on the spot, but I only want a peaceful resolution. My name is Saya. What's yours?"

The girl grew a bit more comfortable and smiled lightly back, though still clearly intimidated by the older, regal-looking girl who had become the dominating force of the conversation, even more so than the headmaster himself, "Ruby."

Saya nodded, "So, Ruby. . . what happened?"

And so, slowly getting over her social anxiety and awkwardness, Ruby explained what had happened. After her older sister had all but ditched her to 'make new friends', she had accidentally stumbled into the other girl's, now identified as Weiss Schnee, heiress to a wealthy mining corporation, suitcases which were filled with bottles filled with a colored substance known as dust. Apparently, when shaking the bottle in Ruby's face in emphasis to how important and dangerous it was, some of the fire dust started to spread around in a mist. When Ruby inhaled it she sneezed, thereby causing the explosion. At which point, the trio had come across the Schnee heiress ranting at Ruby about the incident.

Said heiress surprisingly confirmed much of what Ruby said those adamantly denied responsibility or fault for the incident claiming Ruby should've been more careful and not run into her things in the first place. Saya sighed placing her hands on her own hips, "Weiss, it was an accident. She didn't do it on purpose. There's no point in jumping down her throat about it."


Saya held a finger up in a shushing manner, "No buts."

She turned to Ruby, "How about you apologize to her for knocking over her bags and accidentally blowing her up?"

"But I already," the crimsonette immediately stopped those words dead in their tracks when she saw Saya's expression. It read 'I do not care just do as I say'. "Sorry, Weiss for knocking over your things. . . and blow you up."

Weiss was about to make an angry retort when she, too, was silenced by the glower on the violet-haired girl's face. Weiss swallowed. There was something very terrifying in the glare of hers. She couldn't quite put her finger on what it was, but it spoke volumes to Weiss that disobeying this girl was likely far worse of an idea than disrespecting the professors that stood behind her. "A-apology accepted. Now, let's go."

With that Weiss gathered her things and walked off, still irritated but containing it rather well. Ozpin and Glynda shared a knowing glance before the former spoke, "That was handled quite well, Miss Saya. You have experience defusing situations, I take it."

Saya nervously laughed a bit before answering, "No, I just did what my older brother did whenever myself and my other brother were fighting."

Ozpin nodded in understanding, "Your brother seems to have had quite the influence on you."

Saya's smile dropped, remembering the harsh reality of her broken family's situation, "Yeah, he sure is."

Both professors instantly noticed the sudden change of the mood and expertly decided to drop the topic. Luckily, they were saved from this mistake by Ruby finally speaking up, "Um. . . excuse me. . ."

Saya turned around to face Ruby again, slightly curious as to what the younger girl wanted, "Yes?"

"Um. . . thanks for helping me. . . and defending me. . . I, well, oh—stupid awkwardness I—"

Ruby was quieted when Saya held up her hand, "Think nothing of it."

There was a slight silence before Ruby again spoke up, "So, uh, can we maybe – possibly – be. . . friends?"

Saya smiled and held out a hand to Ruby, "Sure. Friends."

Ruby smiled and shook hands before Ozpin cleared his throat to regain the teenagers' attention, "As charming as this whole thing has been I do believe you have a ceremony to be getting to, Miss Rose."

"Oh, shoot! I had better be going! Nice meeting you, Saya!" and with that Ruby sped off, to Saya's surprise, with lightning fast speed and a trail of rose petals following behind her. "Huh, didn't expect that."

"I don't see how we're going to have time to take Saya up to your office now because of how much time was just wasted," Glynda stated, clearly annoyed. "We have to get to the ceremony ourselves, too, Ozpin."

"Why don't I just observe the ceremony with your first-year students, then?" Saya spoke up. "You said it was going to be brief and if you don't have the time to drop me off then I can sit in as well. It's not like I really have anywhere else I can go."

Once more, the two professors glanced at each other, a very knowing look in their eyes, as they had both caught the likely double-meaning of Saya's words. They nodded as the female spoke up, "Then we will take you to the entrance of the auditorium and meet you afterward."

After walking for a few more minutes, they had reached the wide opening to the auditorium and the two professors had left her to prepare for the speech. Alone, Saya began to wander the expansive room, looking for a place to stand and observe the coming ceremony. It was then that a familiar voice called out to her, "Saya!"

Saya looked towards the direction the voice was coming from and saw Ruby waving at up to come over.

"Well, that was convenient," Saya thought to herself before gliding slowly over to Ruby, who was smiling broadly at her. Next to her was a buxom blonde who was clearly older than Ruby.

The long-haired, blonde girl was a few inches taller than both her and Ruby with lilac eyes and fair skin. She wore a brown jacket that was short enough to show off her midriff over a yellow, low-cut crop-top with a symbol of a flaming heart on her left breast. Included in her wardrobe were also mini, black shorts, a brown belt with pleated leather pieces going around her backside, and an asymmetrical, white piece that reached her right knee. Along with that, she wore knee-high boots, orange knee-high socks, and a purple bandanna right below her left knee. Around her neck was an orange, infinity scarf.

Most notable in her eyes, however, were the bulky, yellow 'bracelets' around her wrists over her black, biker gloves. Somehow, she got the feeling those weren't bracelets at all.

"So, sis, who's this?" the girl spoke up clearly interested in who Ruby called over.

Saya blinked, "Sis? Are they sisters? I would never have guessed that."

"This is Saya," Ruby said enthusiastically. "She stood up for me after I exploded."

The girl snorted, "Exploded."

Ruby huffed in response, "Yes, exploded! Because you ditched me!"

"I didn't ditch you," the older of the two siblings said while holding up her hands defensively. "I just left you alone so you could try making friends on your own."

"In other words, you ditched her," Saya bluntly stated as a smirk melted onto her face. Ruby snickered at Yang's expense.

"Anyway, the name's Yang," the girl now introduced herself, holding out her hand. "I'm Ruby's older sister."

"So, I figured," Saya says taking a hold of the girl's hand. "Pleasure."

The sound of a mic and the clearing of a man's throat got their attention as up on the stage Professor Ozpin stood before the gathered crowd of students with his aide, Professor Goodwitch standing behind him off his left.

"I'll. . . keep this brief," the headmaster began. "You have traveled here today in search of knowledge— to hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people."

She listened on in interest; curious as to where Ozpin was going with this.

"But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose – direction," Ozpin continued, sparing a glance at Saya. "You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far."

The violet-haired vessel cocked her head slightly as if trying to make sense of the man's riddles.

"It is up to you to take the first step."

With that, he walked off the stage with Glynda take his position in front of the mic, "You will gather in the ballroom tonight. Tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed."

Saya blinked, "I know it was supposed to be brief but. . ."

"He seemed kind of. . . off," Yang commented. Her little sister shook her head in agreement, "Almost like he wasn't even there. . ."

Saya could somewhat agree with that sentiment, but she had to meet up with the two that had just left. After all, that was the deal. As she floated off, however, the crimsonette spoke up from behind her, "Hey, where are you going?"

Saya spared a glance backward, "I still need to speak with Ozpin about something. . . personal. Perhaps we'll see each other again later?"

Ruby nodded reluctantly as Saya continued onward to meet with probably the only person who could give her answers as to what was going on.

As she exited the auditorium, however, she was briefly halted.

She felt something dark stir within her. She clutched her chest; almost as if she was having a heart attack. She felt a power ripple through her very soul. A power that consumed life and enveloped all in its wake into an eternal darkness. One that sought to devour all life and allow not but the endless void of death and nothingness to remain.

She felt the bloodlust. The fury within her. The fury directed at her usurpation of her body. The fury at those still living. And the terrible desire for omnicide of the highest caliber.

But then, just like that, it was over. All though horrific feelings that filled her with dread and despair all vanished in an instant. But the event alarmed Saya. She knew what it meant. What that coursing darkness was that awoke within her. And it made her afraid. Very afraid. She had hoped she had had more time, but alas it was not meant to be. Not with what was happening.

Izanami was finally stirring.

Exhaling a breath she hadn't even known she was holding, she moved forward. She had to meet with Ozpin again. If he proved trustworthy, he might now be her only hope to stave off the inevitable onslaught of death that was soon going to be trying desperately to take hold of her once again.

As of right now, he might be the only chance she had of preventing the death goddess's return.

Of preventing the Day of Reckoning.

Okay, so that's the first chapter. Hope you all like it. Constructive criticism is encouraged as I have never written a RWBY or Blazblue fanfiction before. Actually, I've never written a true crossover before.

Please let me know if I was true enough, you think, to the characters. I want to be as accurate as I can, after all. I'll likely come back again at some point after I have gathered the critiques to change and refine what I feel needs to be.

Until then, thanks again. Please read and review!
