Reviews for Paper Moon
CoSmO333 chapter 13 . 3/3
enjoyed this story alot thanks for sharing !
Rogue-Flamez chapter 2 . 1/5
Lalu is basically my top ship. It's tied with Jerza and NaLu. I'm loving this story so far, too!
SugrSkulzAndCurlz chapter 13 . 9/9/2019
I love this so much! It’s definitely a story I keep coming back to. 1. Because I love how you’ve written the characters and 2. I keep hoping for more! Will there be more? I hope so but if not then it doesn’t change my opinion of it being in my top 10 favs. :)
JustLoverly chapter 13 . 9/7/2019
please update! it's been almost two years!
LullabyLovely chapter 13 . 8/15/2019
hey what happened? it's been 8 months now... please I want the ending to this... come back...
Veraozao chapter 13 . 1/7/2019
love it, kiss
Mistress Katana chapter 13 . 1/6/2019
Can’t believe it took my like 50 years to get through this one chapter... because I was squeezing like a school girl lol! Not only was a beyond excited to see this update, but I got me some much needed LaLu to brighten my day! You’re the best! Can’t wait to spend another 50 years read the last chapter!
Tiernank chapter 14 . 1/6/2019
So cute, Laxus all blushy and embarrassed. Loved this chapter and really missed this fic. I hope you have a better, less stressful semester this time, and I can’t wait for the conclusion. Xoxo
Kimarys Adriana chapter 9 . 9/21/2018
I would have been freaking pissed off if someone confessed for me. I'm surprised Lucy didn't run off in embarrassment the moment it was out there
Kimarys Adriana chapter 8 . 9/21/2018
I'm not confused. I think some of the guildmates are in on the plan to get Lucy and Laxus together or they are being tricked by Makarov and Marijane into thinking they have to do this for some reason
PinkSangria chapter 12 . 9/17/2018
Love this! Good luck with your next few chapters! You're almost done! I'm so happy to stumble across your piece!
Kimiko Devore chapter 1 . 9/13/2018
Hello fellow trolls,
p45t3b1n(doot)c0m(slash)RuTyPEp3 or p45t3b1n(doot)c0m(slash)R69aFd1u
This will lead you to a text archive. Find out how to fuck with fanfiction writers, eh I mean troll, of course.
Another contributor: p45t3b1n(doot)c0m(slash)fbvPBDwv
The text document you will find, will guide you how to code your bot.
This bot was built with the knowledge from our pioneer in the forals of trolling.
Spread the knowledge!
For Chaos!
Veraozao chapter 12 . 9/11/2018
love it, kiss
dlynncherry chapter 12 . 9/10/2018
shiiiddd its big daddy laxus again god i cant wait for him to fuck her shit up!UPDATE BEAUTIFUL!
dlynncherry chapter 2 . 9/10/2018
mannn what laxus is daddy asf
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