Few quick warnings before reading. First of all, I'm adding ten years to Mito and Ging's age because my OC is actually a young adult. Second, I intend to follow the Hunter x Hunter storyline, not sure for how long but I will eventually switch things up and give my OC her own storyline/arc/whatever you want to call it.

That's all I have to say for now. Read, review and enjoy!

Mito absentmindedly scrubbed the dishes, not realizing she's been cleaning the same spot for the past five minutes. It had been a day since Gon left for the Hunter Exam. And yet Mito couldn't shake the small, intricate part of her that wished he wouldn't make it to the exam and would come home. She respected Gon's wish to find his father, of course, but if there was safer way to find Ging, she wished Gon would've taken that route.

"Mito? Mito! Haruka sent another letter"

Mito stopped rinsing for a brief moment. Another letter?

"I'll leave it in Gon's room until he comes back" she called.

Abe walked into the kitchen and put a hand on her shoulder. "It's written to you" she said, holding the letter out to her.

The wet dish she was holding nearly slipped from her hand. For her? Haruka never wrote to her. She'd always write to Gon without even asking about Mito (not that she ever expected her to) or if she ever came to visit Whale Tail Island, she'd never come to the house. Haruka would always stay at an inn until the day she left. Letters and visits from her were rare, but would always put an enormous smile on Gon's face.

Mito dried off her hands and took the letter from Abe, sighing deeply. When she unfolded the letter, a smaller piece of paper fluttered onto the ground. Abe picked it up and looked at it, her eyes widened.

"It's a check. And it seems she's doing well"

Mito frowned suspiciously and started to read the letter.

Aunt Mito,

I don't know if this letter will reach you or if you'll even bother reading it. But I'm writing in the small chance you do. I know this letter might come as a surprise since I haven't written or seen you in years. I'm sure you probably didn't expect me to either. Regardless, I'm writing to tell you I'm taking the Hunter Exam this year. By the time you get this letter, I might already be in the middle of it or there's the off chance I might be dead. Either way, I'm already in the exam. You might be wondering why I'm telling you this. It's a precaution, in case the latter happens and Gon starts to wonder why I stopped writing or visiting. I don't want him to know. The last thing I want to do is inspire Gon to take the exam also. I'm sure you'd probably agree with me. If I live and fail in the middle I'll write to tell him myself. If not, I'll sent a letter within 30 days after I finish the exam. No more, no less. If it doesn't come, well, we can safely assume the worst happened, right?


The letter crinkled in Mito's shaking hand as she read it over and over again. She wasn't sad or angry, just in disbelief.

"'Off chance I might be dead'?" Abe quoted. "The girl's gotten cocky, hasn't she?"

"So she's taking the Hunter Exam too" Mito said softly.

"Hm, perhaps she'll meet Gon there" her grandmother chuckled. "Well, that's all fine and good, but why write us a check?" she wondered.

Mito took the check from her grandmother's hand, staring at the big sum written on it. "Maybe to say she's doing just fine without us" Mito suggested almost confidently. She wasn't sure if she should be worried or angry.

She didn't sleep that night. Mito sat in the dining room with the letter and a cup of untouched coffee sat forgotten on the table. Her grandmother was already asleep in her bedroom. Last time she glanced at the clock it was 12:35 am. She read the letter over and over again until the words didn't even sound like words anymore.

Haruka was taking the Hunter Exam…

She might be dead…

She might not be dead…

Don't tell Gon…

Tell Gon if you don't hear from me…

That's all the letter told her. Nothing else and it frustrated her. There was no mention of where she's been or what she's been doing. No mention of the check or why she sent it. She put the letter down on the table and held her head in her hands, breathing deeply. It's been seven years since she last saw Haruka. She must be twenty now.

Haruka was taking the Hunter Exam…

She might be dead…

She might not be dead…

Don't tell Gon…

Tell Gon if you don't hear from me…

"Goodbye, Aunt Mito."

Mito raised her head and a soft gasp escaped her lips as the old memory flooded her brain. She still remembered that fight so clearly. The shouting, the yelling, the screaming, and of course Mito could never forget the loud rattling sound as Haruka slammed the door behind her. But the girl never truly left. She would write to Gon and if she came to Whale Tail Island she'd tell him where to meet her. But during those times, she'd never come near the house.

Mito swallowed as a wave of guilt washed over her. Was she to blame? If that fight never happened, would Haruka be here? Would she still be entering the Hunter Exam? Why was she entering the Hunter Exam? What was her motive?

All these questions ran through Mito's head and it almost made her feel sick like she was getting the flu. She picked up the letter and read it one more time, but this time she found something different. There was a little P.S scrawled in the bottom corner of the paper. She folded the letter and held it to her chest, a ghost of a smile played on her lips. It was a short little note that made Mito's eyes soften and almost make her want to cry, not out of sadness but hope. Hope that maybe, just maybe, their bond could be mended. That Haruka didn't hate her as much as she did seven years ago.

P.S. Hope you're well.

End of chapter 1.

I know this first chapter is short and frankly vague. Next one will be longer and will introduce my OC. Please review!