I haven´t updated this story for a long time and I do apologize to anyone who was waiting for an update. I have to admit that I´ve have moved on a bit with the storyline of Moving on, and I do hope you guys will not be mad. It´s kind of fluffy...or a better word would be cheesy...Still, have a good read :)

At first there was shock playing on each of their faces. A pure shock. Well, at least on everyone´s face except for Abbott.

Lisbon is pregnant.

We are engaged.

We are going to have twins.

We are remodeling a cabin for our future life.

Lisbon´s brothers came to aid us, yes, that is being taken care of.

So...when can she start the desk duty?

The initial shock was replaced with joy and happiness. Everyone seemed to be happy for them, congratulating them, wishing them all the best.

Then, the wedding came. The happiest day of Lisbon´s life.

It was indeed a small ceremony, with people whom they knew. Lisbon´s brothers and Stan´s family. Abbott and Lena, Cho, Wiley, Fischer, even Rigsby and Van Pelt found a way to attend.

Van Pelt was sporting "I told you so" grin through the whole day.

Cho lost some money.

Stan and Jane made up.

They were becoming friends.

It was a slow process however Lisbon knew her brother. The worst was past them.

The cabin was almost ready. Few things still needed to be done and Jane let Stan hire some help to speed the process up.

A considerably large amount of money left his savings account, yet, it was worth it.

The nursery was done.

A picture of Angela and Charlotte was hung on the wall.

It was Lisbon´s idea.

She helped him put it up.

It felt bittersweet.

He remembered how the tight knot in his throat forbade him from speaking.

Not so long after that, Lisbon was put on desk duty.

It was her idea too.

Jane couldn´t be happier.

He didn´t even need to persuade her. Nor come up with any arguments.

She was no longer making decisions just for herself. Two innocent people depended on her. She wasn´t going to let them down. She wasn´t going to let Jane down either. She was getting bigger and bigger. Soon enough, just a simple task of standing up from the bed unaided became ´s when Abbott told her that is time to stay at home. The desk duty swiftly turned into couch duty. The woman who hated asking for help had soon realized that there is nothing wrong in doing so.

"Jane?" she called after her husband who was making himself some tea in the kitchen.

"Yes my dear?"

"I can´t get up again," she whined.

She could hear him chuckle.

"Be right there."

"Hurry. I need to go the bathroom. Again."

"Of course you do," he called after her.

"Jackass," she muttered with a smile. She was sure he was enjoying this more than he admitted.

"I have come to your aid Teresa. Take my hand."

"You don´t have to be this dramatic all the time," she said and huffed as he help her get up. "Thank you.

He smiled. "No problem. How are you feeling?"

Lisbon smiled too. "Fine, considering that I can´t do literally nothing on my own. Be right back."

Jane nodded. He went back to kitchen and finished making his tea, thinking about Lisbon. She was indeed helpless when left alone. Even sleeping had became a problem. She slept in sitting position. Any other way made her sick. That´s why Jane remained at home, mostly. Cho used to pop up with case files and Jane became a via phone consultant. Most of the time.

When there was a need for his physical form, Stan or Jimmy stayed with their sister. It worked. Apart from her inability to do things she was used to, Lisbon was fine and took everything with grace.

"Just one more month," he used to murmur to her during those long sleepless nights.

The due date was getting closer and closer.

Babies were descending.

They had the hospital bag ready weeks ago.

Jane took his cup to the living room, awaiting the return of his wife. After several silent minutes, worry filled his mind. He put the tea down and headed to the bathroom.

Knocking on the door, Jane listened to any sound of distress that might be coming from the room.

"Teresa? Are you all right?"

"Uh-huh," came a shaky reply.

"Are you sure? You don´t sound all right to me. Can I come in?"

"I guess," she said.

Jane strode in.

Lisbon was standing there, looking like a deer caught in a headlight.


"I...I think I´m in labor," she whispered, visibly pale.

Jane´s world turned around.

"What? You sure? I mean it could be just the Braxton-Hicks contractions -"

"I don´t think so," she whispered and looked down at her legs.

Her pants were wet.

"Oh, oh! Your water -"

"Broke. Yes."

Jane came closer to her resting his hand on her shoulder. "It´s okay. We´re ready. Everything is fine. Are you in pain?"

She shuddered. "Not yet. I mean, not that much."

"Okay. Good. Just keep calm. Breathe. I´ll help you change and we can go to the hospital."

"Okay. All right," she muttered nervously and let him lead her to their bedroom. He helped her shed the wet clothes, and change into something more comfortable and dry.

"Ouch," she muttered all of sudden. "This hurt a little," she said, gripping Jane´s hand.

"Breathe. It´s going to be all right. Remember the breathing exercises you learned at the Lamaza classes? "

"Yeah...yeah," she whispered, breathing slowly, "I should call my brothers -"

"You can call them on the way to the hospital. We better go now."

"Okay, you´re right."

Later at the Hospital

Stan and Jimmy sat at the waiting area when Cho arrived. They knew the man as he used to help out at the cabin as well from time to time.

"Any news?" he asked without saying hi.

"No. We are still waiting."

"It´s been three hours," Jimmy said nervously.

"That´s nothing. When Karen had Paul, she was in labor for eighteen hours. I must say man, it was the longest eighteen hours of my life."

Cho sat down. "I´m sure they are fine."

"I need you to push Teresa!"

"I´m pushing!" she screamed. "It´s all I´m...doing! God!"

Jane blinked in pain. His couldn´t feel his hand. He didn´t dare to tell her to loosen the grip. Not again anyway. Not after she hit him.

"You´re doing fine, Teresa. Just fine -"

"I hate you," she muttered through gritted teeth for the tenth time.

"I know. I know you do."

Another contraction came, and the blood flow in his hand stopped. Lisbon yelled. Sweat was pouring down her face.


She yelled again.

"Good Teresa, keep pushing. You need to push again." Doctor Towley said, "I can see the head, don´t stop now."

"I can´t," she cried out. "I can´t..."

Jane leaned closer to her. "You can Teresa. You´re almost done. You are amazing, you know that? Simply amazing."

Another loud scream left her mouth and the wail of a newborn child echoed in the room.

"It´s a boy! A healthy baby boy!"

Jane gasped. A son. Their son.

"You heard that Teresa? A boy, a baby boy -"

"Is he okay? Jane is he okay? Where is he?"

"He´s fine, breathing on his own, " the doctor said.

"I want to see him, can I see him?"

Seconds later, the nurse brought their first born son and placed him on Teresa´s chest. He was so tiny, bloody and crying. So vulnerable. So beautiful.

"We have to take care of him for now, Teresa. You are not done yet," the doctor said and she nodded, letting the nurse take their son away from her.

"He´s amazing," Jane whispered and sat down back to his wife. "You´re amazing. It´s almost done. Are you ready?"

"Yeah," she whispered, tears flowing down her face. Tears and sweat.

"Okay, it´s time to start pushing again!"

With new acquired strength, Lisbon pushed again once more.

"Great! One more and we´re done,"

She breathed hoarsely, eyes closed in determination and Jane never lover her more than now. He kept encouraging her, wiping her sweat away with a wet cloth, letting her crush his hand...

"One last, I promise Teresa!"

"God damn it!" she yelled and hit her head against Jane´s as she arched forwards. She didn´t really feel it because the pain of labor was way worse than hitting another head with her own.

Jane on the other head saw starts and had to blink them away.

"It´s fine," he mumbled when she stared at him apologetically, "It´s okay. Just concentrate. One more time Teresa, one more time..."

"Here goes," she muttered, her face red.

Another baby started crying just seconds later. She breathed out, and the hold on Jane´s hand lessened.

"You did it, Teresa! You have a beautiful healthy baby girl!"

"A girl," Jane muttered. A daughter. Their daughter.

"Want to cut the umbilical cord Patrick?" Doctor Towley asked.

He wasn´t sure. Then his eyes met Lisbon´s and she nodded. "Go ahead, Patrick."

So he did it. As gently as he could considering how tough it was. His daughter was crying, letting them know she´s there.

"Can I see her? Please?"

"Of course. Here she is," the nurse said, placing their daughter on her chest. She stopped crying once reunited with her mother.

"She´s so tiny," Lisbon whined, her eyes misty. The words seemed to die in her throat.

"She´s perfect," Jane said, unable to take his eyes of them, "just like you."

Cho sat on the chair, stoic as always, watching the nervous Lisbon brothers.

"It´s been so long already...do you think -"

"Jane," Cho stated simply when tired, disheveled looking Jane appeared in the waiting room. His hair was tousled, shirt rumpled and he was smiling.

Cho was worried that his head might split up.

"Hey, Cho! I didn´t know you were here as well."

"I came as soon as I could -"

"Hey, man, were dying in here! How is everyone? Is she okay? And the babies?" Jimmy asked, standing up.

Jane ran a hand through his hair.

"Yes. Everyone is fine and healthy...and, uh -"

"Boys or girls?"

"One of each," Jane said grinning. "We have a son and a daughter."

Stan stood up as well. "Congratulation, Patrick," he said, meaning it.

Jane nodded. "Thank you Stan. You too Jimmy. For everything."

"It´s okay man, no need to thank us."

"I..uh, I better get back to Teresa -"

"You do that," Cho said, "We´ll wait right here."

"Yeah. Said hi to her from us."

Stan nodded. And then, to everyone surprise, he enveloped Jane in a big hug.

"Go take care of her," he muttered and let go of him.

"I will," Jane replied when the hug was over. "I will."

"Hello love," he muttered to his exhausted wife. She smiled.

"Hey," she replied. The white of her right eye has turned bright red. Doctor Towley assured them that it is nothing serious and it will disappear in the couple of days.

"How are you feeling?"

"Exhausted. But happy. Exhausted, happy and...a lot lighter," she said with a faint smile when Jane sat down beside her. He chuckled.

"You were amazing Teresa, I love you so much, you know that?"

It was her turn to chuckle. "You better. How are the babies?" she asked nervously.

"They are doing great. The nurse will bring them soon, but you need to rest first, okay?"

"Yeah, okay. I could rest for a while," she mumbled, closing her eyes.

"Cho is here," Jane said after a while.

Lisbon opened her eyes. "Really?"

"Yes. He arrived as soon as he could. Apparently."

"Jimmy and Stan?"

"They are all waiting outside."

"I´d like to see them," she said, sitting up and winced in pain. Jane´s hand automatically covered hers.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I´m fine. Don´t worry Patrick," she replied.

"Okay. I´m going to get them."

"Okay," she whispered, watching her husband leave.

Soon, he came back with the three men.

"Hey sis, how are you doing?"

"Just fine Jimmy. Hey Cho."

"Hey Lisbon. Congratulations. To both of you," he said.

"Thank you," Lisbon said, smiling.

Jane watched them for a while as they talked, smiled...The room was full. He left, unnoticed, and made his way to see his children.

He stood in front of the giant glass, looking at all the babies laying there. Two of them were theirs. His and Teresa´s. Baby boy and baby girl Lisbon-Jane.

His son was wrapped in blue blanket and his daughter was in pink. They were...perfect. He couldn´t grasp all the emotions swirling in him.

Joy. Pure happiness. Excitement. Pride. And, he had to admit, a lot of sorrow, mixed with guilt. He knew he shouldn´t feel like this, yet, he couldn´t help it. A memory came to his mind.

More than a decade ago, he was standing in front of a glass window just like this, watching Charlotte sleep. She was the love of his life. The feeling of pure love for his child was nothing he experienced before. So was the sorrow and guilt when she and her mother were gone.

He shivered.


Don´t think about it, he scowled himself.

Not here.

Not now.

"Hey," a voice came from behind him. Cho.

"Hey Cho, is everything all right?" he turned and asked worriedly.

"Yes. Just wanted to Lisbon have a little family time."

"Oh, okay," Jane replied and turned around, his sight back on those two tiny people.

"How are you doing?" Cho asked casually with that stoic expression of his.

"Good," he said smiling.

"You are going to be a great father," Cho said all of sudden and stood beside him.

Jane blinked. "Thank you Kimball," he replied sincerely, moved by such words coming from Cho.

Cho simply nodded. "Which are - "

"Second row, first two from the left."

"Cute kids," Cho said and his lips quirked up a bit.

"Yes, they are perfect," Jane replied.

"Yeah. Have you named them yet?"

Jane shook his head. "Not yet. We had some ideas..."

"There´s no hurry."


"So, no Sherlock?"

"No. Lisbon held very strong arguments against this particular name," Jane chuckled while remembering their talk about names.

"I like it," Cho said.

"Yeah. Still, Sherlock Lisbon-Jane is not exactly what we are looking for, apparently."

"When you put it this way..."

Jane was silent for a while. He might have lost his family, however, he have made a new one. One that wasn´t just him and Lisbon, no. His former colleagues were a family to him, too.

Suddenly, he felt overwhelmed.

"I am a father," he said, eyes a little misty.


"I...I can´t quite believe it."

"You better start believing it. You have three people depending on you."

"I know Cho. I know."

"I will help you anyway I can. So will the whole office. We already talked about it. Taking care of two kids will be exhausting. Don´t be too proud to ask for help."

"Thank you, that means a lot to me. To us." he said sincerely.

"No problem. I´m going back to Lisbon."

"Okay. Tell her I´ll be right back."

"Sure. Take your time."

And Cho was gone, leaving Jane standing there all alone, tears falling down his face. So he was crying. There´s no shame in that, he thought to himself. No shame at all.

"Mr. Jane? Care to help me?" A nurse dressed in multicolored robe, the one that was assisting during the labor, asked.

Jane turned around and wiped his tears away. "Yes, of course."

"I´m going to bring your babies to your wife´s room. Can you help me with that?," she asked with a understanding smile.

"Of course," he said with a shaky voice.

"Do you know how to hold a new born baby?"

"Yes I do. I´ve had a daughter once. She´s gone," he added when the nurse gave him a questioning look.

"I´m sorry," she said truthfully.

"Thank you," he said and watched the nurse handing him his son. The little bundle of joy was still asleep, his little hands turned into fists. He stirred a little once he was in his father arms but that was it.

"Okay, let´s go. I am ready."

They´ve entered Lisbon´s room . She was chatting with her brothers and Cho with a content smile playing on her lips.

"Look who came to visit," Jane said happily when they entered the room.

He could see a flash of worry in Lisbon´s eyes when she saw he had been crying. So he smiled reassuringly, letting her know without words that he´s fine.

"My babies," she said lovingly.

"Oooh, they are so cute, sis! Can I hold one of them?"

Just then a small cry came from their daughter.

"I think someone´s hungry," the nurse said, "the holding must wait."

"Okay, let´s go, Stan, Jimmy," Cho said. "Give them a little privacy."

"Sure thing. We´ll come back later sis."

"Yeah, okay," she smiled.

Soon, the room was a lot emptier.

The nurse handed their daughter to Lisbon and soon the little one started crying. Lisbon looked up worriedly. "Uh...I am not sure how..."

"I´ll help you Mrs. Lisbon. There´s no need to worry."

And soon, with a little help, their daughter was latched on to Lisbon´s breast.

"Wow," Lisbon mumbled, watching the tiny miracle in her arms, "She´s really hungry."

Jane stared as well. He was having an inner fight. Watch his son or watch Lisbon feeding their daughter for the first time. He couldn´t choose. Fortunately, the little one was settled and fed pretty quickly and their boy stated stirring as well.

"Hey little one, you´re hungry as well? Okay, okay, mommy will feed you right away," he whispered, carrying him to Lisbon. Nurse helped them exchange the babies and soon, Jane held his daughter in his arms for the first time ever.

She was awake, but only barely. "Sleep little one, you must be tired," he said, swaying himself gently. "There you go. All warm, clean and fed."

"I am going to give you a little privacy as well," the nurse said. "Just press the button if you need anything."

"Will do. Thank you," Jane said and sat down beside Lisbon once again. The little boy was obviously much more hungrier than his sister.

"Am I doing this right?" Lisbon asked a little nervously.

"Of course you are Teresa. You are a natural."

"Oh, hush," she muttered blushing.

"Look at him. He´s...they are perfect. They are ours. They are finally here."

"Yeah. I know," Lisbon muttered shifting a little, "How are you feeling Patrick? The truth," she said with a determined look. She was worried, that much he knew.

"Overwhelmed," he replied sincerely, "Happy. Proud. Sad," he admitted. There was no point in lying to her.

"Are you going to be fine?"

"Of course I will, Teresa. I couldn´t be happier now, you have to trust me. It´s just...this...this brings back a lot of memories."

"I know. And I understand."

"Thank you," he said with a faint smile. "I love you, have I told you that?"

"Yes, you have. And I love you, too. Oh, look, he fell asleep," she said looking down at her son.

"They are both sleeping at the same time. Better enjoy it while we can," Jane said with a grin.

"Yeah, you´re probably right..."

"Any name ideas?" Jane asked.

"A few," she replied.


"Well, I was thinking about Nathan..."

"Nathan. I like it."

"You do?"

"Yes, I mean it´s not Sherlock -"

"No it´s not," she chuckled.

"It´s nice. Nathan Lisbon - Jane. "

"Yeah. Sounds nice."

"Any girls name ideas?"

Lisbon shook her head. "I would like you to name our daughter. I mean...I´ve chosen Nathan´s...it´s only fair if..."

"Huh. Really?"

"Yeah. Really."

Jane looked down at baby girl Lisbon - Jane.

Angela named their daughter, Charlotte Anne. It was a beautiful name for beautiful girl.

"Charlotte was a clever girl," he spoke silently, still gazing at his daughter. "She was way ahead of other kids her age. The smartest kid in the room, so to say. I used to read her a lot when I wasn´t traveling. Angela was usually not impressed by my book choices, however, I for example, have encouraged Charlotte´s love for fantasy. The last book I read to her was Alice in Wonderland. Not quite a children´s book, yet she fell in love with Alice and her adventures..." his voice trailed off.

"Alice," Lisbon whispered.

"What do you think?"

"I love it," Lisbon whispered. "Alice Lisbon - Jane."

Jane grinned and sniffled at the same time. Smile through the tears, he thought to himself.

"Nathan and Alice," Lisbon said.

"Nathan Sherlock and Alice?"

"Oh, stop it Jane."

"Okay, okay. I´ll stop."

"Fine," Lisbon said, unable to suppress the sobs and tears any longer. The physical and emotional exhaustion was taking a toll on her.

"Oh, don´t cry, Teresa...it´s okay. All if fine."

"I´ m sorry, it´s just...I am so exhausted and I don´t want them to take them away from me but -"

Jane pressed the call button.

"I know. It´s okay. It´s perfectly fine to feel exhausted. I´ll tell you what. I´ll watch them while you sleep. I won´t let them out of my sight. And when you wake up, all refreshed, I´ll bring them back."

"Okay, but...you should get something to eat -"

"I will. And perhaps, I´ll try the tea in this establishment. It´s worth a shot."

"Fine, you do that...and...thank you," she mumbled and wiped her tears away with free hand.

"No, thank you my love, thank you."

He stood up, gently swaying with Alice in his arms. Lisbon looked up to him, and smiled tiredly. His son, Nathan, was sleep as well.

A thought crossed Jane´s mind.

This is real.

These people are the most important persons in the whole world.

They depend on you as much as you depend on them.

There is no more room for self hatred and self loathing anymore. No more time for that.

It´s time to do something else. Something better.

Because in times like these, you´ll learn to live again.

And he couldn´t wait to start living again - as a father.

Soon enough, the nurse came back, and even though Lisbon find it hard to let go of her son, she needed to rest.

"Don´t you worry, Teresa. I´ll keep an eye on them while you sleep."

"Uhm," she mumbled, her eyelids drooping.

Jane was sure she was fast asleep before the door were closed. He helped the nurse put their kids to their little tiny beds and made his way to fulfill his promise.

Get something to eat. Drink some tea.

And then, return back.

Okay, I´ve warned you that it´s going to be cheesy and now you know I wasn´t lying. I know the names I chose are not perfect and not everyone will like them...but, there´s nothing I can do about it now. Still, I hope you enjoyed the read and as always, thanks for reading. See you later.