Reviews for The Legends Still Live On
LJKN808-H1 chapter 154 . 4/8/2019
I don’t understand jack about what happened in this chapter. Please elighten me I’m seriously confused.
BavarianGlory chapter 154 . 2/24/2019
This sounds like a pretty good idea. Even though it seems that I have read the entire story, I have not. I have merely skipped to the last chapter to read it. The 154th chapter was really good and some of the topics covered were deep.
William Lamb chapter 154 . 1/10/2019
That break-up was like a scene from Mortal Kombat! Also, GW is back in development. Working on battle scenes ATM. Will work the other stuff in as I go.
blackgoku100 chapter 153 . 1/7/2019
but please do not let to separate erich and miho I really like the couple but if makes suffer to miho
blackgoku100 chapter 154 . 1/7/2019
I like me the chapter you might do that erich buera in a time on the following morning without nobody finds out with his brother or to another school or to the university
SeekerMeeker chapter 153 . 12/10/2018
Oh wow, that's a LOT of reference!

I like to reference some media in my stories, but yours is on a whole new level.
uTtH0 chapter 1 . 9/1/2018
Veri n1c3Ko8st0riyL
SeekerMeeker chapter 148 . 8/18/2018
I have noticed that you like to add entire lyrics to specific chapters, designed to set the mood of the story. But sometimes, you don't have to add entire lyrics or even the song; instead, focus on the lyrics and then getting into the story (or mention the song and just focus on the story). I notice that you go back and forth, starting with a lyric and then into a sentence of scene, which confuses me. It's hard to tell where the song begins, and where the story begins.

And plus, a good story does not have to add details; a good story knows when to put details, and when to just focus on the plot. That's why I enjoyed your previous Kapitel 27,4,1; it was simpler to read, without too many words, and it was concisely written.
SeekerMeeker chapter 147 . 8/18/2018
Boy, you definitely depicted the bloopers incredibly well! To be honest, I have a hard time with writing bloopers; last time I did it, few people laughed. But your bloopers made me chuckle and smile a lot.

That ad part was gold; I actually laughed at that part! But man, adding humor is not an easy appears that a combination of both "right action" and "unexpected outcome" is key to making humor, and you did that well. I was NOT expecting that part of the ads interfering with the radio, but that was great!
William Lamb chapter 147 . 8/13/2018
YEEEEESSSS! You finally did the outtakes and I'm laughing like a loon! The part where Erich keeps getting ads on his phone would have to be my favorite! On a side note, I haven't been able to write anything other than a few plot bunnies (one of them being that one of my OCs was supposed to be at Ooarai for a six-month exchange program but gets transported to the Projeckt: Erica world while his female counterpart gets sent to the Projeckt Jagermeistern universe). The reason-being is because someone found out I was trying to write again and they came running after me to come work hauling treestumps for them.
Fallschirmjger chapter 147 . 8/12/2018
Is there any chance, that there will ne a crossover between project Jägermeistern and project Erika? That would be pretty interesting.
blackgoku100 chapter 147 . 8/10/2018
I would like you to do a chapter of alfred and erika or one with maho I would appreciate if you did
BakonoftheUnknown chapter 147 . 8/9/2018
Damn hilarious
SeekerMeeker chapter 145 . 7/26/2018
Oh boy, that sounds hilarious!

SeekerMeeker chapter 142 . 7/1/2018
You know, will Katyusha "grow" up?
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