Author's Note: I don't own LOTR. All of the characters except for the few Oc's belong to the great Mastermind that was Tolkien.

Yes, yes it is also a Girl-falls-into Middle Earth story. I have read countless of those and admired some well-written ones a lot. I wanted to write one myself, something in which the Girl first has to get adjusted to her surroundings and THEN meet the main cast. I hope you don't find it a Mary-sue because God knows how much I hate them.

It is my first ever attempt at writing so..

English isn't my first language so if you find mistakes feel free to tell me.

I hope you enjoy!

Preview Chapter: Dread.

Do you know that kind of feeling when you go to bed dreading the next day? Feeling that something disastrous is about to happen but you cannot exactly pinpoint what?

I went to bed that day fighting a surge of nausea. A feeling developed from not being able to pinpoint what my heart was referring to. What disaster was about to strike home?

It had been a long, tiring day at work. I had encountered a rather arrogant family whose son was under my care. The operation was a difficult one but with those people pestering me with the threats of their supposed influence, it had been even more antagonising.

'The nerve!' I thought vexed while flopping ungraciously onto my bed. I sighed slightly, running my hands through my now loose hair.

I loved my work as a Surgeon, there was just something about saving a life and looking into the grateful and sometimes even admiring expressions that made it all worth it. The work was tiring, yes, but nothing I couldn't deal with. It was just patients like today's one that made it mentally exhausting.

The day had been even more draining as I had this mind-numbing throb in my head since I woke up.

'I have to change my clothes...' I thought dully. I felt too exhausted. In a haze, I tried to lift myself up but it seemed as though I was losing the strength in my limbs. 'Had I eaten something bad?' was the first thought that filtered across my mind. I knew for a fact that it wasn't a cold neither a flu. I tried to move my hand to check whether I building up a fever. With the little seam of consciousness I realised that I couldn't move my fingers. My heartbeat quickened and my mind became clouded. In that span of a moment, I got some pretty ideas. Maybe... maybe someone drugged me without me knowing!

Whatever it was, I wasn't awake long enough to figure it out...

To be Continued...