Reviews for Beyond the Unknown
mystarlight chapter 28 . 1/21
I really enjoy your story thank you for sharing.
Ladyoscar chapter 27 . 11/30/2019
Waouw, je suis belge et j ai lu votre histoire avec google traduction. C est la meilleur histoire de tout les temps que j ai lu sur une OC en terre du Milieu. J ai lu les 27 chapitres en 2 jours. J attends la suite avec impatience. Merci de tout cœur pour votre travaille formidable.
mirasol.yellow chapter 12 . 10/12/2019
I’m re-reading this and can I just say that I ship Lane and Eoherd so much! I hope they end up together like please my heart is gonna burst
MaryElisabeth chapter 27 . 10/6/2019
I’ll have to skim through the previous chapters to fully appreciate the new chapter but I remember loving the story. While I adore Elladan, I do hope she ends up with someone from Rohan. Maybe even Theodred (if she manages to save him with her “modern med skills”)! I know life/fate is not always fair and you don’t get to choose who is your ‘the one’, but I would hate it if Elrond’s family lost yet another member to death. Nevertheless, I will continue reading the story no matter the outcome. Can’t wait for the new chapter!
Dr.Zimmerman chapter 26 . 3/13/2019
I really like that you have made your own version of the canon story. Finally Lanette is with her team. JUst a question, it's been a long time since I read the story, Does Lanette know the outcome of the fellowship and Arda? Or is she clueless about the books/movies?
ColdOnePaul chapter 26 . 3/13/2019
I can certainly imagine how Lannette struggles to explain our modern world and all it contains that could be spoken of in a frame of reference comprehended by the Fellowship. You explained how civilization improved and iterated on successive inventions very well.

Great chapter. Looking forward to the next chapter!
La Femme Absurde chapter 25 . 2/20/2019
I finally caught up, it's been since chapter 16! I absolutely love this but I'm so heartbroken. Please let her and Elladan end up together. Please please please. Also, she never got to talk to Legolas? I'm bummed! Can't wait until the next update.
Dr.Zimmerman chapter 25 . 1/29/2019
Oh, I love it!
JJAndrews chapter 25 . 1/28/2019
As usual excellently written and I almost had my heart broken by the argument between Elladan and Lanette. So, her next great adventure begins and I can't wait to see what's next. I hope they can reconcile but the elder races are good at holding grudges. Anyway, keep up the excellent work, I can't wait for the next chapter.
Raider-K chapter 25 . 1/28/2019
I enjoyed the angst in this chapter. The POV shifts from 1st to 3rd were a bit difficult in the transitions. I really enjoy seeing things from the other characters’ perspectives though. It seems as though Elladan and Lanette are leaving things unreconciled and I’m going to have to wait for that really hot kiss a little longer. Boo.

I am all caught up in your fic now and I have to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed Lanette’s adventures so far.
Raider-K chapter 23 . 1/27/2019
I’m really loving the coming together of the Fellowship in this chapter. The little glimpses of the Fellowship members are so fun to see. Love the arrival of Boromir and Legolas.
Raider-K chapter 21 . 1/27/2019
Well, I’m glad that Lanette was able to put her doctor skills to good use to save poor Filvedor!

Great chapter. I enjoyed the healing scene and the attack/fight sequence.
Raider-K chapter 20 . 1/27/2019
I like that Lanette faces down her depression in this chapter. Great job. I think you’ve really progressed in your storytelling in terms of emotional content—making the reader really feel what Lanette is feeling.

Great job!
Raider-K chapter 19 . 1/27/2019
Bummer twist for Lanette. I’m interested in finding out more about her connection with the sword though. I guess Èohere shouldn’t go around handing out random elvish swords any more. LOL.

Good chapter! I enjoyed your description and characterization of Elrond and Elladan.
Raider-K chapter 18 . 1/27/2019
Woo hoo! Finally meeting up with some elves! I’m ready to see Lanette mix it up at Rivendell!
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