It took days for her burns to finally heal completely. Days of continuous ministrations of countless healers, long hours spent with Shaozu. Korra had been moved from the infirmary to her room the following day, and he would visit her multiple times a day to take the heat away. If she was being honest, it was the best time of the day for Korra. She would get moments of reprieve from the pain, and she could ask Shaozu her endless stream of questions.

The Fire Nation youth spared nothing; he told her anything and everything she wanted to know. Korra drilled him about the Hellfire bombs, about the dissidents in the Earth Kingdom. Once her fingers healed enough, she was writing everything down in a leather bound book. She was making a flow chart, connecting bits of information as she learned more information.

The day the healers gave her the all clear, the Avatar began training with Tenzin once again. The revelation that members of the Police Force were in league with Amon provided a sense of urgency for Korra. She needed to unlock her Airbending and transcend into the Avatar State as quickly as possible. On top of that, her past lives gave her snippets of visions, pieces to another puzzle that she just didn't have time to solve.

Images of Aang and Zuko running in the streets of Republic City, chasing after gang members. Quiet moments where Aang spent his free time with his wife, Katara. Dark, horrific images of an underground syndicate in Ba Sing Se, where a twelve year old Aang would fight off shadowy figures, their hands wrapped in black stone. Korra hated to admit it, but she was overwhelmed with all this new information. How could she shift through it all by herself?

To top it all off, she hadn't seen Bolin and Mako since she and Tahno had saw them at Hotman Palace. Neither of them had stopped by the Temple in almost a week, and she was beginning to suspect that something was wrong. There was obviously something amiss when she had seen them at the Palace, and Bolin hadn't felt the need to tell her he was going to be downtown anyway. Korra couldn't go off looking for them and begging to be in the loop, hunt down the traitors in the Police Force, and unlock her Airbending all at once!

Korra sighed, sinking down to her shoulders in a tube of ice. Her muscles ached with the strain of non-stop training, the skin of her arms leathery still from the burns. The beginnings of scars ran down her neck and arms, spindles of raised skin that the healers couldn't remove. It would probably take water from the Spirit Oasis in the North to remove them entirely; but that was the least of her concerns. She could feel power within her churning with each day she spent working with Tenzin. Something is lurking beneath her skin, clawing to free itself. It shouldn't be much longer until she finds the keys to unlock the missing element, Air.

The Avatar stayed in the ice bath for just a bit longer before rising, reaching for her bathrobe. She still had yet to inform Lin of the breach in her security. Korra didn't have any proof of the deception of her metal benders, and she knew the stubborn Beifong would require unwavering evidence to prove her theory; all she had right now was a gut feeling and a body ravaged by an Earth Kingdom bomb.

She ran her fingers through her slightly shorter hair; Pema trimmed the scorched pieces and evened it out. It curled at the ends, and she didn't have enough to gather into her two wolf tails anymore. Korra settled with a loose braid that fell between her shoulder blades. She was peeved that she couldn't wear the spools, but figured it would grow back soon enough.

Korra threw on her Water Tribe clothes, pulling her parka over her head gingerly. She didn't mind the scars, but she hated the worry and fear in the Airbending children's eyes when they looked at them. Tenzin didn't want to tell the kids what had happened to her, but Korra wormed around that by going straight to Pema instead. Together, they sat the children down and explained why Korra was so badly injured. She knew that the truth was easier to handle than a lie, and she felt that she could protect them better if they knew what was going on.

Because deep down, she had a sinking feeling that Amon and his horde were only going to get bolder. Their arsenal of weapons would grow monstrous, his supporters would grow in numbers she refused to fathom. She had to formulate a plan of action, make moves that would prepare her for the fight ahead. The lives of people she loved, of the city she came to love, depended on her ability as Avatar.

Korra evaded the watchful eyes of the Lotus benders, heading for the stables. She hadn't taken Naga out since she got hurt, and missed her ferocious beast. It didn't take her long to saddle her up, the young woman taking the time to pack extra strips of seal jerky. Naga was practically bouncing off the walls, sprinting forward towards the docks with her tongue hanging out of her mouth. The Avatar couldn't help the laughter bubbling inside her.

Maybe today would be a good day.

The world was not right, not at all. His nerves were frayed beyond belief, and scampering through Republic City's streets was not helping whatsoever. He didn't know how he was supposed to make it to her, but he had to. His master and his brother depended on him.

Pabu stuck close to buildings and alleyways, eyes narrowed in fierce determination. This was his second day braving the elements, but he was getting closer to the water. Crossing the water was the only way to reach her. Around his neck was a new collar, one that irritated the Spirits out of him. The green eyed woman placed it on him, along with a message. The image of the tears in her eyes as she begged for his help made him travel faster.

He had been hiding in that ginormous shelter, looking for his master in every nook and cranny. He didn't return to bed one night, and Pabu hadn't stopped to rest since. He was scurrying into a hidden closet when the door was thrown open, and the green eyed woman hurled herself inside, closing the door with a soft click. He could feel the thundering steps of the old man as he barreled past them, and he could smell the fear coming of the human in waves.

He knew who she was; the mate of his master's brother. This was her shelter they were taking refuge in, the entire place was filled with her lovely scent. She was kind, fed him delicious treats when his master was not looking, and scratched the tender spot behind his ears until he went crazy. So Pabu did not hesitate to scamper onto her shoulder and lick the tear streaks off her face. The iron tang of blood overwhelmed his senses, and he wrapped himself around her neck to comfort her.

The woman couldn't hold back her silent tears. He could see the bruises on her cheek, purplish blemishes that would take time to heal. In the dark, he could see her remove a pen from the inside of her boot. She ran her hands along the floor until she found a scrap piece of paper. Pabu watched with curious eyes as she scribbled down something and rolled the piece of paper up. She gingerly removed him from her shoulder, and stuck the paper through a loop in his collar.

"Please, Pabu", she had begged. Her voice had been barely above a whisper as she held him close to her heart.

"You have to find Korra, do you understand? Find her and bring her here. She is the only person I can trust right now. The only one that can save Mako and Bolin", the sound of his master's name sent his heart racing. She knew where he was! The woman cringed as the blundering voice of the old man rang down the hall. His screeching was getting closer, and he could feel the woman's hands begin to tremble.

Pabu dodged a bicycle tire, his lungs heaving with the exertion of running for so long. He would never forget the smell of her fear, or how hard she was trying to keep her voice steady. She had given him time, a distraction, so that he could escape without being noticed. The sound of the old man's fists meeting her body would forever rattle his bones. He had to reach her, Korra.

The green eyed woman depended on him, too.

A familiar scent assaulted his nose, filling his senses with ocean brine. Korra always carried the sea with her, regardless of whether she had been in the water or not. That pleasing scent would linger on his master's hands, around his neck and threaded in his hair. It always left Pabu feeling calm, safe. Lately, Korra's scent was stronger. There was a power that thrummed in her blood, fused with her spirit.

It made tracking her that much easier. There was no way Pabu could lose a trail this strong, one that blazed above the plethora of aromas in the city. He picked up his pace, threading between the legs of the citizens of Republic City.

Ming sighed, chest heaving as he lifted another stone into place. The mid afternoon sun was beginning to set, and he hadn't felt this accomplished in a long time. He decided that he would help with the construction of the Fire Nation district that was blown to bits. He really didn't have much else to do, considering that the Arena wasn't slotted to open for a few more weeks. He still had plenty of dough from all the years kicking ass as a Wolfbat, so getting a nine to five was not one of his prerogatives.

The square Korra had battled that chi blocker was actually a courtyard for a middle class housing district. In daylight, this place must have been aesthetically pleasing, with the dark cobblestones arranged in different patterns and shapes. Trees and shrubberies lined the edges, acting as a ten foot wall that separates the first level apartments. Republic City has plenty of crews available to rebuild, but most of them wanted nothing to do with the project due to the violence linked to it.

So one family owned contracting company sent out a call to arms to any earthbenders willing to clear away the rubble. Even they were surprised with the sheer amount of people that showed up, non-benders with shovels and barrels right alongside the earthbenders. It was a beautiful thing to behold, especially with how strenuous relations between peoples have been lately. Ming had risen before the sun, and still had been behind dozens of people.

Now that a system had been made, scores of people could work together on different tasks without the area feeling congested. Ming had been one of the benders tasked with breaking down the unstable building that Korra had been flung through. Those stones were heavier than boulders, and half of them were stained with her blood.

The sight had made him queasy.

Still, with everyone around him smiling and laughing, the work was effortless and the hours passed by like seconds. Because despite how horrible it had been, despite the terror that ripped through him, none of it had affected these people. The citizens living in the complex around them had been safe inside, thanks to Korra's curfew. Ming cringed to think of the aftermath if that bomb had detonated with the courtyard filled with children.

The head contractor dismissed them mid-afternoon. In just a few days they had successfully taken down the unstable building, and separated the rubble into manageable sections. Most of the building material would be reused, the bricks and glass could be reformed by welders. Ming gathered his things, throwing them into his duffle bag and slinging it over his shoulder. Waving goodbye to his work mates, he made his way back home.

Or, he should say, back to Tahno's loft. In all honesty, they stayed there so many times that it was their loft, too. Tahno had bought it with them in mind, seeing as how there are three bedrooms and baths. He and Shaozu had offered to pay him rent, but his captain had politely refused. To pull his weight, Ming decided to be resident chef. He bought the groceries and planned most of their meals. Surprisingly, cooking was not something his captain excelled at.

Tahno could scorch ice cream.

Shaozu was Mr. Domestic, picking up after everyone and clucking like a mother ostrich-horse. Ming chuckled to himself, the memory of Shaozu whacking Tahno over the head with a broom after he knocked over one of his new ferns. Honestly, they were an odd bunch of guys, but they were his family. His parents lived back in the Earth Kingdom, and he hadn't contacted them in some time. He wondered what they were doing now, or if they knew the shit Republic City was in. He wondered if they ever thought about their eldest son.

It didn't take him long to reach home. He took the service elevator instead of the stairs, his legs turning to gelatin as he rode it up and up. His stomach growled, and he sighed knowing that his captain would have waited for his return so he could make dinner. Tahno was a creature of luxury, and despite being one of the most hardworking athletes in the world, incredibly lazy. He'll lounge around his loft in silk robes and fuzzy slippers all day if he could, never lifting a finger to do anything.

In fact, there was a time where Tahno walked around the loft all day with one of those charcoal masks on. Such a queen. His keys jangled as he took them out of his bag, the lock giving way as he turned the key. He announced that he made it back from the construction site, throwing the keys into the dish by the door and tossing his bag off to the side. However, before he could process all the noise in the loft, he was knocked on his ass.

White fur assaulted his nose and pushed him to the ground, a pink tongue encasing him in saliva from the chest up through his hairline. Naga's paws rested on his shoulders, pinning him to the cool marble floors while she whined in greeting. Ming coughed and squirmed until she finally relented, sitting next to him and wrapping her tail around his waist. He rested his hand against her flank to brace himself as he wiped his face and neck clean with the inside of his shirt.

Wait, why was Korra's polar bear-dog here? How in the world did she get her through the door?

"Uh-vatar, your slobber beast is getting her fur over everything I own! Tell me again why you couldn't drop her off at the temple first? This fluff is even getting in my mouth", he heard his captain drawl. Ming got to his feet and padded into the living room, Naga right behind him. She moved silently for a beast her size.

Tahno was seated on the floor, of all places, legs crossed and his hands on the floor behind him. He had actually dressed for the day; a cashmere sweater the same color as his hair paired with dark jeans. True to character, he had on a pair of bright blue fuzzy socks. Some things never change. He glanced in Ming's direction, a subtle nod all he gave as a greeting, before turning back to the Avatar. His captain was always laser focused on Korra whenever she's around, he noticed.

Korra herself looked like she survived a hurricane. Her hair was still in what looked to be a braid down her back, but the shorter pieces were wild and framed her face. She had her water tribe clothes on, the thick parka thrown over the arm of the chair behind her. She was seated on the floor too, feet together like she was going to lean into a butterfly stretch. The scars along her arms and neck were grueling, grim reminders of what she survived that night. She didn't even glance his way, focused on his captain who sat in front of her.

"I'm really sorry to drop by like this; I was in the city when this happened and your apartment was the first safe place I thought of", she said in a raw voice. This caught Ming's attention, and he padded his way to complete their little circle on the floor. The sound of soft lapping was barely audible, and the earthbender rose his eyebrows in a silent question. Tahno realized this, and pointed at the heap of pillows beside him and Korra. There, encompassed in their soft throw pillows, is Bolin's adorable fire ferret. It was laying on its side, head hovered over water as if he was severely dehydrated.

Naga padded behind him, laying down with a huff. She placed her head in between himself and Korra, and said waterbender ran a hand through the scruff at her neck nervously. The beast lapped at her bare wrists, soothing strokes of comfort that visibly calmed her master down. But when she opened her mouth and spoke her voice shook, and there was tension in those scarred shoulders of hers.

"I should have known something was wrong, but I was so consumed with everything that I didn't even think twice. With Amon and the possibility that he has gained ground in the police force, not to mention all the Avatar stuff that my past lives have been hurtling at me, I'm surprised I haven't lost my mind yet", she began softly. She was staring down into her hands, those nimble fingers toying with a worn piece of paper.

"I needed a break, a spirits damned break, so I took Naga out for a walk through town. Figured that since I've been blown to smithereens that some fresh air would do some good, plus Naga has been cooped up waiting for me to heal. Everything was normal when I took her out into the City, but then Naga goes nuts and drags me to this alley. And there was Pabu, looking like he'd been to see Koh the Face Stealer. He was filthy and heaving, but he leapt on my shoulder and chirped in my ear until I found this in his collar", she continued. She held up the paper to Tahno, and Ming could see that her hands were shaking.

His captain wordlessly took it from her hands, his fingers grazing the inside of her wrist for the briefest of moments. He unfolded it, silver eyes darting across the parchment. His mouth formed a firm line, displeasure written on his features. Before Ming could interrupt, he was being handed the note. Something slithered down his spin at the blood on the corners, and the words scrawled on the paper.

My father is an Equalist. We are trapped as hostages. Save us.

Holy gods.

"How could I have not noticed that they were missing?! That Bolin had not come home since we had seen them at the Palace? That Mako and Asami had not stopped by for a visit? Have I become so self-absorbed that I don't notice when my friends are gone", Korra's voice cracked on the last word. Tears were pooling in her eyes, and she reached up to furiously swipe them away. Ming was shocked into silence, this was the first time he had seen her cry. Korra tipped her head back and stared at the ceiling, blinking relentlessly to keep the moisture from spilling onto her cheeks.

"They're in my head, in my heart, sending me the brutal memories of friends and loved ones they failed to protect. Tugging and trying to take control again. Just like what they did to me back in the Arena, when they turned me into a remorseless killer. It was so hard just to make it to your place as me. I'm afraid that if I go alone, I'll turn into that monster all over again", she says. A ragged breath escapes her, and the frustration and anger and fear that has been slowly creeping back into her life finally caused her to crack. Slow trickles of tears escapes her eyes, her shoulders quaking from her efforts to keep it together.

Ming hadn't even seen his captain move. He was beside her in a heartbeat, arms wrapping around Korra's heaving shoulders and folding her into his chest. She seemed to grow small next to him, her dominating presence completely gone. She wrapped her arms around his middle and held onto him like he was a lifeline. Her muffled voice was barely audible, but Ming could hear the words 'I am not a killer'.

Almost as if she was convincing herself.

"You're never alone, not anymore", the words Tahno spoke into her hair were heavy with promise. Ming could see a forceful shudder course through Korra at that, and his captain's grip increased until it passed. He repeated the words like a mantra, until her breathing is even and her hands stopped trembling as she gripped the back of his sweater. Whatever she said to him next was muffled by his chest, but Tahno clucked his tongue in mock annoyance as if he could hear her clearly.

Ming didn't know when it happened, the formation of the tight bond between the Avatar and his captain. Even when they first met, that fateful night at Narook's, Tahno was drawn to her. They were sitting across the restaurant surrounded by their former posse when Bolin had ushered her in. The captain's head snapped up as if she had called his name, those piercing eyes trailing them as they sat down for their date. Ming wonders if Korra was attuned to him as well, because her azure eyes were bright as she stared back over Bolin's shoulder.

Even though they didn't share kind words, there was an energy crackling between them. Tahno trained them harder than ever before when Korra had joined the Ferrets. He found that his captain was always attending her press conferences, reading all the articles that even mentioned her. After she had spectacularly saved them from Amon, Tahno seemed to mellow out. The wild partying, rendezvous with women, and all the needless extravagance just stopped.

He went from a raging storm to a reflective pond. Tahno chose to reach out to Korra for help when Shaozu became more difficult to manage, putting his trust in someone he barely knew. The Tahno of old would never leave the fate of a dear friend in the hands of a stranger. What was even more amazing, is that Korra agreed to help him without hesitating. She even offered up pieces of her nightmares and weaknesses, showcasing that same blind faith in him as Tahno placed in her.

And they are stronger for it. He wasn't always with them, some days Ming had other things to do, but he could always find them at the end of the day. Korra would either be crashing at the loft, playing games and sharing thoughts well into the evening; or Tahno would be at the temple, training and meditating with her and the Airbending kids. If Korra had duties with the Chief or the Council, Ming and Tahno would catch her for lunch or tea somewhere in the City. It felt as if Korra had always been here, teasing and laughing along side them. There was never a dull day, and after the Arena their friendship had blossomed quickly.

He knew his best friend, his brother, had been looking for something for a very long time. It was this search that led him out of the swamp and away from his father's cruelty, into the city with nothing but the clothes on his back. It was what churned his inner fire, what drove him to be an indomitable force in the Pro-Bending arena. Tahno was always looking for something, looking for someone, to fill a void that the thrills of Republic City could never satisfy. Although it warmed his heart to see that missing piece had been found, he couldn't stop from worrying.

As Tahno pulled Korra's face up to his, willing strength and bravery back into her with his steely gaze, Ming sent a prayer to any gods that were listening. Prayed; as Korra straightened with a breathy chuckle, whining about having him fussing over her as Tahno used his sweater to wipe her tears away. As he delicately brushed back the hair matted to her face, which was regaining its glow with every reassuring word that left Tahno's mouth. Begged for Yue to guide their way, because for whatever reason fate was being incredibly cruel.

For Tahno had finally found his northern star, the center of his universe, and Korra was already spoken for.

It's been six days.

Six horrifying days since he discovered Asami's betrayal. Six days locked in a box made up of metal, surrounded by Equalists. They were somewhere below the mansion, in a secret factory where all the weapons for Amon were being made. Mako still couldn't fathom why she would agree to design weapons for their enemy, but then again, there seemed to be a lot of things he wasn't understanding lately.

That fear that had shined in her eyes that night in her office, when Hiroshi grabbed her neck and forcefully shook her. He had no idea what that was, but it didn't resemble the fatherly affection that the inventor showered on her in public. Asami had shut down after that, standing weakly amongst the chi blockers holding them hostage as her father pondered what to do with them.

The firebender sighed, rolling over in his cot to look at his sleeping brother. Bolin shared a cell with him, resting on a filthy mat that felt like it was filled with bricks. There was a bucket in the corner of the cell so they could relieve themselves, something that an Equalist came to empty every night. After the chi blockers stunned them, Hiroshi had them tossed in this cell together. When Bolin had demanded answers, the inventor had said that they were to be bait for the grand prize, his ticket into high favor with Amon.

Mako could only assume that he meant Korra. They would be held here until she came looking for them, and then he and the horde of Equalists lurking under the mansion would overwhelm her. Together, the bending brothers had tried to come up with an escape plan. Before they could bust out of here and kick some ass, an Equalist woman came down and gave them water to drink. She left a pitcher at the door to their cell, with two glasses placed next to it on the tray.

At first they refused to drink it, but dehydration got the better of them and both boys relented. The same woman would come back and refill the pitcher twice a day, and leaving food for one person at the end of each day. Mako knew that they were trying to keep them alive, but weak enough so that they didn't think of fighting back. What made matters worse, was that they couldn't bend at all.

It had frightened Bolin at first, when he tried to bend a rock into a key and found that nothing happened. Mako couldn't create any flame, which was unsettling beyond belief. When the woman came back the following morning to refill their pitcher, he had demanded to know what they had done to them. She laughed in their faces, walking away without explaining why their bending was gone.

It was on the fourth day that Mako realized it was the water.

There was a bitter after taste, something that he had initially ignored. They must have put some sort of compound into the water that blocked their chi, just like the precise blows of the chi blockers. There was no way for them to escape without bending, and they were weak from limited food. So Mako had instructed Bolin to rest up, saving his strength for when Korra showed up.

Mako still woke up with the sun, something that brought him a small amount of comfort as he waited helplessly for his friend to arrive. Mid-afternoon on the sixth day the energy around them changed. Equalists were running around, and he could distantly hear Hiroshi barking off orders. He had shaken his brother awake, just when a familiar voice called his name softly.

Asami was standing just beyond their cell door. Behind her stood her father, one of his meaty hands resting on her shoulder. Mako's eyes noted the way she cringed under his touch, widen as he took in the poorly hidden bruise that consumed the left side of her face. Anger surged through him, so red hot that he could feel his inner fire ignite after days of inactivity.

"Why don't you tell them what you've done, my dear?" Hiroshi suggests. The stench of alcohol wafts from him, and his eyes are red rimmed and glossy. Mako had no idea that he was such a drunk, or that he enjoyed putting hands on his daughter. Asami frowned, gazing at Mako with green eyes filled with pain and rage.

"I managed to send a note to Korra two days ago, and it seems that it finally reached her. I used Pabu, Bolin, so he should be safe with her", she said. Bolin visibly relaxed. He had been beside himself for the first two days of their captivity. He feared for the worst. He sent Asami a grateful look, and the heiress brightened just a bit at the forgiveness she saw in his eyes. At least he understands that I don't want to do this, she thought sadly.

"She will lure the Avatar down here, claiming to have never known about my dealings with Amon. Because that fool is so trusting, she will believe my daughter and come down here with her guard down. Then I shall spring my trap. I will deliver that meddlesome girl to him on a silver platter", Hiroshi said darkly.

Tears pooled at the corners of Asami's eyes. She hated this. She hated him with all her heart. How can her father be so misguided and dreadful? Using her friends as leverage, her love for them the perfect chains that kept her shackled to his evil plan. There was nothing she could do, with her father threatening to kill Mako and Bolin if she so much as thought to warn the Avatar. The brothers were defenseless with their bending stunted, the effects of the poison in their water would last for a few more days.

She looked at Mako, mouthing that she was so sorry. The amber in his eyes were bright against the dark circles under them. His face held contempt, whether it was directed at her or her father, Asami could only guess. She'd been praying to Agni for the chance to explain herself, to tell him the truth about her involvement.

However, after watching her father lay this elaborate trap for Korra, she knew that the chances of the four of them making it out of this alive were slim to none.

"Thanks for getting here so quickly, and without asking questions. What I am about to say cannot leave this room, and I trust every one of you to keep your mouths' shut".

Lin was taken aback by how flat the girl's voice was. She lacked her normal bravado, and there was no swagger in the way she crossed her arms over her chest. Korra was seated in one of the Councilman's chairs, Ming standing directly behind her. Tahno was seated on the right arm of her chair, leaning lazily against her shoulder. They were all in Tarrlok's office, and Lin took a moment to glance at the others in the room with her. Tarrlok was seated at his desk, hands folded atop the smooth wood. Seated next to her on a lounging couch was Tenzin, his hands folded inside his long sleeves. Lin wondered where Korra's other friends were, those orphaned boys. Come to think of it, she hadn't seen them in a while…

"Hiroshi Sato is an Equalist", Korra stated slowly. What? The inventor of the Satomobile is working with Amon? How in the world did she come to that conclusion? Tarrlok hums in understanding, a hand stroking his chin in contemplation.

"That explains how Amon has weaponized his movement. Sato must be mass producing for him in secret", the Northerner muses. Lin tenses at that. How and when did this happen? Her officers had monitored his holdings for months now, and reported nothing suspicious. As a matter of fact, Future Industries passed every routine inspection held by the City for several years running.

"How are you so sure? Sato doesn't have one hair out of place", Lin demands. The look that Korra throws her way can only be described as livid. She opens her mouth to speak, then closes it again. Her hands clenched into quaking fists, and Lin could have sworn the temperature in the room rose slightly. The waterbender beside her rests an arm around her shoulders, and whatever Korra was going to say dies on her lips.

Ming steps from behind Korra and hands a paper stained with blood to the Councilman. Lin watches as he shoots to his feet, a grim look on his face.

"What? Let me see that", Chief growls out. She stalks forward and takes the paper from his hands, reading the messy words stained with blood. She can feel the Airbending master looking over her shoulder, his surprised gasp the loudest thing in the room.

Spirits above.

"My friends", Korra says through clenched teeth, "are being held hostage in that mansion". The energy coming off her is suffocating, the hard gleam in her eyes more frightening than they were that night in the Arena. Lin wondered if that freakish power she showcased was destined to make another appearance. She'd have to restrain the girl, because she couldn't afford to have another 8 lives snuffed out under her watch.

"There is a good chance that this is an attempt to capture you", Tenzin says softly. Lin glances beside her at her old flame. There was a softness in his face, as if he was speaking to one of his children or to his wife. He is trying his best to reason with the hothead teen, knowing full well what she is capable of. I wonder if he has nightmares of that night too, Lin wonders.

"We can send a team of my metal benders to the Sato mansion to check it out", the Chief offers. She sees Tenzin send a grateful glance her way. Fool, it's not like she did it to alleviate his concerns. She couldn't just march in there and fling accusations. That's not how the law works.


The finality in that one word sucks all the air from the room. Tarrlok leans back in his seat and lets off a whistle of appreciation. It has been a long time since someone spoke to Lin Beifong that way, and that person was no longer in the physical world. When did the girl become so fearsome? The earthbending boy behind her shakes his head as well, his mouth set in a firm line.

"No can do, Chief. You see, there is a strong possibility that Amon has got people in your ranks working for him", he announces. Wow, that was quite a conversation starter. Tarrlok watches the Chief stagger backwards, a look of absolute rage on her face. Oh, this is going to be good.

"How dare you! There is no way a scumbag like that has got men in my force. No one under me would dishonor the badge", she hisses. The northern bender watches as Tenzin lays a hand on her shoulder, chuckling when Lin shakes away his touch. She prowls through the room, hands flexing as if she's aching to ram her fist through his office walls.

"Don't act like this is farfetched! Haven't you wondered why people all across the city are complaining that some of your officers are harassing them before curfew? That members of the police force are targeting non-benders only? You think hundreds of people would make false claims like that?" Korra roars right back. This stops the Chief in her tracks, and she takes a menacing step towards the Avatar.

Tarrlok's smile grows at that. The girl has got some fire in her, and she speaks the truth. He has been holding open forums in City Hall, hearing the calls of the people in his spare time. Many have come forward with claims of police harassment, even trying to file lawsuits against the force. He has plenty of records in his file cabinets proving the Avatar's claims. He just chose to keep them to himself so that he could verify them. He didn't need a public relations incident floating around.

Korra ignored Lin's glare and looked directly at him, taking him by surprise.

"The intel that you received about the owner of Hotman Palace working with Amon, who gave that to you?" she asks. Her question causes him to frown, actual confusion flicking across his face. Who did let him know? Tarrlok opens a desk drawer and removes a few manila folders. His eyes sift through documents until he has found the one he needs. He can feel everyone's eyes on him, but he takes his time sorting through names until he finds his answer.

"It wasn't one of my men. Says here that it was a detective working under Lieutenant Saikhan" he tells Korra. The girl purses her lips at that, as if that confirms her suspicions. He had to admit, that it was looking more and more like the Equalists set them up that night. What better way to ensure that his task force, consequentially the Avatar, would be present for a planned attack? Tarrlok turns to the woman that has despised him from day one, a sly smile splitting across his face.

"Tell me, Lin, do the men under the Lieutenant ever report directly to you, their commanding officer?" Tarrlok muses. Beifong's eyes narrow at him, turning into glowing green slits. It was so much fun pressing her buttons!

"There is a chain of command, any duties small enough can be handled by Saikhan without ever getting to my desk", she mutters finally. Ming nods as if he already guessed this, and Tahno turns that icy gaze on the chief of police.

"That mission at the Palace felt wrong. We found nothing that would prove that Yao was in direct contact with Amon, which goes against what we were led to believe. On top of that, an Earth Kingdom weapon was used on Korra; it nearly killed her. Tell the Chief about the Hellfire bombs, Master Tenzin", he says coolly. Tarrlok shifted his gaze toward his fellow council member. The normally cool Airbender was rather fidgety, probably from the murderous intent rolling off Lin in waves.

"A Hellfire bomb is the creation of the Earth Kingdom nationalists, that targets fire benders by burning them to the bone. The sole purpose is to destroy the Fire Nation army. A son of a high ranking military officer confirmed it while Korra was healing back at the temple", he says stiffly. Tarrlok had to admit that he didn't know such a weapon existed, let alone was in his city. That would explain the severity of the Avatar's burns, how it seeped through her armor and charred her from the inside.

He'd never admit it, but he thought it was amazing how she was even standing here, not even a week after she was nearly burned alive.

"Why haven't I been informed of this until now? You think it's helpful for me to be kept in the dark about any of this? Something could have been done about this if you had just kept me in the loop" Lin roars at Tenzin. The woman makes a move, as if she is going to lay a hand on him. Before the man can defend himself, Korra is standing between them. Her blue eyes blaze with fury, and her voice is barely human.

"Watch what you say to him".

Tarrlok hadn't even seen her move.

She had one scarred arm thrown back as if to protect the councilman, the other she used to shove Lin a few feet back. Her hand was actually steaming, whether she knew it or not he did not know. Tenzin makes an undignified squeak, eyes wide as he stares between his young charge and his old friend. Tarrlok glanced at the boys, curious to see their reactions. Neither of them looked surprised, and that pale waterbender actually had a look of pride in his eyes.

"You weren't told because I had no idea who to trust! My gut tells me that the police force has been compromised, and there was no way for me to know just how far up the leak goes. I didn't want to risk alerting Amon by going to the station every time I figured something out. You were only invited here because Tenzin believes in you. If you're going to waste time pointing fingers at my master, then you can get the hell out", Korra snaps.

The shock on Lin's face is priceless, the image forever engrained into Tarrlok's mind. The fact that the girl told him before Lin only fills him with more satisfaction. She didn't even like him, but she felt that he could be trusted with all of this information. He'd have to remember to use that the next time Lin Beifong crossed his path.

Tarrlok watches as the Avatar softens when Tenzin lays a hand on her shoulder. She gives him a rueful smile before stomping back to her seat and plopping down. The waterbender opens his arm without hesitation, and Korra leans into Tahno's side, taking a long and ragged breath before covering her hands with her face.

"The last time we saw Mako and Bolin was last week, about six days ago. We can only assume that they weren't hostages until then, and have no clue what Hiroshi Sato is doing to them now. Or the shape they're in", Ming says grimly. The noise that comes from Korra is strangled. Tahno throws his best friend an exasperated look while rubbing soothing circles into his Uh-vatar's back. He turned to the three bending masters before him, his voice firm as he gave them his signature smirk.

"Point is, we aren't letting another day go by with the street urchins and Asami in her father's possession. We're getting them back tonight, whether you help us or not. So quit your blabbering and listen up; we've got a plan".