Loud Dawn: An Alternate Universe Story of The Loud House.

Disclaimer, The Loud House and Red Dawn belong to their original owners and no infringement is intended.

Notes: This story takes place in an alternate universe or AU set in the 1980s. Also, I have decided to place my AU version of Royal Woods in Alaska instead of Michigan for reasons you'll see in the story. Now with that out of the way, let's begin!

The year is 1984.

The Soviet Union is facing a massive crisis. Ukraine is suffering the worst famine since Holodomor. Mass riots are braking out in Eastern Europe and there's rumors that war is looming between the USSR and China.

Outside of the issues Russia is facing, several Latin American nations are falling to Communism.

Meanwhile, an accident involving a nuclear warhead in West Germany has led to politicians of the so called "Greens Movement" to take power in many countries in Western Europe. The United States and Britain are forced to remove their troops and nuclear weapons out of West Germany, France as the nations of West Europe leave NATO one by one. Now the US, Canada, and Britain are left to fend for themselves…

"Lana!" went Lola Loud, "have you seen my new tiara?!"

"What's that Sis?" replied Lola's twin sister, Lana Loud.

"My new tiara!" went Lola, "I need it to win the beauty badge at this year's Blue Bell Scouts camp!"

"Sorry, Lola, haven't seen it" said Lana.

"Oh, come on!" barked Lola, "it's the sparklest tiara I've got! How could I have miss-placed it?! Argh!"

Lola kicked one of her stuffed animals that was on the floor in frustration before resuming her search. While she searched, her brother Lincoln Loud was just getting out of the shower and getting dressed for the day.

"Hey, Linc, hurry up, you're gonna make us all late for school!" called Lincoln's (and everyone else's) older sister Lori Loud from outside the bathroom door.

"I know Lori!" called back Lincoln before coming out of the bathroom. "Just let me get my jacket and back pack."

Lincoln darted towards his room to grab his jacket but when he got there it was nowhere to be seen. Confused, he headed downstairs to see if he had left if by the front door from yesterday but it wasn't there either.

'Oh, come on!' thought Lincoln as he darted threw the house looking for his jacket. He ran back upstairs to see if he overlooked his room when he saw Lola searching frantically herself.

"Lola, have you seen...?" asked Lincoln when…


Lola gasped and turned towards her brother who slowly lifted his foot to reveal broken crystals and mangled metal.

"Uh oh" mumbled Lincoln.

"My tiara!" cried Lola in horror as she ran up to Linc. "What have you done! It's ruined!"

Lincoln, still irritated that his jacket was lost and in no mood to listen to Lola's whining said, "Well maybe you shouldn't have left it on the floor!"

Lola gawked as Lincoln ran back into his room before running out yet again and calling for their parents.

"Mom, Dad!" called Linc, "have you two seen my jacket?!"

Lola glared in the direction her brother ran and noticed something hanging off that rail of the staircase. It was Lincoln's jacket! It was right there in plain sight all along.

'Linc is such a dork' thought Lola as she walked towards the jacket.

"Come on!" yelled Lincoln from down stairs, "we live in Alaska! It's freezing out there!"

"Hey Linc!" called Lola, "I've found your stupid jacket!"

"Oh, thank god!" called Lincoln as he ran towards the staircase. Lola grabbed the jacket to give it to her brother but accidentally tripped, falling and unwittingly ripping the sleeve of the coat.

"My jacket!" cried Lincoln in horror at the sight, "Ronnie Anne bought it for me!"

Lola, irritated by her fall and still mad at her brother for breaking her tiara earlier, said "well maybe you shouldn't have been such a stupid dork and left it out here in the first place."

"Oh, shut up!" snapped Lincoln.

"No, you shut up!" snapped back Lola.

"Argh, you're such a pain in the ass, Lola!" screamed Lincoln.

"Yeah, well sometimes I wish I never had a stupid big brother like you!" screamed back Lola.

"And I wish I never had an annoying prissy little brat of a sister like you!" screamed Lincoln at the top of his lungs when…

"Lincoln and Lola!" yelled a woman's and man's voice from in the kitchen, "in here, now!"

"Oh, they're in trouble now" said Lana to Lori, looking down from the stairs at the situation.

Both Lincoln and Lola gulped and headed into the kitchen where their parents, Rita and Lynn Sr Loud were waiting with stern expressions on their faces.

"What the hell is going on with you two?" Lynn Sr demanded, "it's like World War Three has just broken out in our own home."

"What are you two fighting over?" demanded Rita Loud.

"Linc ruined my new tiara!" snapped Lola as she pointed at her brother.

"It was an accident" protested Lincoln, "besides, you ruined my jacket!"

"I didn't do it on purpose!" snapped Lola.

"Well you didn't even apologize!" yelled Lincoln.

"You never apologized for stepping on my tiara!" yelled back Lola.

"Enough!" snapped Lynn Sr, "Lincoln, is it true that you didn't apologize for accidentally breaking Lola's tiara?"

"And Lola, is it true that you didn't apologize for accidentally ripping Linc's jacket?"

Both children nodded glumly at their parents' questions.

"Okay then, I want you two to look each other in the eye and apologize" said Rita.

Lola and Lincoln reluctantly turned towards each other.

"Lola" said Lincoln through his teeth, "I'm sorry I accidentally brock your tiara."

"Linc" said Lola through her teeth as well, "I'm sorry I accidentally ripped your jacket."

"Good" said Lynn Sr, "now I want you two to make up and hug each other like good brother and sister."

"Oh, come on!" protested both children in unison.

"Now" demanded Lynn Sr.

Lola and Lincoln embraced; it wasn't at all a warm and loving embrace.

"Now, we'll let the rest of this go" said Rita, but if we hear more fights like this you're both grounded, understand?"

"Yes, Mom, yes, Dad" replied Lola and Lincoln together.

Lana came in the room and said, "hey, Sis, you ready?"

"Yeah" said Lola.

Lana hugged her parents. "Bye, Mom, bye Dad" she said.

"Come on Lana, Lori's waiting" said Lola, still a bit irate.

"Okay" replied Lana.

"Have fun at camp" said Lynn Sr.

"We'll see you two this Monday" said Rita.

"Bye!" called Lana and Lola as they ran outside.

"Bye, Mom, Bye Dad" said Lincoln, "I'll see you after school."

"Bye, Linc" said Mr. and Mrs. Loud as Lincoln headed out to the family car or "Vanzilia as they called it, where Lori was waiting.

"It's about time you got here!" barked Lori in the driver's seat as Lincoln climbed into the van and found a seat with his other siblings.

"Sorry, Lori" said Lincoln, "someone made my morning a little difficult." He glared back at Lola who stuck her tongue out at him.

"Well, I just hope we make it on time today" said Lori as she started the van, "the last thing I need is another tardy."

Lori pulled out of the driveway as Lynn Sr watched from in the house.

"Hey, Dear" said Rita, "you need me to drive today?"

"No" said Lynn Sr, "I'm off today, remember? Their remodeling the office building. I just do some work around the home today and watch Lily."

"Okay, I'll see you later" said Rita before heading out.

Meanwhile and several minutes later, Lori had already dropped several of her younger siblings at their schools including Lincoln where his friend Clyde McBride and his girlfriend Ronnie Anne Santiago where waiting for him.

"Hey, Linc" said Clyde.

Ronnie Anne noticed that Lincoln looked upset. "Hey, what's up with you this morning?" she asked.

"Huh, oh, I just had a fight with one of my sisters" said Lincoln glumly.

"Which one" asked Clyde.

"Lola" said Lincoln, "again."

"I'm sorry to hear that" said Ronnie Anne as she hugged Lincoln.

"I'll be alright" said Lincoln, "come on, let's get to class."

Meanwhile elsewhere in town, Lola and Lan were waiting with several other kids for the bus that was supposed to take then to camp to arrive.

Amongst the children was Lindsey Sweetwater, a longtime rival of Lola who couldn't help but notice that the six-year-old Loud girl was looking rather depressed.

"What's wrong with you, Lola" asked Lindsey.

"Nothing" replied Lola turning her back on her rival.

"Are you depressed that I'm prettier then you and am gonna beat you at camp?" gloated Lindsey.

"Shut up, Lindsey!" snapped Lola as the bus came up.

"Okay, kids" said the teacher, "let's get on the bus single file."

As everyone climbed onboard the bus Lana whispered to Lola, "are you sure you're doing alright Sis?"

"Yeah, I'm fine" whispered back Lola as she and her twin sister took their seats.

"Alright!" spoke up the teacher happily, "everyone set? Good; it's off to Blue Bell Camp!"

All the kids cheered as the bus drove off except Lola. She was feeling a little bad about her big fight with Lincoln earlier.

The day went on as any ordinary day would. On the road, the bus Lola and Lana were riding was still finishing up it's journey. At the other schools the Loud children were finishing up their classes. At the Royal Woods Dentist Office, Rita was tending to patients and at the Loud House, Lynn Sr. had finished up some house cleaning and had decided to watch some television.

There wasn't much on now so Lynn Sr. switched to the news.

"…Reports of mysterious aircraft circling over the Barring Straight…" said the anchor in the television screen as the sound of jets could suddenly be heard from outside.

Lynn Sr. lifted his eyebrows and looked up towards the celling at the coincidence.

Meanwhile, high above the Alaska landscape, dozens of what appeared to commercial planes were passing over Royal Woods…

Back down at Lincolns school, he, Clyde and Ronnie Anne, along with the rest of the class were listening to their teacher, Miss Johnson giving a lecture on the War of 1812.

"…And for the first time since arguably the Revolutionary War, the American homeland was invaded by a foreign power" said Miss Johnson as the sounds of roaring jets could be heard from outside. She paused for a moment before continuing. "The attacks from both the sea and from Canada…" She paused again, now looking outside.

Confused, the class all looked out the big classroom window as their teacher was doing and couldn't believe what they saw. Men, by the dozens parashooting down from the sky. The children all got up and rushed towards the window. As several of the men landed outside it became clear that they were solders dressed in full battle gear.

"Now that's cool" said Ronnie Anne.

"What are they doing" asked Clyde.

"They look like paratroopers, probably from the Army" said Miss Johnson, "they must be practicing an exorcise, though I'd say they're a little off course by landing on our school grounds."

Outside, several of the paratroopers were rushing around about their gear.

"Class, you all stay here" said Miss Johnson, "I'm gonna see if the boys outside need any help."

Before any of the children could say a word, Miss Johnson was out of the classroom and rushing outside where the paratroopers awaited. Right as she stepped outside two men in battle fatigues ran past her into the school.

"Hi solders!" called Miss Johnson to several of the men in front of her.

One of the solders turned and sharply pointed at Johnson as he screamed something in a foreign language.

Back in the classroom the children were starting to realize that something wasn't right.

"I got a really bad feeling about those guys" said Lincoln.

Back outside, Miss Johnson was a little confused. "I can't understand what you're saying!" she called as the solder screamed at her again. Miss Johnson walked up to the paratrooper when the unthinkable happened. He turned his assault gun on her and fired.

The children in the classroom all screamed in shock and horror as Miss Johnson's bloodied body hit the grass outside.

"GET DOWN!" screamed Ronnie Anne as another paratrooper ran up to the window and fired into the classroom. The window instantly shattered as bullets sprayed the wall behind them, hitting a few of their fellow schoolmates in the process.

"Come on!" called Lincoln as he, Clyde and Ronnie quickly crawled out of the class room. Once they and the other kids reached the hallway they bolted.

"What the hell is going on?!" screamed Clyde in terror.

The sounds of screaming and gunfire could be heard from behind them.

"This way!" yelled Ronnie Anne as Clyde and Lincoln followed her towards an exit where a solder was standing with his back turned.

"Shit!" yelled Lincoln who was about to turn and run in the opposite direction when Ronnie charged the solder. He turned towards her but before he could even react she kneed him in the crotch with all her straight.

The solder cursed in a foreign language before grabbing between his legs in pain and collapsing.

"Come on!" yelled Ronnie as Lincoln and Clyde followed her outside where chaos awaited. Children, teachers, and parents were all running around in panic as these strange solders opened fired on them.

Lincoln, Clyde, and Ronnie ran towards the parking lot, not knowing what to do. From somewhere behind them there was the sound of a "whoosh" followed by a defining "BOOM!" A police car, the one for the school officer had exploded in front of them.

The three screamed in horror at the sight when they heard someone barking at them. They turned to see one of the solders pointing his gun at them and screaming in that wired language.

Lincoln, Ronnie and Clyde raised their hands when suddenly, the Vanzila crashed through the school parking lot towards the solder. He screamed and jumped out of the way as the van drove up the three kids.

"Get in!" barked Lori as the van's sliding door opened. Lincoln, Ronnie, and Clyde quickly obeyed and climbed in where several of the other loud kids (except for Lola and Lana, who were still heading to camp and Lily who was at home with Lynn Sr.) were as well as Lori's boyfriend and Ronnie's brother Bobby.

"Close that damn door!" screamed Luna Loud as Luan Loud did so.

"What the f**k is going on?!" screamed Ronnie Anne.

"Well it's obvious we're suffering some kind of foreign invasion" said Lisa Loud.

"Look out!" screamed Lynn Loud Jr. as several solders ran up to the van.

Lori hit the gas and sped off the school grounds.

Several more paratroopers descended onto the streets of central Royal Woods as Loir drove as fast as she could towards the Loud's home where Lynn Sr. with a crying Lily in his arms was waiting.

"Dad!" cried several of the kids in the van as an explosion could be heard from the distance.

"Kids!" cried back Lynn Sr. as the children, Lori, and Bobby ran out of the van towards him.

"Dad!" cried the kids again with tears streaming down their faces.

Lynn Jr and Luan ran up and hugged their father as Lincoln broke down.

"T-they were sh-shooting at us!" sobbed Lincoln, "th-they tried t-to kill us!"

Leni Loud, the second oldest of the Loud kids placed a comforting arm around her only brother when another explosion sounded in the distance.

"Everyone inside, now" ordered Lynn Sr as they all obeyed. "Okay" he continued, "pack as much food and camping supplies as you can. Let's go!"

No one questioned Lynn Sr but instead got to work. Lynn Jr, Luna and Luan got to work gathering up the camping gear while Lisa, Lincoln, Ronnie, and Lucy gathered the food supplies.

"Clyde, can take Lily for a moment" asked Lynn Sr.

"Sure Mr. Loud" said Clyde as he took the screaming Lily. "There, there, it's okay, Lily."

"Lori, Bobby, come with me" said Lynn Sr as his daughter and her boyfriend obeyed. He led them to a locked cupboard where several fire arms, mostly hunting rifles along with a few revolvers were safely stored.

"You, guys are gonna need these" said Lynn Sr, "I've trained you to use them Lori so I expect you and Bobby to use them to protect our families if it's necessary. Do you understand?"

Both Lori and Bobby nodded.

"Good" said Lynn Sr, "now let's take these to the van.

Soon the Vanzila was loaded and the Loud kids along with Bobby, Ronnie, and Clyde.

"What about my parents" asked Clyde, are they coming with us?"

"There's no time to look for them Clyde" said Lori

"But we can't just leave them!" cried Clyde in horror.

"Dad, what about you?" asked Lincoln from in the van.

"Lincoln" said Lynn Sr with pain in his voice, "There's not enough room for me in the van. Plus, I need to stay and make sure you Mom is safe.

"What about my Dads, Mister Loud?!" called Clyde.

"I don't know" said Lynn Sr, "we can only hope they're alright along with my wife."

There was another loud explosion in the distance making everyone jump.

"You guys need to leave now" ordered Lynn Sr.

Tears ran down the faces of the children.

"Dad…" sobbed Lincoln.

"Linc" said Lynn Sr as he approached the window to look at his son, "I love you. I love you all very much."

The Loud children all nodded.

"But I need you to be brave" continued Lynn Sr, "I need you to take care of each other and survive. Can you do that?"

Everyone nodded.

"I love you, Dad" said Lincoln.

"I love you to, Linc" said Lynn Sr, "I love all of you very much."

Lori just sat there in the driver's seat with her lip trembling when yet another explosion was heard in the distance, snapping her back to her duty. She pulled out of the driveway and took off down the road as her father watched her speed off, hoping with all his heart that his children would be safe.

Meanwhile, miles away the bus that Lola and Lana were riding in came to a sudden stop as there was an apparent military blockade of the road. Solders pointed their rifles at the vehicle as one of them walked up to it. He peered inside right at Lola as she gasped before speaking on his radio. He waited for a moment until he heard a voice on the other end.

The solder then spoke in English to the bus driver to let him onboard to which she obliged. He stepped inside as the young children trembled in fear.

"This bus is to head back to the City of Royal Woods!" barked the solder in a thick Russian accent. "You are all gonna sit and remain silent for the whole journey and anyone tries to get off will be shoot!"

Lola and Lana both hugged each other in fear.

"W-what's gonna happen to us?" whispered Lana into Lola's ear.

"I-I don't know" said Lola.

End of Chapter One