Reviews for Bastion's Heart
Guest chapter 7 . 7/18
This is Hands Down the Best bastion fanfic I have seen
Jarrek Henderson chapter 7 . 11/6/2019
This is really adorable and sweet
Alasalax chapter 1 . 2/26/2019
Bartric, you have earned my respect. This is one of the few fanfictions I've read that is actually good, and there's only about three of those. This one has to be the best of the lot. It's perfect length, not too long or too short, easy to read(I mean no grammar mistakes) good storyline, good plot, etc. I don't no if you can give stars to fanfictions, but if you can, then 100 stars. Thank you for writing this.
Guest chapter 7 . 1/7/2019
This was a whole lot better that I thought it would be. Good job, I enjoyed it very much because I like bastion x orisa ship and you made it even better for me. Thank you and keep the good work. _
sneakysquid chapter 7 . 12/14/2018
this really made me happy and i really loved this. so well written and heartwarming. i love the concept of bastion and orisa develeoping feelings and ignoring protocol.
Shin Gojira chapter 7 . 11/9/2018
Im so touched T-T One of the best fanfics Ive ever read! I would love to read at least 1 or 2 more chapers about them working together and their relationship development! :D

Great work!
Guest chapter 7 . 10/13/2018
Please make 3 more chapters
Guest chapter 1 . 10/12/2018
Oh I love this it's my favorite ship
Guest chapter 1 . 7/6/2018
Guest chapter 1 . 12/30/2017
Ian Cline chapter 7 . 12/19/2017
Wow... pretty good story.
humanoidfemale chapter 7 . 12/19/2017
I love it! Your writing was really spectacular and I can't wait to see more from you!
Clay chapter 7 . 9/9/2017
In my opinion this is the most beautiful robot love story
Guest chapter 6 . 8/29/2017
Mate bastion is such a doomfist counter this isn't realistic
Melody Thunder chapter 7 . 8/27/2017
Great fanfic *give you two thumbs up*
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