Reviews for Temperance and Sin
Guest chapter 1 . 4/4
Guest chapter 2 . 5/24/2019
Guest chapter 1 . 5/23/2019
Good great
Guest chapter 1 . 5/23/2019
Good good
Guest chapter 2 . 5/23/2019
Ebanu8 chapter 1 . 3/21/2019
God damnit, we need more like this. I ship Akira x Kawakami.
linkjames24 chapter 2 . 1/21/2019
Oh Sadayo likes it when Akira shows her who's boss. Whoa steamy kisses noice. NOIIIICE. And then we meet shrimp guy!
linkjames24 chapter 1 . 1/21/2019
Daw. Those two, so cute! And Morgana likes Ann? Weird.
GR chapter 1 . 6/18/2017
Sadayo Kawakami quickly became one of my favorite character, and feel that the Akira/Kawakami romance to b e one of the more deeper and complex relationship as well as endearing in the game (if not the series). Sadly Because of her not being a party member, as well as being your teacher, I fear that there won't be much exploration of their relationship. So when I found your expanded novelization of their relationship I was very curious, even though I don't usually read fan fiction.

Needless to say I love your telling of their relationship, giving a deeper look into what Akira was thinking, as well as showing us Kawakami's side. I equally enjoyed the second chapter and their trip in Hawaii. How frustrated they both were to not be able to meet, how happy they were when they finally did, and how they understand that their is passion and love between them, but there is also self restraint, control and patients. That's one of things that I feel that a lot of people ignored about their relationship that I enjoyed, They love each other, but the way things are they can't fully embrace it. They won't cut things off entirely cause that would break both's hearts, but they can't just go "screw the rules" and do as they please. Though they are only human and indulge in those desire, and wish to go further, they understand that it is something they can't do know, but will be able to do so in the future.

If you do a Lemons story I will happily read it, if you do more T rated stories with them I will also be happy. I'm just happy to see more content of this loving, supporting couple.
Lonely Support chapter 1 . 6/19/2017
I love persona 5, and feel that the Akira/Kawakami romance was one of the most touching, endearing and heartwarming ones I've seen in a long time, Not to mention that Kawakami herself as a character is amazing. Sadly, a lot of people seem disregard it immediately cause of their circumstances and Kawakami not being a one of the main cast feels like is been pushed aside by most of the fans. So when I saw this Expanded Novelization of the events of the game I was curious.

I'm writing this to let you know that I love what you have written here. I love how you dig deeper on what Akira would be thinking during the time, I love how you add Kawakami's side after she flees your confession. and I love the second chapter going deeper into their relationship. Their relationship was one of trust, cooperation, support and care, as well as understanding their situation and simply not just discarding it but working with it and being patient for the time where it won't matter anymore.

I hope that you do some more stories with them in the future. I could be a lemon story (sorry new term so while I think I got the gist of it I'm not fully in the know) or it can be more heartwarming T rated stories. I'm just happy seeing more of these two individuals facing life together as a couple.

Apologies if a bit all over the place, this is my first time writing a review on anything so I'm not the best. I wish I had had any sort of artistic skill (being writing or drawing) their relationship has been the first time that I seriously regret not being able to express how I much I enjoyed it (have scenarios and moments of the two in my head, but no real way to make them materialize) So I wanted to let you know how much I appreciated your contribution here.
sirjamesdrake chapter 2 . 6/7/2017
Whoever you are! Writer of this fan fic. I totally loved it! Please add more.. maybe during the time he was killed? or during Christmas and Valentines. Please please! We need more of this!
Handsomistic1 chapter 2 . 5/25/2017
Whether you write a lemon or not, this was pretty damn good.
little miss BANANNA HEAD chapter 2 . 5/13/2017
Omg this is great XD

I'm totally gonna read that lemon, btw. The plot bunnies must be heard! XD
little miss BANANNA HEAD chapter 1 . 5/13/2017
Arsene is legit the ultimate wingman XD

MirageSPL chapter 2 . 5/6/2017
More of this please. I desperately want to see how you write the remaining events of P5 and beyond with this couple. The lemon scenes will be great too I can already tell. Please just make a whole story instead. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants to see that. You write beautifully by the way. Excellent job!
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