Author's Note: Just a short idea I'd thought of while watching the series a while back. Nothing too serious.

Disclaimer: I Don't Own Heroes.

Claire had been appalled when he'd first asked.

Because really, what would possibly be on the mind of someone several hundred years her senior?

But given time, lots and lots of time, Claire eventually succumbed to the idea of spending the rest of her life along side someone who wouldn't die on her like a normal human being would.

She had no one else, she reasoned.

No one else that she knew of whose life-span would last as long as her own.

No one else that could heal as quickly or miraculously, or live to be hundreds, possibly thousands of years old.

And if the thought of living for several centuries didn't terrify her enough, the thought of living by herself with no family or friends to accompany her throughout her long life's journey scared her even more.

The mere thought of it rocked her to her core.

She couldn't even begin to imagine how awful it would be to still be alive when all of her family and friends were dead.

She couldn't imagine a life without her uncle, Peter, or her father, Noah. Or anyone that she had known or befriended throughout her eighteen years.

But if she'd have to endure such a thing - and she knew soon enough she would - then she decided that she may as well swallow her pride, and do the unfathomable.

"Takezo," She told him one fine afternoon, brows furrowed, and a determined look on her face.

Her chocolate eyes locked with his cool-blue ones, and a small smile tugged at the corner of the older immortal's mouth.

"I accept."