Loud Dawn Part Two

Note: Okay, I realize that this story is LONG OVER DUE for an update. In case anyone was worried, no, I haven't lost interest in this story, I've just been caught up in a lot of other stuff within my life. With that said, let's begin with Loud Dawn Part two!

Soviet and East German troops continued to wreak havoc on Royal Woods as Lynn Loud Sr crouched down in some bushes near his house, riffle in hand. He struggled to remain as quiet as possible as a Jeep-like vehicle with a blazing red star on it's side drove by.

'Damn!' thought Lynn Sr, 'they're everywhere!'

As he stared out at the enemy Jeep, a hand touched his shoulder.

"Mister Loud?" whispered a voice.

Lynn Sr nearly screamed as he swung his riffle around only to see Mr. Grouse with an old western styled pistol in hand.

"Woah, easy Mister Loud, it's me!" whispered Grouse before smiling, "I'd never actually thought I'd be so happy to see you alive."

Lynn Sr sighed with relief. "I feel the same" he whispered back before looking out of the bushes again. "They look like Russians; why are they attacking our small town?"

"I've got no clue" whispered Grouse, "where's the wife and kids?"

A saddened and worried expression fell upon Lynn Sr's face. "Rita's still in town I believe" he whispered before closing his eyes in dread as the sounds of an explosion echoed in the distance. "That's why I came out here. And as for the kids…" his face grew even more somber, "I… I sent them to the mountains… To get them out of harms way. I wanted them to get as far away from this apparent war as…"

Mr. Grouse suddenly shushed before a man in military fatigues and a blue beret came running up to their bush screaming in Russian. Before either Grouse or Lynn Sr knew it several more solders were on top of them.

Lynn aimed his rifle before feeling something hit the back of his head and then everything went black…

Elsewhere in the city, Colonel Eric Jagger, National Peoples Army (East German Army) observed the area around him. His and the Soviet's men had done an excellent job of subduing this godforsaken Alaskan city. All around him troops were escorting American civilians out of buildings and out onto the streets where they were then escorted to the sites of forced "assistance."

'You Western Imperialists better get used to this new lifestyle' Jagger thought to himself. However, he couldn't help but feel a little sorry for these people being dragged out of their homes and stores by an alien force. If they weren't so used to the spoils of Capitalism…

Jagger's thoughts were cut off by a woman's scream.


"What's going on here?!" barked Jagger in German and he approached two solders of his army manhandling a blond middle-aged woman.

"Comrade Colonel!" replied one of the solders, "we were just…"

"Our mission is to liberate the Americans, not rape them!" barked Jagger, "let go of her!"

The two obeyed and let go of the woman.

"Back to your stations, both of you!" snapped Jagger as the two subordinates obeyed before turning to the woman. He then asked her in English, "What is your name?"

"R-Rita L-loud" sobbed the woman.

"Miss Rita Loud" continued Jagger, "your town in being occupied by Liberating forces. You will do exactly what we tell you if you want to live, is that understood?"

Rita just stared blankly at the East German.

"I said, is that understood?!"

Rita merrily nodded, still in shock by the whole situation.

"Good, now you follow my troops to your new assigned work" ordered Jagger.

"I… I won't do anything until I know my babies and husband are safe" Rita managed to assert much to Jagger's annoyance.

"They will only be safe if you do as your told!"

Rita just stared back for several seconds before finally following the others. As she walked she took notice of solders pulling down an American flag from a nearby poll and replacing it with a blood red flag. She realized in horror that it was the flag of the USSR!

Meanwhile, miles outside of Royal Woods, the Vanzila was still speeding down the narrow and windy road. Inside, Clyde McBride, Bobby and Ronnie Ann Santiago, and the Loud siblings (that is, most of them) were all dreadfully silent. There was the occasional sound of sobs and mumbles, but no one could even think of what to say.

Lincoln Loud just sat in his seat thinking with too much on his mind. He was worried about everything. He was worried about his and everyone else's safety as they tried to flee the battle ground that was once their hometown. He was worried about his parents, who were both still in that battle ground as far as he knew. But ironically, what was worrying him the most was the fate of his younger twin sisters Lana and Lola Loud. Did their bus manage to get far enough away from the danger? Are they seeking shelter at some place safe? Or where they killed by these invaders?

That last possibility sent pain in Lincoln's gut. He suddenly felt guiltier about his fight with Lola that morning then he ever did before. It was very possible that she was dead! Gone! Gone before he could truly reconcile with her, not just about that morning but over their whole relationship as siblings.

A tear ran down Lincoln's cheek as the realization hit him that he may never be able to tell Lola that he loved her.

"Lincoln?" asked Ronnie-Ann who was sitting next to Lincoln, "are you okay?"

Before Lincoln could answer, the sound of a loud jet's roar began to fill the air. All the kids, Lori, and Bobbie looked out to the sky to see two of what appeared to be fighter jets screaming over them and into the horizon, westward.

"Holy shit!" went Bobbie.

"Are they ours?" asked Lynn Jr.

"I don't know" said Lori before she spotted something ahead. It looked like a military blockade of some sort. Lori hoped they were solders of her own country but as the van grew closer she could make out a big red star painted on one of the vehicles.

"Shit!" screamed Lori, "hang on!"

Lori shifted into gear and drove off the road and up the nearby hill.

"What's hell's going on, Babe?!" went Bobbie.

Just then the sounds of gun fire could be heard from the military vehicles and everyone except for Lori, ducked and screamed.

"They're chasing us!" cried Luan in horror as the enemy vehicles did just that.

As the chase continued up and around the hill the Louds, Santiago's, and Clyde heard someone scream over a loud speaker. It was in English but carried a thick Russian accent.

"STOP, THAT VEHICLE NOW!" screamed the man over the loud speaker, "IN THE NAME OF THE SOVIET ARMY, STOP NOW!"

"F**CK YOU!" Screamed Lynn Jr as if the Russians could hear her when the back window was shot out. Thankfully no one was hurt.

"You're not helping the situation, Lynn" said Lisa.

"BABE!" Screamed Bobbie as he pointed towards the edge of a cliff they were approaching.

Lori screamed as she made a hard-left turn sending everyone in the van violently jolting towards it right side, screaming. The Vanzilia narrowly avoided the cliff's edge but the Communist vehicles weren't so fortunate.

As the Soviet drivers tried to brake, they slid right over the cliff and screamed in horror as they fell to their deaths.

"We got them!" cheered Ronnie Ann.

All the other kids and teens cheered, and Lori cried tears of relief before making her way back to the road.

Meanwhile, several hours later, Lola Loud was shaken awake by her twin sister Lana Loud.

"Lola, Lola, wake up" whispered Lana.

"L-Lana?" whispered back Lola. She sat up, seeing that it was night out (which, in Alaska during this time of year in August, was more like twilight). The solder who boarded earlier that day was still standing at the front of the bus, assault rifle in hand, and an aggressive look on his face.

"Where are we?" whispered Lola.

"I think we're back in town" whispered back Lana.

Lola looked out the window and saw several familiar buildings passing by. Soon they came to a stop at what looked like Lincoln's school except it had barbed wire fences setup around it and multiple solders grading its premise.

"Alright!" barked the solder in his Russian accent, "you will all get up and exit this bus, single file!"

No one hesitated to obey the troop's orders. Once they were off the bus, Lana and Lola severed in the cold night air.

While, the young girls were exiting the bus, Colonel Gennady Kissov, KGB, observed intently. Young children, mostly between the ages of five and seven, he noted. All so young. But even young children can help build Socialism. After all, the Armies of Liberation needed young children to help them build Socialism! For children were the future generation!

Yet as he told himself this, he couldn't help but feel no sympathy for these girls. After all, they've been spoiled since day one by the Capitalist-Imperialists who exploit the labor of the Proletariat! As far as Kissov was concerned, these young girls were nothing more than parasites born into the world.

Kissov knew that it was his duty to reeducate these spoiled parasites along with everyone else in this Imperialist village. But there were other reasons why the KGB Colonel was so intrigued by these American girls. There was just something about them, the way they moved, the way they shivered in cold and fear. It made him feel something deep inside, something he couldn't hold back.

One girl in particular caught Kissov's eyes. She was blonde, wearing a pink jacket, huddling near a similar looking girl who was dressed very differently. What was her name?

Kissov's thoughts were interrupted but a scream. He turned to see one of the girls, a red haired one, yelling at the solders.

"Where's my parents!" the red haired girl yelled, "I wanna speak to them about getting a lawyer! This is absolutely…!" She gasped as the KGB Colonel grabbed her by the ear.

"What is your name?!" demanded Kissov in a raspy, Russian accent.

"Ow! Let go of me, creep!" screamed the red head.

"Your name!" demanded Kissov.

"L-Lindsey, Lindsey Sweetwater!" replied the girl.

"Child, these are the Solders of Liberation, here to free your land from your Capitalist Oppressors!" barked Kissov, "you will treat them with respect!"

"Why should I do that?!" snapped Lindsey.

"Because I can…" when Kissov before stopping. He originally meant to say, "because I can shoot you if you don't" but instead got an idea.

"Because, I can offer you a position of power over those other children" continued Kissov as he let go of Lindsey's ear.

"Wait, you're telling me I get to oversee all of them?"

"Yes" replied Kissov, "and I can insure you'll be treated better than any of them."

"Well, we have a deal mister...?"

"You may call me Comrade Kissov" replied the KGB Colonel.

"Nice to meet you Colonel Kiss-off" said Lindsey.

"Now" said Kissov, "I need you to tell me, who is that girl?"

The Colonel pointed towards the girl in the pink jacket.

"Oh, that's Lola Loud" said Lindsey, "she's so stupid and jealous because I'm prettier than her…"

Meanwhile, way up in the mountains, the other Loud kids, Clyde, Ronnie Ann and Bobbie were all setting up camp. Lori was helping collect fire wood when she noticed Lincoln looking more depressed then the others.

"Linc?" asked Lori, "are you okay?"

Lincoln looked up at Lori and asked, "Lori, do… do you think Lola and Lana are okay?"

Lori just looked to the side for a second before answering.

"I… I don't know" she mumbled sadly.

Lincoln just looked at his feet before shouting, "why did I have to get into that stupid fight with Lola this morning?! Why couldn't I truly apologize for breaking her tiara?! Why couldn't I tell her I love her?! Why?! Why?! Why?! WHY!?"

"Linc?!" called Ronnie Ann, coming over, "Lincoln, calm down!"

Everyone just stared.

"Lincoln" said Lori, putting her hands on his shoulders, "Lincoln, look at me. I promise you that I am gonna do what ever it takes to protect you and your sisters."

Lincoln looked up at Lori with tears in his eyes. "B-but Lola and Lana?"

"We can't assume the worst" said Lori, "maybe their bus made it to safety. But you can't blame yourself for whatever happened, understand?"

Lincoln just nodded as Lori continued. "Right now, it's my job to make sure you're all safe."

Lincoln just started to cry softly as Lori hugged him tightly and Ronnie Ann stroked his back. "Now, Linc" said Ronnie, "it's alright."

After a minute or so, Lincoln managed to ask, "s-so" *sniff* "h-how l-long do w-we need to stay up here?"

As Lincoln finished his sentence the sounds of roaring jets could be heard over head.

"Until that dies down" replied Lori.

End of Part Two