Yo! This is a break from my usual lemons and romance. I decided to make an action-ish based storyline. I did end up shipping the characters together, so there will be lemons but I'll warn you.

"Aand, done!" I exclaimed, happily looking at the newly constructed machine. "With this we'd be one step closer to understanding pokemon!" I cried. "Isn't that right, Blaze?" I asked, ruffling the flareon's mane that was in front of me as she happily purred. "With this, we can hopefully revive the Pokemon that passed on. You know, from the hallowed tower. Well, retain their moves, at least." I replied as my Leafeon agreed with a "Leaf!" I smiled, petting the eight eevolutions. "You've all been a great help! Thanks to you all, I managed to create this. I say we celebrate with some deluxe poffins and chow!" I announced, as the eevolutions gave mixed cries of happiness.

That machine could potentially serve as a breeder. Not a regular one - it could and should have revived pokemon that have died. I decided to work on said project after seeing the lugubrious faces of many trainers who had lost their pokemon to team rocket, team galactic or team whateverthefuck. Anyways, why not? I literally made every single thing already; Translators, Incubators, Evolutioniators, you name it. All that was left was this; a reviver.

From that, you'd either think I was lying or I was literally as good as Prof. Phil. Well, that is my name. I am the leading scientist of pokemon related experiments, got my major in Pokemon Studies and I invented the Poketranslator, fossil reviver and many, many more tools. Many other scientists do it for the money or whatever but that's why they all fail. I do I because it's fun and I love my pokemon. I will strive to link bridges between pokemon and human relationships and aim to help understand them more.

Smiling at my eevolution's cries, I quickly chucked on a white jacket, some leather pants and grabbed a couple coins. "I'll be back in 30 with everyone's poffins, bye!" I cried, slamming the door.

Life in Pastoria city was fun. You had an unfrequented jungle boreal of you and a soothing ocean meridional of it. I headed north, out of my house until I reached a pokestore. The cashier, who was looking surly, brightened up as he saw me. "Eyyy! Wazzup, Phil!" He cried, lifting up a hand as I slapped it and shook it firmly. "Hey, Jamal!" I replied as he smiled."You a'ite with your projects?""Sure am! In fact - I just finished a new one and came here to get some chow for my pokemon!""Dayum! Rest for once, shit!""Rest? What's that?"He chuckled as he headed behind, resurfacing moments later with a bag of poffins and berries."Thanks. How much will that -""Maan, it's on the house. You deserve it for all your work.""Alright! Thanks, buddy!" I replied, taking the bag, heading out the door."See ya!" Jamal told me, as I lifted a hand as a response.

With a fresh bag of poffins, I smiled to myself, thinking about how the pokemon would completely devour it. I'm so glad I got to be with such amazing eevolutions. They mean the world to me, and I -


The entire floor shook vigorously as the sound waves slammed and rattled through my skull. I had no time to react and was sent flying, face planting into the floor. "The fuck?" I cried. Slowly, I picked myself up, poffins still in hand and turned around. What I saw was a couple people standing outside the great marsh with odd spacesuit looking costumes on. On top of that, it had a blue G.

"Fucking team galactic!" I thought. They were always causing trouble and messing with the peace. Curiosity got the better of me as I headed for their direction. "Hey! What the fuck are you autists doing?" I yelled, as I approached them. They turned to me, smirking. "Well, well. If it isn't professor Phil himself!""What the shit did you do?""Our mighty leader Cyrus has tested out the Galactic bomb. It was a complete success!""Fuck your success, did you seriously set off a fucking bomb in the middle of the forest?""Yes, captain obvious.""Asshole! You're gonna kill so many pokemon!""So be it, if it has to be done for our mighty new world, we will -"I cut him off as I socked him in the jaw. One thing I couldn't tolerate was pokemon cruelty. He tried to regain his composure but I gave him an acute kick to the sack as he yelled in pain. Finally, I punched him in the face as he fell to the floor, completely unconscious. The other galactic members exchange looks before throwing out their pokemon. Suddenly, a taller man wearing a suit with blue hair surfaced from behind them and signalled them to retract their pokemon. Turning to face me, he dipped his head slightly.

"An honor to meet you, Professor Phil. My name is Cyrus"

Why would a team galactic person want to meet me? Unless they needed me to research something.

"What do you want?" I told him coldly as he chuckled.

"I'll cut to the chase. Your new machine can revive pokemon, right?"

I scowled at him. "How'd you know -"

"That doesn't matter. Team galactic would like to use your machine for reviving the legendary pokemon. For 500,000 coins, do we have a deal?"

My frown grew. "No. Besides, I haven't even tested the machine on anything yet, it's unstable and I'm not just going to kill a pokemon to test it."

Cyrus smiled, putting his hands in his pockets. "I have got a subject that you can test your creation on."

"You killed something?"

"We didn't kill anyone. Yet.""Yet?""But we found a subject that we'll kill.""I'm going to report you to the police, fuckin' crazy emos.""That's too bad, professor phil, because...""What?""You're the subject." He replied, as my eyes widened. Suddenly, Cyrustook his hands out of his pocket, holding onto something.

It was a gun.

Cyrus aimed it at my chest and before I could react, he pulled the trigger. My body convulsed, as I felt like I hit a boulder. That feeling turned into what felt like an incredibly strong beedril sting. Fuck that - it felt like a fucking drill pierced my lungs. My torso hurt so much. My body hurt so much. Everything fucking hurt, and with the last of my effort, I signalled my damaged brain to empty my remaining oxygen and turn it into a scream of pain, suffering and hatred. All I could muster was a groan, as darkness slowly leapt and tore apart the light that was my vision. The last thing I felt was the cool grass, signalling I had fallen. And the smell of a poffin intertwined with the musty smell of blood.

"...is stable.""good...test...alive...""Subject...or...""...true."I managed to pick out one or two words but everything else sounded drowned out. I wanted to move but I felt weak, my muscles unresponsive and the throbbing headache I had wasn't helping. I attempted to open my eyes but the bright light startled me, as I made a small yelp."...it...says eevee!"*Dafuq?* I thought to myself. I lay helplessly weak on whatever I was lying on as the hum of chatter faded in and out. Closing my eyes lying still eventually led me into a deep sleep.

"Mmm…" I stirred slightly as I felt something slightly wet press against my side. "mmmmMMM!" I mumbled more as I felt it press against me with more force. Instinctively, I rolled to my right but hit some warm furry barrier. By now, I was starting to wake up, and I stretched my hands out, which now felt less sore. As I did so, I got a small zap, and I twitched in surprise. Slowly, I opened my eyes to see a vaporeon as big as me standing right in my face, prodding me with its nose. Out of shock, I turned around to see a Jolteon, Flareon, Leafeon and a Glaceon plus a Sylveon and an Umbreon to my right. I was completely surrounded by gigantic fucking eevolutions.

"Master..." A voice called. It sounded feminine and excited, so I quickly turned around to see a smiling Glaceon.

"Master!" She repeated. I looked at her confused, but she lunged at me. I braced for the worst, but all I felt was her icy body held close against mine, as she hugged me. It felt awkward, though. As if my body was displaced and quadruped.

"You're alive!" She yipped, licking my cheek.

"Alive? Wait - are you crystal? My glaceon?" I asked as she nodded her head.

"So… that means you're Blaze." I noted, looking at the Flareon as she smiled.

"You're Ivy, you're Neptune, you're Sparky, you're Crescent, you're Solareon and you're Candy?" I asked, looking at the other eevolutions as they nodded upon my mention of their name. Once I cleared everyone, I gave a sigh of relief. "Thought I'd been kidnapped or some shit. You are all huge! How did you shoot up to be so tall?"

The pokemon shot each other looks before Blaze finally cleared her throat. "We're the same. You shrank."


"Master, You died. You were shot. With your machine, we managed to bring you back to life. As an eevee."

My heart skipped a beat momentarily. My mouth hung open in an aghast stare. ""I'm a fucking eevee?"

"That's right. You're a pokemon now, and forever more. Welcome to our world, master."