Chapter 20

In another life

xxx [[[]]] xxx


As those words tumbled from his warm lips, Ana smiled through her hot tears, her heart jumping up from pure joy and happiness." Nothing will ever tear us apart… nothing." She agreed, turned around swiftly to face him and pressed her lips onto his.

Christian felt a shiver go through his whole body, because he knew now that Ana meant every word. Christian knew now that she had chosen him... and only him.

"I'm going to fight with my last breath to be with you." He declared, after he kissed her deeply and passionately like no man has ever done before.

Ana held onto him for dear life, as he nipped at her earlobe, making her oh so weak in the knees.

Christian grabbed her face lightly, leaned in and pressed his lips onto hers. When their lips collided, Ana swore she saw stars. She instinctively placed both hands around his neck and pulled him impossibly closer to her, while whimpering softly.

Ana needed him so much, and felt like her body was set ablaze by the thought of him touching all of her and the anticipation of being connected with him in the flesh.

She almost couldn't breathe. Christian's tongue delved inside of her mouth, and he showed Ana that he was the one in charge.

God, that made her lose it. Why do his lips taste so fucking good?! Better than she ever imagined! While his hands dug into the soft flesh of her waist, Ana bit his bottom lip, making him groan like a beast.

God, that was so hot!

As their kisses continued, Ana needed to feel his hair, so she tugged on it… a bit hard.

"Ouch" he said, and locked eyes with Ana.

As he watched her gorgeous face and lips swollen from their kisses, Christian felt himself getting harder.

" I want you" he whispered, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

She pulled away just a bit to lock eyes with him, her face all flushed, her cheeks pink." I need you"

Christian grabbed her gently and lifted her up, and he carried Ana to the bed, their mouths still locked, lips and tongues dueling for dominance.

God… Ana wanted all of him… his naked skin on hers, and wanted to be possessed by him.

She's never felt this way before. Not with Luke or her previous ex from college.

Christian gently placed her on the bed, and yet she clung to him like she never wanted to ever let him go. He pulled away from the kiss and pleaded." Let me go for just one second… I'd like to undress you, Ana"

As those words reached her ears, Ana felt a tingling sensation in her core… she felt herself getting wet for Christian.

She finally let him go, and looked at him, her blue eyes blown wide with love and lust." Take it all off, Christian" she said pleadingly, her hand landing on his crotch.

He obeyed and began unbuttoning his shirt. Ana admired his beautiful chest, and sat up straight. Her greedy little hands landed on his body, so his eyes fluttered shut.

Ana helped him with his belt buckle, and just as she threw it in the corner of the room, they both heard a knock on the door.

Both Ana and Christian were startled by it, and he even said." Ignore them"

She nodded, and pulled him on the bed. All of a sudden, Ana was on top, and began to explore his muscled chest.

She was busy sucking on one of his nipple, his hand landing between her thighs. The moment his fingers touched her panty covered core, Christian went wild.

She was so wet!

He flipped her and that's when he was on top now, his gray eyes filled with want.

Ana moaned, when he pulled her dress up, revealing her black lacy panties. He was just about to touch her 'there' again, when they both heard the person on the other side of the door pound loudly at it.

"Miss Steele! Open up!" they both heard a man say." You left your car unlocked, the keys still in it!"



The moment Ana and Christian arrived at the parking lot, she searched for her white designer bag. However, it was nowhere to be found!

She began to panic and rummaged through the car, her face pale as a blanket.

"Ana? Are you missing something?" Christian asked.

She was hyperventilating at one point, grabbing the bags but none of them was the white one!

"I lost it!" she whispered, her eyes teary." I can't believe this… they stole the KEY?!"

"What? Who? What are talking about, Ana?" Christian asked in a worried tone, while placing his hands on both her upper arms.

She tore away from him, and began to act hysterically." It was all for nothing… I cannot get to the safety deposit box now!"

"Ana, sweetie… tell me what's going on." He told her." If you don't explain, I cannot help you."

Ana looked at him, and knew that the time has arrived for her to confide in him. She was ready to explain it to Christian. He has the right to know all about what she witnessed, when she was young and that her father had covered up what Harvey had done.

They both took a seat in the car. Ana was just about to tell him, when they both heard their phones ring loudly.

In response, Christian groaned aloud, and Ana clenched her hands together.

'Why NOW?!' She thought, and went to grab her phone.

She was so ready to tell him everything.

"I'm sorry, Christian… it's a call from Kate."

"Go ahead" he replied." I'll answer mine also"

Well, when Ana heard why Kate called, she panicked for the second time today.

Kate had told Ana that the Police had called, asking where Ana was. They told Kate that Carla was missing!

Ana immediately hung up the phone, and began to sob aloud." We have to turn back home… now!"

Christian was already done with his call, and asked." What? What happened, Ana? What did Kate say?"

With tears in her eyes, she replied." My mom… sh-she's missing, Christian"



In the meantime…


Ray Steele was in his mansion, and paced the living room. He was a nervous wreck at the moment. He was expecting someone who he didn't want to meet… at all.

He kept looking out the window, and checked his phone numerous times.

While Ray was busy fixing himself a drink to calm his nerves, his phone rang.

"Finally!" he muttered, and answered the call.

"Where are you? Down stairs? I am coming down right now." He said with a serious tone in his voice, then hung up.

He walked down the stairs and opened the front door.

"What do you want? I thought I told you that it would be better now to not make contact with each other." Ray said urgently, his voice low.

"Are you going to let me stand in front of your door or can I come in?" the visitor said firmly.

They both walked to the living room and took a seat on the couch.

"Do you want something to drink?" Ray asked.

"Yes, a scotch on the rocks." The visitor answered with a smirk on the face.

Ray got up and went to the bar. He poured the scotch into a glass and handed it over to his guest.

Ana's father then walked over to the bar once more, a few feet away. He didn't want to sit too close to his visitor.

After being silent for more than five minutes, the visitor looked at him angrily" Your daughter is digging into the past, Steele!" His voice was cold and harsh." She is becoming a dangerous threat to all of us. You know that the truth cannot come out, Steele. I thought that you took care of it a long time ago."

Ray clenched his hands into fists, as the man threatened him." Leave my daughter alone…" he warned, while glaring at his visitor.

The man huffed in response." If you are not going to do anything about it, we will. Mark my words. We are going to give her a little warning."

When Ray heard him say that, he got very angry! He walked towards the man and shouted.

"How dare you! You come to my house, drink from my bar and have the audacity to threaten me!" Ray's voice thundered through the living room." Who do you think I am, huh! If you touch one hair on my daughters head, I will end you ALL! Get the fuck out of my house! Right now!"

The visitor was also angry, and yet he stood up and walked away. But, before walking out the front door he said." Remember, Steele… if we go down, you go down too… Just remember that"

Ray watched the visitor walk away, and when the door closed with a click, he sank down to the floor. He was at the end of his rope. Ray held his head with both hands and sobbed. He hadn't cried in ages, but things went bad so fast that he couldn't hold it back any longer; it was all too much!

What happened to Carla and now this…

As he sobbed on the cold, hard floor, he truly wished that he had listened to Ana years ago, when she begged him to tell the truth… To go to the Police. He wished that he could go back in time and made a different choice.

But, at the time everything was on the line; he made that choice then. A choice that he regretted… A choice that was surely going to be their downfall.



In the meantime …



During the drive back, Ana felt so defeated and lost. First the key was stolen and now she was informed that her mom was missing.

What could've happened to her?!

She instantly wondered if her dad had something to do with it, but was afraid to say it out loud.

She still wasn't on speaking terms with him. But, that didn't mean Kate couldn't ask him about her mom. Right?

That's when Ana asked her to call Ray.

After Kate had called him, she informed Ana that he was the one who reported her missing. She didn't return his calls, and he hadn't seen her for a while. That's when he decided to file a missing person's report.

But before doing so, he looked for her himself and called all of her friends.

No one had seen his wife.

A sigh escaped her lips, as Ana silently looked out the car window.

"We're going to find your mom, Ana" she heard Christian say" Don't you worry… I've already called my colleague from the Missing person's division, and he promised to give a hundred and ten percent into your mom's case."

A tear rolled down her cheek, as those promising words reached her ears." Thank you, Christian." She whispered, while locking eyes with him." I don't know what I did to deserve you"

Christian felt a tug at his heart, and all of a sudden was reminded by four words.

"May we meet again"

Those words tore at his heart and soul, as he looked into Ana's eyes.



"I believe that you and I have met before..." she heard him say.

Christian had chosen those words carefully and had said them so slow, as if he was afraid to say them.

Ana was shocked by his revelation, her heart beating so hard she felt as if it was about to leap out of her chest.

"Wha- what do you mean, Christian?"

He was also holding his breath." I need to pull over now, if we're to discuss this"

Ana looked at him shocked!

Without hesitation, he pulled over to the side of the road.

Ana watched him with wide eyes. Has he also been having the memories from another life?! 'Oh, God… if so then I'm not crazy.' Were the words that swirled around in her head.

The moment he turned off the car, he grabbed her hand lovingly, and squeezed it." I've met you before, haven't I?"

"Before?" she asked dumbfounded.


"When, Christian?" she asked, her heart pounding mercilessly.

Christian let out a deep breath, and swallowed hard. He didn't want her to think he was crazy, but he felt that now was the perfect time to ask Ana about their 'previous life'.

She slowly brought a hand to his face, and touched his cheek." When, Christian? When did we meet?"

He gathered his courage, and whispered. "In another life"

Note: Thank you all for the wonderful feedback/ reviews for the previous chapter. :)

What do you think of this one.

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Till the next one,