Reviews for Brothers
ShireElf one of the most evil authors on this site chapter 3 . 4/17/2003
Ah . . .you do not want to know how long I have searched for these sappy Frodo and Sam fics. I love stories like these! Well done!
Kay chapter 3 . 4/16/2003
This is absolutely beautiful, Meldewen! That one line-'he walked out of Bag End for the very last time'-so sad. And the letter to Sam made me cry. Thank you for such a sweet story.
Jen Perry chapter 3 . 3/30/2003
*Huge, dorky grin* I loved it! Oh my gosh, this is so gorgeous! Well done!
Eladriewen chapter 3 . 3/5/2003
great story!
Only human chapter 3 . 3/3/2003
Good, but I liked the song version better. That song is one of the best songs I've heard about friendship ever. (and you did give credit to the singer) But there is also the point that while frodo was around he was the center of attention, but after he left he was forgotten, so in the end sam was better remembered than frodo. so the new version works too, there you have it.
Daisy Brambleburr chapter 3 . 3/2/2003
Beautiful, so so beautiful! I loved the ending, and the letter, it was all so in character and touching. This is really really really good, and I loved it! Made me cry just a tiny bit.

Well done (again!)

Love Daisy
cosmo-queen chapter 3 . 3/2/2003
Hi, well done on a great fic and for not making it slash like so many people tend to do these days. Frodo and Sam's relationship was very beautiful and it's a shame that no-one seems to see it that way anymore. But there is still hope when I read stories like this! The letter Frodo wrote to Sam was perfect so well done on capturing the beauty of their relationship at that particular stage of their friendship.
