Silence was a gift that Lily was usually thankful for. She rarely had moments of peace in her deafening life and those she had were far in between. To people silence was filled with emptiness but to Lily it was the one thing she found comfort in.

She tried to focus on how good it felt to be away from her family's watchful eye but nothing could stop the fear that was racing through her. She hated how her heart was beating so loudly and the way her breathing resembled whimpers in her ears. Lily tried remembering her father's advice on how it was fear that got one killed and repeated the words to herself like a mantra as she walked through the twist and turns that formed Knockturn Alley. The darkness and this aura was not the type of silence that Lily was used to, and she couldn't be more fearful of it.

Lily would kill her Hugo for this. She had a plan on exactly which hexes she would shoot his way and he would cower under her wrath, but first she had to find her way out of Knockturn Alley.

"You are so dead Hugo Weasley!'' she cried in annoyance as she came across another dead end.

Reigning down her fear, she clung onto the last bits of her supposed Gryffindor bravery. Most of it had escaped her the moment she found herself in the dark alley, but she was Harry Potter's daughter and he had been faced with far worse than getting lost.

Holding onto her wand tightly she walked back in the direction she came from and tried finding a landmark she recognized which was stupid really as she had never ventured away from Diagon Alley. Lily rounded another corner in hopes of spotting the buzzing streets over the dark and frightening pathway of Knockturn Alley only to bump into another wall. A very soft, very warm wall. Hands shot out to grab and steady her before her backside met the hard pavement and suddenly she found herself breathing in an enticing aroma that was all male and rich cologne.

"Well, well princess, this is a little far from your domain,'' drawled a voice she knew all too well and sent a warmth shooting through her very being.

Lily looked up into the grey eyes of Scorpius Malfoy. The boy – well now man, seeing as he had turned seventeen this past May – had fascinated Lily for years. Mainly she surmised because he was forbidden fruit. She had been warned to stay away from him from her brothers and Uncle Ron but it had never stopped her gaze from resting on him in the Great Hall. Malfoy had a charisma that no other wizard at Hogwarts could match and Lily wasn't the only female to fall under his spell. His supreme confidence bordered onto arrogance and he was practically the ruler of the Slytherin house. This was the first time he had ever spoken to her and she found herself blushing under his silver gaze.

"So what's the littlest Potter doing in such salubrious surroundings?" he asked.

Lily cleared her throat and tried to answer him rather than continue looking at him like the complete idiot he no doubt thought she was. "My cousin Hugo sent me on a wild goose chase and I can only imagine he thought it would be funny for me to end up here.''

"What a charming cousin you have. How nice of him to send you down to the one place that doesn't worship the mere ground your father walks on," Scorpius arched a brow, his honey-like voice sounding bitter with every word spoken.

Lily felt herself grow even smaller as he mocked those that adored her father and viewed him as a hero in the wizardry world. She knew and had seen Scorpius being called the son of a coward and Death Eater plenty of times, but she could never really do anything. Her own family spoke that way of him as well and it was no secret that her brother Albus hated the handsome Slytherin. Scorpius had always just been better at everything and Albus couldn't stand it, from his grades to Quidditch, Malfoy always came up on top. She had even heard he had gotten the coveted Head Boy badge over Albus much to her brother's fury.

"Come on baby Potter. I'll return you to your daddy's loving embrace," he cooed at her before motioning for her to follow him.

As she walked behind him like a stray puppy, she couldn't help but notice how elegant and refined he was. She knew Pure-bloods were the aristocracy of the wizardry world and had their own communities where they kept away from anyone that seemed beneath them, and from what she knew Scorpius was one of the most prized Pure-bloods. It was a bit strange for her to see his family still held so high by many, but her grandfather had explained to her that their community had many rules and what the Malfoys had done during the war meant little to their circle.

"This is quite a change," she heard Scorpius murmur from in front of her.

"I'm sorry?'' Lily questioned, wincing at how childlike and small her voice sounded to her own ears.

"I'm rather used to your lot being nothing less than loud and obnoxious. It's strange to have a Potter actually quiet for once, you're quite obedient following me around when I could easily lead you somewhere worse.''

"Would you? Lead me somewhere worse that is?'' She watched him shrug not turning to face her as he continued walking ahead of her, and towards the much welcomed sight of happy shoppers and inviting stores.

"Do you know where your family is?''

Lily shook her head, her red hair swaying with her movements and catching his eye in a way it shouldn't. "I was supposed to meet them at Flourish and Blotts about half an hour ago.''

"I was heading that way to meet my mother. Your family will still be looking around for you there most likely."

Lily grew more curious at the thought of his mother. She had seen the Malfoy family plenty of times on Platform Nine and Three Quarters sending and greeting Scorpius off the Hogwarts express, but she had never actually come in close contact with them. From what Lily had observed the Malfoys oozed wealth and were all equally beautiful. She couldn't help the small bit of excitement that was bubbling in her stomach at the thought of getting to see more of his world.

As they entered Flourish and Blotts, Lily looked around for any signs of her family but she was interrupted by a small blonde blur racing towards Scorpius. "There you are Scorpy! I missed you. Mummy won't buy me any sweets," an adorable little girl pouted up at him. Her small arms wrapped around the older boy's waist as she complained with big green eyes.

Lily was amazed to see his usual cold attitude melt away at the sight of whom she could only assume was his little sister. The child was just as strikingly beautiful as Scorpius and resembled him quite a bit from their white-blond hair to their pink lips, the only difference being his eyes were silver and hers a vibrant green that made Lily's own green eyes dull and boring.

"I was only gone for less than an hour and you know mother doesn't like you having so much sugar," the blond spoke warmly, smiling down at the little girl and petting her hair that was wrapped in an intricate braid.

"Cassiopeia. What have I told you about running off like that?'' a soft, elegant voice called out.

Lily turned around to see the Malfoy matriarch approaching them, dressed in an elegant day dress and simmering with a few pieces of jewelry on her person, her own blonde hair in a French twist that made Lily wince at how tight it looked. If it wasn't for the fact that she knew the beautiful woman to be Scorpius's mother, Lily would have guessed her to be his older sister.

"A lady should never run and her feet should be as silent as a feather falling onto the floor," Cassiopeia recited with adorably pursed lips.

"You are a Pure-blood lady little one and I will not allow my child to act like a common brat," Mrs. Malfoy said with a pointed look before turning her eyes towards Scorpius, but stopping at his shoulder when he spotted the redheaded witch at his side. "Scorpius whatever are you doing with a Weasley?''

Scorpius turned to Lily as if having forgotten she was still at his side. Cassiopeia also looking up at her in curiosity, her small head tilted to the side as she observed the outsider. Lily felt herself shrink under the beautiful family's gaze. She wanted nothing more than to have the ground open up and swallow her whole, especially after hearing the distaste in the woman's voice as she said the Weasley name.

"I'm a Potter actually," she corrected.

"A Potter? Yes, that makes it even a thousand times better. Scorpius?'' the witch arched an elegant brow at her son.

"She was wandering around Knockturn Alley. What kind of gentleman would I be had I left her to fend for herself? You've raised me better than that mother," Scorpius replied back smoothly, his tone bored as he spoke about her.

"Indeed I have. However, I don't think your father would be pleased at the idea of you being so close to one of them. Lost or no.''

Astoria Malfoy eyed Lily in observation, her tone not matching the sweetness of her face. It was clear to Lily that no matter how many years had gone by since the war there would always be chasm between the Pure-bloods and those they saw as inferiors.

"You're pretty," the little girl smile sweetly at Lily, her green eyes innocent and unmarred by the darkness their world could bring.

Before Lily could thank her, she heard the distinct sound of her Aunt Hermione's voice calling out to her. "Lily there you are! Where in the name of Godric Gryffindor did you run off to? Your father is about to have the ministry out searching for you.''

Astoria winced at the loudness of Hermione's voice, completely appalled by the other woman and her less than elegant manners. Although she couldn't find her completely at fault, she was a Muggle-born after all and was always running around with boys during her youth.

"I'm sorry Aunt Hermione. I got lost –"

"Lost? How in the world did you get lost in Diagon Alley?''

"It was more like Knockturn Alley and Hugo –''

"Of course it was Hugo! That boy is just like his uncles I swear…''Hermione continued to rant until she spotted the Malfoys watching the scene unfold. "Astoria, how are you? It's been a while.''

Lily watched as Mrs. Malfoy eyed her aunt in cool observation before masking her distaste with faux politeness towards the elder witch in front of her. "Hermione. It has been a while hasn't? Although we do run in very different circles and that makes it harder to keep in touch with such pleasant acquaintances.''

Hermione snorted at Astoria's words knowing well the woman was only being polite in order to not cause a scene. The Malfoy matriarch may seem polite and delicate, but even Hermione knew she was anything but. Astoria Malfoy nee Greengrass was a woman that could cause as much harm as any dark wizard and she didn't need violence to do it. The blonde witch was the type of woman that if called a bitch by another would act unoffended and then silently pass you poison in your tea.

"Malfoy helped me Aunt Hermione. He was in Knockturn Alley and helped me find my way back," Lily turned to her aunt.

"How gallant of you," Hermione murmured, her eyes on the Malfoy heir, searching for a hidden motive behind his rescue of Lily.

Astoria let out a breathy laugh watching the Muggle-born that was currently studying her child as if he were nothing but a criminal rather than the heir to an elite bloodline. "Take your praise while you can Scorpius. No doubt dear Hermione will go tattle to the rest of the golden trio and have you locked up in Azkaban for saving their precious child.''

"I'm not going to tattle to anyone," the brunette witch defended herself.

"Come along children. Your Aunt Daphne is no doubt wondering where we are," Astoria spoke to her children much more warmly, taking her daughter's small hand in hers. "If you do not wish for my son to have to rescue your niece Weasley then I suggest you teach your children to behave more properly.''

"My children behave just fine thank you –'' a loud crash sounded through the shop followed by swearing and laughter, forcing Hermione to close her eyes in embarrassment. Lily turned to the source of the ruckus and of course spotted Hugo and Albus wrestling amongst themselves while Rose tried to fix the shelf they had tipped over.

"Yes, they're quite charming your children. Don't worry I shall keep Scorpius from any more dashing rescues and no doubt you will keep your children away from mine," Astoria smiled walking towards the door.

Cassiopeia waved her free hand at Lily giving her a big smile, "Bye.''

"Bye," Lily smiled waving back at the little girl as she was pulled.

"Potter," Scorpius nodded following his mother and sister out of the shop, not waiting for a reply from her. Although to be honest Lily couldn't say anything that would make the situation any better. He had practically saved her and she hadn't even thanked him properly, she hadn't stopped her aunt from treating him like everyone in her family did. She had wanted to. She had wanted to be on his side of their world for as long as she could remember.

"Hugo Weasley! You let go of your cousin right this second and you just wait when I tell your father what you did to Lily!''

Lily looked out of the shop's window gazing at the beautiful family as they made their way down Diagon Alley. They were so different from her own loud and rambunctious family and while she knew she shouldn't, Lily wanted nothing more than to take his mother's place and wrap her own arm through Scorpius's, walking side by side. She could wish all she wanted but it would never happen, no matter how much she would dream of it. No matter how much of a crush she had on him. For the first time in her life she wished she wasn't a Potter.