Chapter 7

Sometime had passed; Genji, Pharah and Tracer returned to report that Doomfist was no longer in the city. Once the scene was secured Numbani police and Medical officials arrived to take over the situation, So far only the guards were injured, there were no reports of civilian casualties yet, so that is a good sign. Overwatch soon regrouped back at the transport reviewing for their mission to hunt Doomfist, now that he was on the run, they allowed Orisa and Efi to ride on the transport where they'll return back home.

Orisa and Bastion were getting charged near a charging station on the vessel. The two Omnics were happy to be around each other, however the time was spent short unfortunately. Soldier 76 walked up to them, looking serious under his mask. "I hope you're fit for duty soon Bastion, we could use your help in taking Doomfist down." He stated like a drill sergeant. Bastion's eye turned from yellow to grey, almost forgetting that He will have to leave Numbani to continue his duties as a hero. "Beep boop…. Whiir viir wee?" Soldier 76 looked at Orisa for a quick moment then nods his head. "Ten minutes… We're almost to their home, so make the most of it." He said sagely as he returns to the rest of the team as they prepare for their hunt for Doomfist.

Orisa looked at Bastion curiously. "Is there a problem?" Bastion looked at Orisa and sighed mechanically, he explained to Orisa that he was on vacation, though it wasn't much of a vacation with all the problems this city had thrown at him, he wants to stay with her, but he has a responsibility not just as an agent but as a Hero for Overwatch. As Bastion finished explaining Orisa was upset but she understood. "I understand Bastion, I am upset that you have to go when we return home… But know that I'll always cherish our time together, I hope that you'll come and visit, I'm going to miss you." She said sadly. Bastion wrapped his arm around her, beeping sadly that he'll miss her too.

Lucio and Hana looked at one another, understanding how sad this was. Zenyatta was hovering there as he watched the scene unfolds. Efi sat on her seat as she saw her friend treat Bastion. She stood up and went over to Winston, who was busy trying to locate Doomfist, but that didn't deter the little inventor. "Excuse me Winston, can I talk to you for a moment." Winston turned his head to Efi and smiled warmly at the child prodigy. "Ah, of course Miss Oladele, forgive me, it's a bit chaotic here, after all trying to find Doomfist is like trying to find a needle in a haystack." He explained calmly. Efi nods her head seriously at Winston's words. "Of course, I understand, but this will only take a second, I wish to make a deal, if I may." Winston raised his brow at Efi as she explains her deal to him.

Only nine minutes gone by and Bastion knew they were nearing Efi's and Orisa's home. He didn't want her to leave, but he knew that he had a duty to perform, it wasn't a distraction to him, but he somewhat wished he could ask for an extended vacation. Orisa saw Bastion's mood through his glow, and gently placed her hand on his sub-machine gun, Bastion looked at her as she was smiling. "No matter how far we are, just know I'll think about you, always." She said lowly yet softly to him, Bastion's eye turned yellow slightly but with a tinge of grey, it still didn't make him feel any better. Bastion looked up only to realize that they weren't landing. Orisa was confused as well, when they passed over Efi's home. Efi and Winston walked up to the two confused Omnics. Winston cleared his throat. "Efi and I have been talking and we've decided to allow you two to join us in Overwatch, Efi volunteered to act as our technician and an extra set of hands for Torbjorn, as for Orisa, Efi has informed me of her experience in battle, and how she can assist us, I am allowing her to be a field agent." Bastion blinked at Winston. "Beep…Beep boop, whiir, wee zwhoo?!" He asked slightly excited by this news. Winston nods his head. "Yes, I am serious, she'll be with us on the frontlines to aid people, She has a long way to prove she's a hero, but from where I can see, She'll get the hang of it, Welcome to Overwatch Efi Oladele and Orisa, we expect great things from the two of you." He smiled at the two before returning back to the map.

Efi smiled at Bastion and Orisa. "Well, since we're a part of Overwatch, that means we'll be moving from the city, but I know the city will be fine without us for a little while and its give you two the chance to hang out, anyways, I am going over to help Torbjorn for now, seems I can hear the engine needs a tune up." She rushed over to Torbjorn as they both start to work with the engine.

Bastion was shocked to see that things have worked out for the best. Orisa smiled warmly at Bastion. "It would seem I am a part of Overwatch now… I will be honest, I only wish to keep Numbani safe, but to keep it safe, I must combat other threats against it… with that, I am ok with leaving… for two reasons." Bastion turns to Orisa and tilts his head. "Do doo whiir?" Orisa chuckles a little and said. "Well, the first one is duty, which is obvious… and the second reason was to spend time with you."

Bastion's eye turned yellow, he nods head, standing up, Orisa follows. "Beep boop, Whiir doo do zwhee." He said confidently as he locked and loaded. Orisa smiled at Bastion and transforms her arm into the cannon. "Yes, Let's go hunt down that criminal."

Bastion had everything, friends, family and now a girlfriend. Despite being different from other Omnics, Bastion found a similar ideal with Orisa. Despite having to learn about emotions and love, Bastion didn't care anymore, He is happy. After all, what makes him different from the other Omnics, Bastion developed a heart, and went above and beyond his programming, and he would not change himself, After all, he was one of a kind.

Bastion's Heart