Authors note: This is something new for me, I am writing a Fat story…now this is interesting to do, but its for a fellow writer named "Darkmachines" (read his works they are cool) who was in a depressive slump, but being a good person, I am making this a fat story where a shifting Hollow with a fat addiction decides to open a fat bar and trick females to come enjoy his/her food…but gets drawn in himself/herself.
And a series of events to others series…which may happen later
Chapter 1: The idea of a life time
In the endless dreary sands of Hudo mudo, the once former pristine base that was once Azens castle…now in ruins thanks to the efforts of one shigimi just to rescue a cute busy orangeitte…now its just empty, as none wanted it anymore…except one figure.
"Ugg how many years have passed…barely 7 years since those Quincy rouges attacked the living relm, good I stayed here and just watched it on Tv" said a voice that was neither male nor female as it showed a figure…slithering down the hall.
It was a Hollow, but it was…uniue as it was neither a normal Hallow or a Arrandacar, just something in-between its body was just a blob like shape and its helmet was a curved horn skull and ribs on its body and four bone like arms as he walked its legs more like a robe, this was Hyna, really odd and peculiar Hollow as it huffed.
"7 years and people move on, even I after I ate that two skulled headed corpse Aaronero" it said before shifting like tar into a humanoid form. It was peitie female, with long brown blonde hair and fair skinned dressed bare and naked and browned eyed as she crossed her arms "though that gluttony meal…I admit it feels good and well…now I am hungry for more" she said as she looked at her tv as it views the living world and Serigiti as she got bored but enjoyed her favorite channel…a chanel of fat sexy models as she drooled enjoying seeing there bouncy bouncy breasets, there fat sexy folds…there large almost pregnet stomachs…as she got an idea, a very, very clever idea.
"That is it! I will open up my own Fat bar and get me a herem of fat sexy females to squeeze and play with…*grins as her teeth grew sharp* and more" she laughed as she decided to take a nap in her real form as dreams crossed her mind.
*Hynas dreams*
It shows Hyna in her favorite female form as she is hugged and rubbing against several fat females as she smiled in bliss as she subconcuslly felt like suckling on the breasts of one of the shadowed females as she felt herself oddly grow bigger, her petite frame fattening up all over as her stomach and breasts and ass grow out bigger and bigger soon as she met with the same size as the females surrounding her as a hunger restarted into her as she felt herself eat with her harem of fat females as she felt her self grow…bigger then a building, bigger then a containment till she was just a mountain of a blob of fat as people can just live on her if she wanted to.
*Dream end*
The really odd dream caused Hyna to wake with a start confused at the odd dream…more so when he/she sawed his body was…rounded and bigger, its tarry body was more bigger and stomach area was big fat and round, and its skull head more 'soft and cubby and its skeletal arms wrapped in inky black and thicker.
"wow, what a dream, more so when i shifted fat" it said returning to his/her preferred humanoid form "strange…I know In my humanoid form I can grow fat from over eating *deadpand a bit* more so because of my matoblisum, but do I want to be big *waves a hand* bah, its not like I will eat the food…right?" she wondered as soon she got to work and bought a bar in Kankura town but made it being able to connect to the Serritti, so she can get some of the Shigimi females there (in secret) as she made mouthwatering food that can make it a female who eats it can grow big and fat and be addicted to it and be able to gain without any health risks, and to be at ease to be fat.
Puting on a barmaids outfit or shifting into one Hyna smirked ready to serve…and collect a harem of big fat females.
"Alright girls…come and get some.
Authors notes: Chapter one and I hope people will like this, as this is for you Darkmachines, and in fact in your honor, lets start with Kirio and Shuhana, as they are tired and lonely after the war as the wish for something amazing to happen, only to come to "the Mudio Bar" and meet Hyna and get drawn into her charms and food and become the first of Hynas fat sexy harem.