Reviews for I'll Walk With You
Nelkul chapter 18 . 6/3
Thinking of Link sneaking around in Gerudo Town still brings me immense joy. Thank you for writing such a great, thoughtful story!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/28
Wow chapter 7 . 5/12
This chapter is amazing but thing I am most pleased about is the fact that I originally realized that in the game Link can now talk despite being originally silent is because HIS PARENTS WERE AWFUL. AND BOOM I WAS RIGHT.
aubreylovesthegames chapter 18 . 4/19
I just want you to know that I’ve been binge reading this ever since I found it and it’s absolutely AMAZING AND I AM SO GLAD I CLICKED ON IT. The writing and characterization and the dialogue and the setting and the foreshadowing was PERFECT and I laughed so many times throughout this fic (as well as felt secondhand embarrassment and cooed when they wer S). I wish I could put into words how much I loved this fic and to be completely transparent, I’ve had this up in my tabs for days now putting off this review because I didn’t want it to seriously be over, but this entire thing was absolutely wonderful and I loved it so much so thank you for writing it
Djinntsai chapter 18 . 4/13
Such a great story. Thank you for writing it and sharing it with us
Lillygames chapter 2 . 2/26
Zelda is dense af
Your local French pastry chapter 18 . 2/3
Damn, was that a good read.
I enjoyed reading this so much.
Both Zelda and Link were thoroughly explored in each chapter... especially the last ones.
I am hyped for what's next, especially In A World All Our Own. Now that seems like a cool story.

I would definitely recommend this. 11/10 Ign.
Oracle of Hylia chapter 18 . 1/9
This was such a touching story, journeying through Link and Zelda's minds was so intriguing. Their relationship progressed perfectly and the baby was the best surprise ever.
ApplesEvilPie chapter 7 . 12/14/2019
That fecked me up. I do think its canon that he had a sister because of that fanart. It would be so devastating to just have this crushing weight break onto you.
Skydragon74193 chapter 10 . 11/25/2019
This story is amazingly well written. This isnt much of a one shot though, as its a continuous story haha
Guest chapter 14 . 9/24/2019
abexalixih chapter 13 . 7/21/2019

I mean, Zelda's figured it out earlier but now they both know, so yay!
Guest chapter 18 . 6/17/2019
This was one of the best Zelda fan fictions ever. Can u make another one of their wedding pls
Guest chapter 8 . 2/13/2019
I was liking it till link developed a crush on Zelda. Still ok thou
Camikazi chapter 3 . 1/20/2019
The Bolson interaction is literally the funniest thing I've ever read and I don't think anything can top it ever in my lifetime. Where could I find this kind of nonsense is the whole pin the blame of thieves conversation? Purdah being embarrassed so she becomes a hermit despite knowing these people so well? KARSON SMASHING THE DOOR (and Zelda being the only sane enough person to be at least embarrassed by it). The fact that Bolson was convinced because he wanted to be invited into the house he built makes that even better. I loved how Bolson interacted with everything, but the his moment has to be the entire Gerardo outfit shenanigans including him putting it on, and the whole being the damsel in distress sequence.
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