The scene opens with a beautiful view of the starry night sky and moon, the summer air blessed the night with a cool breeze as the sound of the ocean waves could be heard in the distance. The view pans down from the stars to a lone house on the outskirts of one of the neighboring cities to the west. A boy and his Rockruff are seen running by as the lights from within illuminate through the window.

In one of the bedroom's a boy could be seen sitting at his desk, typing away at his computer. He was dressed in a blue and white striped t-shirt, black and red cargo pants and lastly a pair of blue and teal water shoes with no socks underneath. He placed a bottle of lotion on the side of his desk, beside a box of tissues, and promptly began rubbing his hands together while grinning enthusiastically at the monitor.

"Alright, alright. The day's done, room door is locked and I should have the night to myself. Or at least for five minutes until I finish up and hit the bed. Now let's see what Todd has to offer me on Snap XXX today."

You have a message from the Alola region's own Professor Kukui!

"Hm?" The boy read over the sudden message that popped up on his screen, after reading he showed signs of disinterest, deciding to ignore the message all together now dragging the mouse over to the decline option. "I don't know who that is. Bye-bye, dude."

Despite hitting decline a video tab opened on the desktop where a man with a goatee, glasses, rainbow symbolled white cap and lastly a white lab coat with his bare chest out, much to the boys dismay who reacted in disgust.

"W-Whoa! What the hell?!"

"Hang on, now. Gimme a sec..." The man said while adjusting his camera. With the camera fixed straight he took a step back and waved. "Hey there! Good evening!"


"So the day has finally come that you're moving to Alola!"

The boy furrowed a brow with a mildly scrunched face. "I've been moved here, earlier today. It's night now."

"Alola is a region made up of several islands. That could be the reason the region is chock full of nothing but rare Pokémon, yeah!" While he was talking the boy dragged the mouse back over to the close icon on the top right of the video and repeatedly left clicked but to no avail. "There's no shortage of cool Pokémon out here in Alola, either! Such mysterious creatures!" The man went on to take out a Poké Ball, tossing it up in the air to release a Rockruff. "You find 'em all over. In the grass, in the caves, in the sky and in Alola we love our Pokémon, and we depend on them heaps, too."

"Well, yeah, no shit...that's how our world works, everyone depends on Pokémon. Why won't this damn thing close?" The boy continued to aggressively left click.

The Rockruff on the screen picked up a curious nose, moving around in front of the camera to sniff out whatever piqued its interest. "Some of us even battle with 'em, if we call ourselves Pokémon Trainers!" He continued to explain until Rockruff jumped up on him playfully. "Rockruff! Can you wait until I'm done talkin' to play?!"

Rockruff barked at him and jumped down, going elsewhere to get its playtime in.

"All right, I gotta ask you some questions about yourself so I can introduce you to everybody!"

The boy gave up and sighed, releasing the mouse and sitting back in his rolling chair. "No, I gotta ask YOU some questions. First of the hell did you get my Skype number? And second-" The sound of a camera snapping could be heard from the computer much to the boys confusion. Now on his screen was a picture of him while he was in mid-sentence. "...Wait, did you just-? How the fu-?"

"10-4, good buddy! Can't wait to see you in person then, cousin!"

The man on the screen waved a cheerful farewell after a rather awkward conversation, awkward on the boys end, the latter of which was left speechless and highly confused as the video had finally come to an end.

"….I'm gonna need to get some anti-virus software. That was so weird that I'm no longer in the mood for my plans tonight."

"Hey, son! Could you come here for a second?" A female voice from the other side of the locked door called out to him.

He got up from the chair and walked out of his room to meet his mom. He unlocked the door and stepped out with a disappointed sigh. His mom entered the living room from their porch along with their pet Meowth, greeting her son with a smile.

"You were out like a light, weren't you? You ought to be full of energy by now!"

He shook his head with his hands on his hips. "Nope. Wasn't sleep at all. Had some computer issues that messed that up."

"Another virus?"

"No. A shirtless man in a goatee and rainbow cap video chatted me asking for personal information."

The mom wasn't exactly sure how to react to such a bizarre claim but remained smiling, though a look of uncertainty could be seen on plastered on her mug. "Well, that's, uh. Heh. So, son...are you pumped to meet some Alolan Pokémon?"

"Yeah, I guess so. New Pokémon are always a cool thing to see but I get the feeling I won't be as impressed. We're just coming from Kanto after all, I doubt anything outside that region will impress me."

The mom flagged her hand dismissively at him, letting out a soft giggle. "Oh don't be that way. You're always so critical to something new."

"Eh." He shrugged his shoulders, now placing his hands in his pockets.

"We're living in the Alola region now! The beautiful islands everyone wants to visit! I'm sure the Pokémon living in a place like this must be friendly, right?" Suddenly the doorbell rang, getting the attention of the mom and son. "Was that the doorbell? That's got to be Professor Kukui. Why don't you let him in?"

He looked over to his mom with a puzzled look, "Kukui?" he questioned in a mildly stern tone. "Wait. That's the name of the guy who-"

The front door opened and in walked the professor, shocking the boy as he was the same man who had just got off the video call with him.

"Hey there!" He greeted the pair.

The boy pointed a defensive finger at their guest. "It's you! Bro, first you randomly call me and now you're just walking into my house unannounced? I don't know how you guys do things in Alola but where I'm from...stepping up into a house without a key will sure enough get your ass kicked."

"Actually, that's not true..." The mom muttered under her breath, as she recalled during her youth many a time where she and other travelers would just randomly barge into other people's homes, take their things and meddle in their business. "So this is what it feels like." She continued to talk under her breath, now knowing what it felt like to have someone randomly walk into their home.

"The name's Kukui! Good to meet you, cousin!"

The professor held his hand out to the boy, prompting him to shake his hand to signify their first meeting, the boy simply looks down to his hand and then back up to his face. "No."

The professor pulled his hand back, scratching his goatee with a confident smirk, ready to change the subject from being dismissed. "You gotta be tired after that long trip all the way out here to Alola! You feelin' any jet lag?"

"No. But I'm feeling the need to call the cops."

"We sure are a long way from Kanto out here in Alola. It's still nighttime out here, yeah!"

"Professor Kukui!" The mom joined in on the conversation. "Yes. We just arrived yesterday."

"Hey there, MILF! I!" Kukui greeted her with a rather odd name. "I just let myself in."

"No shit." The boy said on the side and out of view from the adults.

"Oh, and just call me Kukui, would you? Welcome to Alola!"

"Of course. I still remember seeing you battle the Indigo Gym Leaders back in Kanto all those years ago, you know!"

The boy looked over to his mom with a confused look on his face. "You do? I don't. So you actually know this weirdo?"

"Of course. He's the professor of Alola, after all. Everyone knows him. I've been in love with Alolan Pokémon ever since, so I finally decided to come here myself!"

"...That's the reason?" The boy asked before slapping his palm upon his forehead lightly. "Jesus Christ."

She nudged her elbow into his side, "Mew." she corrected.

"Oh my god, mom. Not now."

"Arceus." She once again corrected and nudged him with a near taunting smile.

Kukui turned his attention to the younger male. "Hey now, kid! Let's get a move on to the next town over, cousin! Time for you to meet the Island Kahuna and get yourself a Pokémon, yeah!"

"What? Dude, it's almost 12am, I'm not going anywhere."

The mother clapped her hands together in a jolt of excitement. "A Pokémon?!"

Kukui replies with a nod. "Yeah, sure. The kahuna who lives in Iki Town is always happy to give any kid who wants to have an adventure their first Pokémon, yeah. But don't try taking on the kahuna yourself! The kahunas are crazy-strong Pokémon Trainers. They're undefeatable for folks like me and you!"

"Jumping the gun aren't you?" The boy asked with his hands crossed. "Who said I wanted to go out on an adventure? Don't go making decisions for me."

The mom placed her index finger and thumb upon her chin, gesturing a thinking pose. "They'll simply give my boy a Pokémon? Then those kahunas really are worth meeting!"

The boy looked over to his mom in disbelief. "M-Mom, you're kidding, right? I never agreed to-"

"Hurry and get ready! Your bag and hat and things are still in the boxes in your room, I think." Her excitement was clearly getting the better of him and being that she was his mom there was zero chance of really arguing with her. The boy let out a sigh and slouched over.

"Ooh, I bet you've got a stylin' hat that'll match mine, yeah?" Kukui asked.

"Kiss my ass, man." He replied while walking off to his room in order to fetch his things as an order from his mom.

Not five minutes later the boy got his gear and re-entered the living room, he was now sporting a black baseball hat with a white Poké Ball inspired symbol on the front, it also had a blue brim. He walked in to see Kukui and his mom having a good laugh on behalf of Meowth who was entertaining them.

Hearing his footsteps his mom turned to him. "You look ready for anything, now. Have a good time out there! I'll be sure to have everything cleaned up and put away by the time you come back with your new Pokémon!"

Kukui noticed the boys hat and gave him a supportive thumbs up. "Woo, that's a stylin' hat, cousin!"

"I yearn for the day I can be free from the oppression of hats, the youth in Kanto are forced to wear them as a more humane way of branding and identifying us. I once read in a book that in ancient times it was more of a ritualistic act."

Kukui remained quiet after the explanation while his mother just laughed it off nervously.

"H-He's just playing. He's at that mischievous age boys go through."

The professor placed his hand on the back of his head, giving a nervous scratch. "Ha...haha, of course. Right! So let's go to Iki Town!"

Kukui leads the way, being the first to leave the house while the boy followed his lead shortly afterward but not before being stopped by his mom who placed her hand on his shoulder.

"...Are you trying to upset the Kanto overlords? Wear that hat with pride, boy. I won't lose my only son for rebellious acts. Don't forget...they're listening."

She looked over to the window where she caught glimpse of two shady male figure walking by, one was dressed in red and white shirt with the number 96 on the front, blue jeans, red and white sneakers and a red cap with a white Poké Ball symbol on the front. The second was wearing a black short-sleeved button up shirt, green shorts and shoes of matching color. The two looked over to the same window with silent glares but kept moving down route 1 on the eastern side of the house. The mom went on to close the window blinds as pre-caution.

Outside the boy met with Kukui on the western side of the route. The duo traversed the northern path which lead to Iki Town, along the way they bump into various trainers who were already familiar with Kukui, only showing to the boy how well known he was, despite how weird he came off to him.

A short stroll through the hillside and they arrive at their destination.

"And we're here! This right here is Iki Town! This is where folks come to worship the Pokémon that watches over Melemele Isand."

"Oh. So you guys have a guardian Pokémon who likes to get worshipped. That's a first for me."

"We used to offer it annual human sacrifices but it grew bored of that shtick."

The boy looked over to Kukui in concern. "What?"

"Tapu Koko keeps us all safe and happy, see!" The town wasn't very active. There were only a few people hanging around, much to Kukui's surprise. "Hm. We were supposed to meet everybody here, yeah. Maybe they're all back there on Maholo Trail. That's where the ruins of our guardian deity lives." Kukui turns back to the boy with his casual smile. "Do me a solid and go-"

The boy held up his hand to prevent Kukui from finishing his sentence. "I'm gonna have to stop you right there, chief. I'm not going to be a sacrifice to your god whom you worship out of fear. Nope."

"You're not going to be offered as a sacrifice. I'm not even asking you to go see Tapu Koko, just to find the kahuna of the island. You can't miss him."

The boy crossed his arms, unsure if Kukui was a trustworthy source but if this is what he had to do in order to get his Pokémon then taking a look couldn't hurt. "...What's he look like?"

"He looks just like a kahuna!"

Annoyed by Kukui's reply the boy face palms himself and slowly slides his hand down his face. Moving along the youth found his way to Maholo Trail, the trail itself was a narrow one that lead through an upward mountain terrain. He continued following the path until he reached the trails peak and still no sight of any kahuna.

"This place is deserted. Not a soul in sight. If I walked into a sacrifice ritual I'm coming back as a ghost and haunting Kukui for the rest of his life." The boy then thought back on the professor's hint, the vague explanation that played through in his mind only further annoyed him. "What kind of explanation is that? 'He looks just like a kahuna!' Man, I tell ya..."

His search lead him to the top of a cliffside where an old wooden bridge spanning a wide ravine with rushing water below. At last he came across another person, a young girl dressed in curious all white attire.

"Oh, finally." Seeing her he approached. "Ah, excuse me? Do you know where I can find a-"

The sound of approaching footsteps caught the girls attention, she looked over her shoulder before turning around to reveal her face. She seemed worried based on her expression upon facing him. She had blonde hair and green eyes, traits the boy found attractive.

"-hell-ooooo. Mm, what's goin' on?" He easily went off tangent from his earlier question after seeing her face.

It was obvious his attempts at flirting were going no where for the girl, she continued looking worried. " Nebby!"

"Who?" He asked with a raised brow.

The girl stepped to the side to reveal a small unidentifiable creature with a gaseous like body being menaced by a flock of Spearow at the center of the wooden bridge. The creature cried out to the blonde girl who only watched in horror as the Spearow had it cornered.

"Those Spearow are attacking it!" She exclaimed. "But...but I'm too afraid to go out there..."

The boy put on a tough facade. He grabbed his baggy shorts by the elastic waistband and pulled them up to his midsection only for them to slide right back down to his waist. "Looks like you're in a bit of a pinch. Don't worry, I can handle this for you, babe."

Her worried expression lightened up with a look of hope as she managed to crack a smile. The boy casually began making his way out to the center of the bridge, the weak wood was showing signs of giving way under the weight that strained it due to its old age but he didn't let that distract him from trying to be cool in front of the girl he wanted to impress.

Surprisingly enough he was able to get out there in one piece. Now that he was in range of the frightened creature he flagged his arms out to the aggressive Spearow. "Go on! Shoo! Beat it, you little bastards!" His actions only further agitated the Pokémon. The flocks leader went on to poke away at the boys head using its beak, making him flinch from the rapid sharp pokes. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" He was easily outclassed by the bird, forcing him down onto his knees. "Come on, you little shits! That all you got?!"

His taunting words earned him the wrath of the Spearow flock who were now tired of his pesky distractions. They all charged in for the boy, their vicious talons at the ready to strike but as the frightened creature felt the impending danger it grew increasingly more defensive to the point of reaching into the inner depths of itself to unleash a massive explosion that destroyed the bridge, causing both it and the boy to fall to the ravine below. Seeing the helplessly falling creature beside him the youth wrapped his arms around it in a protective manner, turning so that his back was facing the water below.

The girl watched in horror as the two descended but a thunderous boom detonated in the sky above, repelling the attacking Spearow with a shockwave of electricity. A yellow streak manages to sweep up the falling pair before they could fall into the water, carrying them both up to the cliffside where it was revealed that a Pokémon, the island guardian, Topu Koku, saved them. Before long the guardian let out a mighty cry and took off into the night sky, leaving the trio to bask in awe at the events that transpired.

"….I think I pissed myself." The boy unintentionally stated aloud while remaining on the ground.