
The only thing that came to mind.

It was odd that for 3 years, he had been incarcerated in a ring, unaware that his own protector, mother figure, friend, and inspiration, had turned into a monster, waging war against what was once their berth. It was odd that he was currently being transported to live with an enemy. It was odd that this enemy wanted to save him. It was all odd, everything was odd.

The green radiant light dissipated revealing Viridi's temple. At least, the front. It was all so colorful, bright pink, yellow, purple, white, flowers could be seen everywhere. The path, unlike lady Palutena's, was stone instead of marble. The columns holding the temple were decorate in vines and the same colorful flowers. There were so many Mediterranean Cypress trees, and palm trees as well. In fact, the door stood in between two giant Christmas Palm Trees. The temple was a piercing bleach white, unexpectedly. There was not one place without some short of plant, and there were many ponds and rivers, even lakes. Behind all the cluster of green lay the most flat pastures ever to be seen. It was absolutely beautiful.

With all of this decoration, Pit wondered what Viridi would really look like. He had "seen" her once before, but she was in the sky, and Pit didn't take note of her appearance, not even look at her. Of course, who would? She was insulting him and trying to kill him. He always did have images that came to mind when Viridi spoke. He imagined she'd be at least a teenager, ugly and cold hearted, kind of like Medusa, except Brunette or something. Or, maybe she'd be an animal. She was the goddess of nature, of course. Maybe a vicious eagle, something scary or frightening. She was evil, of course. She had to be at least grisly looking.

Pit's deep thoughts dispersed when a little blonde girl walked out of the temple, waving to Pit. A very little girl, with eyes he'd never seen before. They were golden yellow, but a dark emerald green color as well. She was short, her head to his chest. She seemed about his age or a little younger. He didn't know who this was, but she was beautiful and cute, that's for sure.

"Hello, I'm Pit," Pit skittishly said. "Where's your goddess, Viridi?"

The tiny blonde stood confused, wide eyed. She then realized that Pit had never truly seen her before. She cackled a bit. Pit stood confused. The mischievous child decided to play a little game with him. "Oh, she's inside, waiting for you, of course. I'll take you to her."

"Uh, thanks," Pit said, following her.

The blonde couldn't stop giggling, leaving Pit very confused. Was he funny looking? Or did he look like a mess from the mission he had just returned on? Or was it because Viridi talked rudely about him? Whatever it was, Pit couldn't help but nervously laugh along. Though, she still was beautiful, and Pit was dying to get to know her more.

"So..." Pit stalled, "How long have you been working for Viridi?"

"Well... You could say that we know each other quite well," The Blonde chortled.

"Why do you keep laughing?" Pit questioned more, "Just what's so funny?"

Before the tiny blonde could answer, a familiar purple man with a shiny monocle entered the room. It was Arlon! Finally, a familiar face.

"Hey, hi Arlon!" Pit smiled.

"Hello, young Master Pit, and welcome," Arlon smiled warmly back, "I see you've already met mistress Viridi. Good day to you, mistress."

"THAT'S VIRIDI?" Pit yelled, looking wide eyed at the little goddess. "YOU'RE VIRIDI?" She giggled.

"Hi, Arlon," just showing Pit around."

"Hmm... I see. And you decided to show him around without him knowing who you are, I presume?" Arlon raised a brow. Viridi just giggled childishly. Pit, still surprised, was paralyzed with shock. He couldn't believe that the legendary goddess of nature, the one that moves mountains and splits seas, the one that creates new Islands and lands, the one that creates hurricanes when she sneezes, the one that creates rain when she sweats or cries, the one that makes volcanoes erupt when she's angry, the one that protects animals and the circle of life, the one that could destroy everything with the blink of an eye, was a tiny little child. And Pit thought she was beautiful, too!

"Well, I see that you're busy, then. I'll make dinner for you, my mistress," Arlon smiled.

"Thank you so much, Arlon," Viridi thanked, engulfing Arlon in a giant, firm hug. Arlon grinned even larger and patted her head. He then left for the kitchen, followed by a bunch of Flages. Viridi turned to me, lifted her chin, and closed her eyes, looking as triumphant and spoiled as ever. She strutted down the hall, prompting Pit to follow her. She led him to a vine covered door that revealed a beautiful baby blue room, with real clouds. the desk was a could, the chairs were clouds, the rug was a cloud, the lamp was a cloud even the king sized bed was a cloud. Pit couldn't believe it, it was beautiful. It was just like.. Home.

"Listen up, dweeb. I know how it feels to miss someone or something," Viridi began, "So.. I decided to redo my whole guest room to look like Skyworld in order to make you fell at home. If you need anything, you can call me, got it?"

Pit's eyes were red, filling up with tears. His body turned so that viridi couldn't see him. He couldn't believe how beautiful it was. it was really just like home. Viridi even added a giant window ceiling so that the sun could shine right into the room, bring it's grand embracing warmth. Then at night, the moon could give it's calming gaze, just like it always did in Skyworld. To think, Viridi, the one who wanted to kill him not too long ago, just gave him the greatest gift of all.

"I said, got it?" Viridi repeated, not taking much liking to being ignored. "Look, you don't have to like i-"

Cutting Viridi off, Pit embraced Viridi with a giant, warm hug. The little goddess was surprised for a good solid minute, until she finally accepted the token of gratitude.

"Thank you so much," Pit cried. "You're being so kind. But why?"

Viridi sighed. "I know what it's like." She mumbled, almost inaudible. She lowered her head and shut her eyes. Pit, oblivious as he is, decided to continue.

"Lady Palutena is like my mother.." Pit continued. "She's always been there for me, and now.. Now she's gone. I'm stranded, I don't know what to do. I can't live without her... No.. Not when she's like this. The words she said to me.. They were like swords... You can probably tell how I feel, I-"

"Shut.. UP!" Viridi screamed, Pit stayed silent. The blonde goddess sighed and lowered her head.

"Viridi?" Pit asked. "Is... Are you alright?"

Viridi stood still, her face towards the paused for a long time before she replied. "I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm in my room if you need me, get some rest. The day's been long."

Viridi rushed off. That was weird, Pit thought. One minute she was all cheerful and giggling, then I say one thing, and she flips! There's no keeping tabs on her! Pit stopped his complaining once he entered his room. Just seeing it reminded of him of how kind Viridi could be, if only she'd show it more. Pit sat on his bed, trying to fathom everything that happened. A nap. That's what I need... Sleep. Just.. Just rest.


"Lady Palutena! Please... Stop all of this!"

"You're so naive. So immature. Like I said before, things change. Gods never stay the same. Pit, don't you see? You're useless. You think I loved you? I loved to take care of you? Ha! I never loved you, I never wanted you. I should have sent you to the Angel center."

No! No, Lady Palutena! You know what they do to Angels there! You... You don't really want me to go there.. Do you?"

"No.. I don't..."

"Lady Palutena?"

"...I'd rather destroy you myself. I hate you Pit, goodbye."

"No! Lady Palutena! No! Please! Please, I love you! NO!"

"Wake up already!" Viridi yelled, shaking Pit. The angel warrior rapidly lifted himself up, taking a giant gasp. Tears filled his eyes. A sharp pain started to form in the bottom of his stomach. He didn't know what was happening to him. He lifted his hand and placed it on his heart. It was beating so fast, it started to burn. Everything inside him was screaming, everything inside hurt. He shook... He couldn't hold it any longer. He exploded in tears. Viridi was shocked.

"What's the matter? It was just a dream!" Viridi asked, wondering how to comfort him. "W-W-why are you-"

Pit suddenly grabbed Viridi, and pulled her closer to him. He Pulled her head to his chest and squeezed it. Viridi was so shock, she couldn't even speak. Her cheeks were bright red, and she could feel Pit's tears falling on top of her. Pit, shaking even harder, then started to rock back and forth, still holding Viridi in a tight hug. Viridi couldn't free herself. He looked down at her, his eyes stained crimson from tears. Viridi blushed. Pit then noticed how tight he was squeezing Viridi. It must've hurt, and it did, but Viridi was too flustered to care. He quickly let go of her, letting her catch herself again.

"Pit..." Viridi sighed. "look, I know you miss Palutena, I know it's hard."

"No you don't, Viridi." Pit sniffled. "You've been pampered all your life. You're a goddess..."

"You don't know anything about me! Not a thing!" Viridi growled, but quickly collected herself again, trying not to upset Pit more. "Look, I apologize for that. But I know it's tough."

"Viridi... What happened to you?" Pit asked, concerned.

Viridi wanted to tell him, but she couldn't allow herself to. He'd think of her differently, as weak, he wouldn't respect her. But how she burned to let him know everything. "Nothing."

The two sat silently for a good while. The tiny blonde goddess spread her arms, sending an invite to Pit. Pit accepted, and hugged her tightly.

"We'll save Palutena, I'll help you, I promise. Goddess's word!" Viridi comforted.

"You really will? Really REALLY?"

"Of course!"

Pit's eyes watered once again. "Viridi, you're the kindest goddess I've ever met, besides Lady Palutena. But why, Viridi? Why?"

"... It's just in my best interest to keep you alive for now. Now, get some shut eye. We go save Palutena tomorrow!"

"Thanks, for everything. Goodnight."

Viridi smiled and walked to the door. "Goodnight, dweeb."