Disclaimer: I do not own these characters

I won't just survive

Chapter 1.

~~~~~ O ~~~~~

Wanda sat in a diner in the middle of nowhere, her mind drifting off. The memory of her brother's death still etched in her head, still consuming and haunting her. She wasn't alone, but that's the way she felt most of the time. The loss she felt was excruciating, and Wanda did her very best not to let the pain consume her. Time had helped though; at Pietro's funeral she was inconsolable, the gut wrenching feeling in her heart almost consuming her from the inside out. She really thought that she wouldn't survive without her twin, but her new friends became her replacement family, making her feel that she wasn't alone in the world.

Steve and the others attempted to talk to her about it, but she had convinced them that she was dealing in her own way, talking wasn't it though.

"OK, but if you ever need someone to talk to, know that we're here for you, OK?" Steve had said.

She nodded at that, and purposely changed the subject. Steve had let it go, not wanting to press the matter any further.

As a sigh escaped her lips, she watched as Sam and Steve walked into the diner, laughing with each other.

"So, how are you holding up, girl?" Sam asked, as he sat opposite of Wanda in the booth.

"Well, considering we're on the run from the authorities, and Stark and Co, the place we're staying at being a total dump, and me not having privacy in 'our' dump, I'm doing OK." Wanda replied, as she took a bite of her toast.

"At least the food here is good, huh?" Sam said, while grabbing the menu.

Wanda burst out into laughter at that, while her eyes darted towards Steve.

He smiled and said." She's laughing! She's actually curling the corners of her lips upwards to make a sound close to a laugh. Wow."

At that, Wanda shook her head, and said." Guys, I really need some privacy, even just a little."

Steve smiled at that, and said." OK, in the next town we'll see what we can do about that."

"Thank you." Wanda replied, as a genuine smile graced her pretty face.

"Ha! You did it, Steve! This one's arealsmile!" Sam exclaimed, making Wanda roll her eyes at him.

~ That night ~

As a sigh escaped her red lips, Wanda's eyes fluttered shut, a photo in her hand, her fingers trembling.

"Pietro." She whispered, while a lonely tear rolled down her cheek.

The apartment they were staying at was very quiet at the moment, making her more restless than usual.

"Where are they? They are late!" Wanda huffed, beginning to get worried.

Sam and Steve were on their way, they had told her, but Wanda felt that at the moment something wasn't right. Something feltsowrong; her gut was twisting and turning. That wasn't a good sign. No, not at all!

The lights in the apartment were out, and she knew that it should stay that way. If the authorities were on to them, the best thing for her to do now is run! At that, Wanda hastily grabbed some shirts and three pair of jeans, slipped into her warm leather crimson red coat and quietly walked out the door. As a sigh escaped her red lips, she walked down the hall, expecting the unexpected, concentrating on her surroundings.

She was at the stairwell, when two strong hands grabbed her, one hand over her mouth.

"Shhh! It's me." She heard a voice say. It was Steve.

At that, she turned around, and saw Steve mouthing" rooftop".

Wanda nodded at that, and they both walked up the stairs. When they arrived at the rooftop, Wanda turned around to face Steve." What's going on?" she whispered.

At that, Steve let out a deep breath." We've been made, Wanda."

"Where's Sam?" she asked, genuinely concerned.

At that, Steve nodded." They've captured him, we were out gunned and there were so many of them."

"Oh, no." Wanda gasped, as tears pooled in her eyes. "What are we gonna do, Steve?"

At that, Steve's knees gave out, and fell to the floor.

"Steve!" Wanda exclaimed, and attempted to help him up, but he shook his head furiously.

It was then, when Wanda saw Steve's wounds.' Oh, God.'

As she observed his body, Wanda was dumb folded to see the number of bullet holes in his body. At that, a silent scream escaped her lips, her mind bringing her back to the day Pietro was killed.

"Steve, no! Don't leave me." Wanda heard herself say, as tears ran down her face.

"What are we gonna do?" was what she asked next.

"They are close, you have to escape, OK?" he managed to say, his face pale like that of a dying man.

At that, Wanda shook her head furiously." No, not without you!"

"Go, Wanda! I'll cover you."

"I'm not going to let them capture us too, I'll stay and we can fight!"

"Stubborn." Steve whispered, and the next thing she knew, it went dark before Wanda's very eyes.

~ O ~ ~ O ~

Wanda woke up with a start, gasping loudly. Her mind was plaguing her with images of two battered bodies… Pietro's and Steve's. It took her exactly three seconds to recover from the state she was in, her body now sending red flags to her brain.

At that, Wanda sprung to her feet like a cat, self-preservation kicking in, while her hands were up, and ready to attack who ever wanted to do her harm. As her eyes took in her surroundings, her brows furrowed, a serious look on her face, she noticed that she was in a bedroom. Said room had two wide windows, they were open, wind making the curtains dance. The walls were painted yellow and green, the bed she had been lying on was huge, the sheets also green, and there were two night stands. As Wanda's eyes searched for an exit, she noticed that there were two doors. From the way the bedroom was designed, she assumed one door led to the bathroom, while the other must be the exit!

And just as she was about to walk towards it, Wanda heard a soft knock on the door. At that, Wanda took her stance, readying herself, her hands up and thought. 'Whoever was on the other side of the door; he or she will regret it. I'll tear them apart before they can step inside!'

Wanda's eyes turned red, her body trembling, while she listened closely. At that, the person knocked once more." Miss Maximoff. Are you up yet?"

Wanda's brows furrowed, as her brain processed that voice. It was then, when she recognized said voice. At that moment, Wanda didn't know the voice itself, but something about it seemed very familiar.

"Miss Maximoff, don't be alarmed. I'm not here to do you any harm. Can I come in?" The man said his voice gentle and inviting.

Wanda didn't reply, the wheels in her head still turning, attempting to recognize the familiar voice. Usually her mind was faster than lightning, processing things before she could even blink. But Wanda assumed that they must've drugged her, because she was struggling to place the voice with the face. After a few moments, something in her head clicked, recognition written all over her face.

At that, Wanda's body relaxed, knowing that the man on the other side of the door was telling the truth. He wasn't here to hurt her. At that, Wanda's hands fell at her sides, a sigh of relief escaping her pale lips.

"Where am I?" she asked, her voice trembling a bit, glad that she didn't have to tear people apart.

"You are in my home country, Miss Maximoff. You're in Wakanda."

Hi you all!

I hope you like it.

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