Heyo everyone! New chapter! I've been meaning to edit a bit about Viridi's meeting with Arlon in my story, "Beginnings." I just never thought their meeting was deep or symbolic enough, hence the different meeting story. I'll edit that in Beginnings soon, everything with Viridi's backstory is still the same though, just how she met Arlon is diff. Also, Arlon's gonna get a lil bit of lore himself too! Hope you enjoy!

When the golden light of dawn painted the sky through a placenta of colors, the little angel allowed himself to be touched by the early morning sun's rays, causing his eyes to peer open. He blinked softly, rubbed his eyes and let out a soft yawn. Not able to remember the events of the day before, the young warrior looked around the room, wondering where he was. Though, his fugue state didn't last for long when his sky blue eyes stumbled upon a shut wooden door. He then remembered all the events of the other day and burst into a frantic mess. He flung himself into the door, fidgeting violently with the doorknob, trying his best to get in. Though, his attempts were futile. He melted down to the floor trembling, hugging his knees tightly as tears started to stream down his face. It's all my fault, he thought. I was so selfish... It's all my fault...

Suddenly, the door slightly crept open. Out came a tall purple man, closing the door slowly behind him. Pit quickly stood up, wiping his tears from his face, hoping Arlon wouldn't notice. Unfortunately, he did notice, but didn't care enough to point it out. Instead, the man sighed depressingly and slowly walked away. He took a seat on the couch, his arms leaning on his knees and his head drooping low. The melancholy closed his eyes, as if he was holding back tears. Pit couldn't help but notice. He wanted to approach Arlon, but he feared he would be speech deprived and not know what to say. He also worried that Arlon would blame him for the incident. Pit stood quietly for a few seconds deciding if he should go talk to him, and find out how Viridi was doing as well. The white winged warrior sighed softly, and took a seat near Arlon. "Hey Arlon," Pit said hoarsely. Arlon didn't reply. In fact, he didn't even turn his head to him. It was like he didn't hear the angel. Pit sighed deeply, almost on the verge of tears.

"Arlon, please.." Pit began again, now crying and twiddling with his thumbs. "I know you hate me. I know you blame me for what happened. I blame myself too. I'm so sorry Arlon, I put Viridi through so much pain... I know you don't want me here. I just want to know Viridi's ok. The minute I know, I'll leave. I won't come back, I've already caused too much damage... I'm so sorry."

Arlon opened his eyes and turned his attention to the young angel. He blinked sparingly as he watched the angel break down. He sighed softly and stretched out his arms to embrace him in a giant, warm hug. He held his face, rubbing his arm and back as he wept.

"I don't blame you," he said softly, almost inaudible, "and I certainly don't hate you either. It's not your fault, young master Pit. You hadn't the slightest clue that Mistress Viridi was ill. In fact, I'm proud of you."

Pit looked up curiously to the tall man, wiping his tears. "What do you mean? Proud of me? For what?"

"You got Viridi home in an impeccable amount of time. If it weren't for your fast thinking, she would be dead by now. I thank you, young master Pit. I really do," Arlon smiled.

"Thanks," Pit sniffled, "but she wouldn't even be here if it weren't for me... I can't forgive myself, but I'm happy that you have."

The two sat in silence for a while, enjoying each other's company. Pit, still in Arlon's arms, finally finding the courage to speak again, sat up. "Arlon," he began, "I don't understand... What is happening to Viridi? Why was she bleeding? I'm so confused."

Arlon sighed heavily, taking a moment before answering, "Well, it is a long story. I was afraid you'd ask, but I can't keep this hidden for any longer. Mistress wishes that no one knows abut this, but I know better than anyone that it cannot stay that way. If you knew, this whole thing wouldn't have happened. That's why I must tell you, and that I shall. I'll start from the beginning." Arlon said as he leaned back while Pit braced himself for the story.

"When I first met mistress, she was just a little baby. She could barely speak, she could barely even run. She was around her late 2,000's, almost 3,000. I found her while I was walking through Skytropolis. You may not believe this, but in the past, I was not the same. In fact, I was totally different. I was reckless, a drinker and an abuser of certain substances. I was certainly a mess-"

"You? YOU?" Pit interjected.

"Yes, as I said, it's hard to believe. My kind was created for one soul purpose- to be butlers. My parents wanted me to continue the tradition of my people, but I was immature and wanted nothing to do with that kind of life. So I ran away and ended up meeting people and doing stuff that I now regret doing. But that's another story. Anyway, I remember it clearly- it was the afternoon, I had a dispute earlier with someone, and ended off trying to drink away my troubles. That ended terribly. I ended up going on a walk and during it, I spotted Mistress Viridi. She was just the cutest little thing I had ever seen. She was only a foot tall and she covered herself in newspapers. Her only home was a box. Though, since I wasn't in the correct state of mind, I did something awful. I lost my step and plundered right into the box, almost crushing Mistress Viridi. She levitated away just in time, and only suffered some minor injuries, at least, compared to the ones she already had form her wicked sister. Unfortunately, her little home was destroyed. She had no shelter to stay in, and I walked away. During the night, I finally woke up after crashing and remembered the terrible thing I had done. Anxiety grew inside of me and I couldn't stop wondering what had happened to her now that she had no shelter. So, I decided to go look for her. After searching for a while, I found her in a trash can, covering herself with garbage to keep her dry from the pouring rain outside. She was shivering tremendously and after I finally gained her trust I decided to take care of her. Though, a month later, she started to have bad coughing fits. I freaked out and debated on whether I should take her to Demeter or not. I should've just let her rest, but I was filled with worry. I decided to take her to the nurse. It was snowing that day, snowing badly. The moment I took her out, she was covered in blood, blisters, and almost on the verge of death. She couldn't breathe. I really thought I was going to lose her that day. I got her to Demeter, and she informed me that this was hereditary. Her mother, Gaia, used to have winter sicknesses. But Demeter then found out that even though it was hereditary, mistress Viridi could only get it every winter the way her mom used to if it was triggered by something. The reason that mistress Viridi get's horribly sick every winter is because of me, Pit. I took her out in the snow that day simply because she was coughing. The snow triggered it. If I.. If I hadn't of freaked out and overreacted, mistress Viridi would be able to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas, of course not outside, but at least she wouldn't be deathly sick like she is all the time. It's all my fault, young master Pit. Mistress would have been better off without knowing me."

Pit sat in silence. He was absolutely shocked. Mostly, he was stunned at the fact Arlon was in tears. He hugged Arlon tightly.

"It isn't your fault, Arlon," Pit began, "Please please please don't blame yourself. If you hadn't have ever taken Viridi, she wouldn't even be alive! She would've never made it any longer on the streets. You did your best, and Viridi loves you so much. She always talks about how much she loves you!"

"Thank you, young master. I'm just glad I could share this with you."

As the two hugged each other, Demeter walked out of the room. "Hello, I suspect you're all wondering how Viridi's feeling."

"Yes please," Arlon cried, "how is she?"

"She'll be okay,"Demeter sighed softly as she pushed up her glasses, "though, unfortunately, her condition has worsened and will probably be this way for the rest of the winter. She's awake if you would like to see her."

"Thank you," Arlon sighed, "also, if you don't mind, young master Pit, I'd like to go have a chat with mistress alone first before you go in."

Pit nodded and shifted to the side, allowing the tall man to enter the ill goddess's room.

The room felt like a furnace, the heat was intense. Viridi's struggle to keep breathing was the only thing that could be heard. When Pit approached her bed stricken body, he saw all her injuries. She was covered up in bandages and hooked up to all sorts of different machines, but even with all of that, her injuries were still present. Suddenly, Viridi's eyes shot open as she heard footsteps. She peered over her side, noticing that it was just the sound of Arlon. She attempted to smile, but broke into a coughing fit instead.

"Oh, mistress!" Arlon exclaimed, running up to her engulfing her in a big hug. "How are you feeling, my dear?"

"Hi Arlon. A-awful and super sore," she said in an incredibly raspy voice, "a-and I-I'm super cold. It's h-hard to breathe."

"Mistress.." Arlon sighed, "What in the world were you thinking?"

"W-What d-do you mean?"

Grabbing her shoulders "You disobeyed me, Mistress," Arlon raised his voice slightly, still wasn't much louder than a whisper. "You've never done that before. You could've di-"


"Nevermind. Get some rest."

Arlon stormed out of the room, leaving Viridi distressed. She had never been "yelled" at by Arlon before, mostly because she would have never thought to disobey him or go against his word. The little blonde goddess had always felt obligated to be obedient to Arlon because of all he had done for her. Disappointing Arlon tore a hole in her heart. Viridi always had a tendency to take the most arbitrary of things to heart, especially if it was said by Arlon. When she used to live with Aphrodite, she would be physically and mentally abused if she made the most tiniest mistake. Hearing Arlon say he was disappointed in her made her feel like he hated her. Viridi started to shake tremendously at that thought. Her breathing became louder and stronger, and was almost on the verge of tears.

This didn't go unheard of. Pit could hear Viridi's loud and strong breathing from the other side of the door. Once he saw Arlon burst out of the room, he knew something was wrong. He knocked on her door, but there was no answer. He thought for a minute, deciding if he should just let himself in. As her gasping became louder, he decided to walk in.

"Viridi?" He asked, "Are you alright?"

"N-N-No..." Viridi shivered, taking a gasp at every word, "P-Pit, he *cough* hates me. He *cough* hates me! I'm so terrible, I-I didn't m-mean to disobey, I-I j-just had to t-talk to you. He hates me, I'm *cough s-so awful."

Pit was stunned. He couldn't believe that Viridi would actually think that Arlon hated her because he lectured her. He sat next to Viridi and embraced her in a giant hug. She continued to cry in his arms.

"He doesn't hate you, he loves you so much," Pit comforted. "In fact, the reason he lectured you was because he was afraid he was going to lose you. He got scared, Viridi. And it's not your fault, it's mine."

Viridi sniffled a bit, then wiped her tears away. "I-It is.. Isn't it?"

Pit looked at her blankly.

"Chill," Viridi chuckled, in which she regretted soon after a coughing fit and loud gasps for air followed. "It's my f-fault, I-I-I should've *cough* t-told you about my illness, I'm sorry. Y-you really think he d-d-doesn't hate me?"

"Viridi," Pit said, holding her tighter, "I know so. Also, glad to see your sarcastic self hasn't gone away. Now you're shivering cold and covered in blisters and bandages. Not to mention you're super sick. So please, stop worrying too much and relax."

The two sat in silence for a bit. Viridi then looked up at Pit and opened her mouth. "Guess you got to *cough* find someone else to help you find Palutena, huh?"

"Wait.. What?" Pit said shockingly. "You're sick! I'm not leaving you till you get better! You're my friend, Viridi. You are helping me save Lady Palutena, it's really the least I can do."

"No Pit, I'm serious," Viridi frowned. "Y-You have to *cough* find someone else. Palutena n-n-needs you."

"And you need me too, end of discussion," Pit said. "Besides, I was kinda bluffing."


"I really don't know anybody else... Heh, you're the only person who can help me."

"You're a r-r-real dweeb, have I ever told you t-that, loser?"

"Yep! Many times!"

Okay, I'll tell you again then, dweeb." Viridi chuckled. "And hey, once I-I'm done s-sleeping *cough* how a-about a game of Connect 4?" Viridi smiled.

"Haha, sure. I won't go easy on ya just because you're sick, though! I'm gonna win!"

"W-w-we'll see about that."

The night felt like a tundra. It was freezing cold and the little goddess felt like an icicle. She couldn't fall asleep and could barely breathe. Her gasps for air became bigger and louder while the minutes passed. It had been hours after Pit and Arlon had been there and she still couldn't relax. All of a sudden, there was a knock on the door. This late? Viridi thought. It must be Demeter wanting to run more tests. "Come in," Viridi said, barely audible.

"May I come in, mistress?" Arlon peered through the door.

Caught off guard, Viridi slowly sat up and quickly tried to wipe her tears away. Though, it didn't become unnoticed by Arlon.

"Mistress," Arlon said, embracing her in a hug. "I know you aren't feeling so we-"

"No," Viridi replied quietly,"I-It's not how I'm f-f-feeling."

"What is it then?" Arlon confusedly said.

"Y-You're dissap-pointed in me," Viridi said shaking, Arlon was shocked that she was taking it to heart. Though, he then remembered the last time Viridi was lectured or yelled at was under Aphrodite's roof.

"No Mistress, I'm not," Arlon sighed. "I raised my voice, but it was simply because I was worried about you. You really scared me with that awful stunt today."

"I h-had to. Pit was g-gonna-"

"Yes, I know. I know he's the only friend you have now and you didn't want to lose that, I'm sorry I was so hard on you."

"Y-You weren't, Arlon. You d-didn't even raise y-your voice. My s-sister used to v-verbally abuse me as well as physical, so I know what y-y-yelling sounds like. I just didn't want to d-d-disappoint you. You've done s-so much for me, I c-c-couldn't do that to y-you.." Viridi said, which was shadowed by a huge coughing fit.

"Well, I'm glad you weren't offended, Mistress," Arlon smiled. "No matter how many times you raise your voice at me, which seems to be frequent these days, complain about your problems to me, or spill some of your 100% vegan juice in the lunar sanctum, I still will never be disappointed in you, Mistress Viridi."

"W-w-well that w-was very specific." Viridi chuckled. "I love you, Arlon."

"I love you too, Mistress Viridi. I will serve you forever." Arlon smiled, holding her tighter.

awww that's cute anyway yeah i hope u all like the lore i added for arlon. i wanted to give him a back story cuz arlon doesn't get any love and he's such a cool tall dude. also, i hope i portrayed how arlon feels to viridi well enuff. he's a father figure to viridi and stuff. also, one last thing, this is the events that occur between the chaos kin events and living with viridi. this is in between missions, but this whole v getting sick thing happens before the last mission and i want y'all to know that in my universe, saving palutena was kinda a longish term thing. that being said, while viridi's sickness lasts for 4-5 months in total, time is definitely different in skyworld. That would be about 4-5 weeks, so like a month or so. anyway hope y'all enjoyed this heart warming chapter, feedback always appreciated, I love feedback~