The Legends Still Live On

Bogen Ein: Unternehmen Mehr Liebe Liebe!

Kapitel Ein: McBraun Clothes Repair


Hello everyone! I'm Nathan McBraun, a sophomore of Ooarai High School! Now that I've got your attention, I'll be explaining this story a bit before we jump into it!

First off, there will be no sex scenes, so those looking forward to seeing Bubi's and Miho's sex life, you're out of luck!

Second, there will be less combat here, as well!

And now, we begin with...

Anton: The way for the popular!

Erich: A fun life!

David: Sleeping until graduation...

Herz: The way of the avant-garde heart.

Nathan: Everyone's fun life in the Arts of Warfare! Wait, what are you doing setting that apple on Anton's head, Herz? And what's with the bow?

Aprikose: Let's begin.


In his apartment that he shared with Miho, Erich was taking a good look at the back of his jacket he had taken off for the moment. He was otherwise in his normal school outfit. He noticed there was some good scuffing on the jacket.

"Yeesh, that doesn't look good," he noted. "I should definitely get this fixed. But where?" He then entered thought for a bit until he lit up. "Oh, right! Nathan's family owns a clothes repair shop. I should go there!"


Later as Erich approached the McBraun Clothes Repair shop, the doors ceremoniously swung open. It was revealed that Nathan was who performed the action.

"Well, if it isn't Bubi!" he greeted. "Welcome! Come on in, eh!"

Erich followed him in as the doors shut. "What, is Nathan a clerk here on his off time?" he wondered to himself.

"So, what can I do you for?" Nathan asked as he came to a stop and turned to Erich.

Erich took off his jacket as he began to explain, "I just need this fixed up a bit. It's starting to look worse for wear."

"Ah, well no problem! Oh, you want anything extra to be done to it? Like any other patches or stitchings or something like that?"

Erich thought for a bit, but he then waved off. "Eh, alright. Surprise me."

"Oh! Well you won't be disappointed, Bubi!" Nathan then energetically ran off with the jacket to fix it up.

Erich in the meantime chose to take a look around the place, and he noticed a selection sheet on one of the walls. It had several patches and stitching options related to aviation. "Well, I guess that kind of figures he would be like that."

He then continued looking around again, and he found some other people there.

"Oh? Herz?" he wondered upon seeing him. "What are you doing here?"

Herz was evidently there, too, and he looked over to Erich to respond, "I was just getting my jacket fixed up." Herz had brought his own unique Jägermeistern jacket to get patched up. It was patched up, but it now also had some of the Luftwaffe's Balkenkreuzen patched onto each shoulder plus an image of a Fiat CR.42 stitched into the back.

"I guess there's no stopping Nathan with that stuff," Erich figured after seeing the aviation-inspired work. He looked around again, and he now managed to discover Anton there as well.

"This actually seems pretty decent," he commented as he inspected his own Jägermeistern jacket. Nathan apparently did his work to it as well. It now had knife patches on each shoulder and a Lockheed P-80 stitched into the back.

"Huh, Anton too," Erich remarked. "Yeah, Nathan's gonna go overboard, it seems."

"It's done!" Nathan proclaimed as he came back to the main lobby with Erich's jacket in hand. "What do you think, eh?"

Erich took his jacket and inspected it. It was fixed up, but as he predicted, there were some modifications done to it, as well. Nathan had put on white patches with black tulips within them to the shoulders. Erich then turned the jacket around and found another large emblem stitched into the back It was that of a white arrow pierced through a red heart that was dripping some red drops. Also below was the word 'Karaya' that was stitched in.


Later, Erich was seen walking out of the shop with a satisfied look. He had kept the modifications Nathan made to the jacket, for the time being.

'I guess it wouldn't hurt to have these things here for now to give Nathan some appreciation, but I'm getting this back to the way it was later,' he thought.

Mesut and Erik had also come by the place, and Nathan was currently with them.

"Here, have some coupons!" he offered some coupons to the two freshmen. "It'll make it cheaper for you to become the leaders of fashion!"

"Was?" Mesut could only react in confusion.

"What do we do?" Erik wondered. He was at a loss as to what to do about the offer.


Later, Erich got back to his and Miho's apartment, but he was welcomed with an unusual sight.

What he had seen was Miho sitting on the bed, but she had evidently gone to Yukari's place to get a haircut. Her hair was styled into one of Yukari's Panzerhaarschnitt, and she looked a bit mesmerized at simply having the style.

Erich didn't speak for a minute, mainly because he had no words for the sight. He simply had an eyebrow raised in confusion. Several seconds later, he finally spoke up, "How are things going for you today, Miholein?"

Miho snapped out of her mesmerized state and turned to Erich in surprise. She blushed deeply as she immediately turned away and buried her head into the blankets. "Don't look at me!" she was heard crying out through the blankets.

Erich just rolled his eyes at her reaction. "I'll never understand you girls and your senses of fashion," he muttered quietly enough so Miho wouldn't hear.

He then approached her and sat beside her as she lied on the bed. He then ran his hand along her back gently as he caressed her. "I hope you know that I really couldn't care less about your appearance, because you look great to me anyway, regardless of whatever fashion trends may be going around," he gently spoke.

Miho sat up and turned to Erich at hearing his words. "Really?" she shyly asked still with her blush.

Erich smiled and slung an arm around her. "Yes, really." He then grew a playful smirk. "Now, that 'cannon' there wouldn't happen to be loaded, would it?"

Miho smacked him in response before she looked away with a flustered expression. "I wish it was now so I could shoot you for that."


Part of Projekt Jägermeistern.


The author doesn't claim to own "Girls und Panzer" or any other references made. "Girls und Panzer" belongs to Actas. Any references made belong to their respective owners.

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