Sup, my homies?

When I first started writing this story, it was supposed to be a collection of loosely-connected one-shots set in the post-BotW time frame. However, at some point in the writing process, the divide between the chapters became smaller and smaller and... it ultimately wound up becoming a more 'regular' style of story, just told through a series of one-shot style chapters... if that makes even a lick of sense to anyone other than myself. Also, the 18 chapter layout was originally supposed to be a parallel to the 18 Memories found in BotW, however with the new Champion's Ballad DLC, I guess there are technically 23...? Ah well. I tried.

Whatever. This is officially the 'completed' version of the story, the one that I read over for typo-correction and such, but it's still very possible that I missed a few things, so please feel free to point them out to me if you catch anything I missed.

That's it for now. I've deleted all of my AN's from here 'til the end of the story, so... I'll see you then.

I'll Walk With You

-The First Night-

Rain tumbled down from the roiling storm clouds above them in sheets thick enough to obscure the final rays of the dying sun. Evening was fast approaching, yet the grounds of Central Hyrule Field were already dark as midnight thanks to the raging storm above. The wind howled across the plains, chilling already dampened skin as the ominous boom of thunder sounded loud and clear overhead.

Almost invisible in the darkness, three figures hastened wearily through the wind and rain. Two exhausted, battle-weary Hylians, and one particularly agitated horse.

If this was the Goddess's way of celebrating the end of the Calamity, she had a funny way of showing it…

For what felt like the umpteenth time in the last half an hour, Link unclenched his jaw to mumble an encouraging, "We're almost there, Princess", not really bothering to listen for a reply. Raindrops stung against his face like nettles; he could only imagine how she must be feeling, clad only in that old, ceremonial dress. Her face, neck, shoulders, arms and lower legs were all completely bare to the elements. If he didn't get her out of this weather soon, she'd catch her death of cold, and then where would they be?

"It's fine, Link…" He thought he heard her murmur from beside him, but with the howl of the wind loud in his ears, it was hard to tell. If only he could've gotten her up on the horse… but with that dress of hers, riding would be impossible unless she tried it side-saddle, which she never had been very good at. He didn't trust the footing anyway. The rain had turned the ground to mud, and all three of them were prone to slipping and sliding as they made their way down the well-worn path. The last thing he needed was her taking a spill off Epona's back and cracking her head on a stone. Not after everything they'd been through.

A warm light pierced the gloom just up ahead. A monstrous equine figure emerged from out of the darkness. They'd finally made it.

Riverside Stable.

Link barely had time to let out a sigh of relief before he felt something tugging on his sleeve.

It was Zelda. She looked wary.

"You mustn't use my name. Or my title."

Her plea needed no explanation. They'd only just overcome the Calamity and escaped the ruins of Castle Town when the downpour began. They hadn't had a moment to rest or clean themselves up from the battle; Zelda had offered up the possibility of them taking shelter in the ruins of the castle, but Link's concerns about remaining monsters coupled with the lack of food or clothing in the drafty ruin had managed to change her mind. Actually, she hadn't been that hard to convince; Link had the distinct impression that she wanted absolutely anything but to return to that castle again. She'd been a prisoner there for the last one-hundred years, after all. If taking her away from there made her happy, then he would do so. Even through a thunderstorm.

Still. What she needed now more than anything was a hot meal, a bath, and a good night's rest. She was putting on a brave face, but he could tell from the bags under her eyes that she was exhausted. It wouldn't do to have the common folk at the stable know that their princess had finally returned to them only to see her as this tired, bedraggled, completely drenched ragdoll of a girl. It wasn't her physical appearance Zelda was concerned with, he knew, but rather her standing in their eyes. The people wanted to believe that their ruler was perfect. The mask she'd been forced to wear all her life chaffed but she refused to doff it, even for a moment. He couldn't help but respect her strength, for all that he loathed what it did to her.

So instead of arguing, Link merely nodded.

"As you say, my lady."

She pursed her lips, clearly dissatisfied. She would have to deal with it, however; he could hardly go treating her like she was any other traveler. He was her knight, her vassal; he would show her the respect she was inherently due. Funny how his mask had never chaffed him, at least not insofar as dealing with her was concerned… he wondered why that was.

The moment they reached the stable, the massive head of the great horse god Malayna towering over them through the storm like a monstrous wraith, Link spared no time before hastily ushering Zelda under the protection of the awning and out of the rain.

"Ho, travelers!" Came the cheerful cry of the stable's owner, Ember, who approached the duo from behind the counter with a practiced smile. "Come in, come in! Quite the storm we're having, eh? Came out of nowhere it did! Ah, but rest assured you'll find a warm, dry bed tonight her at Riverside-"

"Excuse me," Link cut in, his impatience shining through uncharacteristically. "I'm sorry, but is there any place my lady can dry off?"

The stable owner, mildly irked at having been interrupted in the middle of his sales pitch, finally looked at their faces for the first time. He gaped in surprise.

"Why- Master Link! I hadn't realized it was you! And who might your companion be? My lady…?"

He trailed off, his eyes growing wide as he ogled her. Link felt his jaws clench as he bit back an annoyed growl.

Sure, he couldn't exactly blame the man; even windswept and soaked to the bone, Zelda struck a breathtaking figure. Her sunshine hair hung in darkened clumps about her face, individual wisps and strands plastered to the flushed skin of her cheeks and neck. The gold of her necklace and armbands flickered in the torchlight and made her out instantly to be a noblewoman of some sort, something Link was certain the stable owner wasn't used to seeing. Though her dress was white, the material was thankfully thick enough to have not become transparent in the rain, though it clung soddenly to her thighs in a rather provocative manner. When the man's eyes dipped low, Link felt his patience snap.

"Ember." Link cut in, rather louder than necessary. Gods, could he not see she was shivering?! "If you please. My lady needs a place to dry off and change."

Ember's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but a moment later he was all business, calling out orders, martialing his family to assist their guests. His wife gathered up Epona's reigns and guided her over towards the stables while one of his sons ran to fetch some towels. Unfortunately, he had nothing like a changing room in the stable, but the beds had hangings that could be drawn down to offer privacy. Nodding in thanks, Link took Zelda by the arm and quickly led her back towards the furthest bed, waving an off-handed greeting across the room to Beedle the merchant, the only other guest the stable seemed to have at the moment.

"Link," Zelda hissed, struggling to keep up with Link's fast pace, "wait! I haven't anything to change into!"

Link blinked. Oh, that was right… they hadn't had time to find her any clothing yet… Still, she couldn't sleep in that sodden dress, she'd get sick. And she wasn't about to sleep naked, not in a public stable where someone might see her. They'd have to find another solution.

"I'll fetch you something of mine from my saddlebags." He offered quietly, noticing the young boy with the towels hurrying towards them. "Wait here for just a moment."

Zelda let out something like an indignant squawk, her cheeks flushing pink, but Link didn't give her time to argue. While the boy with the towels tripped all over himself to help 'the lady', Link darted back out into the rain towards the area where they kept the horses corralled, only to bump into Patti, Ember's wife, who was on her way back.

"There you are, Link!" She called out cheerfully, heaving Link's saddlebags off her shoulder and thrusting them into his surprised arms. "I figured you'd be wanting these. Why is it that the only times we ever see you 'round these parts is when something bad is goin' on?"

Link offered up an awkward laugh as he began hurrying back inside, not wanting to be rude but also not wanting to keep Zelda waiting in the cold. "What is that supposed to mean? You make it sound like I'm some sort of harbinger of disaster."

She snickered as though the two were sharing in some sort of private joke.

"More like the destroyer of disaster. I always sleep better at night when you've been in the area recently because I know you'll have done in most of the nearby monsters. You're good for business, boy. Tell me somethin'; earlier today, there was some sort of big to-do goin' on near the castle. Looked like a bad storm, only I've never seen a storm that fired red and purple lightning. Just as I was gearin' up to take my family and flee, it stops, and then here you come. Mind tellin' me what you were up to?"

Link blanched. What was he supposed to say to that? Honestly, he wanted nothing better in that moment than to tell her the truth. The Calamity that had loomed over them for so long had finally been vanquished. Hyrule was free. The princess was saved. How good would she sleep tonight?

Only, he couldn't. Not yet. Not until Zelda chose to reveal herself to the world. Still… There had to be something he could do to ease her worries… Her family deserved that much at least.

"There was a monster." Link said stiffly, not making eye-contact lest she see the truths he was omitting reflected in his eyes. "A great monster. I slew it. The fields should be much safer from now on."

"I see…" she replied softly, an unreadable gleam in her eyes. "If any other man but you had told me that, I'd assume they were boasting. Does this 'lady' you're suddenly travelin' with have anything to do with that monster?"

Link hesitated, certain now that she was on to his ruse.


"Huh. Well, hurry up and get inside. I'll bring you two somethin' warm to eat in just a bit."

Surprised, Link watched in silence as Patti left him behind before shaking himself and hastening back to Zelda's side. She'd drawn the hangings closed around the bed, signaling that she'd begun drying herself off already. That was a relief. The sooner she was out of those wet clothes, the better.

He set his saddlebags down on a table and began rooting through them, searching for something Zelda could wear tonight while her dress dried out by the fire. Most of his clothing, however, was ill-suited for sleepwear. His knight's breastplate and fireproof Goron-wrought mail weren't exactly made for sleeping. His Sheikah tunic was too tight. And he somehow doubted that Zelda would take well to his Gerudo clothing… particularly the male variant. He was beginning to grow frustrated when the glimpse of something sky-blue caught his eye, and he drew his Champion's tunic from out of his bag.

He'd intended on wearing this when he confronted Ganon but had opted for his Hylian tunic instead as he'd thought it would help him blend in better in the shadows of the castle. At that moment, he was immensely glad of his decision. It wasn't too stiff, meant originally to be worn over chainmail, so it could work as something to sleep in. Only now it had the added bonus of Great Fairy protective magic. That, and it should fit her.

Taking the shirt in hand, he hesitated for a moment over whether he should try to find her some pants but discarded the notion with a shake of the head. Though they were about the same height, her hips were noticeably more rotund than his (not that he'd been paying attention to her hips, mind) and it was doubtful any of his pants would fit her. She'd have to make do with only this shirt. Thankfully it was rather long, and she could hide her legs beneath the covers.

"My lady," Link called out softly through the curtain, "I've brought you something to wear."

"O-oh!" she called back, sounding startled and embarrassed. "Um. OK. Just… J-just put it in my hand."

Link couldn't help but roll his eyes as her proffered appendage slid out tremulously from around the curtain. What, did she think he was going to peek in on her? What sort of pervert did she think he was?

He gave her the shirt without comment and settled back against the wall to wait.

"Go ahead and give me your dress once you're done changing." He said, filling the awkward silence. "I'll set it up to dry overnight so you can change back in the morning. We'll get you some new clothes as soon as we arrive in Kakariko."


Link frowned at the closed curtain. It was certainly taking her an awfully long time to put on a shirt…

"…My lady? Is everything ok in there-?"

"Don't look!" Zelda practically screeched, making Link jump.

"Goddesses, I'm not!" He retorted hotly before wincing and shutting his mouth with a snap. He was being too loud; the last thing they needed was to draw any more attention to themselves.

Honestly, though; he'd forgotten how silly she could be about some things. An oddly nostalgic thought. He needed to remember that she was still seventeen. He was too, for that matter. What an odd thought. He felt older than that. Much older. A hundred years older.

With a rattle of links on metal, Zelda drew the curtain back and Link turned to look at her.

Her face was flushed and her eyes were downcast. She held up a bundle of sodden cloth, her dress and towels and undergarments he assumed, for him to take. Stepping forward, he reached to accept them and froze, momentarily distracted by her appearance.

The shirt fit her rather more snuggly than he'd expected, particularly around her bust and hips. The collar gaped a bit around her neck, showing off her collarbone, though why that should be distracting was anybody's guess, particularly since the dress she'd just been wearing had been strapless and he hadn't even looked at her twice. The shirt cut off indecently short, though she preserved her modesty by kneeling on the bed with her legs clamped tightly closed, the blankets pulled up protectively around her waist. Basically, she was completely covered, even more so than when she'd been wearing that dress earlier, and yet for some reason…

A moment went by, and Link still hadn't moved. An awkward silence filled the air between them. Her hair was still damp from the rain. Though the towel had dried the golden strands considerably, they now hung frizzled about her head, darker and messier than usual. There, wearing only his shirt, her hair in disarray, she somehow looked more like a woman than she ever had before.

Zelda's green eyes flickered upward towards him through her long lashes. Heat filled his cheeks. Something like stark terror plopped into his belly.

Oh Goddesses…

Her eyes darkened with anger.

He'd been caught.

"What are you doing?!" She suddenly snapped, expression livid, and Link could only stammer in incoherence, casting about wildly for a response, unable to think of anything to say in his defense.

"I-! Um, I mean, I just-!"

"Why are you still wearing those clothes?!"

He gaped, dumbfounded. What…?

Oh. His clothes. He was still wearing his wet clothing. He… he hadn't even noticed.

He shrugged, trying to offer up a placating smile while he internally willed his heart to stop racing. "Sorry. I guess I was just more concerned with you than-"

"Get. Changed."

Yeesh. He'd forgotten how scary she could get when she was cross. Before Link could stutter out a response, Patti arrived at their side carrying steaming plates of food.

"Evenin'! Compliments of my husband for you both, Master Link, my lady. I'll just go ahead and set them over here…"

She trailed off, staring at Link. Or rather, at his wet clothing.

"Master Link, why haven't you changed? Surely you're freezing in that outfit."

Actually, now that she mentioned it, he was.

"I was merely looking out for… for my lady first," Link began, ignoring the glare Zelda was sending his way, only the domineering stable owner cut him off short.

"Well, now that she's taken care of, I insist that you get changed. I can't have you getting' sick in my stable, that's bad for business. I'm holdin' your food hostage 'til you do."

There was surprise in Zelda's eyes, no doubt at the unexpected familiarity in the older woman's tone, but Link had become used to it by now. This was just the sort of woman she was. The sort most of the women who worked at the stables were. They all treated him like he was their misbehaving nephew.

With a despondent sigh, Link began removing his weapons, shield, and quiver from off his back, leaning them up against the wall between his and Zelda's beds before pulling the hood off his head and tossing it onto the ground, kicking off his boots.

"L-Link, you can change behind your curtains-!" Zelda blurted out, looking mortified.

Removing his gloves, Link set about undoing the straps on his shoulder guard. Clambering up on the bed and struggling to change behind the curtains sounded tedious, and he'd get his mattress all wet. He shrugged. "Why? It's not like you haven't seen me shirtless before."

Occupied as he was, he didn't see the way Zelda's cheeks lit up or how her eyes bulged out of her head, or how she inhaled the first spoonful of soup into her lungs, although he did hear the resulting coughing fit. He also didn't notice the way their guest glanced back and forth between them with shrewd, considering eyes.

While Zelda struggled for breath, Link seized the hem of his tunic in both hands and yanked the sodden article of clothing over his head in one fluid motion. He felt warmer the instant the wet cloth left his skin.

Patti's gasp was so loud that it had Link spinning around instantaneously, battle senses tuned, hand reaching for his discarded weapon as he scanned the perimeter for the enemy. Only there was no enemy. What he found instead was Zelda and Patti staring horror-struck at his torso.

"What?" Link asked, glancing down, wondering if he'd spilled something on himself.

His chest and arms were a mass of cuts, burns, and bruises, all layered on top of a forest of old scars.

Oh… that was right. He'd gotten hurt numerous times making his way through the castle and fighting the Calamity. Only with Zelda back and his need to find her shelter from the rain, he'd been neglecting his own injuries. Several of them began throbbing with renewed vigor the moment he saw them.

If he were being honest, they hurt. A lot. Only… well, he'd sort of become used to it. None of them were particularly serious anyway. The cuts had already scabbed over, none of the burns were more than superficial, and he had no broken bones. They just looked bad. He'd been saved from worse injury by a combination of Mipha's Grace and Daruk's Protection. But he knew he wouldn't be able to explain that to Zelda. She had a history of overreacting when he got hurt, and even now he could see the dull shock of guilt reflected in the paleness of her face and her darkening eyes.

Before he knew what was happening, Patti had forced him to remove his pants and take a seat on the edge of Zelda's bed while she hurried off to find some bandages and ointment. Zelda's gaze looked hollow while she took him in. The fact that both of them were seated on the same bed, him stripped down to his undergarments, her clad only in his shirt, seemed to have been lost on her. Her gaze slowly raked its way across his torso, taking in every injury with quiet misery.

"Why do you always do this?" Link whispered, frustrated, not meeting her gaze.

"I could ask you the same question." She replied just as softly.

He frowned, feeling his annoyance build. "It's my job, prin- …my lady. I am your knight. It is my duty to keep you safe."

She sighed, but she didn't sound angry. Merely resigned.

"Then by that logic, it is also my job to look after you, Hero."

Something about the way she called him 'Hero' rather than Link as she normally did rankled him, and he found himself spitting out a condescending, "Did you actually expect me to face Calamity Ganon without taking an injury or two? Don't be so naïve."

He regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth. He was almost never this cross with Zelda, even when she deserved it. He'd always considered it a part of his oath as her appointed knight to silently bear any burden. Why then was he now so quick to fire off petty insults, particularly when she was merely showing concern for his wellbeing? Had their dynamic really changed that much after all this time?

Zelda was quiet for a moment. Finally, she murmured, "I knew you would get hurt, Link. But that doesn't mean I have to like it."

Guilt bore down on him with all the weight of Death Mountain itself. He felt like such a child. Before he could open his mouth to apologize, however, the stablemaster's wife had come back carrying a pitcher of water, some rags and bandages, and a bowl full of some odd green goop.

The next several minutes were full of a tense, uncomfortable silence as Zelda and Patti set about cleaning and dressing Link's wounds. Patti worked deftly with almost surgical precision, keeping a one-sided conversation going as she prattled on about how she was more used to treating horse injuries than people's and how Link would simply have to be a 'big boy' and deal with her brusqueness.

Zelda was silent, and she worked more slowly, taking care as she wiped away the dried blood so as to not exacerbate his injuries. Link tensed every time her fingers brushed his skin. He'd hurt her again. He was such an idiot.

After what felt like an eternity, Link's wounds were dressed and Patti had gathered up the soiled rags, leaving the two alone; princess and Hero, two teenagers unable to deal with their issues.

A moment of silence passed in which nothing was said.

Finally, Link mustered up a weak, "Your food is probably cold."

To his surprise, Zelda snorted. It was the least princess-like sound a person could make. Hearing it now took him back to the good days, just before the Calamity had broken free, when he and Zelda had been at their best. Partners. Almost friends. For a wild moment, things felt normal again. More normal than they had since he'd awoken alone on that plateau.

"You know, in some ways, you've changed so much, but in others, you're still the same old Link I remember."

Link blinked, taken aback.

"What does that mean?"

He couldn't help how defensive he sounded. From the amused glance Zelda shot him as she dug about in her stew, she'd noticed.

"It's just… you talk now. You never used to say a word if you could avoid it, and yet here you are, holding conversations… even starting them. If you only knew how hard I had to work to get you to open up to me before…" She shook her head ruefully, popping the spoon into her mouth and savoring a mouthful of her no-doubt cold supper. "But even so, you still know exactly how to push all of my buttons."

There was no heat in her voice. She wasn't upset anymore. Still, Link had to look away from her before he could speak.

"Well, maybe it's because before, I was stuck with a chatty princess who never let me get a word in edgewise."

Zelda gawked, a look of comical stupefaction on her face, and Link couldn't help the involuntary laugh that tore itself from his lips.

"I'm joking, I'm joking!"

She huffed, crossing her arms. "I think I preferred it when you were silent."

They were quiet for a moment as they ate their stew. The thunder outside had stopped, but the pouring of the rain was relentless, the relentless wind shaking the thin, wooden walls, making the entire building creak. It didn't sound like it was going to end anytime soon.

Link finished his dinner quickly and set his empty bowl aside, gathering up Zelda's without a word as soon as she finished.

"You should get some sleep. We'll need to be up early if we hope to make it to Kakariko before the sun sets."

She nodded, stifling a yawn behind her hand. "And you'll probably want to get dressed unless you want to bleed on Patti's bedsheets."

Rising to his feet, Link hesitated at her bedside, ignoring her inquiring look while he struggled to find the words he wanted to say.

"Listen, I…" He stopped and shifted his weight uncomfortably. Oh Goddess, why was this so hard to say? It was only Zelda…

Right. 'Only Zelda'. When had that ever been a comforting thought? She'd always had a way of setting his nerves on edge.

"I'm sorry. For what I said before, I… I know how you feel. The reason I get so upset whenever you overreact over my injuries is because I know you blame yourself whenever I get hurt. But I don't like to see you in pain either, and I don't like it when you try and assume responsibility for the things I've done. I know you never wanted me as your knight, but… I will always be there to protect you. Because it's my duty, yes, but… also because it's what I want to do. The thought of you in pain makes me hurt too. Please try to understand."

The silence between them had grown uncomfortable again. Ugh, why had he said all of that? He should just go back to keeping his mouth shut like he used to… things were so much simpler then…

"That…" Zelda said softly, cutting through his thoughts, "was the most you've ever said to me at one time."

The deadpan look on Link's face was almost enough to make Zelda crack. Almost.

"But I do understand." She continued hurriedly before Link could walk away in a huff. "I understand- and I hate it. I hate it with all of my heart. But I'll agree to let you take care of me without complaining if you agree to let me do the same.

"This world… It's so different from the one I remember. Everything has changed… I know I can't get everything to go back to how it used to be, but… Perhaps… Perhaps, at the very least, you and I could? You're all I have left of my old life, Link. I don't want us to change too."

She'd let him take care of her… if he let her do the same? Was that how she viewed their relationship?

"Everything changes, my lady."

Bending over, he scooped up his and her sodden garments with his free hand and turned to leave.

"…But no matter what life throws at us next, I'm always going to be right here. That won't change. Not ever."

He walked away without looking back.

By the time he returned from giving back their dishes and hanging their clothing up to dry, Zelda's eyes were closed and her breathing had evened out. She'd fallen asleep fast, just like he thought she would.

Oddly, she'd closed the curtains almost all the way around her bed except for right in front of her face, giving her a little window that looked out towards the bed Link would be sleeping on. If she woke up in the middle of the night, she'd be able to see him, and vice versa. He wondered if being alone in the darkness reminded her of her imprisonment in the castle but she'd been too ashamed to say it.

As quietly as possible, Link bent over and removed the old shirt and pair of trousers he'd found when he'd awoken in the Shrine of Resurrection from his bag. He almost never wore these because of how ill-fitting they were, but he had nothing else to sleep in since Zelda was wearing his Champion's tunic.

He sent her one last look before he climbed into bed, marveling at how peaceful she looked and how much he hadn't even realized he'd missed her. That shirt looked oddly right on her. He assumed it was because the clothing she used to wear was of a similar color and style. That had to be why.

There was a lot they still had yet to say. A lot they couldn't say. A lot that needed to be said. Yet as the sound of falling rain rattling on the stable's aged timbers washed over him, Link allowed himself to settle down into the scratchy mattress with a contented smile. They had their whole future ahead of them now. One devoid of Calamity Ganon's dark malice. One that was for once full of hope and possibility. Zelda had already given so much to this world… it was about time that she got something for herself. Link would do whatever it took to see that she found the happiness she so desperately deserved.

That was but one more sacrifice that he was more than willing to make for his princess.