Reviews for Welcome to our world
Guest chapter 2 . 3/20
Dide your writings so great, the stories immersive and the characters actually have good personalities to match the situations their in, hope to see you keep writing in the future.
Thatperson1208 chapter 8 . 11/6/2019
come on the people deserve to know what is going to happen next
Thatperson1208 chapter 1 . 8/28/2019
cant wait for more im sure it will be amazing
Thatperson1208 chapter 1 . 8/28/2019
an amazing story by an amazing writer
TinyFox2 chapter 8 . 1/2/2019
...did he just evolve?
DayDreamer1014 chapter 3 . 8/8/2017
Thumbs up dude, the first Pokemon fanfiction I've read and the best so far
Coyote Wrangler chapter 8 . 6/29/2017
Phil's fucked, literally. Keep it up. And you are welcome for the cover.
Otaku of Anime chapter 8 . 6/29/2017
Great update. Hope that another one can come out soon. Until then, best of luck in all your writing endeavors
Meazura chapter 7 . 6/24/2017
I really liked reading this and I would enjoy it even with out the lemons
Otaku of Anime chapter 7 . 6/23/2017
This story is amazing so far. Hope you can update soon. Until then, best of luck in all your writing endeavors
Coyote Wrangler chapter 7 . 6/23/2017
Nice chapter, I like it.
The Hash Slinging Slasher-87-C chapter 1 . 6/22/2017
I’m too lazy to paraphrase something this big, so [insert 1st paragraph here]
Wow. A flareon and a leafeon? How dynamic. Not sarcasm, by the way.
[Prof. Phil.]
I can see it now… -harp plays as scene washes away-
“Hello, person. My name is Phil—“
“Wh-what the hell? No! I’m a professor.”
[Many other scientists do it for money or whatever but that’s why they all fail.]
Ouch. Roasted. Also, no. Logically, money should motivate them. But I guess this guy has some inhuman attachment to creating machines that help animals.
[Smiling at my eevolutions cries,]
That sentence could be taken in a very, very sexual way.
What a great start to a… great fanfiction! In all honesty, there’s a few spelling errors here and there, but it’s a good story. Er—chapter.
Guest chapter 6 . 6/20/2017
Tbh I'd scream bloody murder lmao, and I'd also type "I've only mated with 1 in my pack, and this is the second time I've been raped." Lmao
Good story tho
KayleeLove9 chapter 6 . 6/19/2017
SRG-SnakeRAIN chapter 6 . 6/18/2017
Roses are red, I'm not in yemen...
This line made me laugh out loud. Hilarious stuff, and another great chapter! Can't wait for next week! :D
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