A Couple Months Ago

"Ahhh." A girl screamed as she fell to the floor, after being beaten in a Duel.

"Alright, I won!" Her opponent exclaimed out of joy at winning.

Her opponent wore a yellow and white, knee-length dress that comes with white shoes. She also had pink eyes, long dark purple hair that extends past her lower back. Meanwhile, in the stands, there were two boys watching her.

"Shun, that girl is amazing." One boy said. He has grey eyes, hair that sweeps upward and to the right side of his head and black in the back and light purple in the front. He wore a black shirt under a black and cream-colored jacket.

"Yuto, that's my sister." The boy now known as Shun responded with a smile. Shun had blueish-black hair that falls to his chin, also sporting light green bangs that are shaped like a wing. He has yellow-green eyes and wore a dark grey shirt under a lighter shirt. He also had casual sneakers and dark jeans.

"I see!" Yuto exclaimed as he closed his eyes and smiled. But then he came to a realization.

"What?!" Yuto widened his eyes as he looked at the girl and back at Shun multiple times. Shun had once hinted of getting him to meet his sister. However, Shun's sister was away from home for a while when he met Shun, so he never got to see her.

"Hmm?" Shun frowned at Yuto, giving him a "isn't it obvious face."

Later-When Ruri leaves the Field-Heartland Duel Arena

"Nice job!" Shun told his sister.

"Thanks, brother." She responded. Meanwhile, Yuto was looking at her in amazement. He was at a loss of words. He felt his heart pumping hard in his chest. He wanted to say something, but something about this girl, something, it just made him unable to speak. Thankfully, Shun had him covered.

"Oh yeah, I want you to meet my best friend. The one I keep telling you about. His name is Yuto." Shun introduced her sister to Yuto.

"Nice to meet you. My name Kurosaki Ruri." The girl now known as Ruri introduced herself politely with a smile present on her face. However, Yuto was still lost of words.

She's so...pretty...Yuto thought as he was still staring with a minor blush on his face. Yuto gave her a nervous smile. Ruri smiled back at him, a small blush also appearing on her face.

Unfortunately, this happy scene was about to be interrupted by a certain someone.

"Oi! Yuto!" A voice yelled, but Yuto was too engrossed in the flashback to notice.

"Yuto! Stop staring you dumbass! We need to hurry!" The voice yelled again, but Yuto still didn't pay attention.

"Oh for god's sake!" The owner of the voice walked up to Yuto and shouted into his ear. "YUTO!"

"WHOA!" Yuto jumped out of fright, back into present time, almost hitting his friend by accident. "What the hell was that for?!" A tic mark appeared on Yuto's head.

"You were day dreaming! Hurry up Yuto, we're going to fall behind!" A boy yelled. His name is Kamisjiro Ryoga, however most people just called him Shark. He had dark blue eyes, pale skin and dark purple hair, he also has a light blue "crown" in front of his forehead.. He is wearing a white shirt with green-lined sleeves, tie and a collar.

"You go ahead Shark, I'm just grabbing some last minute things." Yuto responded as he took some cards out of his locker. However, as he grabbed his deck, he stopped to look at one card.

The Card's name was Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon. This was Yuto's ace Monster. For as long as he could remember, he always had Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon. Even before Yuto started Dueling he had the Card. He asked his parents multiple times, but they said they could never remember when he got it. It was as if the Xyz user and the Xyz Dragon were blinded together by some bond.

Yuto chuckled to himself. "I wouldn't have been able to come this far without you… Dark Rebellion." Dark Rebellion won or helped win Yuto most of his Duels. And because he won most of his Duels, it really helped him with making friends. Without Dark Rebellion, Yuto might not have won as many of his Duels, which in turn, meant that Yuto wouldn't have had as much friends.

Suddenly, Yuto heard a loud roar coming from somewhere, as if responding to him.

"What was that?" Yuto wondered. Yuto then looked at his watch and a realization hit him hard.

"Oh Crap! I'm going to be late for the duel at the arena!" Yuto panicked as he slammed his locker shut and began running.

Duel Arena-Heartland

"I made it." Yuto said he went into the Spade branch section. Where he saw two of his best friends, Shark and Shun.

"You're late? That's a first." Shun told him.

"That's a fine hello." Yuto chuckled. He realized someone was missing.

"Where's Ruri?" Yuto asked.

"You mean your girl…" Shark started but was interrupted by Yuto punching him on the shoulder hard, causing barnacle boy to wince.

"Hmm?" Shun wondered at the predicament unfolding.

Yuto got close to Shark and whispered to him. "I thought I told you not to mention about Ruri and I being you know, a couple in front of Shun. If he finds out I'm dating his sister, he's going to keep hunting me down in order to get a chance to snap my neck tenfold."

"Is something wrong?" Shun asked with a curious tone.

With that, Yuto immediately lost his composure. "No no no no no! Everything is fine. Nothing is wrong!"

"Yuto!" Shun raised his voice.

"What?" Yuto asked with a hint of fear in his voice.

"What are you keeping from me?" Shun interrogated his best friend, giving him a death stare. Yuto started to sweat bullets.

Ryoga, if I survive this encounter...I am so going to kill you! Yuto thought as he heard Shark laughing at the top of his lungs at Yuto's suffering from Shun.

Luckily for Yuto, a voice soon rang throughout the entire school. "The Spade versus Clover branch match will now begin."

In the audience, a loud barrage of cheers were heard.

At the Clover Branch

"Oh, well looks like I got to go back to the Spade side." Ruri told 2 girls. One of these girls were Sasayama Sayaka. She has blue eyes and short light-purple and lilac hair that is restrained by light green and orange hair clips. She also wears a light blue dress with a teal turtleneck under a tan dress held up with brown shoulder straps and a blue belt. Finally, she wears glasses.

The other girl is named Kamishiro Rio, the younger sister of Ryoga. However, she hates it when people call her Shark's little sister. She has dark pink eyes and dark blue hair with light blue bangs. She wears the school's most common outfit for females (the outfit she wore in Zexal when she appeared in episode 79).

"Alright bye Ruri." Both Sayaka and Ruri said at the same time.

Spade Branch-Duel Arena-Heartland

Alright! Shun is going to have his match now! I'm free! Yuto thought in excitement.

However, that feeling was soon replaced by fear thanks to the announcer. "Originally, the match was supposed to be Kurosaki Shun versus Tenjo Kaito. However, there has been a change of plans. While it is still Spade vs Clover, it won't be a one on one Duel. In fact, we haven't done one of these in a while. The match will now be a three on three Duel…"

Please don't be me, please don't be me. Yuto thought.

"From the Spade branch, we have Shun Kurosaki, and his sister Ruri Kurosaki along with Yuto!" The voice exclaimed.

Damn it! Yuto thought as he took a quick glance at Shun and then looked at the doorway to see Ruri walking in. Ruri did a small wave to him which he returned.

"Looks like I'm in the sidelines. Good luck you three." Shark told them as he went to go get a good spot to watch.

"Now, from the Clover branch, we have Tenjo Kaito, Sa, and Allen Kozuki!" The voice exclaimed.

Clover Branch-Duel Arena-Heartland

"Aww, I'm on the sidelines for the third time in a row." Rio pouted.

"Can't win em all Rio!" Allen grinned, excited to go Duel.

"Let's go Allen." Kaito said as he and Sayaka were at the doorway to the arena, getting ready to go for their match. Allen had a habit of being late to his matches, even when he is nearby. So a joke spread around that during Allen's absence, the boy was flirting with others, much to his embarrassment.

"Wait up!" Allen yelled as he ran towards them and went out the door to the arena.

The cheers continued from the audience.

"Now, will said people please come to the duel arena!" The voice exclaimed.

Spade Branch-Duel Arena-Heartland

"Alright, you two ready?" Shun asked Ruri and Yuto.

"I'm ready. But Yuto looks like he wants to be home!" Ruri chuckled.

With Shun here, you wouldn't blame me. In fact, I am sort of surprised your not scared! I mean, it's your brother! Actually, that is probably why you aren't scared... Yuto thought to himself. He shook his head multiple times, ready to get down to business.

"Well let's go." Yuto said.

Dueling Field-Duel Arena-Heartland

As the two teams walk out, there is immediately a barrage of cheers, along with someone calling out Allen by saying 'Looks like you gave up on trying to find a girlfriend, Allen!'

"Well, well, well, it's been awhile since we did something like this." Allen spoke to Yuto with a smile when the 6 Duelists met in the middle.

"Yeah, you're right!" Yuto responded.

"Let's hope you're not rusty Shun." Kaito joked.

"In your dreams Kaito. Do you want to be beat again?" Shun replied with a grin.

"Good luck!" Ruri and Sayaka wished each other.

"Now for the rules. Each player will have their own Hands, Fields, Decks, and Graveyards. Each player has 4000 life points at the start. Once all of the life points on one team is depleted, the team with the remaining life points will win! Oh yeah, one last thing. No player can look at any other player's Hand on their team other than their own. For example, Shun can't see Yuto's hand and vice versa. Now, without further ado. Let's begin the Duel!" the announcer yelled as Yuto, Shun, Ruri, Kaito, Allen, and Sayaka prepared their Duel Disks.


No Duel in this chapter, sorry about that. But since it is a 3 on 3, it would be too much work in one day.

When the invasion starts, I may or may not start doing chapter previews.

But as stated in the summary, there will be more legacy characters. As you can see from the inclusion of Rio and Shark Kamishiro. I will most likely have Ryo Marufuji appear (Zane Truesdale if you watch the dub) because he has existed in the canon show of Arc V. He just never made a physical appearance.

Speaking of physical appearances, if you are wondering why i stopped doing the physical appearances after Sayaka, it's because that's going to take too long. I may do some from time to time but it is probably only going to be stuff like hair and eye color.

Anyways, feel free to leave suggestions for improvements as this is my first time writing a fanfic.

See ya guys next time. Take care, Goodbye!