Reviews for Yu-gi-oh Arc-V: Pendulum of Hope
Guest 5 chapter 101 . 8/6
Damn it damn yuzu’s bracelet making yuri disappear at a time like it those bracelets exist to cockblock yuya and his “brothers”.
Guest 3 chapter 101 . 8/6
I want yuri to destroy the card Roget is sealed in so that Roget would just die.
B-baller125 chapter 101 . 8/3
This chapter was really awesome dude! I’m glad Yuya got Odd Eyes Venom Dragon since it’s such a cool monster. Can’t wait to see Jack and Crow team up! Seeya next time!
7 chapter 6 . 7/7
Oh my
7 chapter 5 . 7/7
Oh dear
7 chapter 4 . 7/7
Yay bonds of Pendulum is a good fanfic
7 chapter 3 . 7/7
Oh boy the invasion is coming soon
7 chapter 2 . 7/7
7 chapter 1 . 7/7
So cool
DivadX chapter 99 . 6/3
Hi Gentyman. I'm sorry I haven't commented on your story in a while. Due to many other things, I didn't get a chance until now to post a review on your story.

First up: I've missed out on a lot since Yuto's duel with Darkness, so I'll probably need some time to catch up. As for this chapter, I was lucky to have some time to read this chapter, so let's get to it.

The fact that Roget was willing to brainwash Akiza's parents, that's just vile. I'm glad that Akiza was able to free them. I am looking forward for what's to come, especially the duels.

I've read through past reviews from the past couple of weeks, and noticed you've been having trouble with creating new cards lately for different characters. A while back, I made cards for Ruri, Rin, Barrett, Roget, Darkness, and Jack. If you want any of them, don't hesitate to send me a PM. I'll be happy to contribute in anyway I can.

Lastly, I hope you're doing well on your end, what with COVID-19 and everything. As they say in Kingdom Hearts, if you are ever in doubt, let your heart be your guiding key.

Good luck on the 100th chapter. I know you'll do great as always. And stay safe and healthy too!

HelenTheMoon chapter 99 . 5/12
That was a very good chapter, even if delayed. And for the record, I did finish the duel. :) Turned out GREAT.
ljgtechera chapter 98 . 5/2
por favor continua con la historia uno de los fanfics de yugioh que eh leido hasta ahora y me encanta yutoxruri y no hay mucho de ellos has dado una buena experiencia con esta historia y como tu seguidor te pido porfavor de ser posible puedas llevar esta historia hasta el final gracias y esperare atento cualquier actualizacion a tus historias, continua asi porfavor!
marijana.puljas chapter 98 . 4/10
You need to continue. It's AWESOME!
One of the best fanfictions I have ever read!
B-baller125 chapter 98 . 4/9
This is so good please update soon!
Heart of the mem chapter 98 . 3/30
K btw really like the way it's going
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