Since Persona 5 is finally out I'm free to start doing something about some of the plot bunnies that have been bouncing around my head for almost a year. This one is fairly fresh since I've only recently been able to see The Temperance Confidant played in full. This is a little…expansion of the ninth and tenth rank ups, don't worry though, nothing warranting an M rating.

I do not own anything.

Akira immediately knew Sadayo was in a good mood the minute she saw her face. It had actually become rather easy to tell when she was and wasn't happy, the former was more prominent than the latter. Lately he'd found that was changing.

"What are you smiling about?" She asked when she caught him smiling at her from behind the covers of one of his magazines.

"Oh, nothing important." He waved off fully knowing she didn't believe him. Sadayo didn't seem to care too much, she did give Akira a cute little pout though. That was always one of the best parts of the 'special' relationship they shared as master and maid. Akira wasn't going to deny there was a part of him that enjoyed the sense of dominance that came with having his homeroom teacher call him master, but he never let it consume him. If he did he'd be no better than the monsters he'd spent the last few months fighting against.

As he watched Sadayo clean his room for what he felt was probably going to be the last time he felt a strange sense of sadness. This was probably going to be the last time she ever visited his room, much less dressed up as a maid for him. She'd made it clear while her second job did have some perks, it was far from what she wanted to do with her life, more importantly it wasn't the thing she wanted to devote her life to. It shouldn't have been because she had it in her to do so much more.

Once she was finished she turned to him with a smile, perhaps the brightest he'd ever seen on her face. Before he could stop himself Akira found himself smiling with her. He already knew the news she was going to deliver but he at least tried to act as if he were surprised least she catch on.

It was hard for her to keep the positive energy within her contained, more so when she noticed Akira's developing smile. "I'm glad you requested me! I have some big news! Takase-kun's guardians came to my house today and apologized! They told me I don't have to send them any more money, and they'll everything I paid them. It's like they're completely different people…like what happened with Mr. Kamoshida." When she noticed the teenager's expression refusing to change Sadayo felt a need to press on to see something for herself. "Hey, you wouldn't um…"

In a short few seconds Akira had gone from cool but happy to on the verge of panicking. Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! If Morgana were here he'd have scratched my eyes out for leaving this many clues!

Shaking off the suppression the teacher gave him another carefree smile. "Anyways, it's such a relief! It feels like I'm finally free! They apologized about Takase-kun…even admitted what they did was terrible. They…they even told me I'm a good teacher." The entire thing had felt so surreal, like a break in a storm. The more she talked about it the harder it was to believe all of it was real. "Because of that I've decided to really quit my part-time job today. I've been talking to my boss about it ever since I was hospitalized. It took a while to work out who would cover my shifts. I didn't want to inconvenience anyone."

That's just like you. Is what Akira wanted to say, but all he could do was chuckle to himself. Even if she couldn't exactly compete with the younger maids she was still looked up to for being, well, an adult. For Akira that was part of her appeal.

"Now I can finally make a fresh start as a teacher. I can take care of my students and earn their trust. That's the ideal teacher I want to become. Heh, I bet I'll be an old woman by the time I achieve my dreams."

"Nonsense." He chuckled. The Sadayo Kawakami he was sitting before was practically a different person than the one he'd met when he'd first arrived in Tokyo. Truthfully he liked this one a lot better than the old one who always seemed to be carrying a thousand pounds on her back. "If you go at it with the same enthusiasm as you did in working for me before you know it you'll have achieved your dream. Besides, it's not like you're even close to being middle aged."

"It always seems like you know just what to say to make me feel better." The brunette laughed. "Anyways you're right, I'm still within the demographic age range of what's considered 'young'." A bout of silence followed and her hands tightened. This wasn't easy for her to say, she never thought she'd ever say this to any of her potential customers, much less one of her students. "I…I was always able to rely on you, Master. You helped me come to a lot of realizations because you were such a good listener. I don't think I've ever be able to thank you enough for that." A sudden realization crossed her face. "Oh crap! I almost forgot! Thank you for using our services! Today marks the day I graduate from being your maid."

The minute she said those words Akira felt a sharp pang of sadness echo inside of him. After this…she won't have any reason to come here. No reason to see me outside of school. Just the mere thought of him becoming just another one of her students…terrified him as well as upset him. Akira mentally went bug-eyed as the realization dawned on him with the end of her part-time job as a maid so too would end their relationship. I'm…going to have to say goodbye. "Well that's a bummer." Was what he managed to sputter out barely noticing his hands were trembling a little.

Completely blind to the teenager's mental distress Sadayo giggled. To her his response sounded little more than what one would expect from your typical teenager. "I could always become your personal maid, right? Heh, just kidding."

Ordinarily the feeling of his rank up was welcomed, but this time it wasn't because Akira had a sinking feeling it had just come at the cost of his teacher's continued company.

"At any rate, what are you going to do once I stop coming here? Can you handle cleaning on your own? I'm pretty worried about the state this pace is in. I feel like you don't put much thought into your diet either…" While true Sadayo knew she was beginning to ramble. I might as well cut to the chance here. "Besides, won't you be lonely?"

He wanted to scream at how ludicrous this entire ordeal was. What Ms. Kawakami reached inside of his head and probed his inner thoughts? It's not like…I wouldn't be lonely. Sure he had Morgana, Ryuji, Ann, Yusuke, and Makoto, but…they were…they were…I don't want to keep you on as just a friend or a confidant. Steeling his resolve he forced his mouth to speak the words that would make or break his relationship with his homeroom teacher. "I want to keep seeing you."

Once again completely blind to the dismay of her student Sadayo giggled. "I take it you get lonely easily? But you shouldn't say stuff like that so casually okay? Some women may misunderstand your intentions."

Yeah, I know, and you're one of them! The Phantom Thief mentally screamed. Damn him, he'd gotten so good at acting cool around her he wasn't even able to remotely sound serious when he needed to. Then again, maybe this was the reality check someone like Sojiro would say he needed. If I tell her I'm being serious then there's no going back.

"Giving someone the wrong idea…it's a sinful act you know." She said with a hint of sadness.

Her words nearly made Akira burst into hysteric laughter. Oh Ms. Kawakami, if only you knew about me and sin. He knew better than anyone about giving someone the wrong idea, he'd seen enough damage caused by such misunderstandings; however, that was all the more reason for him to be entirely honest with her right here and now. "Ms. Kawakami, I mean what I say." He said with absolute confidence.

This time she could see the level of truth in his eyes. Silently Sadayo was taken back by the steely appearance of his normal docile gray eyes. She knew that look, she'd seen it when he'd stood up for her at the hospital, as well as whenever he stood up to anyone who challenged him at school. Secretly she'd always found it a positive and even sexy feature, but to now have it turned on her… "Do you understand what you're saying? This situation isn't normal." Sadayo warned feeling a strange burning in her chest. Though a part of her was frightened another part of her had to know what the sixteen year-old sitting before her really felt for her. She wanted to know if…if things really were one sided. "I'm a teacher, and you're a student, you know?"

This really was it, the make it or break it moment. Akira felt as if he were back in Mementos or a Palace facing down an extremely powerful enemy who'd just been knocked down. A single command to his teammates and the battle would come to an end on his order. In this case the battle would end, problem was victory wasn't one hundred percent certain.

Oh? Is someone getting cold feet? You've faced Shadows and Demons alike, many of which would have sent grown men running in terror, yet this woman, this maid has turned you into the quivering schoolboy you once were. Heh, truly her power must be fearsome if you're considering bowing to it.

Arsene's words were unwanted but necessary. He needed to make a decision here and now or else he'd spend the rest of his life regretting it. Interestingly enough his Persona's words also gave him an idea of what he could say. He had faced things most grown men would have shit themselves seeing, and he'd kicked their asses and walked away twirling his knife. He'd seen some of the worst things people could hide and encourage within Mementos, and yet he was able to hold his head up high and smile. After all that he was no longer a child. "I'm a man; you're a woman." Akira spoke as he stood up to his full height causing Sadayo to stumble backwards. "There's nothing wrong with a relationship between those two is there?"

His words, the force in which he'd spoken them, and his sudden movement were all the hard blows Sadayo needed to realize Akira really was absolutely serious about what he'd said. Shock washed over her like a broken dam. "W-Whoa! H-H-Hold on!" This was not how she pictured things going when she came over here. She knew there was going to be some disappointment, but this?! A confession of love?! Throwing up her hands as she stepped back she became frighteningly aware of the fact Akira eclipsed her in height, and possibly strength as well. "Wait, so…whaaat!? No way!" Seeing the fire immediately fade from his eyes Sadayo already fried brain desperately attempted to reboot itself. "Wait, um, that's not what I mean by 'no way', but…but…um, okay. Okay…okay…okay…" Never in all her life had she heard her heart beat so loudly in her ear, as if it were thunder pounding outside of her window. Taking a quick breath she found herself able to steady her nerves enough to speak. "W-What I mean to say is you're a student and a master, while I'm a teacher and a maid. It doesn't make any sense! L-Listen, let's have this discussion next time, okay?!"

Akira felt himself sweat drop for two reasons: one her response was delayed, and two, she'd apparently forgotten she was going to quit being a maid.

Possibly realizing the latter of the two a blush painted her face as she quickly gathered her things and stated she had to head home. In a single breath she was down the stairs and heading towards the door leaving the high schooler alone in his room with his hands in his pockets.

I must say, that wasn't quite as disastrous as it could have been. At the very least she didn't outright reject you. Arsene chuckled in Akira's ear.

"But…she didn't say yes either." He said not realizing he'd spoken aloud. Usually when his Persona spoke to him he responded entirely in his head, apparently Sadayo wasn't the only one who'd been raddled.

Do please try to look at this from her perspective. Believe me, you're quite the charmer and gentleman, but you're still a boy by the standards of your society.

"I'm well pass the age of consent for romantic relations." Akira growled.

Physically yes, but you forget my friend, she still holds power OVER you as your teacher. Besides, what exactly can you offer her she can't find with any other man her age?

Akira felt something inside of him drop then break at Arsene's words; they were a cold realization he'd been putting off for as long as he could.

To be fair for you, any woman who enters a relationship with you is putting herself at great risk. Legally speaking and in the supernatural sense. After all, how would you even begin to explain to dear Ms. Kawakami my existence?

Looking to his side Akira could have sworn he saw Arsene sitting cross legged on some invisible chair with a smug grin plastered over his visor-like face. He seemed to enjoy doing it whenever he struck a winning blow against his 'master' just as Akira enjoyed smiling whenever he outwitted someone. He supposed as his first Persona Arsene really was everything he was reflected in a supernatural form.

I will say this, I would enjoy seeing such a relationship flourish. The teacher and the student, the maid and the thief, the servant and the master. Admit it, a part of you wanted to give that justification for pursuing a relationship with her didn't you?

Yes, a part of me did. Of course if I'd said that you know how I would have come off. She's more than a maid to me.

And now that she knows that, knows she's more than just an instructor to you Akira, you have to wait to see if she sees more to you beyond your school uniform. You know she's attracted to you, she knows it herself, what must be determined is if she feels enough to cross that line as you did.

Racking a frustrated hand through his hair Akira walked over and threw himself on his bed. To say he was tired and frustrated would have been an understatement. Arsene, did this ever happen to you in your time? As a phantom thief I'm sure you had numerous relationships that didn't exactly fit social standards.

Hah! I could spend the evening and night telling you of every forbidden relationship I embarked on! Oh the perils and rewards they brought me! However those tales are of little use to you now. As a rather famous count once said, 'wait and hope' my young friend. Simply wait and hope.

His Persona had made it sound so easy and simple when those two things were incredibly difficult. The wait could kill him before the promised time arrived, and hope…Akira liked to always look on the bright side of things, but even he had to admit sometimes hope was dangerous.

The minute the door shut behind her Sadayo felt all the strength in her knees give out. "Holy…crap…" She wheezed out placing a hand over her heart which was still thundering in her chest. Her legs were shaking just like the rest of her body was as the realization fully dawned on her; one of her students had just confessed to having feelings for her, and of all the students! "I can't…I seriously can't believe this is happening to me." The teacher whispered unsure of what to say or how to react.

Once the trembling stopped enough for her to stand she made her way to the kitchen, she needed a drink, badly. Once she had poured herself glass he threw herself over her bed, her pigtails came undone freeing her normally messy hair around her. It was a fitting representation of her emotional state.

Looking out at the elongated shadows cast by the sunset she found herself breathing out the name of the boy who'd thrown her heart into such turmoil, "Akira,"

A part of her found it funny his parents had named such a mysterious boy a name that usually referred to light. The again, in his own way Akira had been something of a light to others, she'd noticed how he'd seemed to have formed a solid friendship with Sakamoto, Takamaki, Mishima, and as of late she could add Niijima to that group. To say nothing of the numerous fangirls he'd acquired by simply being the silent and mysterious student with a criminal record.

But out of all of those girls he has feelings for…me? Her first instinct was to write the whole thing off as a joke, but Sadayo knew it wasn't. If it was Akira would have ended it when she pressed him, but instead he'd told her the honest truth. That brought her to another conclusion, Akira wasn't just a normal student, not to her at least. "Come to think of it, he never was a normal student." Sadayo remembered him as the student she well and truly wanted nothing to do with, what with having a criminal record. When he stood up Kamoshida that was when her perspective began to change, and then he ended up finding out about her second job. She remembered being slightly happy when he didn't react like some of her more…rowdy students. Though he certainly enjoyed the benefits their afterschool positions afforded them he never lost respect for her as a woman. If anything the more time they spent together the more comfortable they became around each other.

Things came to a head when he showed up in her hospital room, and defended her against the people who'd made her life comparable to a living hell for the past three years. There was no reason for him to do so, and with such force.

"Don't pay them." He'd spoken with such deadly resolve Sadayo had a silent double take. When she looked over she was honestly shocked beyond words to see his entire mood had changed. His eyes were narrowed and dark, appearing almost entirely black behind his shiny glasses. Despite keeping his hands in his pockets and a fair bit of distance a single look told her if Takase's guardians made any sort of move against her he'd stop them, verbally or physically. In a strange sort of way she found the entire thing comforting, no one had ever stood up for her in such a way before. It was only later that night that she realized the entire thing reminded her of a scene in a movie where the boyfriend jumped to his lover's defense without a second thought. Was that when he…started developing feelings for me?

Since she was on the train of thought she brought up the image of said guardians calling her completely out of the blue and apologizing, actually begging her for forgiveness. Though she respected them for taking in Takase when his parents passed away she knew they were the kind of people who wouldn't dare apologize for anything. Not unless…

Sitting up she went through the stack of newspapers she'd collected. For the past two months nearly everyone had an article about the Phantom Thieves of Heart. Slowly but surely the group had built up their reputation, first exposing Shujin's medal-winning Kamoshida then the supposed master artist Madarame. Wait a second, I've seen Akira hanging out with one of Madarame's old pupils, and then there's Niijima-san…Denial was the first response and it was a short one. All the pieces were lining up too damn close to be a mere coincidence. More memories of their time together flashed through her mind: Akira making passing comments and compliments about the Phantom Thieves, especially their leader, his approval of their methods and supposed motives, asking her if she knew of anyone who could have used their help. In time Sadayo had found herself agreeing with him, though she knew what they were doing was far from legal she knew their cause was just. "They're just trying to help when no one else can or won't." She admitted as she and Akira had shared a sit down one evening last month.

The final piece was Takase's guardians, she knew their heart must have been 'stolen' like the Phantom Thieves' past targets. There was only one logical explanation as to how that came to pass as no one in all of Tokyo knew what they were doing save for one.

"Holy shit," Sadayo rarely cursed, but this time was the expectation. "Akira…" Her hand went over to her heart, a rather symbolic gesture. "You…you…"

To break the law for the betterment of society was one thing, but to do so for the sake of someone you cared about was…

"I'm a man; you're a woman."

Perhaps he hadn't been wrong about that first part. She'd watched him in school and at home, though he looked docile Sadayo knew his world knowledge far exceeded someone of his age range. That was why she'd always felt happy when he requested her and she answered; because in his own way he was an adult.

One that well and truly cared for her.

Sitting upright she looked out at the light screening through the window with true longing in her eyes. "Akira," she said again with emotion ringing at the edge of her voice. He was many things: a criminal, a student, a troublemaker, a thief, a hero, and if she took the plunge…he'd be her lover, and she'd be his.

But only for as long as either of them could it their relationship hidden from the world. How long could they do that?

He wasn't expecting her to give him an answer at school, no way, not a chance in hell. Still, seeing her walking through the hallways with her head held high was a warming sight. Ryuji had called him out on it and he'd lightly jabbed his friend saying it was nothing. Maybe his best friend already knew, maybe the others did too but they didn't say anything. Regardless he was happy when homeroom came because that meant he got to see her.

"Excuse me! No sleeping in class!"

He loved that voice of hers, especially when it was scolding him. Even if she said no he would have continued to fall asleep in her class from time to time simply so he could steal a minute of her time away from everyone else. As he refocused his mind on the lesson at hand he heard the chatter of his classmates. They'd all taken notice of the brunette's new nicer and more upbeat personality, and were grateful for it. At least he'd be able to look back on that and be proud of the boost he gave her.

She did her best not to look at him, especially if he had that damn smile plastered over his face. She'd dealt with some crazy students in the past, but he was the worst precisely because he wasn't loud or vocal. You're the worst kind Akira, a trickster. Sadayo mumbled as she continued the class. The situation between them couldn't spill into school hours, under no circumstances could that happen. Shooting a straw glance at the clock she saw they still had almost half an hour left in class and two hours left in the school day.

Neither of them were sure they'd able to withstand the wait.

Hope and fear swelled up inside him when he saw the message Sadayo had sent him asking him if they could talk. As usual an inner voice told him to acceptance so he could further the Temperance Arcana, yeah, sure, like that was the most pressing matter on hand.

"So are you going to have Kawakami come over?" Morgana asked from the confines of his bag.

"Of course." Before he'd even known it his fingers had typed out a positive response setting the stage for the climax of this little dance.

"Ya' know, I've noticed lately you've been pretty protective of her. Anything I should know about?" The Persona-using feline asked in a cheeky voice as Akira made his way up the stairs.

"Nothing that'll negatively affect the Phantom Thieves." He responded hoping that'd be enough to satisfy his teammate's curiosity.

"Riiiiight." He purred jumping out and making way towards the window above his bed. Turning his head back Morgana gave him the closest thing to a grin a cat could. "Go get her tiger."

"With that kind of encouragement how can things go wrong?" He laughed before she vanished out the window.

A little over ten minutes later and she was standing before him, for the first time dressed in her normal clothes. Her maid outfit was cute, but he was happy to see her standing before him as nothing more than a woman he admired and loved.

"It feels weird being here dressed in a normal outfit." She admitted a little sheepishly to which he chuckled. "Well, I'm complete done with that part time job. Oh and my students! I've been giving them all a lot of advice, some of them have even told me it's helped." Well that was the easy part, now comes the…hard part. "So…um…about that talk we had…you know about whether or not we should date." Not that it was much of a talk, more like a confession and a pause. "I'm…I'm sorry."

Akira felt like he'd taken a Megaton Raid to the chest hearing those words, but he kept up a neutral front.

Are you just going to give up like that? Don't let the first blow be the last one, you know she feels for you what you feel for her.

"Really?" He offered crossing his legs letting some of the hurt show on his face.

"I…really thought it through you know, I was up all night thinking about what you said." It hurt saying the crestfallen look on his face. More so since she knew he'd probably been kept up dreading her answer as she was of giving him hers. "I was so happy when you shared your feelings with me the other day. Thanks to what you said I was…finally able to realize how I felt." Sadayo admitted in a serene voice. For a moment his expression brightened and it pained her to have to darken it once again. "But Akira, I'm a teacher…and you're my student."

Though what she stated was true the bespectacled youth knew an excuse when he heard one. Even Sadayo herself didn't believe what she was saying. "That doesn't matter."

"You're in a tricky situation as it is. If we get caught suspension would be just the beginning." She countered. "I'm restraining myself because…you're special to me."

On the bright side he now knew his feelings weren't one sided, not in the least bit. Like any teacher you're trying to be the responsible one. Taking a deep breath he said, "We won't get caught." It was the same voice he used to issue orders and reassurances to his teammates in the field. Somehow it always seemed to do the trick; he was hoping that 'leader voice' as they'd called it didn't fail him now.

There they were again, that same steel-like confidence in which he let few see. "Where does that confidence come from?" She muttered running a hand through her hair. The more she thought about it the more frustrated she became, especially with his eyes on her. "Arghhh! Why are you so okay with this?! Now I feel dumb for trying to back away! I had every intention of saying goodbye to you! Watching you walk off with another woman!"

Akira remained resolute, he had to if he planned on seeing this through to the end. "I'm okay with this because I know this is what I want, you're the one I want." He calmly fired back preparing himself for whatever came next.

Meeting his gray eyes Sadayo thought of a hundred things she wanted to say to him. In the only there was only one phrase she could spit out. "Oh fine!"

In just two short steps she was sitting beside him, within arm's length really. Temporarily Akira felt like his heart had stopped beating.

And so it looks like she is willing to cross the line! Enjoy yourself 'master'.

Completely blind to the cackling of the supernatural entity housed within the teenager Sadayo folded her hands in her lap. It was rare for a person to make her blush this much, "Why would you like a woman like me? You're a high school student with strange tastes. Or…is that the sort of thing a member of the Phantom Thieves is into?"

Shit. If Akira's heart skipped at least two beats upon hearing those words. Hell, even Arsene had gone silent at them. Had he known? Was he in on it? Was that even possible considering he was a part of Akira?! If Morgana were here he'd have scratched my eyes out then moved on to the rest of my face. His mouth went completely dry, "When did you realize I was…"

Wow, so that's what he looks like when he's flustered. The older woman purred enjoying the confusion on her lover's face. She considered it payback for all those times he'd teased her and gotten off scot free. "That thing with Takase-kun's guardians worked out way too good for me, and you're the only one who knew about my situation." Her grin dared him to try to deny her accusations.

Yep, if Morgana were here he'd be clawing my entire face off by now. He waited for Arsene to give him some sort of sarcastic remark only it never came. Apparently his supernatural alter ego had chosen to sit back and watch this little drama play out in silence. "You got me." Akira admitted scratching the side of his head with a nervous smile. "You succeeded where nearly the entirety of the Tokyo Police couldn't so congrats."

"Heh, I haven't lived this long without learning a thing or two ya' know." She playfully chided him. "Don't worry though, I don't plan on telling anyone." As soon as she made that proclamation she saw the muscles in his body relax and the strain ease out. I really had him there. Sadayo noted. "There are a lot of stories about the Phantom Thieves, but in the end they help people like me right? That's sooo you Akira. At first I just thought you were a problem child, but now I know better." Reaching over she took his right hand in hers and gave her the best smile she could manage. "I'll support you one hundred percent! You're not just a student to me, you're someone special who helped me realize my path as a teacher. A new path where I'll never abandon any of my students ever again."

Automatically he gave her hand a squeeze while returning her smile. "I'll be there to make sure of that. I like this new Sadayo Kawakami better than the old one so I'd rather keep her around, even if she won't be there to clean my room when I ask her to."

Giggling at his response she exclaimed, "Right then, I'll stay that way, for my students and for you!" Like a breath of fresh air that's what it felt like having his hand firmly clapped in hers with no signs of letting go. Sadayo didn't remember the last time she'd ever felt this way, all she knew as that she never wanted to lose it again.

He didn't care about the rank up or maxing out of the Temperance Arcana, all the Phantom Thieves' leader cared about was the fact the woman he'd had eyes for had returned his feelings for her despite all the obstacles that lay before them. Acceptance, the dark-haired teen mused. Was this how it felt like when Ryuji and Ann found themselves welcomed into his heart? If so his resolve to see them through the darkest parts of their lives was strengthened as he never wanted this sensation to fade.

Sadayo leaned back while still keeping their fingers interlocked and crossing her legs. "Life really is a roller coaster isn't it? I went from being a teacher, to a maid, to dating one of a high school students." Sitting up she spoke in a low, almost seductive voice that made the young man's blood boil. "So…as someone who went from being my master to my boyfriend do you have any special requests for me? I'll obey them you know, even though I'm no longer a maid."

He hoped to God his grin wasn't too obvious. While Akira did consider himself a cut above the rest he was still a man, and like any man he had…thoughts in regards to the opposite sex. Needless to say now that the object of his affections had recuperated his feelings those thoughts were now running wild. Fighting to gain control he chose his words carefully, while he and Sadayo were now official boyfriend and girlfriend there were still certain boundaries they weren't ready to cross. Akira supposed they could have started off light and easy. "I want you to rely on me." He began shooting her a charming smile.

Despite the annoyed frown she was blushing. "Don't be so conceited. You're younger so you should rely on me. Here, by all means." She said patting her lap.

Grinning like an idiot he eagerly took her offer. If Ryuji or Yuuki were here Akira was sure they would have been screaming their heads off in jealous rage. Well, if they were Akira would have practically kicked them down the stairs and locked the door. This feeling, heaven was the only description he could give it as he felt sleep tugging at the edge of his vision.

This wasn't the first time she'd done this, but it was the first time she'd actually enjoyed it, and offered it as Sadayo Kawakami as woman, not as someone's maid. And this was the first time she'd done it for someone younger than twenty. Just like I thought…silky. Sadayo whispered softly running her hand through Akira's soft inky-black hair. "Looks are so deceiving, I thought you were one of those shy guys who didn't pursue women." I'm glad I was wrong about that one. She felt he agreed when she heard a distinctive chuckle. Since we're finally…he should say yes shouldn't he? "Can I…stay with you…a little bit longer today?"

"You can stay as long as you want." Akira stated as clear as day. He let her soft strokes turn into something of a lullaby. He let it all go: his school life, his identity as Joker, Personas, and targets. All that he wanted to exist was the woman who'd accepted him.

Sadayo didn't know when she'd fallen asleep, all she knew was that someone was holding her in their arms. "Ak..ira?"

"Shuuu," His soft voice sounded from the edge of darkness.

The teacher could feel her cheeks heating up as the image of her being carried over to Akira's bed became crystal clear. Oddly enough she wasn't fighting it, in fact, she enjoyed the feeling of being carried in someone's arms for once. He's stronger than he looks. Sadayo noted as he lowered her into the soft mattress. "Akira-kun," she moaned tugging him down, as expected he offered no resistance falling on top of her.

The teenage thief paused for a moment to fully absorb the unkempt beauty she possessed when free of her maid outfit. He never realized just how dark her eyes were until he was staring directly at them. A pair of warm hands clasped the side of his face, Sadayo's hands, and the next thing he knew his lips were on hers'. Neither of them held anything back as they moaned into the kiss, Sadayo ran her hands through Akira's lush hair while his hands went to her sides. With the slightest bit of pressure applied Sadayo moaned a little louder, Akira silently broke off resulting in a slight whine.

"Just like I thought, lemon." He grinned before placing his lips on the crux of her neck.

"A-Aki..ra…p-please…" What was left of her rational mind was screaming for her to tone things down before they went too far. The problem was another part of her truly wanted to see what 'too far' looked and felt like. "W-We ca…"

"We're barely two weeks away from the end of the first term, besides, I know plenty of kids have already started cutting class since July started. What's one who's late to class?"

Her hands went from his hair to his waist, "D…Do you w-want to…I mean if you want-"

"No," He said seemingly reading her thoughts. Shifting a little so they were now face to face on the side of the bed he smiled at her blushing face. "For now, all I want is to have you here in my arms. We can do…that when you're ready."

Just when she thought she couldn't be any happier Akira went and gave her another reason to be happy she was alive. This time she buried her head in the space between his head and shoulder, content in knowing he'd be there for her when she woke up. They'd deal with whatever came next when it happened, for now, they were going to exist solely for each other. Feeling the soft ticking of her breath on his shoulder lulled Akira back to sleep, just before he closed his eyes for good he placed a small kiss on his girlfriend's forehead.

Hours later when Morgana returned he was pleasantly surprised to see Akira and Sadayo curled up together on the bed, both of them wearing comfortable smiles on their faces. "Oh Joker, here I was thinking I'd come home and find your shirt on the floor and your pants on the couch." The cat purred looking back out over the alley way beyond the apartment. "Now I have absolutely zero competition for Ann's heart. Heheh."

The talking cat left the couple alone and headed back out into the wild city streets knowing his leader and 'roommate' probably wasn't going to available for the rest of the night. The next morning though, he'd have all the leverage he'd need to set himself up for the foreseeable future. After all, the great Joker didn't want it getting out he'd had his heart stolen by a maid did he?

That turned out to take a bit longer than I thought, but I'm fairly proud of the result. Let me know what you guys thought in the reviews. I've noticed lately there's been a slow trickling in of P5 fics and I wanted to add to the growing pile with a story about one of my favorite game pairings. In the future I'll try to add more since the Persona 5 cast has really grown on me.