Paper Moon

Chapter One

Fairy Tail Guild

Main hall


"You're sure you saw him?" Cana leaned forward conspiratorially, clutching her barrel possessively. Mira's smile stretched from ear to ear. "I didn't hear any thunder. So are you sure?"

"You know I did. He's upstairs talking to the Master." Cana's eyes wandered up to the second floor. What could it be? Laxus normally wasn't one to really hang out around the guild, catching glimpses of him were rare sights, far in between, Cana assumed he deemed the guild noisy.

But something changed.

Laxus hadn't left the guild in a few weeks, not for long anyways. Her inner gossip was resurfacing, Cana was itching to find out what prompted this visit. It also wasn't often that Laxus and Gramps had private conversations away from everyone else. Laxus certainly was starting to be around a whole lot more, his jobs taking him much closer to home than usual. Maybe this was the reason.

"Huh, I wonder what they're talking about." Maybe Mira would share her thoughts, she didn't place the idea in her head for no reason. Mira was after all, known as the resident gossiper. And for good reason too, she knew all the secrets of everyone and everything. Everyone had a price and Mira was good at finding it.

Mira's grin seriously seemed to hide some knowledge. More unusual was that she didn't seem eager to share the news. That's very unlike her. She merely giggled, "maybe the Master wants to pass him the title?"

Cana snorted and took a swig from her barrel. "Right. Laxus may have helped us and he's less of an asshole, but Guild Master? That's a hard one to believe." She took another swig before continuing, "I mean, sure he's the Master's grandson and all that but he's stubborn and kind of an asshole. It's hard to believe he could lead this rowdy bunch. Besides, Gramps will never retire." A future without the old guy was rather gloomy. There was a moment of silence before Cana shrugged. Mira obviously wasn't willing to share and Cana bored easily. Her interest quickly dwindled, her energy focused on the alcohol in front of her.

Too focused on the barrel, Cana failed to see Mira's smile widen. Mira busied herself with wiping the glassware down. No need to have everything in the guild know right? At least not right now. Everything had to be set in motion first. It would all work out. After all, the Master entrusted her with serious work. And she would see it through. As long as the others did their parts.

Fairy Tail Guild

Second Floor


Laxus scoffed at his grandfather. "That's the only way? Are you serious Gramps?" His fingers sparked in irritation. The old geezer really is losing it.

Makarov leaned back in his desk with his hands crossed behind him, completely unconcerned with his grandson's hissy fit. A self-satisfied smirk crossed his weathered face. This was going to be good. "You heard me Laxus. The only way I'll allow you to take another S-class job again is if you follow my instructions. You need to learn some responsibility." It was a pile of horseshit, but Laxus didn't need to know that. He could tell his grandson was struggling to defy him, Laxus was practically buzzing. However, as this was his 'test' Laxus would find a way to pass it. Or die trying.

"Responsibility? Haven't I done enough?" Compared to the other guild members Laxus was practically oozing responsibility. Makarov was silent, choosing instead to fold the paperwork in front of him into a swan. Laxus took a deep breath, sensing there was no point in fighting with the old man, "why now?" No answer, and his stomach tightened, he was starting to feel agitated. "You know what? Fine, but really? Do I look like a chaperone to you?" His grandfather was definitely going senile if he thought this was a good idea.

"Oh come on boy, you know not to judge on appearances. Who knows maybe this is your chance to explore who you are, to really get down to what makes you. Maybe you're going to realize some lifelong hidden desire to become a caretaker. Besides, you need to learn how to care for others." Makarov said cheerfully, continuing to concentrate on the paper bird.

Laxus snorted. "Right. You do realize even if I agree to this-this bullshit Natsu is still gonna try and fight me? And the fact that I can't stand anyone on his team." Not completely true, he could stand maybe one person a little more than the others. But the old geezer didn't need to know that. Something he couldn't read gleaned in Makarov's eyes, though he chose to ignore it.

Laxus's eyes narrowed when he saw his grandfather's insufferable smirk widen. "Well as the chaperone you're forbidden from harming your group members." Laxus rolled his eyes. Of course.

"Whatever. So I just babysit for a mission and that's it? I'm good to go?" Makarov gave him a nod. "Wait, what about Erza?"

"What about her?"

Laxus rolled his eyes. "Don't play coy, why do they need me to chaperone if they already have an S-Class wizard?"

"Ah, in exactly thirty minutes, Erza will be assigned to another job, by personal request."

Laxus couldn't protest much more, it seemed the geezer had thought of everything. "Whatever. And will Team Dumbass be okay with me replacing their precious Titania?"

"They will be." It was as good as a dismissal as he could get. As he turned and walked out, Laxus definitely felt as if he had just walked himself into a trap. He must be paranoid. The last thing he wanted to do was work with Natsu and his insane team. Well here goes my sanity.

Secretly, Laxus would babysit a thousand missions if the the old man asked. Good luck getting him to admit it though. "Oh and Laxus?" He gave his grandfather a glance over his shoulder, "Do try and have fun." Laxus gave in to the urge to roll his eyes again. He made sure his grandfather saw him.

As soon as Laxus left his office, Makarov let out a deep laugh. This would all work out in the end. And if it didn't, at least his stubborn grandson would learn some patience.

He rubbed his hands together. His dear grandson had been alone far too long. He may have the Thunder Legion worshiping his every foot step, but that was no replacement for love. Sending him on this mission would be just what the doctor ordered. Provided, of course that Mira did her part.

It wouldn't be hard to convince the girl of her feelings, hopefully. But she tended to be oblivious just like Laxus. That's why they were perfect for each other!

Oh how he loved matchmaking.

Fairy Tail Guild

Main Hall


Lucy glared at Natsu. To his credit, he was ignoring the ominous look he was receiving and focused solely on finishing her fries. "Isn't it enough you eat the food at my house? Then we come to the guild and you eat my food here! Why don't you eat your own food?" He's such a pig. I have two animals for partners. Awesome.

"Cause yours is always better." Lucy ignored the smile threatening to tug at the corners of her mouth. She settled by leaning against the palm of her hand. She didn't really mind but she would never let Natsu know. Then he would take advantage of her generosity. She'd be out of a home and food.

She took a deep sigh and looked around the guild hall; of course it was the same old same old. Even after all these years, everyone was pretty predictable in their routine. Her eyes wandered over every table and she felt her heart sink for some inexplicable reason, he wasn't there. She frowned deeply, this was getting ridiculous. It wasn't like he was at the guild all the time anyways. There were weeks of absence, the odds he was there was very unlikely.

Erza joining the group at the table shook Lucy out from her daydream. "This is no time for fooling around. I found a mission that I think would cover Lucy's rent and leave us with a surplus of side money." Before Erza could truly finish, Lucy nearly yanked the paper from Erza's hand.

She would do any job if it meant alleviate this boredom!

Her eyes quickly scanned it, she would worry about her death sentence later. This-this was unbelievable! We hit the jackpot! "1,000,000 jewels for collecting a mushroom? That's it? It can't get much better than this! We have to take it!" Lucy pleaded to Erza, trying to convince the redhead of the miracle this job was.

That was roughly 200,000 jewels each person! Oh man that would pay my rent! And maybe I can do a bit of shopping…Levy and I have been looking at that new shop...

Erza nodded solemnly. Lucy did a little fist pump in the air and Erza smiled before continuing. "I shall let Mira know we'll be taking the job. Be ready to head out in an hour. Meet me at the train station."

Natsu's head perked up. The fries were now left ignored on Lucy's plate. His face was the picture of complete dread. "Transportation?"

"Yeah how else are we supposed to get there dumbass?" Gray said casually from the end of the table. Natsu's head swerved so fast, Lucy worried his neck would break. Here we go again.

"Seriously guys? Can't you drop it this time?" They ignored her, as she knew they would do. In fact, they continued as if they hadn't heard her.

"Oh yeah you wanna go ice-brain?" Of course those two had to start something.

"Listen buddy, I can kick your ass any day." Gray stood up roughly from the table. Natsu copied the movement, their foreheads butting against each other.

"Oh yeah?"

Lucy sighed. "Gray?" His concentration broke for a second. "Your clothes." She deadpanned.

Promptly followed by the subsequent freak out.

Lucy got up from the table. Might as well start packing for the trip. She let the boys fight it out. Hopefully, Erza would get back and put an end to it.

If that was the case, she was outta there before the scarlet wizard could return. No reason to be punished for something she didn't want a part of. The doors shut quietly behind her.

Lucy always enjoyed the walk home from the guild. It gave her the chance to clear her head and to examine events in detail. She wondered how her father was doing, Lucy would write him a letter before she left, after all, it had been a while since she wrote him. Now that Lucy had the time to think about the job clearly, she wondered what the catch was with the job. It seemed too good to be true. Things like that didn't happen to Fairy Tail, and definitely not to Lucy. Maybe the mushroom was to be used in a sacrificial ritual, or it could be another attempt to kidnap her, (they tended to happen with a shocking regularity.) But if it wasn't… oh just imagine the possibilities! If Natsu and Happy aren't eating me out of a house, Erza and Gray are usually destroying my furniture...They take 'the floor is lava' way too seriously.

She didn't have much time to dwell on it for she arrived at the front door. Lucy quickly ran up the stairs, hoping to avoid her landlady. The closer her rent approached the more uneasy the older lady got. Soon, she would find her landlady in the oddest of places, hoping to corner Lucy and bully her for her rent. No need to go through all that.

Her heart pounded by the time she had ran up and slammed her door shut. For once, there was no one in her apartment. Relief washed over her. She could pack in peace.

Soon she was packed and ready to head out. The silence unnerved her, so she summoned Plue to keep her company on the walk over.

"That's funny, I didn't think there was going to be a thunderstorm." The sky that had just been clear was a dark grey.

Magnolia Train Station


"Natsu! Gray!" Lucy waved brightly at her friends. The two wizards were currently sitting next to each other on a bench. From the look of things, they were trying very hard to push the other off the bench. Gray is going to win this one, Lucy thought.

Natsu noticed her first. "Hey Lucy!" She quickly looked around and noticed a certain wizard with a penchant to over pack was missing.

Her eyebrows furrowed, "hey, where's Erza?" It wasn't like their friend to be late.

Natsu's eyes widened. "E-Erza? Where?" He shot up straight and looked around wildly.

Gray crossed his arms."Now that you mention it, I haven't seen her yet." He shoved Natsu hard with his elbow and pushed the fire wizard off the bench. Called it.

Lucy chose to ignore what she just witnessed. "Yeah, isn't she normally the first one here? You don't think she ran into trouble, do you? It's not like her to be late." I hope nothing happened. Then again, it is Erza. More like something probably ran into her.

"Erza isn't coming." The voice came from behind Lucy and the unexpected noise made her jump. She followed the surprised facial expressions from her teammates.

She was met with steely grey eyes and blond hair. Her cheeks instantly reddened when she saw who it was. Please, anyone but him. "Laxus?"

His smirk was positively wicked as he greeted her, "hey there, Blondie."

Lucy gulped.

Fairy Tail Guild

Second Floor


"But Master-"

"Erza, really. It's one time. Your team will live without you once."

The redhead frowned. If Makarov insisted on it, she would listen. He never did anything without good reason. "Of course Master. I will step aside and do the job. However, how will Natsu and the others go on an S-Class mission without an S-Class wizard?" After everything, that rule was never lifted.

He gave her a winning smile. "I knew you were up to it! And don't you worry, I have it all figured out." Oh, all his planning! It was coming to fruition.

"I just still don't understand why I have to protect a resort." Her forehead crumpled slightly. "Surely, anyone else could also do this job. Even Nab could do this. If he ever took a job, that is."

"Now, now my dear, I chose you because you are the most capable for this job! I have no doubt in my mind that you will bring honor to this guild." No harm in trying to butter her up. By the look of her, it was working. A slight blush spread across her face.

Erza kneeled in front of his desk, "How could I ever doubt you master? I am not worthy! I only hope this mission will bring you and the guild honor!" She quickly spun around and was gone in the blink of an eye.

Dramatic much? "Do you think we should have told her?" Makarov turned his head and gave Mira, who had stepped out of the shadows. A mischievous smile appeared on his face.

"I tried to, but you saw Erza, she ran out of here like Ichiya was after her." He shrugged his shoulders and waved away Mira's concern. "No worries, this I'll be a good thing. No need to involve her. Plus, I believe she'll love the extra surprise I threw in."

"Oh you mean-?" Mira clutched her hands hopefully. This was quickly turning into the best day ever!

This is AU with no clear point in the storyline of Fairy Tail. You can consider it like a stand-alone, mostly because I'm too lazy to think of where a good point this would take place. So just put it where it feels natural. I've been dying for a LaLu so I figured I would write my own. And this idea has been brewing for a while, keep in mind i use no outlines and i'm kinda inconsistent in my updating and story, so I"ll try my best to keep everything natural.