By Meldewen Ilce

Rating: G
Spoilers: Through ROTK

Summary: Frodo struggles to leave behind a letter for his dearest friend that will let Sam know just what he meant to him...

Disclaimer: I don't own Frodo, Sam, Rosie, or Elanor as they are all creations of J.R.R. Tolkien. No copyright infringement is intended by the writing or publishing of this story on the internet -- I ask NOT TO BE SUED!

Special thanks goes to Marigold for being my beta for this story and for making the suggestions I need to truly make this a better story!

September 15, 1421 S.R.

He would be leaving in one week from this day and Frodo still did not know where to begin.

Frodo had sat and stared so long at the white, blank page before him he could almost swear the page was not only staring back at him but was also now laughing at him. Since lunch he had locked himself in his study with every intention of composing this letter to the most special person in his life and yet no words came.

Frodo sighed as he felt the melancholy he thought he had chased off for the day return. Why was it so hard to write this one last letter to Sam? Certainly it wasn't hard to find words of love and praise to the hobbit to who he owed such a debt of gratitude and love and friendship? No, he decided, rather it was the fact that this letter represented possibly his last chance to let Sam know just how much he had come to mean to him, especially during these last few years.

Releasing a sad sigh, he glanced up from his blank sheet of paper to watch where Sam was playing with Elanor in the gardens of Bag End. He lifted Elanor high into the air, causing the golden haired maiden to laugh. He then watched as Sam walked around lost in the still new wonder of his daughter, talking quietly to the hobbit child he cradled tenderly in his arms.

Frodo smiled as Elanor's giggles of delight lifted his melancholy, and he picked up his quill again, ready to finally dip it into the ink before him and write his last letter to Samwise Gamgee...