Ensconced within the limo, comfortable upon the plush leather seats, his male wife's Mac sat on his lap as he himself was seated, crossed legs, inspecting the files and blueprints there alongside the notes left by the former Informant. He was glad for the latter being thorough enough that there was no trouble finding what he needed to complete both his and his better half's scheduled appointments for the day. Everything done much earlier than expected, with an accomplished stretch, he had shut down the device and eased it aside.
Having filed what he was looking for and importing that into his phone's own storage as guidance later on, he leaned further back with a sigh, wondering if it was a good idea to check upon his son again when he had only done so some thirty minutes ago, hand rubbing thoughtlessly at his chin with his knuckles as he contemplated, only for his eyes to fall upon the bands slipped around his ring finger there, the prominent shade of silver and diamonds catching his attention as they likewise caught the light. He stared at them for a moment.
He is a most lucky man.
Years ago when they left Japan, he had not the slightest idea what life awaited them away from home. Yet after meeting difficulties, he was given a future full of contentment, add that to a satisfying married life, good fortune alongside epic changes in him that he admits he himself is not quite sure as to how they had really happened to begin with, and is still stuck in awe of them even after all this time, but had welcomed them nonetheless with a positivity.
It seemed as if there was no real need to be worried, or to even be thinking about any other thing besides just moving forward. His world and the paths he took were smoother now, though not their smoothest thanks to some concerns, yet was in the overall still most amazing.
However lately, he also can't shake the notion that 'home' has been catching up on them. Izaya had even hinted openly about it more than once that, unconsciously, he had also been drawn to the idea as well, the questions nagging him about the life they had left behind when they had eloped.
Admittedly, he was curious... what happened when they had vanished so suddenly? Had anyone delved closely when both him and the Flea no longer chased each other on the streets? Has anyone noticed and in fact discovered the true reasons that lay behind the disappearance? It always felt like a loose end needing to be tied up and settled somehow. At least to him, it always gave that impression...
His phone rang mid-contemplation. Shaun Kline, the known elusive head of Kline Industries, checked the display with a raise of his brow, noting the name that came up before he calmed down and swiped at the answer icon with a thumb, pressing the gadget to his ear.
The smile in his voice was undeniable that even his right hand had paused and stared briefly, only to return to his work with a silent amusement. It was someone beyond important then. Not everyone had the Boss' direct line and while most of their VIP client calls were redirected to him before they can get to their CEO, 'family' could more or less reach him any time.
It was 1:43 PM in California. In Japan it would have been near 6 in the morning of the next day.
'Hey Onii-chan…'
That voice brought with it a tinge of nostalgia whenever he called in during those off hours halfway and half the day across the globe. Shaun remembered immediately how the face that owned it looked then, along that of Mairu and Kururi Orihara, collected though somewhat concerned as betrayed by his eyes, when they had realized what was going on and that, requesting it from them, they had been made to swear that no one else were ever to know of the couple's leaving for the United States.
Jests and threats aside, from then onward, the confidants they had left home had kept things secret, the latter always very enthusiastic at helping to avoid any disruptions, never addressing him and Izaya directly by their names even during these long distance calls. Shizuo was beyond thankful.
Yet he had always mused as to why his younger brother had been working rather later than usual recently… his past calls coming in less frequently than he was used to.
"How's everything? Your work seems to be finishing later and later every week. Make sure to rest up when you can," went the conversation in English which Kasuka all but obliged.
"You need not worry," his brother had briefly paused to wave at another model who was likewise leaving. "Later Kise-kun!" the blond returning the gesture with a grin, energetic even at this hour he had noticed, before he returned to his call once more.
'It's just that it can't be helped.
'There are many great projects being tossed my way lately. I am getting enough rest though,' he assured.
"Good to know then," Shizuo had shifted in his seat, re-crossing his legs to get more comfortable as he nodded more to himself. Another pause came from the other and this he caught with a crease of his brows. It had next prompted him to ask, "You sound like you want to tell me something..."
The voice on the other line hesitated but as honestly as he could, he did not hide the fact. He can't seem to be able to lie to him so easily admitted, 'I'm just worried.
'I heard from Mairu-chan and Kururi-chan that you'll be in the cover of Forbes in a couple of months? Won't that mean everyone will find out where you two are and what you're up to?'
Ah, so it's already begun.
When they had ascended the business right after their father, the media has been drawn to the tale of the lovers/adopted sons of the late philanthropist Kline. They, as a couple, had normally just shrugged all other inquiries yet, following the tradition the old man had set, and practically because it was Forbes' World's Billionaires nevertheless and the reputation preceded them, they had agreed to provide an exclusive to the magazine, their names and stories to be published in broad daylight for anyone worldwide to see. Shizuo somehow had no issues with it.
"It can't be helped," it was his turn to give his rationale. "Our adoptive father wanted us to tell our story there."
'You don't sound too concerned.'
"Well that's because I actually think it's best," said the older Heiwajima. "Do you know Izaya has been thinking a lot about Japan lately?" he leaned in and confided in addition, lowering his voice a bit. "I've been thinking alot about it as well."
This surprised Kasuka, but he had gotten over the initial shock to quietly conceding in a few seconds, as per usual, the expression not even touching his face for too long that no one that was looking had noticed, 'You're thinking of visiting then?'
Shizuo shook his head, more a gesture to his own, this time making Clyde wonder as to what the two had been talking about that he looked up again and observed. More like eavesdropped.
"I'm rather aiming for the long term…" he overheard his Boss saying.
It was his right hand's turn to raise a brow. They had all known of the plan, of the couple having ideas of relocating to Japan once more after the leftover transactions of the previous Patriarch were taken cared of, however, they had not anticipated it to be this soon.
Kasuka seemed to be having a similar thought but sounded like he agreed with his brother's decisions anyway, 'It isn't such a bad idea, Onii-chan,' he continued in English.
'It would be great to have you two come back…'
After the call, Clyde confronted Shizuo about the conversation with a grimace on his face.
"Have you been contemplating about this for a while now, Boss?"
"You think it would be a terrible thing?" Shaun Kline had asked his employee.
The other shrugged, scratching at the back of his neck. "It won't be I suppose. I mean, we can always move. All of us will love the chance to get a change in the atmosphere.
"Especially since your Father has died..." he added in a lower voice.
It was rather true. Things had gotten a little somber in the household after the late Patriarch's passing. His current sons were undoubtedly affected by his absence as they had always been with him throughout those years of guidance -they too who had lived under his roof for so long and were cared for by his kindness, had witnessed his career high, his depression led from the loss of a family, his renewed vigor when he had adopted the two Japanese...up to the point of his last breath...
Being around the Estate to some degree felt saddening. There were so many great memories there.
"You made that sound like you are open to tagging along."
He was. Clyde had made his mind up long ago in the same way like most of them have, to serve the Klines until he could no longer do so. Meaning that his life had already been promised o his work. His devotion was as complete as his determination was rock and steel solid. He grew up in this family. He would die in it, that was what most of them wanted...
His grin was genuine, which made Shizuo chuckle, especially after he had given his employer an uncharacteristic thumb's up to confirm this suspicion.
"Well I will definitely transfer where you are Boss, no questions about that," but then inched forward to whisper as a joke. "I don't know about Miranda though."
He swept a thumb across both Izuo and Shizaya's foreheads, easing aside their mop of hair to check and kiss them both there, tucking them in afterwards to next open the windows to let some fresh air into the nursery, a faint scent of mint and flowers coming from the gardens outside.
It was not that cold, just cool enough and comfortable which was good. It had helped to make Little Izzy feel much better, falling asleep almost instantaneously with his twin in the same bed. The two had pressed their temples to each other and dozed off, possibly the cutest thing on earth for their adoring mother as he watched over them to the side, a book in hand...
Every now and then, he did cast his sights outside to a far distance, making a clever guess which way was Japan by plane and how long it would take to travel, mind drawn to memories there.
To love the humans of the city and toy with them. To having staged plot after plot just to see if he somehow was right in the end which most of the time he was. But that was no longer how he lived, was it? Seeing his sons, thinking of Shaun, he knew life was here now. But why does it feel lacking somehow?
He drew a light blanket over the two, settling to the side of the bed again but not feeling like returning to his read. He had a few things coming to mind and somehow they were making him feel...uncertain...
Izaya quietly hoped this nap helped to get their wee one well enough for tonight's dinner. Shizuo said he had an announcement to make, something he had whispered to him as the former Informant gave him a kiss farewell earlier.
As to what that is, Isaiah may have a bit of an idea, but like he usually was when it came to the Monster Shizuo Heiwajima, he was not always a hundred percent sure. Why that? Why not?
After all, his husband is still the most unpredictable being ever.