DISCLAIMER: I don't own the Fifty Shades trilogy.



The moment my eyes locked with hers, I was trapped.

I sit at the closed off VIP section of my club, alone. My idiot brother and my way-to-young-for-the-club-scene sister are somewhere on the dancefloor with their dates. I'd only come along because Mia had begged me to. Also, I wanted to get a better read on this so-called boyfriend of hers. I learned that I didn't like the fucker so this night wasn't a complete waste.

I take a drink from my glass and make a mental note to have the manager buy better wine. This was the most expensive bottle here, and the taste left a lot to be desired. Bored, I let my gaze wander. It isn't too crowded in here, thank fuck, but it's still early. I plan to leave before the crowd thickens.

From the hall that leads to the restrooms, I see a young woman emerge. She's a beauty. Her chocolate brown hair is in loose curls and as she turns toward the bar, I see that it reaches to the small of her back. Her back to me, I admire her ass … her round and grabbable ass. I shift in my seat as I feel my cock stir. Damn.

The beauty orders what appears to be water but with the pulsing lights, I can't be certain. She takes a sip and scans the dancefloor. I hope she didn't come with a date. Downing the rest of my wine, I stand and rebutton my suit jacket. From the looks of it, and to my pleasure, the beauty is available. If she had come with a date or boyfriend, I couldn't imagine he'd leave her alone for too long. Assholes like me would hit on her, as I'm about to do.

I pass the VIP section and make my way to her. She moves off to the side, away from the bar but stays standing, staring at the dancing people. I take the rest of her in: milky white skin, an hour-glass figure with ample breasts, large almond-shaped blue eyes, a small button nose, and red full lips. She's wearing a pink short dress with a deep V-neck. The tops of her breasts are bulging out, and my mouth begins to water. I inconspicuously adjust my hard-on.

I'm a few feet away when her eyes lock on mine. Her eyes widen in surprise and appreciation, if I'm not mistaken. Her full glossed up lips part and a pink tongue is swept over them. I am enchanted, and her eyes hold me captive. Is she a siren? I believe so. She has me under her spell.

Apparently, I'm not the only one. Before I can reach her, a man presses himself to her and whispers something in her ear. Her eyes leave mine, and she gazes up at the douche who's trying to wrap his arm around her waist. Quickly, she moves away from him and says something back that looks vaguely like, "Sorry. I'm not interested." Still, the asshole continues his pursuit. Undeterred, I continue towards them.

"C'mon, babe," the asshole says. "At least let me buy you a drink."

"I said I wasn't interested," she replies. Though I know she's trying to be firm and clear, her voice just sounds soft. The picture of a kitten trying to roar enters my mind. Regardless, the asshole stays, and I'm beginning to see red. What the fuck doesn't he understand? No means no.

I reach them by now. I plant myself to her other side and glare over her head at Asshole. His eyes widen as he looks up at me—I'm a good five inches taller and thirty pounds heavier in muscle. He gulps. "I believe the lady said no."

"Sorry, man." Asshole raises his hands up in surrender. "I didn't know she was taken." Damn straight she was taken. After giving her a longing glance, he scurries off.

The "she" in question faces me. Her gaze goes up—and up—until her head is tilted nearly all the way back. I hadn't noticed how short she was from the distance. In four inch heels, the top of her head was just shy of being even with my shoulders. I realize I'm still glaring and quickly change it to my sexy smirk. She blinks at the change and smiles back tentatively.

After tucking a curl behind her ear, she says, "Thanks."

"My pleasure." And it was. "I hate it when assholes like that can't take no for an answer."

"Oh, so if I told you, 'no', you'd take it in stride?" She teases. Mirth lightens up her delicate features.

I cock an eyebrow. "Of course," I reply and lower my head closer to hers. "But you wouldn't."

My grin widens as her mirth changes to surprise. "Really? You sound so sure of yourself."

"I am."

"And what makes you think I wouldn't say no?" She takes a step back.

Is she challenging me? Challenge accepted. "Because you would have by now. It took you less than ten seconds to tell the other guy to fuck off."

Wariness clouds her face. "You haven't given me a chance to."

Before I can give her that chance, I stick my hand out. "Christian Grey."

With no hint of recognition, she places her tiny hand in mine and grips it firmly. "Anastasia Steele." What a beautiful name; it suits her.

A shock comes from our joined hands. What the fuck was that? Ignoring it, I bring her hand up and press my lips to her knuckles. "Pleasure."

"Thanks," Anastasia says, reclaiming her hand.

"Are you here by yourself?"

"No. I came with my friend and her date."

"No date for you?"

"No date for me." Thank fuck. "You?"

I can't remember the last time I had a date. Oh, wait. That's because I've never had one. "Not today," I declare. Not ever. My eyes drop from Anastasia's pretty face, down her voluptuous body and back up. Well, perhaps with her. I find her smiling at me with her eyebrows raised. I grin back. Yes, Ms. Steele, I find you mighty fine—and I'm going to have you tonight. "Dance with me." I command.

"Yes, sir," she murmurs, looking up at me through her eyelashes. I blink. Sir?

I take her dainty hand in mine and lead her into the throng of dancing people. Sir? I kick the thought out of my mind. Anastasia being a submissive—my type of submissive—would be too good to be true. The world isn't that kind, and I have the scars to prove it.

When we're in the middle of the dancefloor, I turn her so her back is to me. I place my hands on her hips and bring her close to my body, close enough so she can feel my half-hard cock pressing into her back. If only she were taller, I muse. Then, I'd be able to rub it on her ass. I tilt my head down and inhale the fragrance coming from her hair. She has a sweet smell, nothing I've had the pleasure of sniffing.

Together, we dance. With the beat of the music, she grinds back against me. A thrill of desire soars throughout my limbs. I move one of my arms and wrap it around her small waist, making her body flush against me. Shit. My cock is hard at full mast now. I sweep her hair over her shoulder and kiss the soft skin at her throat.

Anastasia releases a breathy little moan. Fuck. She tastes sweet. I, myself, release a groan. I kiss my way up to her ear, and I suck her earlobe into my mouth. She raises her arms over her head and buries her fingers in my hair. She pulls and tugs. I stifle my moan against her soft, creamy skin. I never knew that simple gesture could feel so stimulating. Not one of my submissives or Elena ever touched me like this. Then again, I've never felt such a pull towards anybody. It was as if fire was coursing in my veins, especially in my cock.

Gripping her tight to me, I whisper, "Come home with me."

Anastasia wiggles in my arms and turns to face me. Still flush against me, she wraps her arms around my neck and shoulders. "Quite presumptuous, aren't you?" She breathes. She rubs my nose with hers.

"You have no idea," I whisper.

Her baby blue eyes stare into mine, and I can see her desire. Her lips part. I can see her pink tongue, and I want to taste it. Without flair, I bring my lips down to hers. Her tongue submits to mine. I kiss her the way I'd fuck her if we weren't in the middle of the fucking club. My blood is pumping fast and straight to my cock. Damn it, we need to get out of here.

Before I blow my load, I break away from her. Both of us are breathing heavily. If kissing her is this hot, I can't imagine fucking her would be like. "Come home with me, baby."

Anastasia gives me a playful smirk—and it looks a bit evil, too. "I'm sorry, but I don't like cocky assholes."

Oh, baby. "You don't have to like me to fuck me."